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A Delightful Garden Party
A Delightful Garden Party
The Land Trust of Virginia held its 23rd annual Garden Party…virtually.
And it was, indeed, a very special event along the garden paths at the Oak Spring Garden Foundation in Upperville and at Childs and Elaine Burden’s historic Seven Springs Farm in Middleburg.
LTV currently holds 205 conservation easements that protect 23,088 acres in 18 counties.
Landowners: Brad and Tandy Bondi, Katharine Kingsley and the Chatfield-Taylor Family and Melissa and James Pankas. Conservations: Melissa Cantacuzene and Chuck and Stacy Kuhn. Stewards: Robert and Virginia Greenlaw and Earth’s Echo Farm.
An in-person event: Sunset in the Field will take place on Sunday, October, 24, hosted by the Vogel Family at Oak Spring Farm, with BBQ and Bluegrass by The Seldom Scene. For tickets: Kerry@landtrustva.org
Ivan Martinez of The Conche in Leesburg offered instructions for cocktails.
LTV Garden Delight:
1.5 oz Vodka 1 oz Lime Juice 1 oz Pineapple Juice 0.75 oz Ginger Honey Syrup 3 turns of Black Pepper Muddled Honey Dew, Basil, Mint. Shaken, served tall on rocks with tajin rim garnish with Mint and Dehydrated Lime

Bar tools you never knew you had ...
Measuring Cups = Jigger Mason Jar/Water Bottle/Protein Shaker = Shaker Chopstick = Bar Spoon Slotted Spoon = Strainer Wooden Spoon = Muddler
How to combine these ingredients to make your Garden Delight Cocktail:
Grab your shaker. This is where you’ll be mixing all the ingredients together to create your wonderful concoction. Next, you grab your honeydew, basil, and mint and muddle. Then, mix in your lime juice, pineapple juice, ginger honey syrup, and black pepper.
Always leave your alcohol for last, just in case you mess up. Next, prepare the glass with a tajin rim. Pour some lime juice and tajin on two separate plates. First dip the rim of glass in the lime, next in the tajin. Now you’re ready to shake. Pour ice both in glass and shaker. Shake until cold and strain over ice. Garnish with mint and dehydrated lime.

And local charcuterie connoisseur Regina Alvir of The Cornichon recommended a variety of artisan cheese pairings to include Chevre, Brie, Manchego, white Stilton with apricots, and Cheddar along with a variety of nuts, dried fruits, crackers, and chocolates and several edible flowers.