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HOME: A Celebration

Oak Spring Foundation Head Librarian Tony Willis with Charlotte Moss and Peter Crane, president of Oak Spring.
Photo by Leonard Shapiro

Style maven Charlotte Moss recently made a book signing and lecture stop at the Middleburg Community Center for Travel: Its Influences & Inspirations. Sponsored by The Oak Spring Foundation, she spoke about gardens around the world that have influenced her design.

Elinor Crane and Kathy Olimpi, assistant to the president at Oak Spring Foundation.
Photo by Leonard Shapiro

Will Nisbet and Head of School Treavor Lord at the Hill School Sporting Clays Invitational hosted by Jill and Alex Vogel at their Oak Spring.
Photo by Montana Lanier Ruffner

Betsee Parker of Huntland in Middleburg at George Washington’s Mount Vernon to see the exhibition of the Custis family silver. The collection is now complete with her donation of a two-part wine funnel.
Photo by Maral S. Kalbian