2 minute read
Wednesdays 7:00am - 8:00 am in the Surgery Education Center, 4050 Burnett-Womack and via WebEx
Upcoming M&M Conferences 8/30/2023
Upcoming Grand Rounds
Facutly Lecture
Jig Deneve, DO, FACS
Associate Professor, Division of Surgical Oncology and Matthew Eckert, MD
Assistant Professor, Division of Acute Care & Trauma Surgery Lieutenant Colonel (P), US Army Medical Corps
James F. Newsome, MD Distinguished Visiting Professor
Callisia Clarke, MD, MS, FACS, FSSO Assistant Professor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
Oliver R. Rowe Distinguished Professorship
Jacob Greenberg, MD, Associate Professor, Duke Uniersity School of Medicine, Durham, NC

OR Teamwork Event
In The Loop
The PGY 4 and PGY 5 General Surgery residents had their second Mock Orals in May. Thanks to all the faculty, examinees, and administrative staff who helped ensure a successful event. We are in the process of setting dates for the next UNC Mock Orals this Fall, and we hope you will be able to participate.
2023 Career Development Grand Rounds included Geeta Lal, MD, MSc, FRCS(C), FACS, Professor of Surgery and Pediatrics, Division of Surgical Oncology and Endocrine Surgery from the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine speaking about “Surgical Ergonomics: An Overlooked Component of Surgeon Wellness Finally Comes of Age”. We also welcomed Sunil Geevarghese, MD, MSCI, FACS, Associate Professor, Vice Chair for Education, Section of Surgical Sciences at Vanderbilt University Medical Center who spoke on “Caveat Chirurgus”. These were excellent lectures, discussions, and visits from these distinguished guests.
A pilot grant through UNC Academy of Educators to Muneera Kapadia, MD, MME and Co-PI Priyanka Rao, MD (Pediatrics), will allow us to develop a communication bootcamp for 4th year medical students focusing on advanced patient-related communication skills (bad news telling, error disclosure, dealing with the angry patient, etc). We look forward to this coming to fruition!
Peter Starek Distinguished Visiting Professor Leonard Girardi, MD, Professor, Chair and Surgeon-inChief at NY Presbyterian and Weill Cornell Medical Center.
1/11/2023 Career Corner Visiting Professor Geeta Lal, MD. “Great grand rounds by Dr. Geeta Lal on surgical ergonomics. A large proportion of surgeons experience work related pain and injuries - we need to start intervening early with education during training” - Comment by and photo credit to Arielle Perez, MD, MPH via Twitter
UNC Academy of Educators 2023 Alan W. Cross Evening of Scholarship took place on June 1, 2023. Congratulations to the Department of Surgery AOE Award Recipients!

Academy of Educators Award Recipients
Arielle Perez, MD, MPH Innovation in Teaching Award

Muneera Kapadia, MD, MME Educational Mentor/Advisor Award
Jeyhan Wood,MD
Application/Individualization Phase Clinical Preceptor Excellence in Teaching Award
We express gratutide for the past year of educational excellence and look for to more to come.
Timothy Farrell, MD Vice Chair of Education Muneera Kapadia, MD, MME Associate Vice Chair of Education
The 2023 Surgery Bootcamp: Over 2 days, UNC Medical Students, matching in surgical specialties, refined their skillsets on some basic procedures that they will likely encounter during the first year of residency.

In order to stimulate interprofessional collaboration, some sessions were combined with the Anesthesia Bootcamp.
Kudos and thanks to all involved!