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Chukwuyem Interview With Progress
Hi, guys. How are you doing? My name is Choma Eze, and with me righthereisoneofthefeaturedstars for Uncut Extra magazine's 14th edition.Withmeistheamazingand talented Progress, who was the winner of Nigerian Idol Season 7, andofcourse,hedidanamazingjob. Youlookreallygood
Thank you. With the way the compliments are coming since I stepped in here, I'm like, 'Oh my god, my groom's price has gone up.' If it was 1 million before, now it's 10 million,andyoupeoplewillpay.
How do you feel being here? I feel likethelasttimeyoucame,youwere freshoutoftheNigerianIdolReality show,andnowit'slikeoneyearafter. Howhasitbeen?
It's been amazing. I'm super excited to be here Thank you so much for having me again. It shows that I'm doing well. I'm so happy. The last time I came, I had just won, and I was fresh. I was just soaking everything in. But now, it's soaked in,andI'mexcitedandhappy Thank you.
When you came out of the Nigerian Idol Reality Show, you released the song 'Lift Me Up.' You've mingled with some people in the industry. How has it been? What are the challengesyou'vefacedsofar?
I wouldn't really call them challenges. It's been amazing. The industry is as good as it should be, and you only see the results when you'rehardworking.
If you ' re hardworking, you'll definitelyseetheresultsofyourhard work. So, it's been amazing. I have a song with Dr Tim Godfrey After winning the show, it's just been amazing. I've been meeting and makinggoodconnections.
Let'stalkabouttheshow.Ifeellike when they declare someone a winner,youwillbeconfusedwitha lotgoingoninyourhead.Howwas itatthatpoint?
When you were announced the winner, were you expecting it? What went through your head at thatparticulartime?
The word I would use is that I was hopeful to win. It wasn't a matter of knowing I was going to win or not wantingtowin becausewhodoesn't want to win? But then, I knew that everybody from the top 12 was amazingandworthywinners.There isavotingprocess,whichmeansone person had to go every week. When we got to the top 2, Zadok was amazing. It was between the two of us. I wasn't thinking I would win. I wasjusthopeful IfIdidn't,it'sfine I know I did my best. But I was still hopeful.Whenmynamewascalled, I was stunned I remember a meme wasmadeoutofmyreaction.Atthat period,itwastrending.Ijustopened my mouth wide At the end of the day, it was me, and I was really excited Itwasadreamcometruefor me. A prayer answered. I'm always so grateful to God. It has just been thebeginning of everything good in mylife.
During the show, like you mentioned earlier, there were other talented and amazing contestants. Did you at any point feel discouragedorintimidated?
Whether it's feeling intimidated or feeling less, I never did that, even growing up as a kid. If you can sing, that'sfine WhenIhearyouandyou are amazing, I respect the fact that you are amazing. But there's one thing about life: everybody is unique. I've always put that in my head that nobody sounds like me, andIdon'tsoundlikeanybody So,if you're sounding like that and you're so good and nice, I'm like, 'Oh my god, this person is good.' But then I tell myself that I'm also unique, so when I sing to you, for me to hear you and nod my head, I'm like, 'Oh my god, you're amazing.' When I sing to you, you should also nod your head and be like, 'Okay, this person is amazing.' We're all unique at the end of the day. I never felt intimidated because I knew that we weredifferent.Weallbringourown spice
That makes so much sense Let's go back to where it all started. When did you start singing? At what point did you make up your mind to do music?Whatageandwhattime?
Musicisverydifferentforme.Iwas telling somebody recently that even if you remove money, music is something that I would do for the restofmylife Ireallyloveit,andI'm very passionate about it. That's why I'm doing everything possible to make it a success. When people ask me this question, 'When did you start singing?' I always tell them the moment I knew I could talk, the moment I could say a word, I could sing. It was like that because I was born into a musical family. My dad and my mom, of blessed memory, and my siblings could all sing. We were all in the choir growing up. It wasreallyspecialforme Inmy house, I'm the one doing music professionally; the rest of them just sing. It's a thing for me; it's a professionforme IfIcanremember, I would say from the age of four, I was already doing special numbers in children's class. When they say, 'Who is going to give us special numbers?' I would raise my hand; they didn't need to say 'Progress, when it comes to music, I was that confident. If it's children's assembly in school, 'Who would give us praise?' Leave it to me; I was always ready to sing. In church, between 10 to 13 years of age, I was already singing with the main choir Music started really early for me When you come to church and you see the main choir singing, you always spot me. People would be like, 'Who is that?'Whenyouhearme,youwould belike,'Okay.'
Do you have plans to collaborate with other artists in the music industry? I know you already have collaborations with the likes of Burna Boy and Oxlade. Do you have plans to collaborate with moreartistslikethat?
I want to work with as many artists as possible. Music is a lifetime thing for me, so when I get the opportunity, I want to work with them.Iwanttoworkwitheveryone of them So far, our creativity matchestogether.Weworkwell.
How would you define your kind ofmusic?
Iamagospelandinspirationalartist. That's my kind of music, but I am not limited to that. As an artist, you should be able to diversify, but it must still reflect what you stand for, what you represent, and your personality. So, I would love to collaborate with other artists in the gospel space. Also, there are a number of artists in the secular space that I would really want to collaboratewith.
Thatsoundsgreat.Do youwantto mention who you would want to collaboratewith?
Inthegospelspace,asmanyasIcan, as the opportunity comes, I would really love to collaborate with. I already have with Tim Godfrey, and I want to do more with Moses Bliss and Mercy Chinwo. A lot of them. For the secular space, artists like Johnny Drille (he's my all-time favorite), Timi Dakolo, and Tiwa Savage I'm a huge fan of Tiwa Savage, and I also want us to make music together I don't know the song yet, but I would love that. God willhelpme,anditwillhappenvery soon.
Like you said, yes, by God's grace. When people listen to your songs, what do you want them to take fromit?Whenwecreatemusic,we want people to take something from it. What do you want people totakefromyoursongs?
Two things; I want them to feel blessed, be blessed, and also be inspired That'swhyIdowhatIdo I amagospelandinspirationalartist.I want them to hear my music and be abletorelatetoit.Iwantmystoryto reflect in their lives. I want them to listen to my songs and find peace and happiness because I am a very happy person. You can rarely find mesad That'swhatIwantmymusic toproject:happiness,joy,love,faith, andreality
Amazing. I feel like being on the show, there's a lot that goes on backstage that the audience doesn't know about. How is it just being in that place for a while, tryingtocompetewithothers?Isit draining?Isitfrustrating?Didyou get to a point where you quarreled with someone? How was the journey?
I get you It's a whole lot. First of all, it's a reality show, something that wouldgoonTV;ithastobeperfect. You have to do it over and over again; you can't stop in between. As it'sgoing,ifyoumakeanymistake,it flies, and everybody sees it. A lot goes on into rehearsals, song selection.That'sawholelotofwork. Youhavetoputyourselfinaposition toask,'CanIdothis?CanIperform this?Willpeoplerelatetoit?'
Doyougettopickyoursongsduring theshow?
Yes,wedo There'sawholelistevery week with a theme, and a whole list whereyougettopick.Nobodywants to be responsible for you not performing well. They tell you to do yourthingsoyouwon'tsay,'Youare theonethatgavemethatsong.'They give you a lot of songs, and you pick the one you think you can perform best.Justgoanddoyourthing.Alot goes on behind the scenes, from song selections to key selections. Nobody gives you a second chance. You pick it; if you reach there and can'tdoit,that'sonyou There'salot thatgoeson.Therehearsalitself,you have to do it over and over again. Shout out to our vocal coaches. For my season, Mr. Segun Obe Marley and the rest of them are amazing. They put you through everything to make sure your voice is on point, your choreography, Kaffy Everythinghastobethere.Shoutout to Kaffy; she really brought out that Michael Jackson in me. A lot goes on; you have to rehearse over and over again, more than once, more thantwice.Butthegoodthingabout it is it's a training ground because you want to be an artist. We see the likesofBeyonce,whoisontournow. Ilookather,andI'mlike,'Ican,toan extent, understand what goes on.'
The perfection you see on stage, the showmanship, I can, to an extent, understand what has gone on behind the scenes, what has been done behind the scenes It's a training ground for you for the future You'regoingintoanindustry where you're not the only one. Just like the competition, you want to succeed You want to be the best or the best version of yourself. In real life,you'renotinanycompetition with anybody, but there are still people doing the things that you do You still want to be at your best. To me, it was a training ground I feel like that's what I would see when I come out of here. I had to put in my alleverytimeIshowonstage Iwant to give it my all because in reality, that's how it should be It's a whole lot of work, mentally There are timeswhenyoumissyourfamily.
Did you ever get discouraged on stage?It'sonethingtoprepareand be sure that you're ready, and then you get on stage and something happens. I don't think that happenedtoyoubecauseyouwon. Doyouthinkthathappenstosome people? When you go on stage, something happens, and you're distracted.
Some people's nerves can get the bestofthem.That'swhyyouneedto train yourself, build your confidence, know your song, know everything. It's a lot, but then, we'll keepgoing.
We've also heard stories of people who have gone for shows like that or competitions like that. We've heard of them complaining that theorganizersdidn'tgivethemthe money they were promised or just one story or the other. But you're notgoingtogetit.Didthathappen inyourcase?
R: No, never So, Multichoice, they have integrity That can never happen.
Asides singing what else do you lovetodo?
I love acting, I act, I love dancing that’slikeasecrettalentbutnowthey know already, I love designing, stylingandlookinggood
Looking back do you think there’s anything you would have done differently?
I made amazing friends, we ’ re like a family, I don’t think there’s anything I regret, I don’t regret going for the showbecauseImeanIwonit
You’re the one that encouraged victory to go fortheNigeriaIdolshowright?
Heisagoodfriendofmineandwhenhewanted togofortheshow,Iwaslikewhynot.
What’s your advice for people that want to go for competitions like that but don’t have information about it or shy and scared to go for it and for people that are hustling to make things work and don’t have the platform to sing and are discouraged.What advice do you haveforpeoplelikethat?
Okay so I’m very key on talent, if you think you have what it takes for a singing show or reality show,goforit,itdoesn’tmatterwhetheryouwin or not. What matters is you doing what you love andwhatyouhavepassionfor,there’sawholelot that comes from doing what you ’ re passionate about, take action don’t end it in the bathroom singing and you ’ ve realized so many albums in there.Comeouttothelimelight