Students' Union Director Recruitment Pack

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Students’ Union Director Recruitment January Pack 2018


Hello, We are Bangor University Students’ Union but we call ourselves Undeb Bangor for short. Undeb means Union in Welsh. Thank you for taking the time to look at our Students’ Union Director role and we hope you’ll consider applying. We’ve tried to put all the relevant information in this pack but if there are any questions or further information needed please get in touch with Ruth Plant, Undeb Bangor President and we’ll be happy to talk on the phone or show you around. Our Director role is a crucial one within the organisation and we are looking to appoint an experienced and dynamic individual to continue the development and growth of our Union and ensure that we meet the ambitious plans we’ve set for the next few years.

Candidates will have proven strategic leadership experience in a diverse and complex organisation as well as excelling in the effective management of stakeholder relationships and expectations. You will have an understanding of the Higher Education sector and demonstrable experience of shaping organisational work and services around the needs and aspirations of students. You will thrive in an environment which changes its student leadership annually and will have the skills to help the elected Sabbatical Officers hone their ideas, achieve their goals, and engage, enthuse and empower our student membership. You will also be passionate about the Welsh language and either be able to speak it fluently or be willing to learn in an agreed period of time. The Welsh language is important to us and with the recent unification of the Undeb Bangor and Undeb Myfyrwyr Cymraeg Bangor (the Bangor Welsh Students’ Union) this is now even more important.

The successful candidate will be expected to commence as soon as possible The full job description and person specification is available at the back of this pack

Application close on the 12 th February and the application form can be accessed here:


A Welcome from Our President Dear Candidate, I am pleased to see you are interested in becoming the new Director of Undeb Bangor. I was elected into my role in March 2017 and have been President and Chair of the Trustee Board since the summer of 2017. Our union has recently undergone a major restructure and we have optimised our staff role placement and ensured that all roles have a clear outline and purpose. This has allowed our students to get the most out of our Sabbatical team and staff. We are focused on delivering the best activities and experience for our students. These include our core objectives from our strategy, supporting our members with their ideas and continuous and effective representation of our members. It is important to ensure the views, priorities and passion of our students remains at the heart of everything we do.

We have a positive relationship with Bangor University and have been fully involved in their current restructure. Our location in Pontio has been a huge development for Undeb Bangor and we are now fully settled in our building, that we are using to develop student activities. Our strong Sabbatical Team, the positive partnership with the University, our new location and staff structure and our very passionate students puts us in a fantastic place for growth, development and forward thinking to benefit our students. The new Director of this endeavor should be ready and willing to strive forward and make sure Undeb Bangor is reaching its full potential. The new Director needs to be ready to challenge the norm and provide a positive environment for everyone. They need to drive the Sabbatical team forward to reach their full potential and help come up with new, fun and innovative ideas to keep Undeb Bangor determined to reach its objectives.

I encourage you to get in contact if you think this is something that will suit you, you will be welcomed into an ever changing and dynamic environment of driven and passionate people.




About Our Students’ Union We’ve come a long way over the last few years and with the launch of our new strategic plan in 2016 we’re firmly on the way to meet all of our objectives by 2019. Our plan was designed in consultation with our members and its purpose is to show how we plan to get bigger, better and be completely relevant. We worked hard to put this plan together and we think it’s bold, ambitious and exciting. This is a plan for our members and stakeholders and our intention is to support, facilitate and empower them to make us better. It’s a journey that we’re taking together.




WE ARE DRIVEN BY OUR VALUES: • COLLECTIVISM – doing it with you not for you • DEMOCRATIC – accountable and transparent • CYMRAEG – proud to be here • CHALLENGING – for a better society • BRAVE – embracing innovation


CHECK OUT OUR ‘OUR PLAN’ HERE: WWW.UNDEBBANGOR.COM/STRATEGICPLAN The new Students’ Union Director will need to continue its delivery and development over the next few years.

Our Achievements We are proud of our achievements over the last few years and most notably:

»»We won the What Uni Awards for Best Clubs and Societies in 2015 and 2017

»»We moved into our brand new home in the new Arts and Innovation

Centre, creating a new and bespoke space for our Officers and Staff to work and our students to socialise, access support and hang out

»»We launched a brand new Online Membership System and Website, bringing a whole new range of digital engagement opportunities online and vastly improving our communication platforms

»»We launched the first ever Student Led Teaching and

Learning Strategy in partnership with the University, we believe we are the first Students’ Union to do this.

»»We are one of only a handful of institutions who offer

Free Clubs and Societies and over the last few years this has grown to over 160 Student Opportunity Groups

»»Our volunteering and community action work is award winning and with over 40 individual projects and opportunities for volunteering across North Wales our students are making a huge difference everyday

»»We have over 2500 Welsh speaking students and our

recent unification with the Welsh Union is ensuring that the language stays at the heart of our work and that we continue to be the home of Welsh language education in Wales WWW.UndebBangor.COM

Our Governance System Undeb Bangor is governed by a Trustee Board consisting of the four Sabbatical Officers, four Student Trustees and four External Trustees. The Chair of the Board is the Undeb Bangor President. Trustees are responsible for decisions in relation to the operations of the union through the Students’ Union Director and Senior Leadership Team (SLT). Ultimately they are responsible for ensuring compliance with legal responsibilities, financial regulations and the constitution and bye-laws of the organisation.

The Sabbatical Officers form the Executive Committee and are accountable to the students’ union members. These four roles are full time roles charged with the oversight and day-to-day leadership of the union. Members of the Executive Committee will be the owners of policy as set by Council or referenda.

The four full time elected Sabbatical Officers are as follows:

Our recent unification with Undeb Myfyrwyr Cymraeg Bangor (UMCB) and decision to incorporate the charity means that the UMCB President will also sit on the Trustee Board from July 2018. Full incorporation is also expected by this date. The brand new Articles of Association and Bye-Laws were approved in October 2017.


The Students’ Union Director reports to the Chair of the Trustee Board and has delegated authority from the Board for the day-to-day management of the union. There is also a ‘dotted line’ relationship between the Director and the ProVice Chancellor for Students. Lay Trustees serve in office for four years and may be reappointed for two terms. They are recruited through the standard Union recruitment processes and in accordance with guidelines from the Charities Commission. Student Trustees are recruited annually for the term of one year. They must be a current student and can also serve two terms.

Democratic Structures Undeb Bangor’s governance structures ensure that there is the potential for as much student involvement as possible in setting the direction and policy of the union. We do this whilst understanding that committees and forums may not be the best way for non-traditional students to feed into the union. The Undeb Bangor Council is the student representative body for the Union and all democratic policy is approved through this forum.

Links with Bangor University Undeb Bangor is a registered charity and fully independent of Bangor University, however our staff team (including the Director) are all officially employed by Bangor University and enjoy all of the staff benefits provided by the University. Our relationship with the University is managed through the Relationship Agreement and the Students’ Union Liaison Group oversees the relationship between the Director, Sabbatical Officer and Pro-Vice Chancellor for Students.

Key Documents and Policies Undeb Bangor / Bangor University Relationship Agreement Undeb Bangor Plan 2016 – 19 and Operational Plan Articles of Association and Bye-Laws Student Charter Undeb Bangor Bilingual Statement WWW.UndebBangor.COM

Students’ Union

Director Grade 9 £49,149 - £56,950

Responsible to: Bangor University Students’ Union Trustee

Board & Bangor University Pro-Vice Chancellor (Students) in line with the published Students’ Union – University Relationship Agreement.

Responsible for: Supporting and guiding the elected Officer team;

Line Management of the Students’ Union Department Heads.

Overview: »» To be responsible for the strategic direction and performance of the Students’ Union and the pursuit of strategic goals.

»» To ensure that the Students’ Union

operates in a legally complaint manner and manages its resources to best achieve its charitable objects.

»» To report to and advise the Trustee Board on strategic and operational matters, and to be responsible to the Board for the effective operation of Students’ Union’s services and projects.

»» To advise the Board and the University on matters relating to Students’ Unions and be a conduit to expertise within the wider student movement and Charity sector.

»» To build and maintain effective relationships with strategic stakeholders (particularly the elected Students’ Union Officers and University Senior Management) to ensure that the Students’ Union delivers clear benefit for its members.

»» To motivate and manage the Students’ Union staff team, directing their work in accordance with the strategic direction of the organisation.

»» To represent the values and objectives

of the Union and it’s membership, promoting and publicising its activity to stakeholders and the wider community


Job Description: The Students’ Union Director is responsible for:

1. Strategic Planning »» Working with the Trustee Board to ensure

that a strategic plan is in place that meets the needs of Bangor University students, builds effective partnership with the University and is led by organisational values.

»» Leading the implementation and ongoing

development of the strategic plan, ensuring rigorous and effective processes are in place to meet and monitor objectives.

»» Translating strategic priorities into

operational deliverables for staff and officers, monitoring progress and measuring achievement against stated targets and goals.

»» Building and communicating a shared vision for the future of the Students’ Union which is reflective of key stakeholder needs.

»» Ensuring that there are effective controls

in place to monitor strategic progress, and providing timely and detailed information to the Trustee Board in order to enable and support strategic decision-making.

2. Governance »» Ensuring that the operations of the Students’ »» Supporting the Trustee Board via the Union are compliant with legislation, particularly in reference to Charity legislation and the 1994 Education Act.

»» Directing the operations of the Students’ Union in line with the wishes of the Trustee Board, following the regulations as set out in the articles and by-laws of the Students’ Union constitution.

»» Overseeing Students’ Union democratic procedures to ensure compliance with the 1994 Education Act, and to enable the University to fulfil their role as regulator of the Students’ Union.

production of strategic management information and via regular reports and contact with elected and appointed Trustees.

»» Working in line with the Relationship Agreement agreed between the Students’ Union and University.

3. Stakeholder Relationships »» Developing and maintaining a connected

and effective relationship with University Senior Officers based on trust and respect.

»» Working closely with University Senior

Officers on shared projects and agendas, and identifying ways to strengthen the Students’ Union / University relationship in order to deliver more impact for Bangor University students.

»» Acting as a public advocate of the

organisation, promoting the work of the Students’ Union to external stakeholders in the wider community

»» Maintaining an effective relationship with the

National Union of Students and ensuring that the Students’ Union is well placed to make the most of membership of the national Union.

»» Developing a professional network within the

education and charity sectors and the student movement to ensure access to trends, best practice and an external support network.

»» Work closely with the Bangor Welsh Students’ Union (Undeb Myfyrwyr Cymraeg Bangor - UMCB)

4. Officer Support »» Helping the Officers to shape their

ideas and translate manifesto aims and policies into organisational objectives and operational work.

»» Supporting the Officers through induction into

the Students’ Union and University, making expectations and responsibilities clear and working with the team and with individuals on personal effectiveness and project planning.

»» Advising the Officers on potential issues,

problems or barriers including legal, financial, and cultural or policy challenges.

»» Acting as a critical friend to both Officers

and the University to ensure the continuation of a positive working partnership between the Students’ Union and the University.

»» Working with and mentoring the

Officer team to identify and prioritise shared team objectives, and helping the Officers to build support for their priorities within the University and amongst the student membership. WWW.UndebBangor.COM

5. Resource Management »» Negotiating the Students’ Union’s funding

»» Completing timely annual returns

»» Overseeing the effective management

»» Ensuring that the annual accounts are

with senior University officials on an annual basis on behalf of the Trustee Board. of the resources of the Students’ Union, ensuring robust financial controls and policies are in place and adhered to.

to the Charity Commission on behalf of the Trustee Board.

prepared, appropriately audited and that any audit recommendations are reported to the Trustee Board and implemented or challenged appropriately.

»» Seeking out opportunities for additional

funding to support and expand Students’ Union activity in line with charitable objects and strategic goals.

6. People Management »» Leading the Students’ Union management team and providing an effective link between the Officers, the Students’ Union staff and the Trustee Board.

»» Managing the Students’ Union departmental

heads, offering collective and one-to-one support and encouragement, and making sure that they are motivated, challenged and focused on delivering organisational impact.

»» Identifying, creating and sourcing training

and development opportunities for Students’ Union Management, Officers and Staff to ensure that the Students’ Union is a highly skilled and well informed organisation.

»» Driving a culture of continuous improvement and adapting to the changing needs of Students’ Union members.

»» Ensuring that appropriate mechanisms are in place to generate ideas, monitor performance, and capture impact.

7. Student Focus »» Ensuring that the Students’ Union

decision-making is evidence-based and led by the needs of its membership.

»» Providing support and resources for the membership to make the most of their experience at Bangor.

»» Developing the service portfolio of the Students’ Union to reflect member needs now and in the future.

»» Overseeing engagement levels within

This job description is a guide to the work you will initially be expected to undertake. It may be changed from time to time to meet changing circumstances.

the membership, seeking feedback and improving satisfaction levels (as measured via a range of tools including the National Student Survey and the Annual Student Statement project).

8. Other duties & Responsibilities: »» The post holder will be expected to participate in performance review and developmental activities.

»» The post holder will be expected to comply

with the University equal opportunities policies, Dignity at Work and Study Policy and the University’s Welsh Language Scheme.

»» The post holder must comply with relevant

legal and financial policies and procedures and be aware of their responsibilities in terms of the legal requirements of their posts.

»» The post holder has a general and legal

duty of care in relation to health, safety and wellbeing and must take all reasonable steps to ensure a safe and healthy working environment for him/herself and for other members of staff, students and visitors affected by his/her actions or inactions. The post holder is also required to comply with all applicable health and safety policies, procedures and risk assessments.


Person Specification: 1. Essential

»» Educated to degree level or equivalent, or possess equivalent experience

»» Ability to provide both strategic leadership and to develop operational responses to changes in the external environment.

»» Experience of working in a Students’ Union, or similar union/membership-led organisation.

»» A good understanding of democratic

principles and processes and ability to operate in a democratic environment.

»» Knowledge of relevant legislation

(Charity Acts, Education Act 1994)

»» Pro-active, able to work on own initiative to

ensure delivery of outputs to strict deadlines, maintaining accuracy under pressure.

»» Excellent written and oral communication skills with demonstrable ability to liaise effectively with staff and stakeholders at all levels and to express complex ideas and analysis clearly.

»» Excellent at developing and managing relationships at a senior level.

»» Open, honest and operates with integrity

2. Desirable

»» Experience of establishing procedural

frameworks, developing and improving services, with a strong strategic focus.

»» Knowledge of the importance of

supporting the development and enhancement of the student experience

»» The ability to establish effective

working relationships with colleagues across a large organisation.

»» Experience of project planning, execution and monitoring, preferably in Higher Education.

»» Commitment to finding innovative

ways to interface with the student body on a variety of issues.

»» Personal commitment to core

organisational values: democracy, accountability, sustainability, equal opportunities and bilingualism.

»» Willingness to accept additional responsibilities.

»» Ability to communicate through the medium of Welsh or a willingness to learn to the required level

»» Knowledge of HE institution

»» A good understanding of the roles of Officers

»» Proven financial expertise including

»» A good understanding of student voice,

frameworks and structures.

management of budgets and complex data

»» Knowledge of HR systems and processes »» Previous experience in a ‘political’ environment

and Students’ Unions in HE institutions. representation and campaigning.

3. General All members of staff have a duty to ensure their actions are in line with the overall environmental aims of the University and minimise their environmental impact. All offers are made subject to proof of eligibility to work in the UK and receipt of satisfactory references All candidates must meet the requirements of UK ‘right to work’ requirements. If you require Home Office permission to work in the UK, or need to switch your visa status in order to take this job, please note that following the introduction by the Government of immigration limits on skilled workers we recommend you use the following link to information about the routes into employment and to check eligibility requirements:

Thank you & good luck WWW.UndebBangor.COM

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