Managing Your Opportunities & Volunteers A How to Guide Step 1 Log in using email and password created through Registration process.
Step 2 Select drop-down menu to in top right, then “manage opportunities”.
Step 3 Select “volunteering”, then “opportunities” on the left-hand bar.
Step 4 Select “new opportunity” icon and complete fields to register a specific volunteering opportunity to advertise to students.
Step 5 Wait for approval/decline email from Undeb Bangor.
Step 6 Once approved, students can start applying to your opportunity. To view and approve applications to volunteer from students, select “volunteering”, then “opportunities” and “applications”.
Step 7 Select the cog icon on the right, then the tick icon. Select “approve” or “decline”. Volunteers will receive an automated email notifying them of this.
Step 8 To view your volunteer’s profile, select the cog icon, then the profile icon. A page will appear with useful information specific to the student, including contact information.
Step 9 You will also need to approve any timesheets submitted by volunteers for the hours they’ve completed. Follow the same process as above for this.