BushiBan I nternati onal25 Years ofExcel l ence
$4. 95
Legendary Sensei Benny “The Jet " St i l lDel i ver san
" TheForce" Behi nd STRI KEFORCE
Rey Truj i l l o
Bl oodl i ne Cont i nue Taki ngCar eofBus i nes s
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We l t e r we i ghtChampi on
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Sami rBe c i c Li vi ngt he
“ AMERI CAN DREAM” www. undef eat edmagazi ne. com
Mar ch2011
by Tim Mousel
Think about this question very seriously: If you were confronted by a violent attacker, would you know how to defend yourself? If the answer to that question is no, read on! In just one month (December of 2010) there were 47 forcible rapes and 907 aggravated assaults reported by the Houston Police Department. If these victims had been aware of some methods of self-defense available to them, some of these crimes could have been prevented. The focus of this article is to make the reader aware of some of the methods that can be used to protect themselves. Everyone is capable of surviving a hostile confrontation. This statement is very important. The first step to self-defense is selfconfidence and self-esteem. Fear is a part of every encounter. It is a perfectly normal response. The key is learning to control it. Fear can be your worst enemy or your best friend. The Fight or Flight Syndrome or the “fear response” has many symptoms: Sweat, moist palms, adrenalin rush, increased blood supply, increased hormone activity, tunnel vision. If properly controlled, this response can make you more effective at defending yourself. The body will be quicker, stronger, more determined, and have a higher level of concentration. We’ve all heard the story of the mother lifting the vehicle off of her young child. How did she do it? The Fight or Flight Response decided to fight! How do you make fear work for you? Confidence! How do you gain confidence? Through knowledge and skill development in self-defense. Once you have more confidence, people will be able to sense that. Confidence can be radiated through body language. Criminals usually are looking for an easy target. Someone who is assertive and walks with a purpose is less likely to be attacked in the first place. If you are ever confronted you have 4 responses: 1. Verbal Defense 2. Running 3. Submission 4. Fight Verbal defense can be as simple as a strong assertive no or a verbal strategy to outsmart your attacker. Something to try would be to tell your attacker you have HIV. That has worked in the past and is definitely worth trying. If you can’t talk your way out of the situation, running may be an alternative. Assess your area to determine if there is a place to run to. Plan your escape route carefully. It isn’t going to do you much good to run down a dead-end alley. Realize that running may be hampered by the fact that you are wearing a skin tight dress and high heels. Both of these will prevent a quick get-away. If you choose to run, take advantage of the element of surprise. Use a distraction before you start running. Toss any type of object
Mousel’s Self-Defense Academy (Inside Discover Gymnastics) 747 N. Shepherd, Suite 400 Houston, TX 77007 mousel@defend.net
at your attackers face. While your attacker is distracted by the oncoming object, you have an opportunity to get a running head start. Submission being your third choice is probably the hardest one to make. If your attacker has a gun, a knife, or if there are multiple attackers, submission may be the choice that will save your life. Because every situation is different, you must follow your gutinstinct. There are many cases in which victims are killed, even after full cooperation and submission. If you are unable to talk your way out of a situation and running away is not realistic, you may have to fight to defend your life or the life of a loved one. This may be one of the scariest moments you’ll ever experience. There are many ways to win a fight or get away from an attacker. Knowledge of self-defense techniques and strategies will not guarantee that you’ll come out on top; however, your chances will be greatly improved. Consider the following analogy: There are two types of tennis players, those who practice often and those who do not. The player who spends a lot of time practicing will usually beat the less devoted player. In tennis, just as in self-defense, upsets can and do happen. Acquiring skills and practicing them increases chances of winning, but there are no guarantees in tennis or in a life threatening situation. Does the player who practices a lot have an advantage? Of course! To stop an attacker, you need to know where to hit and what to hit with. There are many vulnerable areas of the body to attack. Target areas are broken down into primary and secondary targets. Primary targets include the eyes, throat and groin. It doesn’t matter how big the attacker is when considering primary target areas. A man 6’5” will receive the same amount of damage to the eyeball as a man 5’5”. The only reason a secondary target would be attacked is of the primary target is too hard to get to. Secondary target areas include the nose, jaw, solar plexus, knee, shin and top of foot. Punching and kicking are not recommended for the typical woman in a self-defense situation. Instead thumbs and fingers into the eyes, groin grabs (slap, squeeze, twist and pull), biting, and striking with the knees are much easier and more effective. There are many self-defense programs available. Unfortunately, many of them have not been well researched and often teach techniques that do not work for women in a real-world situation. The techniques need to be simple, easy, and be able to be performed without a reliance on strength. For additional information or to take a course please visit www.womens-self-defense.org.
Mousel’s Self-Defense Academy Undefeated Fight Club 5263 Barker Cypress Suite 100 Houston, TX 77084 undefeatedmagazine@gmail.com www.undefeatedmagazine.com
Mousel’s Self-Defense Academy 5710 Brittmoore, Suite E29 Houston, TX 77041 mousel@defend.net
By: Raul Rangel To many casual fans of MMA the name Scott Coker does not ring a bell, but that’s the way he likes it. For over twenty years Coker has been the man behind the scenes of martial arts in the United States. His promotion Strikeforce has emerged as one of the top promotions and looks to get bigger in 2011 with their new heavyweight tournament. Scott Coker’s journey has been a long one filled with many great accomplishments. Scott Coker started training in Tae Kwon Do at 10 years old and at the age of 14 earned a black belt under Eddie Reyes. Coker then started to teach classes and one day a student of his came up with an interesting suggestion to promote a fight that would be sponsored by Coors beer and shown on ESPN. With no promoting experience, Scott Coker agreed to do it, “I had no idea what I was getting into… It was definitely a baptism by fire.” And in 1985 Scott started working with Professional Kickboxing Association and helped grow “Coors Superfights”. After a few years Coker started his own promotion and, 1994, STRIKEFORCE Kickboxing made its debut. In 1995 Coker became the exclusive producer of martial arts for ESPN. Coker brought many new martial arts to ESPN, for the first time Muay Thai fights from Bangkok were broadcast to American audiences. In 1999 Scott expanded his resume by becoming CEO of K-1USA and brought it, to the fight capital of the world, Las Vegas. In 2002 Coker was recognized for all his hard work and was awarded Inside Kung-Fu’s “Man of The Year” award. In 2003 ESPN was the sole provider for K-1 in the USA and help sell out events held at the Bellagio ballroom in Las Vegas. But it was a growing type of martial arts that started catching Scott Coker’s attention. In 2005 MMA was gaining popularity with the American audiences by the show The Ultimate Fighter. Audiences began renting the old UFC tapes and started learning the history of some of the fighters and the legacies of fighters that started the sport. With the success of MMA on television states started loosening regulation; it was then that Scott Coker decided to move his Strikeforce brand into MMA by promoting Frank
Shamrock vs. Cesar Gracie. After that Strikeforce would be known as an MMA Promotion. Since then the Strikeforce promotion has grown leaps and bounds in popularity. Holding most of their events at the HP Pavilion in San Jose, CA. Scott Coker has built a fanbase that remains extremely loyal. Coker has started taking Strikeforce on the road across the country even holding a few events at the famed Playboy Mansion. He has gained a lot of support on television as well first launching “Strikeforce on NBC” and on HDNet. In 2009 he made the biggest deal yet, by signing Strikeforce to a deal with CBS and Showtime. It was a television deal that put Strikeforce on the forefront of American audiences. With that deal he was able to give national exposure to Jake Shields, Gilbert Melendez, Nick Diaz, and lots others. But when he signed Fedor Emelianenko, from under the UFC, it was a deal that brought the number 1 fighter in the world to the US on national television. He has also been the man that has put women’s MMA on the map, and has signed Dan Henderson to lucrative deals. Starting off in 2011 Coker came out with his newest vision for Strikeforce, a heavyweight grand prix tournament. With fighters such as Fedor, Silva, Overeem, Werdum, and others it looks like Strikeforce is expanding their division. Frank Shamrock is a man that has never held back on his words “I’m not surprised by anything Scott does, because he’s that good at this. He’s been around 20plus years and everyone in the business knows him and respects him. He has the ability to go not only national with this thing, but international, if he wants. He knows talent and he knows how to put together a fight.” After all the deals are were said and done Scott Coker remains a humble man. As Dana White once said “This sport needs more guys like Scott Coker… He puts on a good show and I think if you talked to his fighters about him, they’d all have good things to say.”Keeping himself in the back and low key has the fighters and fights do all the talking making Strikeforce a top promotion.
By Anthony Rose In today’s society we can probably find hundreds if not thousands of fitness experts, personal trainers, and gurus that know everything and have done everything. In the fitness world a few stand out like personal fitness pioneer Jack LaLanne who inspired an entire nation to eat better and exercise more. Continuing with that same excellence is renowned trainer and fitness expert Samir Becic. Born in Bosnia and through the influence of his father, Becic progressed from Martial arts athlete to fitness and health expert. He designed and developed the Becic method, a functional training program which uses the body’s own resistance. With more than 16 years of experience as a fitness trainer and 20 plus years as a martial arts trainer, Becic has gained recognition in Texas and throughout the United States. Becic served as the Fitness Director and Trainer for Bally’s, the second largest fitness and training facility in the U.S. While there, he received the highest award giving to personal trainers, “Best of the Best Personal Trainer for Bally’s,” and numerous others including “Best Fitness Director.” Four times he was named the number one personal trainer in the world, twenty-two times number one personal trainer in Texas and thirty-one times number one personal trainer in Houston. His clients include former Houston Rockets player
and Head Coach Rudy Tomjanovich, host of the show “Great Day Houston” Debra Duncan, and Victoria Osteen from Lakewood Church in Houston. Even as an active martial arts competitor Becic had a knack for training others in Bosnia, Germany, and east Europe. After winning several titles around the world he still had the belief that one man can make a difference in other people’s lives and this formed the base for his own personal beliefs. Becic’s goal is to improve people’s health, make them live longer and feel more alive. His work was published in the fitness book “Breakin’ Down the Barriers,” he speaks at corporate seminars and has been featured in several Houston TV and media outlets, including The Houston Chronicle, Men’s Journal, CBS 11 “Great Day Houston,” NBC 2 “Behind the Headlines,” WB 39 News, Fox 26 “Tips for Houston,” radio 96.5 FM “Roula and Ryan Show,” Sunny 99.1 FM with Dana Tyson, and 104.1 FM with Sam Malone. He also helped former Mayor of Houston Lee Brown with finding solutions for the obesity problem in Houston, Texas, and now continues to support various charities within the community such as being a judge on Chuck Norris’s “Kick Start” kids program and as an ambassador to Dr. Deavra Daughtry’s Texas Women’s Empowerment Foundation (TWEF). Becic’s educational background is in physical education and business and his professional expertise is being an athlete and a health and fitness expert. He is currently the CEO of Eurofit of Houston and is the fitness director at New Life Source Chiropractic.
UNDEFEATED: What one or two things do you do in your training that are keys to your success? BECIC: The Becic method I developed uses the body’s own resistance to achieve results. The risk of injury is between 200-300% less and the results are 30-40% faster. UNDEFEATED: What would you say is your ultimate achievement? BECIC: My ultimate achievement is yet to come. I would like to educate people around the world in health and fitness and to succeed in that. UNDEFEATED: What has been your biggest challenge, and what did you do to manage this challenge? BECIC: My biggest challenge was the perception of how fitness professionals are viewed by the average person. The average person expects a fitness expert to look like a professional body builder. This is a very unhealthy view of what the body should actually look like when it is healthy and fit. I overcame it by broadcasting my views through my seminars, television, radio, and print media that a fitness and health professional should be educated, taken seriously, and promote a body type that can only be achieved through natural means, with training and proper nutrition.
UNDEFEATED: What is your daily training and diet? BECIC: I personally exercise 2- 2.5 hours a day, 5 days a week. I do not believe in a structured diet, but I follow my healthy nutritional guidelines by eating more naturemade food and less processed foods. I eat grilled meat and vegetables, I avoid fried foods; I avoid processed/simple sugars, and focus more on complex carbohydrates, lean meats, lots of fruits and vegetables, organic when possible. I eat 5-6 small meals a day, drink 1 gallon of water a day. I maintain a positive attitude in my life. UNDEFEATED: What are 1-2 things that you believe differentiates you from your contemporaries who have tailed off in their athletic participation and abilities? BECIC: I view fitness and health as a lifestyle that I intend on maintaining for the rest of my life. I have been in sports all my life, and it is what fulfills me. I want to spread the news that with a healthy lifestyle, including fitness and nutrition, we can avoid, manage, or control 75% of existing illnesses. That message drives me! UNDEFEATED: Where do you draw your inspiration from? BECIC: Several things inspire me on a day to day basis: When I see elderly people being active, maintaining a joy for life, and still having dreams, When I see a young person being a great student, listening to their parents, and being a positive change in their generation, and When I see parents educating their children in making healthy choices and being a constructive part of society, so that each generation improves on the last. UNDEFEATED: How do you keep your fitness knowledge up to date? BECIC: I am in touch with major universities across America and the world that do major research on the human body and fitness. I continuously read to educate myself and have performed my own controlled studies to develop my methods. UNDEFEATED: Is there any other information you would like to share? BECIC: 250 million Americans don’t have a healthy lifestyle, and that is my biggest concern. Right now, America is the most overweight nation in the world with a rate of 31% people being obese. They say in 2015 75% of American’s will be obese. 360 000 Americans die every year from being obese and not having a healthy lifestyle. I say this needs to be stopped; America is the greatest nation in the world and should be the healthiest as well, given all the resources and possibilities available here. We are leaders in the world when it comes to democracy, military, and individual freedoms, there is no excuse to not be leaders in healthy lifestyle. I say that by 2015, we should be the fittest nation in the world, and we will be! America wake up, it’s time to be fit and healthy! This is the perfect opportunity, with the start of the New Year 2011, to upkeep the health resolutions. Remember, a new year’s resolution is every day when you wake up.
By AJ Hoffman Fighting is in my blood, I truly feel was born to fight because it comes natural to me. I did a lot of street fights growing up it wasn’t till 2 years ago that I got into the mma scene. At 28 years old, Rey “The Warrior” Trujillo’s career is just getting started, but he has already learned that it takes a lot of sacrifice to make it to the top. Trujillo, a Houston native, does not have the most traditional background in MMA. He calls his style “Tru-jitsu”, and he has only been training for 2 years. He didn’t wrestle in high school, he didn’t grow up in boxing gyms and he doesn’t have any black belts. He is a fighter though. “I just grew up street fighting. I think a lot of it came from me not being very big, but people always wanted to test me. So I just grew up fighting, and realized maybe it is something I could do to get all the other stuff I want to do rolling.” The other stuff includes a music business and a clothing line, Tru.Bloodline Fight Wear that he is getting ready to roll out. Rey and Alex Trujillo are the founders of Tru Entertainment and Tru.Bloodline Fight Wear where they are truly experiencing the America Dream investing in their ideas, the name and their talent. We have our own recording studio where we create our own music as well as our own printing presses where we design and print the apparel line. Our goal is to take the entertainment industry to the next level become a big key play in the mixed martial arts industry. Rey still works full time in construction, and even that has taken a bit of a hit due to his fighting. “I was making a lot more money, but I had to go out of town too much, so I couldn’t train as much as I wanted. I think I am gonna find a way to get back to it though, because I am starting to realize you have to make this money while you can.” That theory goes for his fighting career too. Trujillo wants to start fighting more big fights, and capitalize on his fast rise. “I am ready to just fight the top guys. I want to fight the best guys I can if I am going to take the time preparing for these fights.” Trujillo thought his big break had come when he was put on the Strikeforce card in August. He had a dominating performance, scoring the fastest knockout of the night. “I haven’t heard back from them,” Trujillo says. “I thought I did well. Got a win, and put on a show. A lot of it may be because I don’t have a manager, but I think another big reason is that Houston fighters just don’t get the props they deserve.” Trujillo trains at Bushi Ban and boxes as much as he can. He has ties to several Paradigm fighters, as he was part of the migration of fighters to Paradigm from Metro. “Ideally I would like to train 3 times a day. Box in the morning, wrestle at Paradigm during the day, and go to Bushi Ban at night and get in some MMA. Right now Paradigm just doesn’t fit me. It’s a long haul, and right now it is hard for me to get together the cash to train there. The guys I was training with there, Carlo (Prater), Brian (Melancon), Jeff (Rexroad) and Mike (Bronzoulis) would get frustrated with me because I was training when I had a fight, but I wasn’t always there to take care of them when they were getting ready. But I work full time, and I have kids to take care of.” He lost his last fight with Legacy, when Daniel Pineda sunk in a rear naked choke. “I felt good physically, but I had a lot of this
family drama on my mind. He took my back and instead of doing what I was trained to do, I tried a back slam. I slipped and didn’t get any elevation. It was a high risk move, and my head snapped back. He sunk in the choke and that was that.” That fight was at 145 pounds though. Rey feels much more comfortable at 155. “I don’t really cut to make 155. It is a really comfortable weight for me, and I am undefeated at 155,” Trujillo says. His opponent for this fight is the bigger Ray Blodgett. “He is a tough guy. He is bigger, taller, and heavier. He is a jiu jitsu guy, and that’s what he will go resort to when he gets into trouble.” This fight was supposed to happen a while back, but Blodgett had to back out due to some undisclosed reason. “We were supposed to fight in July, but he hurt his back or was sick or something. I don’t really even care. I am ready. I have a mission, and it’s my time. I have a lot of dreams and plans that I need to keep rolling with, and right now it all relies on this fighting.” Trujillo knows that defending his title would be another step toward making the big time. He couldn’t be much more confident. “Some people are taught to fight, and some people are born to fight,” Trujillo says. “I think I am one of those guys who was just born to fight.” Special thanks to my sponsors A&K Industrial, HVOC Environmental Services, Tortillas Restaurant, Wing Factory, Jackie Brick Houses, Tru Entertainment, Bushi Ban International and Undefeated Magazine. For more information on Bushi Ban, go to www.bushiban.com For more information on Tru Entertainment, go to www. truentnation.com
Nick Diaz has been one of the most active fighters in the MMA scene since 2001. He has fought for every top promotion and has made his mark. At only 27 years of age Nick Diaz is a legend in the making. Raised in Stockton, CA. life was not easy for Nick. While being raised by a single mother, Diaz dropped out of high school after his freshman year. His mother did encourage him to join the swim team before he left school, and to this day he is thankful for that. He then started training in martial arts after he was bullied by other classmates. Under Cesar Gracie Diaz he became a black belt in both gi and no-gi. Shortly after his 18th birthday Diaz made his debut in the cage, and only two years later he was fighting in the UFC. Going 6-4 in the UFC he then decided to make the move to Japan and fight for the Pride Fighting Championships. He returned to the U.S. fighting for EliteXC and in his second bout with his new promotion he met KJ Noons who had defeated him in their first meeting three years earlier via doctor stoppage at the end of the first round. Since that loss Diaz has gone undefeated, and continued the streak by defeating Noons this time via a five round unanimous decision. When EliteXC folded his contract was picked up by Strikeforce, where he later became their welterweight champion by submitting Brazilian Evangelista “Cyborg” Santos. On April 17, 2010 Diaz got into an altercation with Jason “Mayhem” Miller after Jake Shields victory over Dan Henderson. Since then both fighters have gone on to do a plethora of interviews talking about their strong dislike of each other. This hype led many to believe a fight between them would happen, but the bout was called off after neither side could agree to a catch weight limit. Strikeforce CEO Scott Coker has stated that he still sees this fight happening someday. Diaz has expanded his game from a foundation as a ground fighter to now becoming a strong striker. Learning his boxing from former world boxing champion Luisito Espinosa, and also sparring with current super middleweight world boxing champion and 2004 Olympic Gold medalist Andre Ward, has made him a very dangerous standup striker. Always the competitor, on his off time, Diaz competes in triathlons and has taken on the lifestyle of a raw foods eater. Many consider Nick Diaz the top athlete to potentially defeat fellow welterweight champion George St. Pierre, and this is a bout that Nick Diaz has been wanting for some time. But for now he will continue defending his Strikeforce welterweight title and help his team win. As he tells all his opponents “don’t be scared homie!”
Joy Tr i mble Mo d e l o ft h eMo n t h
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... (not really!) By Dr. Donovan May, D.C., B.S., CCSP Fleming Chiropractic • Deer Park, TX 77536 • 281-479-9951 www.southhoustonchiropractor.com and Todd Holt, B.S., C.S.C.S. www.holtrain.com Energy Systems and their Role in MMA Before beginning any new exercise routine, you must first decide on your training goals and expectations of performance. A basic understanding of how our bodies utilize different energy systems during training and competition demands will help in deciding what type of program is best suited for your specific needs. If you are new to athletic training or you are returning after a long layoff or injury, you should always first work to achieve a solid level of general fitness in order to allow your muscles and joints to get acclimated to the new stress. Most sporting events will utilize the aerobic/anaerobic pathways and the ATP-CP systems. So, if you are competing in a sporting event that requires you to be in good cardiovascular condition, combined with intermittent bouts of maximal energy/ power output, you will be utilizing all of these pathways. Taking this into consideration, it may be beneficial to combine HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) with your regular HVT [High Volume Training (jogging, long distance swimming, etc.)]. MMA is a dynamic sport that aggressively pushes the body through all of the different energy systems. A better understanding of how to train these energy systems and why they are important is crucial to getting the most from your training program. Note: If you have a medical condition that may prohibit you from participating in this routine, consult your doctor before beginning a new exercise program. The 3 Energy Systems Energy System 1 - ATP-PC When using maximum energy output for periods of about 10 seconds or less (100m sprint, power lifting, golf swing, etc.) our bodies utilize the ATP (Adenosine Tri-Phosphate)-CP (Creatine Phosphate) system. The body will use ATP that is stored in the muscles for energy. After about 4 seconds the ATP will run out. Your body will then use the CP in your muscles to help resynthesize ATP, thus providing more energy. This will continue until there is no more CP left, or for about 6-8 seconds. Energy System 2 – Anaerobic Once your body’s CP stores are depleted the body will look for stored glucose to generate more ATP (anaerobic pathway). The breakdown of glucose or glycogen in anaerobic conditions results in the production of lactate. The accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles is what causes fatigue, or that “burnedout” feeling. The anaerobic pathway can be utilized for about 2 minutes. Energy System 3 – Aerobic (Long Term) When an individual competes for prolonged periods, at a steady pace (long-distance running, long-distance swimming, etc.), he/she is mostly utilizing the aerobic pathway. This means that the individual is using oxygen to convert nutrients
into ATP for energy. It should be stated that you always want to maintain a good overall endurance base. So, if you are an MMA competitor, you should continue to perform long distance running; however, you might be better suited to perform this during the off-season, or whenever you have time off between matches. Then, perhaps you can perform interval training whenever you are closer to the competition, possibly 4-6 weeks out. This method may allow you to keep a good endurance base, while also allowing you to optimize your anaerobic use. In short, you will still have the stamina you need for a long match, but you may have more energy stored for short-burst, explosive outputs. What is VO2 Max? VO2 max stands for maximal oxygen consumption, and it refers to the maximum amount of oxygen that an individual can utilize during intense or maximal exercise. Generally, a person with a higher level of physical fitness will have a higher VO2 max. VO2 max can help determine an athlete’s potential to perform sustained levels of activity. However; VO2 max alone will not necessarily determine who has a better overall performance potential. You must also take into account a person’s anaerobic threshold. Energy Systems in Mixed Martial Arts Let’s examine how this pertains to an MMA match. No one can maintain maximum energy output for the full five minutes of a round. Rather, the athlete will utilize the aerobic pathway for a majority of the round, while saving the ATP-CP/anaerobic pathway for short durations of high intensity (explosive, short burst) maneuvers. Examples of the ATP-CP system may include: shooting, clinch-takedown defense, or exploding for a reversal while being mounted. Studies have shown that HIIT can increase your maximal lactate volume. What this means is that your body is capable of utilizing more energy from the anaerobic pathway, so that you will be able to have more bursts of maximal energy/ power, like sprinting, without “burning out“ as quickly. There is still some debate as to whether or not this is a result of the body becoming more efficient at removing lactic acid, or just becoming more tolerant of the build-up. This gain in a person’s anaerobic threshold may account for why an athlete can still see performance gains once his/her VO2 max has seemingly hit a plateau, in that it may allow the athlete to perform at a higher rate of their VO2 max. H.I.I.T. can also improve your anaerobic recovery time, so that you can utilize short, explosive bursts more often. It should also be noted that athletes who utilize HIIT can have same or similar VO2 max as those who utilize HVT, with the advantage being that HIIT method takes up much less training time. So, in theory you might be able to achieve your VO2 max, and maximal lactate volume in far less training time.
Examples of High Intensity Interval Training The Tabata Method A popular regimen based on a 1996 study uses 20 seconds of ultra-intense exercise (at 170% of VO2 max) followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated continuously for 4 minutes (8 cycles). In the original study, athletes using this method trained 4 times per week, plus another day of steady-state training, and obtained gains similar to a group of athletes who did steady state (70% VO2 max) training 5 times per week. The steady state group had a higher VO2 max at the end (from 52 to 57 ml/kg/min), but the Tabata group had started lower and gained more overall (from 48 to 55 ml/kg/min). Also, only the Tabata group had gained anaerobic capacity benefits. Alternate HIIT Method An alternate regimen based on a 2009 study uses 60 seconds of intense exercise (at 95% of VO2 max) followed by 75 seconds of rest, repeated for 8-12 cycles. Subjects using this method trained 3 times per week, and obtained gains similar to what would be expected from subjects who did steady state (50-70% VO2max) training for five hours per week. While still a demanding form of training, this exercise protocol could be used by the general public with nothing more than an average exercise bike. Circuit Training Circuits can also be used to attain the levels of fitness needed for MMA. Circuit Training combines multiple energy systems and can be designed to mimic both the time and mechanical requirements of the sport. Here are a few sample circuits to help mix up your current routine. *You can even mix and match exercises from each circuit.
Bodyweight Circuit Single Leg Warrior / Pistol Rear Breakfall to Stand Spring Pushups Rear Breakfall to Stand Side Rolling Pushups...REPEAT Kettle Bell Circuit Double Swing Hip Circles Chin Presses Clean and Press Fan Press Turkish Getup Overhead Squat Snatch Dumbbell Circuit Rear Break Fall to Stand Pushup to Standing Upright Row Arnold Squat to Press Pushup to Standing Upright Row Sport Specific Circuit Hip Ball Rotations Isometric Quad Contractions w/ Ball Hand Walks/Crossing Down the Ladder Alternating Inverted Rows Turkish Getups Medball Power Heavy Bag Shoulder Lifts Yoga
The Bushi Ban 25th Year Anniversary Celebration Demo Extravaganza was a tremendous success; we were both proud and grateful to see over 1,000 in attendance in the beautiful Performing Arts Center located inside Deer Park High School. It was such a special night to see students along with family and friends enjoying the celebration and demonstration! Students and instructors from our many Bushi Ban schools came together to put on a brilliant demonstration of what we have to offer as a martial arts school. Grand Master Zulfi; who also put on an incredible demonstration on the night; was very pleased with the turnout and expressed that he was extremely proud of all his students attending and participating in the special event. The 25th Anniversary Demonstration was a huge success and everyone that night enjoyed the great martial arts and the great music from special guest performance from highly acclaimed musical artists Kaminari Taiko.
25th Anniversary: National Training Day was a day of ultimate martial arts education. The following day, after the Demonstration Extravaganza many of the Bushi Ban family and friends enjoyed a day of martial arts knowledge from some of the greatest martial artists, competitors, instructors, and Grand Masters from many different disciplines around the world. All who attended had the great privilege of learning from martial arts greats such as Great Grand Master Dr. Maung Gyi, Living Legend Kickboxer Benny “The Jet� Urquidez, Sam Hogar, Coach Kevin Kearns, Grandmaster Ishmael Robles, Shihan Nishimie, Master James Stevenson, and Nunchaku super star Wayne Ngyuen among many others. This all day event covered the many key areas of many different disciplines and various styles such as (but not limited to) Strength and Conditioning, Traditional Karate, Sports Karate, Kickboxing, Traditional Boxing, Muay Thai, Jiu-Jitsu, Wrestling, MMA, Weapons Training, as well as some of the softer arts. Overall every student that participated in the 25th Anniversary National Training Day had the opportunity to learn techniques from the best in the business, increase their martial arts knowledge, and leave the training with quite a few techniques that will hopefully make them a healthier, fitter, wiser martial artist. We would like to congratulate all the Grand Masters, instructors, fighters, students and participants on a great day of training, it will be one to remember!
The entire 25th Anniversary Celebration was capped off with a special night of awards, food and fun. Recognition Awards were handed out to many students on the night while many had the opportunity to experience the festive atmosphere and the amazing drum cafe! Various drum beats played throughout the night and many who attended had great things to say about the unique and colorful atmosphere. It was a fine Awards Banquet that capped off an amazing celebration of Bushi Ban Martial Arts and Fitness. The Demonstration Extravaganza was a world class performance along with the National Training Day that consisted of many world class trainers; finally the 25th Anniversary Celebration Awards Banquet was a time to enjoy and look back at a great 25 years of kicking. We are looking forward to even better things over the next 25 years! Award winners for the 25th Anniversary Awards Banquet are listed below: Director of the Year: Mr. Jeff Barley; Master of the Year: Master Roger Borstein; Instructor of the Year: Mr. Shane Wilson; School of the Year: Grandmaster Zulfi and the staff of the Bushi Ban World Headquarters; Jr. Competitor of the Year: Jakob Weller; Competitor of the Year: Justin Jordan; Pro Fighter of the Year: Justin Murray; Amateur Fighter of the Year: Gerzan Chaw Many thanks to our sponsors, supporters and youth and adult students who participated in the demonstrations, helped with the setup, and attended the event. We are grateful for your participation and support we look forward to the next 25 years.
Benny the Jet: Sonic Boom
Even though his fighting years may be behind him, This California native’s life as a Martial Arts trail blazer has not stopped its course. Benny “The Jet” Urquidez, a holder of nine Black Belts’ in nine different styles of Martial Arts, has survived death matches, held an impressive winning record, and has worked with Hollywood’s biggest names in bringing their scenes to life on the silver screen. “Most people think I’ve retired, but I haven’t retired from anything,“ said the small-framed Urquidez, letting out a slight laughter. “Before my maker comes for me; all this information, knowledge, and experience-I want to pass on to everyone out there, in hopes that they will do something with it greater than me.” As the son of a professional boxer, “The Jet” began competing as young as five years old, in boxing events at the Olympic Auditorium, in Los Angeles, California. It was not until two years later that he began training with his older brother, Arnold Urquidez, his first and most revered instructor. At age 14, Urquidez earned his first Black Belt and the rest has been Martial Arts history. Since then, “The Jet” has trained under many Martial Arts instructors such as Bill Ruiyisaki, Senior Grand Master of American Kenpo Ed Parker, and many other legendary Martial Art Masters. Before the thought of the Ultimate Fighting Championships was ever conceived, in 1973 there was the first ever World Series of Martial Arts World Championship in Hawaii. At a time with no rules, and no weight classes, the 145 pound Urquidez, would solidify himself into Martial Arts history in David and Goliath fashion, defeating 6’2”, 225 pound, Kenpo and Muay Thai master Dana Goodson. “The idea was to open up the doors for other fighters to have a chance to showcase their talents against other Martial Artists.
They’ve been training all their life and what are they going to do with it? So now all these fighters that are champions in their disciplines now had a place to go,” explained the 1999 Martial Arts Hall of Fame inductee. Since his retirement from competition, Urquidez, now in his late 50’s founded Ukidokan Karate. A hybrid of nine different disciplines, “Ukidokan” translated in Japanese means “A way of life.” In practicing Ukidokan Karate, the central principle, according to Urquidez’s teachings, is the mind - the strongest asset in your body. “I’m about internal training. Right now I’m recognizing that this is what we’re missing, the inner Bushido. They say it’s 80% physical. To me I think it’s 80% mental and 20% physical. But 99.9% of it is emotional which is internal. The moment emotions enter the mind you start creating stuff that doesn’t exist and you make it happen.” Urquidez, recognizes that some forms of Martial Arts focus less on the “inner training,” “The Jet” likes what the UFC has done in the realm of Mixed Martial Arts, but feels that some competitors are getting away from the true essence of the Art. “Hopefully I’ll be able to shed some light on most of the warriors out there, that are coming up to have a different viewpoint going into the cage, and going in there with a code of honor between fighters.” You can find Urquidez, better known as Sensei Benny, to his students, training some of Hollywood’s biggest stars. An actor himself, “The Jet” hopes to continue his movie career, and spread the ways of Ukidokan Karate around the world by offering online training courses. By Javier Rodriguez