Under Canvas Magazine 2020

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Extraordin ary


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06 20 24

Life Unplugged

Star Power

Take It Outside!

Welcome 02 Who Is Under Canvas? 03 Intentional Inconveniences 04 Social (Media) Scene 05 Wildlife Spotting 12 Day Hikes 15 Southwest Road Trip 18 Our Camps 32

Cover Photograph by Dreamtown Co.

Adventure Packages 48 Special Events 50


Guestbook 56

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A decade ago my husband and I, inspired by the incredible beauty of the United States, imagined a world where people could sleep out under the stars without having to set up a camp, and where enjoying nature didn’t have to be uncomfortable or di cult. We imagined a world where development meant preserving the landscape— not destroying it—and doing so with great environmental care. Under Canvas was founded on a vision to make the outdoors more accessible and create moments #outsidetogether in extraordinary places that will forever be etched in your memories. We hope you will be inspired to enjoy our beautiful planet by disconnecting from technology to connect with those you love, and to become stewards of our planet. From all of us at Under Canvas, have a wonderful stay. We truly believe our camps ualify as an adventure of a lifetime, so allow us to help you have one. Our teams are standing by to help you tailor activities to your desires, tell you about the special spots no one knows about, and ensure your comfort.


David DiFalco he

perat n


May Lilley

VP Marketing & Editor-in-Chief

Jessica Weissman

Digital Marketing Manager & Deputy Editor


Grant Davis, DSquared Media Editor

Evelyn Good, Good Design LLC rt



Jason Daley Dana Sullivan

Sarah Dusek Cofounder, Under Canvas

oin o r mailing li t an e the r t to hear a o t Under Canvas openings, promotions, and more! Visit undercanvas.com/subscribe.

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Under Canvas Bozeman, MT 59715 888-496-1148 undercanvas.com ©2020 Under Canvas Inc. ®


Have a great adventure,









Seven Inspirational Escapes


Inspired by the African safari experience, we set out to create an immersive outdoor escape that serves as a unique bridge between travel and the outdoors. We believe that nature is the best architect, access to the outdoors is a right, not a privilege, and disconnecting with technology to connect with family and friends is paramount to our health and well-being. Under Canvas began in 2009 with the opening of an all-inclusive glamping adventure package on a plot of rented land in Montana. It has since

grown to include seven luxury glamping locations and a customized events offering, bringing the glamping experience to life anywhere it can be imagined. But we’re not done yet! Under Canvas is committed to our mission to

enhance access to many more extraordinary places and outdoor adventures. To that end, we’re always scouting out new locations for camps from coast to coast, working to bring the Under Canvas experience to the continent’s most splendid natural settings. Yellowstone

The Beauty of Our Intentional Inconveniences By staying at an Under Canvas camp, you take part in our efforts to preserve our incredible planet. At Under Canvas, we care deeply about our precious natural resources, namely the landscape surrounding our camps and the life that it supports. Our guests contribute to this goal, r t y choo ing to tay ith and second, through what we call “intentional inconveniences.” These are small features and choices that go a long way toward preserving the environment. Here are some of the ways we reduce our impact and still deliver a luxurious experience. WATER - Our camps use si ni antly less water than a similar-sized hotel than to lo o toilet a cet that a tomatically h t off an ho er

Great Smoky Mountains

that activate only when guests pull a chain. Guests may also contribute by reusing towels instead of having them washed and replaced daily. ELECTRICITY - Our camps use solar power whenever possible. Thanks to the abundant sunlight, our Moab and Zion camps can run per ent on solar power. WASTE - Wherever possible, we have

eliminated sin le-use plasti s in favor of compostable and recyclable materials. Water stations may be found throughout our camps to encourage em loyee an g e t to e re lla le containers as well as apply mindful practices to minimize waste.



Trip Pics A selection of our favorite posts shared by Under Canvas guests. Share yours on nstagram undercan aso cial or ace oo nder an as .

@needlepixels, Under Canvas Zion Drifting in the astral plane, when will I see you again?

@whitwolffworld, Under Canvas Yellowstone - Some of summer’s favorite moments: glamping, Champagne slumber party and nature hikes. Making room in next year’s schedule for a similar adventure.

@jesss__x, Under Canvas Grand Canyon - Comfy stay at the Grand Canyon. BONUS: stargazer rooftop #SouthwestFlexinnn

@hannahwrose, Under Canvas Smokies - Ta ta for now Tennessee.

@izzy_trujillo, Under Canvas Zion Zion, we’ll be back.

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a.m. GLACIER – Take advantage of the still morning air with a paddle on the lake. You’ll gain a new perspective of the awe-inspiring surroundings. Keep an eye out or fis

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lugged When you’re unplugged from modern life, you’re plugged into yourself, your significant other, your family, and the natural splendor around you.


Tailored Experiences by Under Canvas


At Under Canvas Moab, Guest Experience & Activities Coordinator Rachel Rhode starts her quest to make everyone’s stay better than they ever expected by listening. “It’s about taking time to care and prepare each individual g e t or the e t e can offer she says. “Each camp is unique an o are the e erience Sometimes, she even knows how to make the guests’ stay memorable when they don’t. “I had the joy of making one couple’s 40th wedding anni er ary ecial he ay

“I emailed the husband ahead of time and asked him if he knew his i e a orite o er e i n t So I asked him what bouquet she held on her wedding day. e remem ere that they ere white daisies with a yellow ribbon around them. So that’s what I prepared for them, leaving a bouquet of daises in their tent as a surprise. The wife left me a handwritten note to say she was grateful for the meaningful touch. “I keep that note to remind me that oftentimes, simple gestures mean the mo t


a.m. ZION – Move your yoga practice outside and give new meaning to your sun salutations.

a.m. GLACIER – A late-morning ramble through the woods puts you in the heart of it all.

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a.m. YELLOWSTONE – Hit the trail for adventure.


p.m. MOUNT RUSHMORE – Every time is playtime at Under Canvas.


GRAND CANYON – Time for a quick ride to end the day.

p.m. GRAND CANYON – at er round t e fire pit in the evening to roast s’mores and play one of our many outdoor games.

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Look Closely Don’t miss these amazing creatures during your park adventures and explorations. By Dana Sullivan

Each national park and the areas surrounding it are known for an iconic animal. If you spot one, congrats! You’ve achieved a gold standard of wildlife spotting. YELLOWSTONE Bison han to con er ation effort these giant mammals number some 3,500 in Yellowstone National Park, eno gh to ma e them ea y to n a you travel through the area. SPOT ’EM: Foraging in the Lamar Valley in Northern Yellowstone or the Hayden Valley in Central Yellowstone.

MOUNT RUSHMORE Yellow-Bellied Marmot These rotund rodents have a yellow belly and chest, and a white patch that covers their nose and creates an “eyebrow.” SPOT ’EM: Along the Presidential Trail, where they munch on grasses, broadleaved plants, and seeds.

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MOAB Desert Bighorn Sheep The regal bighorns wear dramatic, thick, and curled horns (both males and females have them), eat cactus and grasses, and, like camels, can go three days without water. SPOT ’EM: Look carefully for nimble bighorn mo ing along roc y cliff ee ing where the terrain looks impassable.

GLACIER Bald Eagle Majestic bald eagles are unmistakable thanks to their white head and massive wingspan (up to 8 feet). SPOT ’EM: In trees near wetlands, lakes, and spawning springs (in springtime). 2020 | UNDER CANVAS | 13


GREAT SMOKY MOUNTAINS re es The park is home to one of a few ecie o re y no n to ynchroni e it a h attern lighting the night between mid-May and mid-June. Check the park’s website for exact dates. SPOT ’EM: he re ie li e thro gho t the park, but the Elkmont viewing area offer the e t eat in the ho e

ZION Mule Deer Male mule deer have elegant antlers. By fall, when breeding season begins, the antlers serve as a weapon e to ght or mating right SPOT ’EM: At dawn or dusk, when the eer ally gra e along the ri er such as the Virgin River at the bottom of Zion Canyon.

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GRAND CANYON Ringtail Cat ri ona tate animal i the sleek, nimble ringtail cat that looks like a cross between a raccoon, a fox, and a housecat. However, it’s not actually a cat, but rather a member of the raccoon family. SPOT ’EM: Ringtail cats are nocturnal. They hunt along canyon walls, slopes, and ridges in desert scrub or near water sources.


A Walk in the Park Our curated list of easy day hikes in adjacent national parks promises spectacular views and geographic splendor. By Dana Sullivan MOAB Delicate Arch 3 mi. round-trip Delicate Arch is a bucketlist sight. How close you get will depend on your group’s hiking chops. Walking the entire length

of the Delicate Arch Trail (mostly uphill on the way to the arch) is orth the effort o ll get a close-up view of the arch and pass a wall of ancient Ute Indian petroglyphs.

Delicate Arch, Moab


Grinnell Lake, Glacier National Park

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Old Faithful, Yellowstone

3-4+ mi. round-trip Zion is known for its magni cent lot canyon an on the arro rail you’ll walk through one in the ankle- or kneedeep water of the gently o ing irgin i er hat right: The trail is a river. o can hi e a ar in a you have the stamina for—most people cover three or four miles of the trail. Just heed the warnings when high water closes the trail.

YELLOWSTONE Upper Geyser Basin Trail 5 mi. round-trip Start at the l aith l nn home to the l aith l ey er an ituated within two square miles of a quarter of all the geysers in the world. rom l aith l ta e the paved path toward Castle Geyser (0.2 miles). rom there ta e the oar al acro irehole River to the Sawmill Geyser. To complete the hi e ollo the north trail

Virgin River, Zion

to ran ey er ea ty ool long ey er an Giant Geyser before the trail junctions again with the Upper Geyser Trail.

MOUNT RUSHMORE Presidential Trail 0.6 mi. round-trip The paved trail is hilly (you’ll have to climb ome tair t it hort enough that even the youngest hikers should have no trouble traversing the 0.6-mile loop. The reward? A clear view of the sculpted faces of re i ent a hington effer on incoln an Roosevelt carved into Mount Rushmore.

GLACIER Grinnell Lake 3 mi. round-trip Catch the ferries across Swiftcurrent and Josehine a e ith lacier ar oat om any nce yo ho off yo ll hike around 1.3 miles up to the turquoise waters of o er rinnell a e see photo, previous page) and a view of the meltwater from the Grinnell Glacier a o e ca ca ing into the lake. on t all o nhill ac to the erry oat reservations made prior to visiting recommended.

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ZION The Narrows

Grotto Falls, Great Smoky Mountains National Park

GREAT SMOKY MOUNTAINS Grotto Falls 2.5 mi. round-trip n a hot ay ar at the Trillium Gap Trail parking lot and hike to Grotto all he tre come ith a ni e ayoff the chance to cool down behind the cascade of rotto all the only waterfall in the park you can al ehin nce you cool down—from the misting water or from plunging into the swimming hole created by the falls—you can either hike back to the trailhead or continue on up the trail that eventually hits the mmit o oot high o nt e onte

but until you get down into it yo can t gra the scale of it. The Kaibab Trail will deliver. The steep but well-trod path drops eet in mile to your turnaround point at e ar i ge here yo ll n toilet acilitie ace to rea o t or a nac and an awestruck understanding of the geological

forces that formed the canyon o ill not n any ater tho gh i e yourself twice as much time to make the climb ac yo re l c y you’ll pass the park’s mule train heading up or o n the trail eli ering supplies and people to Phantom Ranch at the bottom of the canyon.

GRAND CANYON South Kaibab Trailhead 3 mi. round-trip rom the So th im the ran anyon loo a t

South Kaibab Trail, Grand Canyon

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Into the Wild Wend through the desert Southwest’s signature red rock country and remote parklands on a road trip connecting Arches, Zion, and Grand Canyon National Parks. By Grant Davis

Our 700-mile itinerary travels through the spectacular vistas, colors, and sunsets of the Southwest between the rock arches of Arches, the slot canyons of Zion, and the grandeur of the Grand Canyon. Along the way, the Colorado River snakes through the dry desert landscape. Nights will be spent at Under Canvas camps near each of the national parks under some of the darkest star-filled skies in the country. Fly into either Grand Junction, Colorado, or Las Vegas to start your journey, taking as little as two days to do the trip or as long as a week.


ARCHES NATIONAL PARK You can see the park’s rock formations from your tent at Under Canvas Moab. The iconic Delicate Arch is a mustsee, but so is Landscape Arch, the world’s longest rock span.



START 1. Under Canvas Moab

4. Under Canvas Zion

2. HWY 128


3. Grand Staircase-Escalante 5. Lake Powell

6. Under Canvas Grand Canyon


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GRAND STAIRCASE-ESCALANTE While Moab is known for red rocks and the Colorado River, and Zion is known for red rocks and slot canyons, Grand Staircase-Escalante is known for geologic formations not found anywhere else: think lush alpine forests to otherworldly limestone formations. Stop for lunch at Hell’s Backbone Grill and Farm in Boulder, Utah, one of the Southwest’s most acclaimed restaurants.


o a reciate the cale o the heer re cliff orme y the irgin i er head to the Canyon Overlook Trail along the Zion-Mount Carmel Highway. If you want a challenge, tackle the Angel’s Landing hike from the bottom of the canyon to the top. The view is worth it—along with bragging rights.




HWY 128


From Moab, head east along the Colorado River as it snakes through 20 scenic miles of red rock canyon splendor. Park at any river access point for a quick plunge to cool off or hit the orcupine Rim trail leading to the to o the cliff and its views.


At Page, Utah, the mighty Colorado River is held in check by the 710-foot-high Glen Canyon Dam. The resulting lake covers 1.25 million acres punctuated by oaring cliff tte towers, and other desert rock geology. A few miles south of the dam, n iconic or e hoe Bend, one of the most photographed sections of the Colorado River.

GRAND CANYON More than 6,000 feet deep and up to 18 miles wide, the canyon is truly grand. From the South Rim side, you can drop down into it from several trailheads, going from the piñon and juniper forest on the rim to other, ancient worlds of rock—stepping further back in geologic time with every foot you descend.


S T Nighttime at Under Canvas brings out a sight few of us see anymore: the sky bursting with billions and billions of stars. The view from our camps is the perfect spot to learn the art of stargazing. BY JAS O N DA L E Y

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W P R O E Grand Canyon


YOU DON’T need a telescope to practice astronomy. Beginners can start with the naked eye: ID-ing the constellations and brightest stars in the sky. But when you can see billions of them like you can at our Grand Canyon camp, a certified Dark Sky location, you need help. An easy way to find them is via the Star Walk 2 smartphone app. Hold your phone up to the sky and it will point out 200,000 stars, asteroids, galaxies, and even satellites. Begin with the Milky Way, then move to locate a couple of familiar constellations— Ursa Major, home of the Big Dipper, is a good start—then try and locate them in real life. Once you know where the big stars and galaxies are, you’ll be able to follow more complex star charts to find the really interesting stuff. As you pick up the lay of the sky, it’s time to step up to a pair of binoculars (see below). Armed with these optics, you should be able to tap your star chart to help you zero in on the Andromeda Galaxy, Jupiter’s moons, the Pleiades, or the M13 star cluster. Also, you’ll learn a little astrophysics as you notice differences in brightness and color among stars. Red stars, such as Rigel in the constellation Orion, are the coolest stars, yellow stars are hotter, and blazing blue stars are the largest and hottest of all.


Binoculars are rated first by magnification and then by the size of their objective lens, the big one at the end. The bigger the lens, the brighter and crisper the view of the stars. A pair of relatively light 7x50 binoculars, like Nikon’s Action Extreme 7x50 ATBs, will work well for most star-spotting. Skygazers with steadier hands or a tripod can get away with 10x or 12x binoculars.

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Meteor Showers When the Earth passes through debris left behind by a comet, it produces meteor showers in the night sky. About a dozen major showers occur each year, and Under Canvas is among the best places to see one this year.

MAY 7 (PREDAWN) Eta Aquariids. 10-20 shooting stars/hr. AUG. 11-12 Perseids. 60-70 meteors/hr. (up to 200/hr. some years) NOV. 16-17 Leonids. 20-30 meteors/hr. (up to 1,000/hr. some years)

Canyon 2018/2019 | UNDER Grand CANVAS | 23



Just beyond our camps, yo ll n a natural world begging to be explored. Pick an adventure and get started.

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TA K E I T O U T S I D E !

Colorado River Rafting Moab is best known for its stunning red rock scenery, stone arches, and vast deserts. But there’s another side to the area: stunning canyons and rapids created by the Colorado River. A river rafting trip from Hittle Bottom to Salt Wash apids is a perfect family oat, taking in 14 miles of otherwise inaccessible river canyon. Rafters face Class I and II rapids including Onion Creek, Cloudburst, and Rocky Rapid, which can roar into Class III cataracts during higher water. Between whitewater sections, you’ll oat past rock towers, red canyon walls, and white sand beaches.

Adventure Option: Sunset Hummer Tour This Hummer safari departs each evening before sunset and within minutes of departure you’ll be scaling one of Moab’s red rock fins on your way to an area known as Hell’s Revenge. Weave in and out of rock canyons and climb steep sandstone hills. While on the trip, your guides will share the geology of the area, along with the history of the Canyonlands region. Midway through, you’ll ascend to the summit of a captivating overlook, where you’ll relax and savor tasty snacks while the desert sun paints the evening sky.

Yellowstone: Private National Park Tour Enjoy VIP status as you explore the massive Yellowstone National Park and surrounding areas on a private guided tour. Tours are fully customizable, catering 26 | UNDER CANVAS | 2020

to the desires and curiosity of guests. See wildlife in the Hayden and Lamar Valleys, take in the views of Yellowstone’s Grand Canyon, and awe in the wonders of the park’s display of geothermal features.

Adventure Option: Kayak Hebgen Lake Grab a paddle and hop in a boat for a half-day guided kayaking trip on Hebgen Lake in the gorgeous region shared by our Under Canvas campsite, just west of Yellowstone National Park. Take in the sights and sounds of Yellowstone country and take time to cool off during the day. Professional guides provided; get ready to paddle!

Mount Rushmore: Explore the Black Hills This is a journey that celebrates the three most popular destinations in the Black Hills: Mount Rushmore, Crazy Horse, and Custer State Park. Experience the sites, view wildlife, learn history, and hear stories from professional guides who have decades of experience to share. Guided visits to Badlands National Park and other custom tours are also available upon request.

Adventure Option: Pan for Gold in the Black Hills Spend the day exploring a genuine Black Hills gold claim while learning to pan for gold in the same streams that brought early miners to this area in the 1800s. Before, after, or during your prospecting, cool off at a nearby swimming hole with friends and family.




Onion Creek Rapid HITTLE Professor Creek Rapid BOTTOM (start) Rocky Rapid Salt Wash Rapid Cloudburst Rapid


White’s Rapid

Moab, Utah

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TA K E I T O U T S I D E !


Glacier National Park




Rafting the Flathead River Your experienced, friendly guide will share the colorful heritage of our early settlers and the history of Glacier National Park and Flathead River on your scenic river oat. This trip is a great opportunity for the whole family or a group of friends to enjoy the river and the variety of scenic landscapes—it’s a favorite for all ages.

Zion Canyoneering Canyoneering is a multisport activity during which a group of people work together to hike, climb, swim, squeeze, rappel, support, laugh, cry, and listen, all in an amazing natural setting. Half-day trips will take place in dry canyons and full-day trips will be in wet canyons. Don’t worry about the location; your guides know some pretty amazing places.

Adventure Option:

Adventure Option:

A True Cowboy Cookout Your cookout adventure begins with a one-and-a-half-hour horseback ride to an outfitter’s camp. There, you’ll dismount your horses and enjoy a light appetizer as you gaze into Glacier National Park’s west side skyline of mountain peaks. Meanwhile, your guides will prepare a traditional cowboy dinner of steaks over an open ame, corn on the cob, baked beans, green salad, rolls—and s’mores for dessert. After dinner, you’ll hop back on your ride and head to the corral, just as the sun sets.

Zion Outback Safaris The Zion area contains some of Earth’s most spectacular scenery, yet the vast majority of its three million annual visitors will never experience Zion beyond a few feet of the pavement. Nature’s best-kept secrets are reserved for those who venture beyond the well-worn trail. We take the road less traveled to show you places that most visitors to southern Utah see only in photographs, including stunning panoramas and breathtaking overlooks that have remained untouched and unchanged for millions of years. 2020 | UNDER CANVAS | 29

TA K E I T O U T S I D E !

Great Smoky Mountains: Guided Hikes Our guides have walked thousands of miles through the Smokies and will lead you to some of the most magical places in the mountains. On the way you’ll learn about both the natural and human history of the Smokies, including bits of Cherokee lore and maybe an Appalachian tall tale. Adventure Option: Whitewater Rafting The National Outdoor Center has been synonymous with whitewater rafting and kayaking for generations. Its Pigeon River outpost nearby offers intermediate-level rafting on five miles of the Upper Pigeon Gorge through Class II–IV rapids such as Lost Guide and Accelerator, and scenic views into Great Smoky Mountains National Park.

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Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon: Jeep Tour & Safari enture off-road, down historic stagecoach trails, through the Kaibab Forest in search of elk, deer, and turkey. Eventually you’ll arrive at one of the world’s most magnificent vistas—sunset at the Grand Canyon. Your guide will take you to viewpoints along the canyon’s edge while describing geologic formations, inner canyon trails, and the Colorado River. Adventure Option: Bike Hermit Road Thanks to restrictions on personal vehicles, Hermit Road, meandering seven miles west from the park’s main village, is a quiet alternative to the crowds found in the village and to the east. You’ll gently cruise downhill to Hermits Rest, on both paved and unpaved trail along the canyon’s rim. Or hop on the main road and enjoy a car-free experience.


Great Smoky Mountains

TA K E I T O U T S I D E !

Grand Canyon National Park

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GLAMPERS Choose from seven camps and counting, all situated in extraordinary places. From red rock deserts to forested mountains, Under Canvas has destinations to suit your idea of getting back to nature.

Coram, Montana Open June 11 – September 14, 2020

Known as the “Crown of the Continent,” Glacier National Park in Montana sits at the top of the world, generating hea ater that o to the aci c cean the l o e ico an on

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Bay. It is a vast wilderness, covering more than 1,500 are mile an offering a gra ag o o t oor acti itie incl ing cycling y hing an hi ing along 700 miles of trails. n er an a lacier

cam locate t e en mile rom the ar t yo on the oor te o yo r oc y o ntain a ent re n hen the ay i thro gh yo can ret rn to a arm re an co y lo ging n er the tar


Under Canvas Glacier


WHAT WE ♼ ABOUT GLACIER Our favorite local tours and go-to adventures: Whitewater Rafting Horseback Riding Cowboy Cookout

Llama Trekking Fly Fishing Going-to-the-Sun Road

Book an adventure with the Guest Experiences Coordinator at camp, or plan ahead for your next stay and bundle your tent, meals, and adventures with an adventure package! Learn more at undercanvas.com/packages.


One night we stayed at Under Canvas Glacier. We had a tent with a king-size bed and plenty of room to spare. Overall a great way to get a night out under the stars without having to bring your own gear or worry about setup. — A N DY B . 2020 | UNDER CANVAS | 35




Under Canvas Yellowstone ď‚š

Established in 1872, Yellowtone i the orl r t national park. Known for it geothermal eat re incl ing hot ring

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m ot an gey er l an a n ance o ea ti l mo ntain la e ater all and grassy plains, Yellowstone National Park is a c et li t item or o t oor

enth ia t orl i e he comm nity o e t Yellowstone is home to the ri ly ol i co ery enter en ay a year thi i a can t mi


West Yellowstone, Montana Open May 21 – September 8, 2020


Perfection. Great amenities, beautiful surroundings, and loved our lodging. Just two girls, our canvas tent, and this breathtaking location. —J O WA N D A C .

e cational o ort nity to ee li e gri ly ear ol e and birds of prey in a not-forro t il li e ar etting i teen min te rom ello tone e t entrance o r cam oa t incre i le ie a iet ecl e location an on ite re ta rant, and a host of activities. ent re tart right o t i e yo r tent

WHAT WE ♼ ABOUT YELLOWSTONE Our favorite local tours and go-to adventures: Kayaking Whitewater Rafting Horseback Riding Helicopter Tours

Ropes Course Guided Tours Old Faithful Geyser Fly Fishing

Book an adventure with the Guest Experiences Coordinator at camp, or plan ahead for your next stay and bundle your tent, meals, and adventures with an adventure package! Learn more at undercanvas.com/packages.

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Virgin, Utah Open March 12 – November 9, 2020


Sit ate in o thern tah ion ational ar offer are mile o i rant color n eata le a ent re an re e ca e Zion is located right in the middle of a geographical region called the Grand Staircase that descends from Bryce Canyon to the ran anyon o on t want to miss these spectc lar oint o intere t he Narrows, Angels Landing,

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he reat hite hrone Emerald Pools Trail, and Kolob Canyons. n er an a ion offer an extraordinary lodging experience as breathtaking as the park itself. The camp i locate on acre t min te a ay rom incre i le trail off the eaten ath a ent re an ectac lar ie o the majestic red and white rocks that make Zion so amo aro n the orl


Under Canvas Zion


WHAT WE ♼ ABOUT ZION Our favorite local tours and go-to adventures: Canyoneering Hiking Horseback Riding Jeep Outback Safaris Helicopter Tours Rock Climbing Biking Yoga Kayaking UTV/ATV Guided Trips and Rentals

Book an adventure with the Guest Experiences Coordinator at camp, or plan ahead for your next stay and bundle your tent, meals, and adventures with an adventure package! Learn more at undercanvas.com/ packages.

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Under Canvas Moab Moab, Utah Open March 5 – October 26, 2020


Moab is the gateway to both Arches National Park and Canyonlands National Park, two of the most appealing recreation destinations in the merican So th e t ith year ro n acce to ama ing re roc ormation

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and long stretches of the Colorado River, this area ho t ilgrimage y mo ntain bikers, hikers, campers, an ri er r nner rom aro n the glo e n er Canvas Moab is located e en mile north o oa n g e t can en oy

a ne e t lm rni he main lo y tent ate interior larger o t oor lei re ace an ne tent incl ing Starga er options. The camp blends into it ramatic rro n ings, with views toward Arches National Park.



Wow! It was such a treat to wake up to the beautiful surrounding mountains. The sunset was stunning and the staff even made a fun bonfire with s’mores at the end of the night. — S A R A L .

WHAT WE ♥ ABOUT MOAB Our favorite local tours and go-to adventures: Whitewater Rafting Hummer Tours Hiking Rock Climbing

Canyoneering Driving Tours Jet Boat Tours Ziplining

Book an adventure with the Guest Experiences Coordinator at camp, or plan ahead for your next stay and bundle your tent, meals, and adventures with an adventure package! Learn more at undercanvas .com/packages.

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Keystone, South Dakota Open May 7 – September 28, 2020


The Black Hills of So th a ota are a orl nto them el e hearkening back to the ay hen ettler oc e to the area, seeking their ort ne mining or gol They are also home to the amo o nt hmore

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National Memorial, the immense granite carving e icting the ace o o r great American presidents, ym oli ing the i eal o freedom and democracy. n er an a o nt hmore offer a ramatic landscape with direct views

o the iconic mon ment r a ari in ire can a tent an on ite re ta rant ro i e g e t ith all the com ort o a l ry re ort t n er the tar o ll remember this trip for a lifetime.


Under Canvas o nt hmore


WHAT WE ♼ ABOUT MOUNT RUSHMORE Our favorite local tours and go-to adventures: Mount Rushmore National Memorial Crazy Horse Memorial Horseback Riding Kayaking/Stand-Up Paddleboarding Gold Panning Hiking Tours Driving Tours Bicycle Tours Aerial Adventure Park

Book an adventure with the Guest Experiences Coordinator at camp, or plan ahead for your next stay and bundle your tent, meals, and adventures with an adventure package! Learn more at undercanvas.com /packages.

2020 | UNDER CANVAS | 43


Under Canvas Grand Canyon ď‚š

The Grand Canyon, one o the orl nat ral on er i amo for its scenic views and vistas that reveal millions of years of geological history. hi i yo r o ort nity to discover the diversity of

44 | UNDER CANVAS | 2020

life and the extraordinary gran e r o ran anyon ational ar ocate on acre o i on an ni er ore t o t i e alle ri ona Under Canvas Grand anyon it t min te

a ay rom the o th rim entrance to the national park. Spend a few days exploring the park or enjoy a variety of activities a short i tance a ay rom o r l ry cam


Valle, Arizona Open April 9 – October 26, 2020


The accommodations were simply amazing! ... we had the deluxe with private bathroom, and nighttime fire pit as well as reception tent. The quality of the site, tents, furnishings ... all of it top shelf. —S.BARRIE

WHAT WE ♼ ABOUT GRAND CANYON Our favorite local tours and go-to adventures: Jeep Tours National Park Tours Guided Hikes Horseback Rides Mountain Biking

Helicopter Tours Stargazing Nature Walks Biking Tours Airplane Tours

Book an adventure with the Guest Experiences Coordinator at camp, or plan ahead for your next stay and bundle your tent, meals, and adventures with an adventure package! Learn more at undercanvas.com/packages.

2020 | UNDER CANVAS | 45

Under Canvas reat Smo y o ntain ď‚š

here a goo reason that Great Smo y o ntain ational ar i merica mo t visited park. It covers more than 500,000 acres and offer t nning ater all wooded trails, and a rich o nty o il o er an il li e all might t e

46 | UNDER CANVAS | 2020

the best time to visit. Enjoy warm days and cool nights along ith the ectac lar i lay o a t mn color a the oliage egin to t rn Under Canvas Great Smo y o ntain i a acre cam offering ea y acce to are mile o reat Smo y o ntain

ational ar an it right on the o t irt o near y atlin rg an igeon orge here yo ll n theme ar an m em t no on er eo le from all over the world are drawn here to explore and enjoy this region time and again.


Gatlinburg, Tennessee Open April 2 – November 30, 2020


WHAT WE ♥ ABOUT GREAT SMOKY MOUNTAINS Our favorite local tours and go-to adventures: National Park Tours Guided Hiking Whitewater Rafting Helicopter Tours Ziplining

Jeep Tours Fly Fishing Historic Spots Airplane Tours

Book an adventure with the Guest Experiences Coordinator at camp, or plan ahead for your next stay and bundle your tent, meals, and adventures with an adventure package! Learn more at undercanvas .com/packages.


We absolutely love it! This location is on beautiful property, and we were lucky to be there while the colors of fall were all around. A great getaway to collect our thoughts.” —SHANNON H. 2020 | UNDER CANVAS | 47



Custom Adventure Packages Experience the great outdoors with our custom vacation getaways. Under Canvas has created custom glamping packages for your two, three, or four-night stay at any of our camps. Packages include hand-picked adventures, delicious meals, glamping accommodations, and luxury amenities incl ing coffee eli ere

48 | UNDER CANVAS | 2020

to your tent each morning, an on-site Guest Experience Coordinator to help you during your stay, and customized adventure itineraries. Go to undercanvas .com/packages to plan your next glamping getaway with our all-inclusive adventure packages. Two-Night Packages include your choice of one adventure.

Three-Night Packages include your choice of two adventures. Four-Night Packages include your choice of three adventures. Adventure Packages include all lodging, meals, and dining gratuity, coffee crate service, an on-site Guest Experience Coordinator, your choice of adventures, and all taxes and fees.*


GLACIER* Fly Fishing Cowboy Cookout Llama Trekking Whitewater Rafting


GRAND CANYON Hiking Tours Bike Tours Horseback Riding Helicopter Tour Airplane Tour Jeep Tour

GREAT SMOKY MOUNTAINS National Park Hiking & Driving Tours Helicopter Tours Fly Fishing Jeep Safaris Zipline Whitewater Rafting

Gold Panning Aerial Adventure Park

YELLOWSTONE Driving Tours Fly Fishing Kayaking Horseback Rides Whitewater Rafting Helicopter Tours Ropes Course

ZION Canyoneering Hiking Biking Kayaking Stand-Up Paddleboarding Fly Fishing Rock Climbing Private Jeep Tours Horseback Riding Helicopter Tours UTV Tours

7 PARKS IN 7 DAYS Leveraging the power and convenience of private aviation, guests will have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to experience seven spectacular national parks in just seven days. Don’t miss this expedition to Arches, Canyonlands, Yellowstone, Grand Teton, Glacier, Zion, and Bryce Canyon. The package includes seven nights in deluxe accommodations, air travel, transfers, and all meals and activities. Customizable dates and itineraries. See sample below**. For details, or to book any package or retreat, visit UnderCanvas.com /Packages. *Does not include dinner

MOAB* Ziplining Private Hiking Hummer Safaris Whitewater Rafting Jetboat Tour Canyoneering

Kalispell Glacier **SAMPLE ITINERARY

West Yellowstone

Yellowstone & Teton

Mount Rushmore Denver

MOUNT RUSHMORE Private Hiking Private Kayaking Private Driving Tours Private Biking Tours



Cedar City Bryce & Zion

Arches & Canyonlands

Grand Canyon Flyover

(Subject to approval upon booking. rice ill e incl e in nal ote

2020 | UNDER CANVAS | 49

Grand Canyon

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EXTRAORDINARY Turn your gathering into an experience your guests will never forget.

This page: Under Canvas, Moab. Opposite page: Available activities and dining options.



Events take on new meaning when you build them from the ground up, literally. When you have a say in every detail, from the exact location and size of the accommodations to the decorations, there’s a special sense of achievement that re ects the character of the creator ... you. Under Canvas Events provides forhire accommodations and event tents for weddings, parties, festivals, corporate events, film shoots, conferences, temporary housing, trade shows, and more. In addition, we have properties in Montana, Utah, Tennessee, South Dakota, and Arizona, plus partner properties in California, Georgia, Texas, New York, and Colorado. With our events staff and your imagination, we can meld your personal style with our custom-crafted, safari-inspired luxury tents and hives to create glamorous accommodations and magnificent event spaces anywhere across North America.

Weddings We love weddings! In fact, we’ll build the entire wedding weekend complex from scratch. Need a spacious tent or two for the bride and her entourage to get ready? Or how about a handful of indoor/

outdoor lounges for cocktail hour, with multiple tents conjoined to accommodate the full reception dinner and dancing? We have it covered. Let our events team bring your wedding to life with a host of themed activities, customized lighting and décor, and a full complement of gourmet catering from start to finish. Your wedding day will be the envy of all who attend.

Corporate Events At a corporate event hosted by Under Canvas, you can expect the immediate camaraderie among fellow glampers to translate into more productive discussions and collaborations over the course of a multiday retreat. Or add a sense of wonder to an existing event with a dinner, presentation, or lounge held in an Under Canvas tent. Choose from our existing camps in Montana, Utah, South Dakota, Tennessee, and Arizona. Under Canvas also has access to gorgeous properties in Maine, New York, Georgia, California, and Washington. Of course, we can build a pop-up camp for glamping just about any place you choose with private, comfortable accommodations for everyone. 2020 | UNDER CANVAS | 53

Group Retreats Looking to create a once-in-a-lifetime yoga retreat, family reunion, or club gathering? Take up residence in one of our established base camps, or customize your accommodations to fit one of our partner venues. We can even set up a glamping camp on your own property. Once the location is set, we can work with you to create a memorable itinerary for large or small groups.

Bespoke Events Here’s the beauty of the Under Canvas 54 | UNDER CANVAS | 2020

experience: We can create it almost anywhere and make it almost any size. Then, when the day is done, we fold up our tents and return the land to its natural state. In addition to the location options at Under Canvas camps, we have curated a list of more than 2 different venues for multinight experiences throughout the U.S., inclusive of activities, catering, select coffee and spirit partners, and, of course, glamping tents. For more information or inquiries, visit www.undercanvas.com/events.



Grand Canyon

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Danielle Lucia Schaffer @citygirlgonemom

Danielle Lucia Schaffer is mom to four kids under age 12 and three dogs. Originally a photojournalist from New York City, she’s been sharing her family’s life in San Diego on her website, CityGirlGoneMom .com, for six years. Today, Schaffer writes a column on motherhood for the “Parents” page of the Today

show’s website, and hosts the podcast The Mom Confidential. Last year, her family landed at Under Canvas Zion, their first experience with glamping. We asked her how it went.

Why glamping? I had no clue! We take vacations each year with three other families, and they planned it. Truth is,

I would never think of camping. I’m more of a “resortist.” But Under Canvas was perfection: I could be one with nature and have a hot shower. There were 18 of us total, and we had our own cul-de-sac of tents on the property. It’s not easy to keep a big group like us occupied, but Under Canvas made it so seamless. Between the food, games, and the hikes that even the little ones could do, there was something for everyone to enjoy. I loved the sunsets. Everyone gathered at the main tent to watch the sun go down and the stars come out. And the stars! I’ve never seen stars like that. I loved that there was no cell signal at camp. Everyone was off of their devices, and I found myself unplugging from my virtual world and plugging into my real world, becoming more observant and more present. The smell of the fire in our tent, for example. I’ll never forget it. A stay at Under Canvas covers all the senses.

What’s next? I really want to go to Yellowstone—I’ve never been—and then Moab. 56 | UNDER CANVAS | 2020


Best moments?

E X P E R I E N C E T H E G R E AT O U T D O O R S W I T H O U R C U S T O M VA C AT I O N G E TAWAY S Enjoy two, three or four-night packages at any of our locations. Hand-picked adventures, delicious meals, unique accommodations with luxury amenities all rolled into one.

Visit UnderCanvas.com/Packages to book your custom glamping package

VISIT AND SUBSCRIBE to be the ямБrst to hear about new camps at undercanvas.com/coming-soon



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