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Tex Texillian Armadillion
Underneath The Juniper Tree was created after the departure of the beloved Crow Toes Quarterly Magazine in order to fill the gap in our lives. Underneath The Juniper Tree is a non-profit online magazine that supports new and budding artists and writers. We aim to promote the most creatively fantastical and darkly neurotic literature that has been much loved over the centuries and will be loved for centuries to come. Enjoy and remember, don’t get lost. You don't want to end up underneath the Juniper Tree. If you'd like to contact us, please email us at
Samantha Kymmell-Harvey
Kenneth O'Shaughnessy
Kenneth Lamug
D Demetria
Jenica Galloway
Khadija Charles
Colum McKnight
Joseph Mello
Mayghan Poirier
Kimberly Berens
Chi T
Artemis Grey
Ravenswood Publishing
Dennis Downing
Dawn Pisturino
Andraya Gardner
Andrea Ďurianová
Elizabeth Schulenburg
Rachel Playford
Susan Espinosa
Tymothy Longoria
Ozzie Ercolani
Audrey Faucetta
Tracy Miler
Monique Prior
Chris Blackall
Valya Lupescu
Julie Bynum
Ilona Lightpainteddoll
Badrinath Agaran
Tracy Bugni
lynn nguyen
julie richards
Tasha Zimich
Matt Cunningham
Kathy Jo Cole
Katie Hynes
Kathryn Hollins
Lilia Tombs
Moriah Betterly
Devan Hull
Jody Helme-Day
Emmy Benson
Gordon Sherman
Lord of Misrule
Kristen Day