The U Press - Tokyo Edition

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— A C O M P L I M E N TA R Y PA P E R BY U N D E R S C O R E —




YOICHI NAKAMUTA —A visionary with a discerning appreciation for all things creative.

Photography by Jovian Lim

ご自身のことをお聞かせください。 中牟田洋一 デザインキューレター、アートブックスパブリ シャー 。

ティヴタレントを一冊の本にしてみてはどうだろうかと、ショー ケースブック制作のアイデアが生まれました。今回は本のキュ レーションとコンセプトメーキングを担当しています。

どのような仕事をされてきましたか? デザインキューレターそして、日本のデザインブランドE&Yの 創立者として 1990 年から 2010 年の間、数々のヨーロッパや 日本のデザイナーの作品をプロデュースしてきた。最近はアー トやデザインブックスの出版を手掛けている。

シンガポールの将来像をお聞かせください。 希望的観測ですが、シンガポールは近い将来( 5 年以内)世 界の中でクリエーティヴソサエティの仲間入りするでしょう。 若い人を中心にシンガポールがますます文化的に発展してい くと思います。

シンガポールについて、その魅力とはなんですか?また、その 理由とは。 個人的な意見ですが、シンガポールはマレーシア、インド、中国 だけではなく世界中の文化が混ざり合ったアジアを見渡す国 際都市です。力強いスピードで成長するシンガポールでこれか らどんな複合文化が生まれてくるのか、もしかしたらそれこそ が未来のアジアの文化都市の姿になるのではないかと言う期 待をもっています。 今回の本の意味と関わりについてお聞かせください。 「シンガポールはあまりクリエーティビティがない」と聞かされ ていました。それではシンガポールの中で活躍しているクリエー

Please tell us about what you do. I am Yoichi Nakamuta, a design curator and art books publisher. What are the things you have done? As a design curator, and the owner of Japanese design collective e&y, I have been producing design pieces designed by various European and Japanese designers actively in 1990-2010. Lately, I make books for artists and designers. What attracted you to Singapore, and what makes it interesting?

underscore special edition • underscore スペシャルエディション CREATIVE CULTURES: THE SINGAPORE SHOWCASE シンガポールの様々なジャンルで活動するクリエーティヴな人達を紹介することを 世界に向けて紹介することを目的として自主編集 • デザインされた本です。

Designed by Underscore and curated by Yoichi Nakamuta, Creative Cultures: The Singapore Showcase is a platform to showcase various creative disciplines in Singapore through a publication, website and exhibition. This inaugural publication showcases more than 100 creatives across various creative fields in Singapore. With an irreversible scratch-and-see gold hardcover, uncover an original curation of Singapore’s creative culture with over 280 pages of visuals and interviews. Available for sale at all leading bookstores nationwide.

Singapore is a melting pot of cultures, not only from Malaysia, India and China, but from around the world, and predominantly, Asia. With Singapore’s powerful new age speed, I have great expectations of this new model city of Asian Creative City, which crosses over many different cultures. Why a showcase for Singapore, and what is your involvement in the Creative Cultures: The Singapore Showcase publication? Who says Singapore does not have creativity? It is my interest to know what is going on in Singapore’s creative scene, and how home-grown creative talents are doing, this was a hint to make a book, so we know where the Singapore culture is moving towards. My involvement in the book is curating and concept making. What do you see ahead for Singapore? This is my personal observation, Singapore will become a member of the world’s creative cities in the near future. Singapore will be developed as a cultural nation by the young and energetic Singaporean creative talents.

T H E U C A F É • インタビュー / I N T E R V I E W


STREAMER —Preparing coffee is a work of art to Hiroshi Sawada, as he treats each cup with equal love and attention down to its finest details.

Photography by Amparo Rios/R.E.

ご自身とストリーマーについてお聞かせください。 Streamer Coffee Company: 東京渋谷に 2010 年 4 月オープン したコーヒーショップ。 澤田洋史: アジア人初のラテアート世界チャンピオン。 ストリーマーではどのような商品を提供されていますか? エスプレッソベースのドリンクをメインで提供しています。バリ スタは全てのドリンクをつくる工程、ラテアートを描くところを 披露します。

the u café tokyo ではどのような体験ができますか?

多くの方にラテアートを描くライブアートを体験して欲しい。 どうして今回初参加することになりましたか? 私は常に新しいことに挑戦したり、新しい体験をしたいと思う から。

なればよいと思います。 東京のコーヒー文化はこれからどのようになりますか? 価格ではなく、より本物志向のクオリティーの高いコーヒーを 提供するお店が増えると思う。 ストリーマーの未来のことをお聞かせください。 多くの人やブランドとコラボレーションして楽しいことをしたい。 そして新しいコーヒーカルチャーを生み出したい。

Please tell us about yourself and Streamer. We opened in April 2010 at the heart of Tokyo’s fashion town, Shibuya. I am the 2008 Free Pour Latte World Champion.

が、問題はないですか? 問題ない。私のカスタマーはみんな常識人なので。

What do you serve at Streamer and what makes you guys special? We serve mainly espresso-based drinks. Our baristas pour beautiful latte art on every drink in front of customers. By doing so, we consider Streamer, a fun and exciting cafe.

the u café tokyo があなたのカスタマーにとってどんなメリ ットがありますか? ストリーマーのカスタマーに新しい体験をしてもらいたいし、 まだストリーマーに来店したことのない方々の来るきっかけに

What is your involvement in The U Café Tokyo? I would like many people to see our live latte art performance and hope they will enjoy a new reading experience at the u café.

the u café tokyo では本とコーヒーで人が長居したりします

Why did you agree although it has never been done before? I like to take on new challenges and experience something new. With The U Café, many customers will sit longer and enjoy their coffee and the magazines, but that also means lesser customer turnover. Are you okay with that? No problem! How does The U Café benefit you and your customers? Customers can see and experience things that they have never seen before. As for myself, I believe there will be new customers who have never been to Streamer before. What do you see ahead for the coffee culture in Tokyo? I believe there will be more cafés specialising in coffee and value on product quality than price. What are your future plans for Streamer? I would like to collaborate with people and brands from various fields and continue to create new coffee culture.

THE U CAFÉ シンガポールではカフェコミュニテーとマガジンがコラボレートして、イベント や展覧会を開催しています。最近ではエルメスの展覧会 The Gift of Time に参 加。2012 年のデザインタイド東京では原宿の個性的なカフェとのコラボレーシ ョンも予定。

An initiative that brings together both independent cafés and magazines to encourage magazine readership within the café community. In Singapore, the u café has collaborated with multiple independent cafés, including a pop-up installation held in conjunction with The Gift of Time exhibition by Hermès. The Tokyo edition of The U Café, a multiple satellite event of DesignTide Tokyo 2012, collaborated with various cafés in Harajuku, Shibuya and Omotesando.

T H E U C A F É • インタビュー / I N T E R V I E W


KITH —Focusing on building longstanding relationships with people, Jane Hia remains sincere and honest in all that she does.

Photography by Jovian Lim

Please tell us about yourself and Kith. I started Kith about three years ago and we have two outlets now, with a third one coming up in Sentosa Cove. Kith is about the people: people who work at Kith, people who come to Kith. Regardless of which, Kith is all about family. I work alongside my guys everyday because I know that it is important to them. We teach them skills, but more importantly we teach them to understand the value in being sincere and honest in all we do. It’s cliché but they are my second family. They all know that I look after them to the best that I know, and in return they work really hard to grow this business together with me. What do you serve at Kith and what makes Kith special? We do breakfast, sandwiches, coffee, milkshakes and et cetera. At Kith, we believe in being simple and good. Our guiding principles behind our food, coffee, design and service all stem from being sincere and honest. It is like a community here in our café. We know all our customers and our customers know each other. Everyone

comes together to Kith to have coffee and breakfast. We watch the little ones who come everyday grow up. Before we know it, they help us to pack up the toys and peel oranges! This conviviality that we have makes us special.

We watch the little ones who come everyday grow up. Before we know it, they help us to pack up the toys and peel oranges!

wouldn’t The U Café be counterproductive to customer turnover? Kith from day one has always been selective in what we put out for our customers to read. We are happy to spend good money on good magazines because we feel that it is all part of the service. Being part of the u café came very naturally for us. We never thought it was counterproductive, and never saw it that way. If anything, people come to us for something special, because it has never been done before. How does it benefit you and your customers? Exposure and introduction to new magazines–magazines that we are unable to get hold of in Singapore. What do you see ahead for Singapore? Good cafés will be everywhere and you will be able to get a great cup of coffee easily. Everyone will have something different to offer.

What is your involvement in The U Café Singapore? We participated in the first installment providing a good cup of coffee with a good read.

The café scene has only just begun and there will be many more coming up, although only the best will withstand the competition.

Why did you agree although it has never been done before? And

Photography by Yang Tan

T H E U S TO R E • インタビュー / I N T E R V I E W


XTRA —Adding value through years of experience, director of retail and merchandising, Hon May’s passion lies in quality pieces that touch the heart.

Photography by Jovian Lim

Please tell us about yourself and Xtra. Interior design trained and experienced, I am tireless and passionate in sniffing out unique items from various countries. I am interested in handmade, artisanal one off pieces, limited editions and innovative ideas. Xtra is 23 this year and strives to be ahead in design and trendsetting, and multi-faceted with various showrooms in ParkMall and Winsland house locations. Xtra has matured in taste and grown into developing and promoting technological processes for furniture making, to enhance the individual’s lifestyle and well-being. What is your mission at Xtra and what makes Xtra special? To be the talk of the town and a must see destination, especially for foreign visitors. Xtra showcases a variety of products that are ever evolving, providing platforms for new and undiscovered multi-disciplinary designers from all over the world. Pressing on to be a social activist, engaging students and aspiring individuals for workshops

and seminars, connecting them to international manufacturers and designers to educate and enhance their careers. How are products curated for sale in Xtra? Through a reminder checklist: • Based on handwork, be it from the villages or high end artistry • Quality • Uniqueness in material • The story behind every piece • Environmental friendly • Provide a wow factor, be it subtle or loud, but has to be tasteful • Touches the child in every one of us • Cultural • Basing on seasons • Evokes the five senses What is your involvement in The U Store Singapore? Xtra promotes and represents the u store in ParkMall Singapore, as we believe in the rawness and yet purity of

the creations. A potential growth, like an oyster harvesting its pearl. What products of The U Store are available and how does it compliment the rest of your products? Underscore N°4: The Flight Issue, The V Ave Shoe Repair Journal, The Postalco Business Card Holder, and The Vanguard Bicycle. Xtra being an emporium of design brands and a lifestyle shop, the u store’s select items fit in like a glove with their artisanal craftsmanship. How does it benefit you and your customers? It is an additional spice to the shop—a retail therapy to our customers. What do you see ahead for Singapore? For sure Singapore will be the next Switzerland, clean, understated yet colourful in every aspect, culturally vibrant, economically stable and safe.

THE U STORE the u store は世代を超えて愛されていくクラフトフォーク をもっと支えていこうというマインドで設立されました。

seek to collaborate with these select craftsfolk to present simple, honest items of handmade distinction.


All items are available at select stores worldwide and online.

the u store was established to support the growing community of independent craftsfolk who shy away from products of novelty and dedicate themselves to creating 伝統的な生産プロセスと感度の良いデザインを融和させハン pieces that are made to last through generations.

すべてのアイテムは世界各国のセレクトショップかオンライン で入手が可能です。

It is with shared beliefs in traditional processes, integrity of materials used and sensitivity in design details that we

The V Ave Shoe Repair Journal

The Folks Stool

The Vanguard Bicycle

V Ave Shoe Repair は昔から伝わるテーラーパターンメーキ

Folks は伝統工芸を思わせるコンテンポラリーな木家具。

クラシックな自転車をリストア、カスタマイズした一点もの 商品 。


Folks is a collection of contemporary wooden furniture V Ave Shoe Repair is a dedication to traditional tailoring, that pays homage to traditional wood craftsmanship. pattern making and the old ways of the trade.

Vanguard specialises in the design of unique one-off bicycles and the customisation and restoration of classic rides.

T H E U S TO R E • インタビュー / I N T E R V I E W


POSTALCO —Crafting everyday functionality using timeless techniques and materials, founder and designer Mike Abelson finds beauty in the most ordinary.

Photograph courtesy of Mike Abelson

ポスタルコについて教えて下さい。 僕は商品デザインを、パートナーの Yuri は全てのグラフィック デザインとペーパーアイテムの企画デザインを主に担当してい まが、Postalco はまだまだ小さなブランドなので実際は全ての スタッフが持ち場を超えて関わりながら働いています。 ポスタルコは 2000 年にブルックリンで始まり、10 前に東京に 移り今に至ります。そして様々なブランドと組み、デザインプロ ジェクトを行っています。 ポスタルコでは何を作っていますか?ポスタルコの特別なとこ ろを説明してください。 Postalco は日本の伝統的な技法を取り入れて、鞄や財布、文 房具を作っています。全てが伝統的スタイルではありませんが、 あらゆる部分にそれが見られます。私たちは多くの試作品を経 て、試行錯誤を繰り返し、良しと思える財布に辿り着きます。 最終的なゴールは、使用していて“to be invisible=見えない”財 布を作り上げることです。本物の“モノ”とはぴったりとその生 活、風潮にあてはまる=あることも忘れるくらい、見えない感 覚を味あわせてくれる。その意味で本当によい物とは“to be invisible”なのです。

The U Store とはどう関わっていますか? 私たちは Underscore の特別限定の card walletを作りました。 これまでやったことがないのに、何故賛同したんですか? 私たちは Underscore Magazine を心から尊敬していますし、 それぞれの課題も完璧にまとまりました。

The U Store は、あなた達やあなた達のお客さんにとってどのよ うな役にたちますか? コラボレーションそのものは何かを生み出すことで、そうでな ければ存在しませんよね。僕は the u store の為に作り上げ

た財布の色彩の風合いを楽しんでご覧戴ければと思います。 日本の職人さんの未来はどうなると思いますか? やはり、構築するよりも早く消えていってしまうような大変な時 期だと思います。しかし、そんな状況の中でも日本の職人とい われる人々は突出した素晴らしい技能技術、材料へのこだわり、 これという物を作り上げる為には喜んで自らの時間を費やす。 その職人の魂は伝統工芸を未来へ繋いでいくでしょう。また、 日常生活の中で新しい物を見つけ、伝統的要素に混ぜ込むこ とでデザイナーたちが守っていけると信じています。 ポスタルコの今後を教えて下さい。 東京渋谷に Postalco に新規店をオープンします!

Tell us about yourself and Postalco. I focus on product design and my partner, Yuri does all the graphic design and paper things we make. We are small so everyone does a bit of everything. We started Postalco back in 2000 in Brooklyn but then ended up moving to Tokyo about 10 years ago and have been here since. We are involved in various design projects along with Postalco. What do you sell at Postalco and what makes Postalco special? We make bags, wallets and stationery using traditional Japanese techniques. The things are not at all Japanese traditional style but I don’t think we could make them any other place. We make a lot of prototypes and then test them to get the wallets to be just right. I think the ultimate goal is for the wallet I am using to be

invisible. If it is really working I don’t have to think about it and it just become part of the flow. What is your involvement in The U Store? We made a special edition card wallet for Underscore. Why did you agree although it’s never been done before? Because we really respect the Underscore Magazine and the way each issue is thoughtfully put together. How does The U Store benefit you and your customers? The point of a collaboration is to make something that otherwise would not have existed. I hope that people enjoyed seeing the muted colors of the wallet we made for the u store. What do you see ahead for independent craftsmen in Japan? This is a tough time as things seem to be falling apart faster than they are being built. However in all the chaos, the Japanese craftsman has exceptional skills, sensitivity to materials, and a willingness to spend time to make things right. This persistence will carry the traditional crafts that can stay relevant into the future for a long time to come. Designers can help by finding new ways for traditional crafts to be blended into our daily lives. What are your future plans for Postalco? We are excited to be making a new Postalco shop in Shibuya!

postalco + underscore

THE POSTALCO BUSINESS CARD HOLDER Made of naturally cured and tanned matt leather with pressed fabric interior pockets, every fold and stitch of the postalco business card holder is strategically located and meticulously manufactured with the skilled precision of Japanese craftsmen. Photography by Jovian Lim

インタビュー / I N T E R V I E W



Photograph courtesy of Darryl Wee

—Tireless in his pursuit of creativity, our Underscore Associate for Tokyo enjoys enriching his life with quality of life experiences. 自己紹介をお願いします。 東京在住6年で、英語、日本語、中国語のライター、エディタ ー、翻訳者、通訳。 主に現代アートや建築の分野で活動し、こ れから展示会のキュレーションにも初めて挑戦してみたいと ころ。

うに受け止められているのでしょうか。 コマーシャルであれインディペンデントであれ、世界中でも一 番活気のある雑誌が以前日本にあったような気がします。い まの最先端が海外に移っているけど、日本の読者や消費者は、 海外の良い雑誌を選ぶ目がまだ鋭いと思います。

いままでやってきた(達成してきた)ことは? 最近は、上海のSHアートフェアで友人のギャラリーの手伝い をし、ギルマン・バラックというシンガポールの現代アートのエ リアのオープニングを取材。アートフェアやギャラリーの展覧会 カタログに掲載する文章の執筆。今度東京や香港で開催され る日本のアートのエキシビションの翻訳など。

インディペンデントの雑誌の先行きとは? より強い熱意、専門化、個性のあるビジョン。

Underscore 誌にどのように関わっているのでしょうか。 本誌の編集部の友人であり、サポーターであり、そして品質の 良い紙媒体へのこだわりを尊敬するものである。 あなたにとっては「クォリティー・オフ・ライフ」 とは何です か? 常に変化を遂げ、回転している強烈なおかつ豊かなものの体 験をすること。 Underscore の外部協力者として、何が一番楽しいですか? 「クォリティー・オフ・ライフ」にアピールする面白いものを発 掘すること。 インディペンデント(自主出版、制作)の雑誌は、東京でどのよ

Tell us about yourself. I’m a writer, editor, translator, and interpreter working between English, Japanese, and Chinese. I’ve lived in Tokyo for almost 6 years, working mostly in contemporary art and architecture. I’m trying to curate some exhibitions soon. What are the things you have done? Recently I’ve been helping a friend with his gallery at the SH Art Fair in Shanghai, covering the opening of the Gillman Barracks gallery district in Singapore for some publications, catalog essays for art fairs and small gallery shows, translations for upcoming Japanese art shows in Tokyo and Hong Kong. What is your involvement in Underscore? As a friend, supporter, and admirer of their commitment to beautiful printed journalism.

What does the quality of life mean to you? A never-ending rotating experience of intensity and richness. What do you enjoy most about being an Underscore associate? The chance to scout out things that speak to the quality of life. How are independent magazines being received in Tokyo? I think Japan used to have some of the strongest magazines industries in the world, whether commercial or independent. The action seems to have moved elsewhere now, though. But readers and consumers still have a good eye for the best magazines from abroad. What do you see ahead for independent magazines? More passion, specialization, and individual vision.


Underscore は「シンプルリズム」「クオリティ·オ ブ·ライフ」をテーマに編集されるインディペン デントマガジンです。 デザイン編集は数々の受賞歴をもつデザインスタジオ Hjgher、そして出版 は H/Publishing が行っています。Underscore、私たちの日常生活の中で 重要でありながら無視されそうな出来事を再認識するためにつくられるプ ラットフォームです。本質的な価値、誠実および正確な編集方法によって 保持される Underscore は、心を共有することができるオーディエンスを のために、出版、オンライン・メディア、プロダクトデザイン、イベントを通じ てコミュニケートされています。

Underscore のもう一つの定義はバックグラウンドミュージックです。注意 深くセレクトされたサウンドトラックがチャプターごとに紹介されており、 読者はその音楽をダウンロードすることが出来ます。

Underscore is an independent magazine with thematic content attuned to a simple rhythm; quality of life. Conceived and designed by award winning studio Hjgher and published by H/Publishing, Underscore is a platform derived to underline or highlight simple values that are important but neglected in our everyday lives. Held by the common intrinsic values of Authenticity, Quality, Integrity and Honesty, Underscore was developed specifically for the audience in mind, addressing media channels of traditional publishing, online media, product design and placement, and event exhibitions to communicate through all senses of the audience for a complete and fulfilling experience. Another definition of underscore is background music. A carefully selected soundtrack accompanies each issue to complete the entire experience, and is available on the website for download.

Photography by Ming

イベント / E V E N T S


UNDERSCORE IN TOKYO — A series of Underscore events around Tokyo. THE U EXHIBITION Designtide Tokyo 2012


The inaugural launch of Creative Cultures: The Singapore Showcase in Tokyo featuring an exhibition of selected work. Date: 31st Oct 2012 (Wed) – 4th Nov 2012 (Sun) Time: 11:00 – 20:00 (last entry 19:30) Venue: Tokyo Midtown Hall Entrance: 1 day – 1,500yen (student 1,000yen) Tide Table A talk by Justin Long, editor-in-chief of Underscore and Yoichi Nakamuta, Clear Edition on Singapore as an emerging creative culture. Date: Time: Venue:

1st Nov 2012 (Thur) 15:30 – 17:00 Tokyo Midtown Hall

THE U GALLERY Clear Edition

六本木クリア • エディション • ギャラリーにてシンガポールのフォ トグラファー イラストレーターの作品を本と同時に紹介。

A gallery of artwork by select Singaporean illustrators and photographers. Date: Time: Venue:

28th Oct 2012 (Sun) – 23rd Nov 2012 (Fri) 11:00 – 19:00 Clear Edition, 18-8, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 106-0032

THE U CAFÉ 出版を記念して、ストリーマーコーヒー(原宿店、渋谷店、表参道 店)にて The U Café を開催。

An Underscore initiative that brings together independent cafés and magazines to encourage magazine readership within the café community. Lounge in a library of select local and international magazines for your reading pleasure. Streamer Coffee Company Harajuku Date: 28th Oct 2012 (Sun) – 11th Nov 2012 (Sun) Time: 09:00 – 18:00 Venue: Streamer Coffee Company Harajuku, 3-28-19, Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0001 Streamer Coffee Company Shibuya Date: 28th Oct 2012 (Sun) – 11th Nov 2012 (Sun) Time: 08:00 – 19:00 Venue: Streamer Coffee Company Shibuya, 1F 1-20-28, Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0002 Lattest Omotesando Espresso Bar Date: 28th Oct 2012 (Sun) – 11th Nov 2012 (Sun) Time: 10:00 – 19:00 (Tue – Fri); 12:00 – 19:00 (Sat – Sun) Venue: Lattest Omotesando, 3-5-2, Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0001

T H E U P R E S S · TO K YO E D I T I O N N ° 0

S P R I N G S U M M E R 2 013

editor-in-chief Justin Long creative director Jerry Goh editor Stephanie Peh associate photographer Jovian Lim art direction & design HJGHER publisher H/Publishing distribution in japan utrecht | 107-0062 東京都港区 南青山 5-3-8 パレスミユキ2F | t +81 3-6427-4041 | e | main contact underscore | 75 Jalan Kelabu Asap Singapore 278268 | t +65 6300 8568 | e | underscore © 2012 All rights reserved. Any reproduction without permission is prohibited

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