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Figure 2. IEO gender results effectiveness scale
1.4.3 Data analysis and synthesis
The evaluation used a mix of standard data analysis methods:
1. Coding and meta-synthesis of evidence from past UNDP evaluations over the period 2018-2021 (77 decentralized evaluations, 27 Independent Country Programme Evaluations and assessments of four independent thematic evaluations).
2. Descriptive statistical analysis of survey data to identify and interpret cross-country patterns.
3. Content analysis and descriptive statistical analyses of data from UNDP finance data, project portfolio analytics and results-oriented annual reports, and from UNDP and external documents.
4. Thematic analysis of key informant interview data.
5. Correlation analysis of UNDP programming vis-à-vis relevant country-level statistics and population data.
6. Theory-based analysis of actual versus intended results and influencing factors.
7. Analysis of performance against the OECD/DAC criteria.
The gender-related approaches and results were assessed using the IEO gender results effectiveness scale (see figure 2 below). The gender marker data were used for analysis of gender programme expenditures against commitments made, and sex-disaggregated data were assessed where available.
FIGURE 2. IEO gender results effectiveness scale
Gender Negative Gender Blind Gender Targeted
Gender Responsive
Gender Transformative
Result had a negative outcome that aggravated or reinforced gender inequalities and limiting norms. Result gave no attention to gender, failed to acknowledge the di erent needs of men, women, girls and boys, and other marginalized populations. Results focused on the number of women, men, or marginalized populations that were targeted (e.g. 50/50) representation). Results addressed the di erential needs of men, women, or marginalized populations and focused on the equitable distribuition of bene ts, resources, status, rights, etc. but did not address root causes of inequalities. Result contributed to changes in norms, cultural values, power structures and the roots of gender inequalities and discriminations.
Source: Evaluation of UNDP Contribution to gender Equality and limiting women’s Empowerment, IEO, UNDP, 2015.
Informed by the theory of change, evidence was contrasted and patterns synthesized into key findings to report on the key evaluation questions, framed around a triangulation matrix (see annex 5). Higher-level conclusions and forward-looking recommendations were derived from this analysis.