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2.1 Good governance that promotes sustainable development

This chapter presents the results of the outcome analysis, and an assessment of crosscutting issues. The main factors that influenced UNDP performance and contributions to results are also described. The assessment was based on an analysis of the correlation between project results, their contribution to the expected outputs under each outcome, and consequently to the overall outcome objectives.

CPD Outcome 1. By 2022, national institutions at the central, decentralized and deconcentrated levels are inclusive, assuring and guaranteeing the rule of law, democracy, security, social peace and effective institutional governance in accordance with the principles of human rights.

Related outputs:

OUTPUT 1.1. Legal/regulatory framework, policies and strategies on rule of law, inclusive growth and environment are updated and harmonized. OUTPUT 1.2. Legal/regulatory frameworks are strengthened to improve CSOs, women and youth participation in political, economic and social decision-making. OUTPUT 1.3. Newly created regional development zones are functional and exercise legal and constitutional prerogatives. OUTPUT 1.4. Institutions and organizations involved in strengthening democratic and economic governance have the capacity to fulfil their mandates.

UNDP work on democratic governance aimed to strengthen national institutions at central and decentralized levels to guarantee rule of law, social peace, inclusive governance and respect for human rights. In order to advance this priority, UNDP identified four outputs to address good governance at the upstream level: (i) updating and harmonizing legal/regulatory strategies and ensuring that they promote and improve CSOs, and women’s and youth empowerment (respectively outputs 1.1 and 1.2); and (ii) strengthening the capacity of national authorities to fulfil their mandates and thus ensure the enforcement and implementation of the updated and harmonized regulatory framework policies and strategies in the areas of democratic governance and economic governance (output 1.4). At downstream level, UNDP aimed to support the functioning of the country’s new regional development zones (output 1.3).

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