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IV. How to arrive at the rating for evaluation criteria?
The guiding questions (and variables used for computing on the spreadsheet) provided in the rating table will be the starting point for calculating the performance rating.
While the core questions will remain the same across evaluations, they are meant to guide the rating of indictors, and therefore the language of the questions can be adjusted to reflect the specificities of the country programme, or additional questions can be added to include evidence of a specific indicator. Figure 2 shows the iterative steps to calculate the rating score for an evaluation criterion. It must be noted that the questions and variables are not intended for binary responses. The evidence of the indicators is a composite response, drawing from the analysis of a set of questions and multiple data sources, which is then subject to the metrics. The score for each indicator is the aggregate of ratings from different data sources (such as interviews, surveys, evaluations, monitoring data or literature reviews).
FIGURE 2. Steps in computing performance rating
Score for each indicator is calculated based on the guiding questions on the performance of the projects/ interventions
Average rating score of the corresponding sub-criteria of a criteria SCORING RESPONSES
The indicators and corresponding guiding questions are not intended for a binary response.
The answer to each of the indicators is a composite response drawing from analysis of the multiple data sources used.
The rating score for each indicator (and corresponding variable) is arrived at by analysis of the guiding questions and multiple data sources, and the average rating score of the indicators is the rating score of the corresponding key sub-criteria. Similarly, the average rating score of the sub-criteria is the criteria score. These steps will be followed for each output (or combination of similar outputs), to arrive at the outcome score. The indicator variables are used for coding the questions on the spreadsheet. An example of a rating application is presented in Annex III.