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2.1 Outcome 1: Sustainable development of human capital
This chapter presents the results of the outcome analysis and joint office governance review, and an assessment of cross-cutting issues as per the assumptions and indicators listed in the evaluation matrix (see annex 2). The assessment was based on an analysis of the correlation between project results, their contribution to the expected outputs under each outcome, and consequently to the overall outcome objectives. Findings are organized by outcome and crosscutting area. Annex 8 provides a detailed effectiveness analysis per CCPD outcome and output levels.
Outcome 1. By 2022, Cabo Verdeans, particularly the most vulnerable, have improved access to and use more quality health and education services and benefit more from social and child protection and social inclusion which are gender-sensitive, throughout their life cycle. OUTPUT 1.1. National and local capacity enhanced to provide access and promote effective use of integrated and high-quality, gender-responsive health services, including SRH, especially for adolescents and youth. OUTPUT 1.2. National and local capacity for maternal, perinatal and child-health services strengthened. OUTPUT 1.3. Educational learning outcomes for girls and boys enhanced and relevant to the country’s development potential. OUTPUT 1.4. Access to inclusive and equitable child protection services enhanced.
Outcome 1 groups all outputs related to health, education and social inclusion. Although, outputs 1.1 and 1.2 are closely interrelated, and outputs 1.3 and 1.4 are broadly related to the others, no clear strategic linkages or coherence were found among them from the point of view of policy rationale or operational delivery. Rather, outputs were found to be implemented as separate deliverables.
The joint office facilitated relevant contributions in the areas of health, education and child protection, although not necessarily linked to the initial planned outputs. In many cases (e.g. child protection), the joint office went beyond what was planned. In others, it had to reprogramme activities due to the pandemic (health and education), requests from the Government, or a lack of overall programmatic management from the joint office, given frequent changes in leadership and the lack of a deputy in charge of programme coherence.
Over the period 2018-2022, CCPD Outcome 1 had a total budget of $5.15 million and expenditure of $4.53 million, giving an execution rate of 88 percent. Excluding 2020 data, the execution rate was 95 percent. The ‘Strengthening the Health Sector’ and ‘Strengthening Educational Quality’ projects, both supported by all three agencies, accounted for 45 percent and 38 percent of outcome expenditure respectively as of 15 November 2021.