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Table 2. CCPD outcomes and UNDAF budget needs (US$
The Government of Cabo Verde declared a State of Emergency on March 28 2020 to combat the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, and appealed to the international community to mobilize the estimated $150 million needed to overcome the impacts of the pandemic. In response, the United Nations, led by UNDP, the world Bank, the African Development Bank and the European Union, conducted a joint post-crisis needs assessment (PCNA+) that structured the response along four pillars: economic, social, environmental and governance. The CCPD had to adapt to the COVID-19 context to support the Government to implement relevant initiatives for fighting the COVID-19 pandemic.
Programme components respond directly to the strategic priorities highlighted in the social, economic and sovereignty pillars of PEDS, and to the UNDAF outcomes. The main national strategic planning instrument in Cabo Verde, PEDS 2017-2021, is aligned with the SDGs, the Samoa Pathway for the development of SIDS, and the African Union Agenda 2063 ‘The Africa we want’. The Cabo Verde UNDAF, developed by the United Nations country team in 2018, is based on PEDS, but also inspired by the integrated vision of Agenda 2030 and its key premise of “leaving no one behind”. It is articulated around five outcomes linked to the four PEDS pillars, which address issues of: improved access to government services (health, education), especially for vulnerable groups; sustainable and participatory natural resource management; inclusive growth and employment; human security; improved social cohesion and responsive and inclusive justice; and financing for development, contributing to the achievement of the SDGs. The UNDAF budget requirement was $96 million (2.7 percent of the required PEDS funding), of which $36 million (38 percent) was secured in 2018, and an additional $60 million still needs to be mobilized.
A significant part of UNDAF is implemented through the UNDP-UNICEF-UNPFA joint office. The joint office planning is based on a Common Country Analysis (CCA) and expressed in the CCPD 2018-2022. The CCPD budget amounted to $35.8 million as of November 2021 (see Table 2).
TABLE 2. CCPD outcomes and UNDAF budget needs (US$)
CCPD outcome Summary
1 Sustainable development of human capital 2 Sustainable natural resource management
3 Economic transformation and sustainable and inclusive growth Addresses multidimensional poverty and inequality by improving access to high-quality, gender-sensitive, integrated education, health, social and child protection services. 5,152,814 5,802,000
Green and blue economic growth.
Support for the national disaster risk reduction strategy and the mitigation and adaptation objectives contained in the NDC. 6,902,718.20 15,554,114
Education and vocational training programmes strengthening the skills of women and young people to improve employability and entrepreneurship.
Multi-stakeholder dialogue mechanisms and identifying and promoting local value chains, especially for women and youth. 16,152,533.86 8,235,345
CCPD budget (actual)33 UNDAF budget (projected)
33 Data provided by the Cabo Verde joint office as of 15 November 2021