2 minute read
1.5 The Common Country Programme Document
The current Cabo Verde CCPD covers the period 2018 to 2022, and was developed in collaboration with development partners in support of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and aligned with UNDAF 2018-2022, national priorities and the global strategies of the three agencies. It was approved during the first regular session of the UNDP and UNFPA Boards in January 2018, and of the UNICEF Board in February 2018.
The CCPD components respond directly to the strategic priorities highlighted in the social, economic and sovereignty pillars of the 2017-2021 Plano Estratégico de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (Strategic Sustainable Development Plan) (PEDS) and to the UNDAF outcomes. The CCPD 2018-2022 pursues four priorities to support government partners in achieving the SDGs: 1) the sustainable development of human capital; 2) the sustainable management of natural resources; 3) economic transformation and sustainable and inclusive growth; and 4) governance, public policies, partnerships and justice.
The CCPD priorities spring from the Government’s vision for accelerating inclusive economic growth, social development and sovereignty by harnessing the demographic dividend. Converting the demographic transition into sustainable and inclusive economic growth requires efforts to realize children’s rights, empower women and youth to participate more successfully in the labour market, and implement climate-smart, risk-informed strategies that improve management of the environment, natural resources and risk.
The programme defined in the 2018-2022 CCPD addresses five outcomes, structured around the following thematic areas:
• Sustainable development of human capital (SDGs 1, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10): addressing multidimensional poverty and inequality following the LNOB principle, promoting the use of and access to high-quality, gender-sensitive, integrated and complementary education, health, and social and child protection services. The programme also focuses on enhancing national and local capacity to provide access to, and promote effective use of, integrated and high-quality, gender-responsive sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services, including comprehensive sexuality education for adolescents and youth. Further, the programme aims to strengthen the national health information system for maternal, child and adolescent health, including SRH. • Sustainable natural resource management (SDGs 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15): focusing on implementing the national disaster risk reduction strategy, enhancing institutional mechanisms and community capacity to implement best practices in climate change adaptation and mitigation, enforcing the integration of biodiversity conservation and supporting green and blue economic growth.
• Economic transformation and sustainable and inclusive growth (SDGs 1, 2, 5, 8, 9 and 10):
supporting the development and implementation of gender-sensitive and child-centred policies and programmes that promote inclusiveness, economic growth and the creation of decent jobs.
The programme aims to generate disaggregated evidence through the in-depth analysis of population dynamics to inform public policymaking, including the implications of harnessing the potential of its youthful population in driving the country’s development efforts. • Governance, public policies, partnerships and justice (SDGs 1, 5, 10, 16 and 17): focusing on enhancing the capacity of civil society and public administrations to use resources, promote citizen participation in governance processes, including young people and adolescents, combat gender inequalities and GBV, and improve the response of the justice system. Further, the programme supports the integration of population dynamics and strategies to harness the demographic dividend in national and selected sectoral development.