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2.2 Outcome 2: Conservation and sustainable natural resource management
UNDP Ecuador provided technical assistance to fight GBV in politics and during elections by supporting the reform of the electoral law, and implemented several women’s empowerment interventions through the ‘Assistance to the National Electoral Council (NEC)’ project.67 Training for women candidates was conducted in collaboration with UN women, alongside media and social media monitoring to combat gender-based political violence and the production of outreach materials and reports. However, there is still little evidence on the impact of these efforts during the election campaign. In addition, the need for more work with civil society has been identified, to achieve greater sustainability in combating gender-based political violence.68
CPD Outcome 2: By 2022, Ecuador has strengthened its normative, political and institutional frameworks to improve sustainable, participatory and gender-focused natural resource management, promoting more responsible production and consumption patterns, in a context of climate change.
Related outputs:
OUTPUT 2.1. Instruments and/or mechanisms generated or implemented nationally or locally to sustainably manage natural resources, environmental pollution, mainstream climate change adaptation and mitigation and transition to more sustainable productive systems. OUTPUT 2.2. Actions of sustainable forest conservation and management implemented and good practices in sustainable supply chains.
A total of 24 projects, with 26 project outputs, were implemented under this outcome, with a budget of $75.9 million and expenditure of $47.6 million.69 This is the most significant outcome in terms of expenditure (corresponding to 71 percent of total programme expenditure).70 This portfolio was mainly nationally implemented, with UNDP support services. Eleven projects (73 percent of expenditure) used NIM modality, while ten (20 percent of expenditure) used DIM, and three (7 percent expenditure) had other types of implementation. Vertical Trust Funds have been the primary source of funding, covering approximately 80 percent of expenditure ($38 million). This outcome has mainly been funded by the Green Climate Fund (GCF) (42 percent of expenditure), the Global Environment Facility (GEF) Trust Fund (37 percent of expenditure) and the Quito Electric Company (15 percent of expenditure).71
67 National Election Council, Government of Ecuador. See finding #16 for more details about the project and its results. 68 UNDP (2021) Midterm evaluation of UNDP Ecuador Country Programme Outcome 4, 2019-22. https://erc.undp.org/evaluation/ evaluations/detail/10051. 69 Two additional projects were in preparation at the time of the evaluation. 70 The financial resources correspond to the period: 2019 to 21 July 2021. 71 Quito Electric Company., incorporated in Quito in 1955, produces and supplies electric power for the Ecuador’s capital city and towns of the provinces of Pichincha and Napo.