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2.1 Governance, peace and security

This chapter presents the evaluation findings across the four evaluation questions. The analysis is presented according to the three country programme outcomes: governance, peace and security; inclusive economic growth; and environmental sustainability and resilience.

CPD Outcome 1. By 2022, governments at all levels apply principles of good governance and rule of law in public service delivery.

Related outputs:

OUTPUT 1.1. Governance and electoral institutions at the central level and local level enabled to perform core functions for improved, inclusive and accountable political processes. OUTPUT 1.2. Capacity of human rights institutions expanded to provide equitable access to services. OUTPUT 1.3. Frameworks and dialogue processes engaged for effective and transparent engagement of civil society in national development. OUTPUT 1.4. Strengthen national capacities for peacebuilding including reduction of small arms violence at national and subnational level.

OUTPUT 1.5. At risk communities in ‘hot spot’ areas, are enabled to access livelihood opportunities, including skills‑building, entrepreneurship, and employment opportunities.

The current GPS programme maintained the same overall emphasis as the previous programme, supporting the Government to apply principles of good governance. In the 2014‑2017 programme, UNDP pursued a holistic approach, linking governance, conflict prevention and peacebuilding to address governance deficits. However, with the changing security and conflict dynamics in Nigeria since 2013, more resources were mobilized under the current peacebuilding and conflict prevention portfolio, addressing early recovery and stabilization needs in the north‑east.

Total expenditure under the portfolio is $87 million, representing 73 percent of total delivery to date (See Table 2). The projects under this portfolio contribute to five outputs, encompassing two distinct sub‑programme components: (a) democratic governance; and (b) peacebuilding and conflict prevention. The peacebuilding portfolio represented about 70 percent of the total CPD budget.

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