State Board of Higher Education -------------<>0�0<::---------------Nick Hacker (Chair) Bismarck
Tim Mihalick Minot
Casey Ryan (Vice Chair) Grand Forks
Kathleen Neset Tioga
Danita Bye
Erica Solberg Student Member North Dakota State University
Stanley Jill Louters
Elizabeth Legerski Faculty Advisor University of North Dakota Retha Mattern StaffAdvisor Bismarck State College Mark Hagerott
Chancellor North Dakota University System
New Rockford
Presidential Search Committee Denny Elbert Commiflee Co-Chair Dea11 E111eritus, College of Business & Public Ad111inistration
Casey Ryan Conunittee Co-Cl,air Vice Cl,air, State Board of 1-liglzer Ed11cation
Joshua DeMorrett UND A/11111111,s
Terry Meyer Ad111i11istrative S upport Manager, Norri, Dakota Unir,ersity System
Gracie Lian UND Srude11f Body Preside11t
Kellie Hall UND Alu.111nus and Interim President, Turtle Mountain Com111u11ity College
Howard Dahl
Whitney Maine
UND Alu11111us
UND Sta.ffSenate President
Daphne Pedersen UND Professor a11d Department Chair, Sociology
Paul Todhunter UND U11iversity Senate President a11d Professor, Geograplzy
DeAnna Carlson Zink
ChiefExecutive Officer, UND Alumni Associatio11 & Foundation