1 minute read
Be Well & Be Fit

Photographed by Scott Webb

How Do YOU Gain Muscle and Not Fat?
An InBody testing specialist at Gold's Gym in Jeddah has some little tips as to how to get more muscle percentage and less fat percentage. To be regarded as a fit person, the recommended inBody testing results of your body fat percentage (PBF) should be between 18 -28% for females and 10-20% for males. In contrast, your muscle mass should never be less than 60% of your body. In general, males have more muscles than fat according to their natural body composition, as opposed to women. However, these percentages can be adjusted through diet and exercise.
( - ) Reduce Fat
Your ideal fitness goal is to get your PBF much less than the muscles. In order to do that, fitness alone is not enough. You need to control the fats in your diet. However, not all fats should be avoided, only the unhealthy ones like saturated fats for instance. Some fats are healthy and beneficial for the body.
( +) Increase Muscle
Now to be even more fit, you should not have a weak body. You need to gain muscles. The best way would be to exercise regularly but your choice of exercising should be smart, too. Incorporate resistance training in your fitness routine and alternate between trainings. Meaning, use strength training for all your body parts such as arms, legs, abs...etc. You should also incorporate cardio training for upper and lower body to get the best results.