1 minute read

At The GFB, we strive to be the goto brand for fun, favourful, nutrient dense products. Our deliciously addictive, delightfully pop-able GFB Bites are exactly that. Made with whole ingredients like nuts, dates and fruit, each serving delivers 4g of plant-based protein and 1-2g of fiber. Our bites are Non-GMO, vegan, plenty of protein, and delicious!

Made from ripe Hass avocado, Savör Snacking Avocados is the first snack made with real hand-cut avocados , lightly seasoned in one of two savoury flavours (Sea Salt & Lime or Everything), then flash-dried for a light and airy snack that your customers will not be able to live without.

Did you know that Butter Chicken is the second largest flavour category in cooking sauces after Soy-Sauce! To top that, our cooking sauce is dairy-free and the perfect portion for families. Naked & Saucy - Canada’s only full line of organic ethnic sauces and dressings. Growing category value across the nation! Organic, Vegan, Non-GMO, GlutenFree, Soy-Free

You can place your orders with us online!
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