UNF Athletics Emergency Action Plan

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University of North Florida Athletics Facilities Emergency Response Plan UNF Athletics 1 Revised Annually:

University of North Florida Athletics Department

Emergency Response Procedure Plan

The following plan is prepared so that the UNF Athletic Department designated emergency management personnel can be prepared for appropriate response to an emergency within the Athletic Department. Due to safety concerns, the nature of any and all emergency situations should not be discussed or revealed to the general public. During emergencies, all inquiries made by media outlets should be referred to UNF Media Relations and Events or the UNF Incident Management Team Public Information Officers, if activated.

The University of North Florida operates under the Incident Command System (ICS) which allows all emergency response agencies to meld rapidly into a common emergency management structure using common plain English language. The UNF Incident Commander and any other ICS personnel other than the Athletic Department Designated Building Emergency Coordinators can assume control over the emergency at any time.



The Primary Building Emergency Coordinator will decide what procedures need to be followed (depending on the situation) and will have complete authority until he/she is relieved of authority by a Police Officer, a member of Fire or Rescue Crew or someone in higher authority than the Building Emergency Coordinator

Current Building Emergency Coordinator: Ervin Lewis, Deputy Athletic Director ( x1534 / 904-2529511 )


In those instances when the Primary Building Supervisors is not on-site the Athletic Building Emergency Coordinators should be contacted to fulfill all evacuation specific duties of the Primary Building Supervisors.

Current Secondary Building Emergency Coordinators (in hierarchical order):

Ervin Lewis, Deputy AD (x1534 / 904-252-9511)

Nick Morrow, Director of Athletics (x1037 / 904-304-2583)

Fred Burnett, Associate AD for Sports Performance (x1500 / 904-562-0437)

Joe Mercadante, Head Baseball Coach (x1556 / 504-444-1723)

Joanne Berglund, Head Women’s Golf Coach (x5838 / 406-544-4883)

Derek Marinatos, Head Men’s Soccer Coach (x2948 / 904-305-7060)

Brian Bert, Associate AD for Sports Performance (x1835 / 904-305-3291)

Nancy Miller, Associate AD for Compliance and Admin. (x1325 / 904-229-7447)

Ian Coffey, Head Swim Coach (x1420 / 904-304-1469)

Matt Lucas, Head Men’s Tennis Coach (x2558 / 828-302-4663)


Area Supervisors are accountable for the evacuation of their specifically defined zones within the athletic facilities; serve as focal points for public safety issues during emergencies and act as liaisons between building occupants and the University Police Department (UPD).

Emergency Response Plan UNF Athletics 2 Revised Annually:

Athletic Building Supervisors will call upon the following staff to coordinate emergency efforts:

 Assistant Coaches

 Administrative Staff

 Athletic Security


Access Monitors supervise their designated exit/entrances to ensure the integrity of the evacuation in that the building does not become re-occupied prior to an all-clear from the proper authorities. The following points are basic locations, should the emergency warrant being further away from the building, monitors are instructed to adjust their distance.

Current Access Monitors:

Arena Exit: direct people to Arena Plaza

Access Monitor: Staff/ Athletic Security

Harmon Stadium Exit: direct people to Lot 18

Access Monitor: Staff/ Athletic Security

Hodges Stadium Exit: direct people to concourse area or Lot 18

Access Monitor: Staff/ Athletic Security

Tennis Facility: direct people to Lot 5

Access Monitor: Staff/ Athletic Security

Softball Facility: direct people to lot 18

Access Monitor: Staff/ Athletic Security

Beach Volleyball Facility: direct people to Lot 18

Access Monitor: Staff/ Athletic Security


Note: all responsibilities listed are dependent on it being safe to do so.

Primary Building Emergency Coordinator

 Primary Building Emergency Coordinator has primary authority over all building occupants in the event of an emergency.

 Will review and update Emergency Procedures Plan annually during the month of June.

 Will train and inform appropriate personnel of procedures and updates.

 Is responsible to ensure all interior and exterior doors are secured in the event of a total facility lockdown.

 Conducts emergency evacuation drills as required by the Office of Environmental Health and Safety.

 Has the authority and responsibility for enforcing basic fire and safety regulations.

 Will complete and submit a post evacuation assessment anytime the plan is used within two weeks of evacuation date.

 Will summon a meeting of emergency personnel within one week of emergency evacuations to discuss points of interests and individual assessments of the evacuation.

UNF Athletics Emergency Response Plan

 Will inspect and restock Primary Building Emergency Coordinator and Area Supervisor Emergency Response Kits semi-annually or after each use.

 Will distribute any evening or weekend evacuation details to appropriate university and/or police, fire or rescue personnel as necessary.

 Is responsible for identifying new Area Supervisors should staff changes occur.

Area Supervisors

1. In all situations, Area Supervisors must remain calm.

2. Should use an authoritative tone when giving instructions.

3. Conduct a sweep of assigned evacuated areas. Close doors once everyone has evacuated the area.

4. Will designate assistants from available personnel as necessary.

5. Should be familiar with their zones and the building including the location of all exits and fire extinguishers.

6. Are to direct individuals to the appropriate exit and away from the emergency.

7. Should not move an injured individual unless the emergency threatens their physical wellbeing, but are to provide assistance as necessary.

8. Assist with the extraction of any physically challenged personnel. If unable to safely evacuate an individual, the Area Supervisors should assist them in getting to a stairwell, and then notify emergency responders of their situation and location.

9. Upon completion of duties, Area Supervisors are to proceed to their appropriate zones outside of the building.

10. Should be mindful of staff within their zones and make every effort to account for staff once outside in their exterior zone.

Access Monitors

 Access Monitors report to designated exit/entrance as soon as possible after any other responsibilities have been satisfied.

 Ensure entrances into the building are clear and passable for emergency response personnel, and maintaining a minimum of 50 feet.

 Are to respond and communicate via two-way radio with the Building Emergency Coordinator for any additional instructions.

 Are to secure the building’s perimeter as necessary when requested by emergency authorities or the Building Emergency Coordinator.

 Communicate to staff and patrons if and when the building is clear to re-occupy.

 In the case of non-evacuation emergencies, Access Monitors will follow the instructions of the Building Emergency Coordinator for specific responsibilities.

Athletic Department Staff Responsibilities

 All staff within the UNF Athletic Department are to obey the instructions of the Building Emergency Coordinators and Area Supervisors during an emergency or drill.

 After exiting the building, staff are to proceed to their designated exterior zone that directly correlates to their interior office/location.


UNF Athletics Emergency Response Plan

The Building Emergency Coordinator and the Area Supervisors will carry out the following procedures if any Athletic Facilities needs to be evacuated, regardless of the reason. The building fire alarm system provides both visual and audio notification of an emergency and signals the UNF Police Department. Be aware that active shooters may activate the fire alarm to evacuate the building.


Building Emergency Coordinator

 The Building Emergency Coordinator shall be responsible for the overall evacuation of the facility and ensuring that all entrances are staffed.

 The Building Emergency Coordinator will then attempt to notify the Area Supervisors and relay any instructions.

 Should the safety of the situation allow, the Building Emergency Coordinator should investigate into the location and nature of the notification through the fire alarm panel with the Maintenance Supervisor.

 In the absence of any Area Supervisor, the Building Emergency Coordinator will coordinate area coverage with any/all available staff.


Building Emergency Coordinator

 The Building Emergency Coordinator will determine whether the building, or a section of the building, needs to be evacuated.

 If necessary to evacuate, the Building Emergency Coordinator will activate the alarm system using the nearest fire alarm pull station (the system is designed to indicate the location of the alarm and notify UPD).

 The Building Emergency Coordinator will then notify the Area Supervisors as to the nature and/or location of the emergency and give any specific instructions.

 The Building Emergency Coordinator will notify other designated emergency personnel to obtain status reports and give any additional instructions.

 If they have not arrived on site, the Building Emergency Coordinator should then notify the UNF Police Department to inform them of the nature of the emergency at 620-2800 or 911 (on campus phone will contact UPD, non-campus phone will contact JSO who will relay the information to UPD).

Area Supervisors and Access Monitors

Upon hearing the automated emergency alarm, or notification from the Building Emergency Coordinator:

 Area Supervisors and Access Monitors shall clear their areas of responsibility according to the emergency procedures plan, and the specific responsibilities as outlined. Be aware that active shooters may activate the fire alarm to evacuate the building.


When an evacuation is ordered, the evacuation will be done in an orderly and safe manner. All faculty, staff, and students should assemble in designated areas designated by the

UNF Athletics Emergency Response Plan

UPD/Building Emergency Coordinators. Evacuation orders may be given for multiple purposes. All individuals should yield to emergency personnel going up the stairs.

1. Become familiar with your work area and exit locations.

2. When the fire alarm sounds, prepare to evacuate immediately if determined safe to do so.

3. Close doors as you leave and make sure that the office is clear.

4. Do not panic, but walk quickly to the closest emergency exit.

5. Do not use elevators.

6. Walk in a single file to the right through corridors and stairwells.

7. Avoid unnecessary talking and keep the lines moving.

8. Individuals requiring assistance to evacuate should proceed to a stairwell entrance area and await arrival of first responders for assistance. Building Emergency Coordinators will communicate the need for assistance to the first responders.

9. If smoke is encountered, drop to the floor and crawl along the wall to the nearest exit.

10.When approaching a closed door, feel the door with the back of your hand. If the door is cool, carefully open the door and (if safe) proceed with the evacuation.

11.No one is to return to the building until the UPD/Building Emergency Coordinator grants permission.


Access Monitors supervise their designated exit/entrances to ensure the integrity of the evacuation in that the building does not become re-occupied prior to an all-clear from the proper

UNF Athletics Emergency Response Plan

authorities. The following points are basic locations. Should the emergency warrant be evacuated to a different location, monitors are instructed to adjust their distance.

Current Access Points:

Primary Point: UNF Arena

Secondary Point: UNF Arena Plaza

(Area supervisors should use best judgment to direct people to the meeting points in the safest manner)

Access Monitors

Athletic Professional Staff Members and Athletic Security.


1. Be familiar with all exit locations.

2. Evacuate immediately upon fire alarm if safe to do so.

3. Close (do not lock) doors and make sure office is clear.

4. Do not panic, walk in single file line, no unnecessary talking.

5. Do not use elevators.

6. Help those who need assistance or get them to a stairwell and inform authorities immediately of their location.

7. When there is smoke, drop to the floor.

8. Test doors with the back of your hand.

9. Do not return to the building until UPD or Building Emergency Coordinator gives all clear.

After the building has been evacuated, and if necessary/possible via automated system, the entrances may be locked and the building secured. The building will remain secured until all emergency situations are cleared and further instructions are given by a Police Officer, the Fire and Rescue Crew, or someone of higher authority than the Building Emergency Coordinator.


To summon immediate assistance, using a building or cell phone, to report an accident, serious injury or a crime in progress call:


911 from UNF building phones connects to UPD. 904-620 – 2800 will connect directly to the UPD non-emergency line.

911, the only emergency number for cell phones, connects to the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office Dispatch.

UNF Athletics Emergency Response Plan

Appendices I – V provide instructions for specific emergency situations

Appendix I

Fire Emergency

If a fire is discovered, the individual shall immediately pull the closest fire alarm.

 When a fire alarm is activated, all occupants will evacuate the building in a timely and responsive manner. Building Emergency Coordinators and Area Supervisors will assist with their designated evacuation procedures and, as they leave the building, ensure complete evacuation.

 If possible, the Building Emergency Coordinator or Area Supervisor should notify the UPD when a person is left behind in the building due to circumstances beyond their control (i.e. disabled, injured, etc).

 The fire alarm system is designed to indicate the location of the alarm and notify the UPD. The UPD will then contact the fire department and the University Incident Commander.

Appendix II

Bomb Threat or Suspicious Package

 If a suspicious package is discovered on the campus, the individual making the discovery shall immediately contact the UPD (904-620-2800) or 911 and provide as much information as possible. At a minimum, the individual should provide a description of the suspicious package and any specific characteristics.

 If a telephone call or information is received stating a bomb is somewhere on the campus:

o The recipient will write down the caller’s phone number as shown on the campus phone caller ID and record the time of call, length of call, any distinguishing characteristics of the caller’s voice, to include male/female, accent, age, etc., and the possible location. (Note: Use the attached checklist for bomb threats.)

o The Recipient should not hang up the phone when the call is completed. Keep the line open or place it on “hold”.

o Recipient immediately contacts the UPD and advises them of the call, and provides a detailed written text.

PHYSICAL FACILITIES (Utilities, Building Services, etc.)…………………………....904-620-1993
UNF Athletics Emergency Response Plan

 The UPD will contact local emergency services and request assistance, as necessary.

 The UPD will be posted to ensure no one enters the affected building(s) until emergency personnel arrive and the area is determined to be safe.

 All student-athletes, spectators, and staff will vacate the affected buildings, and move to a safe location as designated by officials on site.

 Once local emergency service authorities arrive, the UPD will coordinate any information or assistance with them. Only trained personnel should attempt to perform a search of the buildings.

 The local emergency services authorities will notify the UPD when reentry to the building can be made. There is no specified time limit for when students and faculty will be permitted back into the isolated area. This will depend solely upon the information received and the results of the findings of the local authorities.



Name of Operator _______________________________Time _________Date______________

Number at which call was received _________________________________________________

Number displayed on the campus phone caller ID _____________________________________

Caller’s Identity: Male: _____ Female: ______ Adult: ______ Juvenile: _____ Approximate Age: ______

Origin of Call: Local: ______ Long Distance: ______ Booth: ______ Internal: ______

VOICE CHARACTERISTICS: LANGUAGE: MANNER: ___ Loud ___ Soft ___ Excellent ___ Calm ___ Angry ___ High Pitch ___ Deep ___ Good

Raspy ___ Pleasant ___ Fair

Rational ___ Irrational

Coherent ___ Incoherent

Intoxicated ___ Other ___ Poor ___ Deliberate ___ Emotional



Righteous ___ Laughing

SPEECH: ACCENT: BACKGROUND NOISES: ___ Fast ___ Slow ___ Local

Factory Machines ___ Trains ___ Distinct ___ Distorted ___ Not Local ___ Bedlam ___ Animals ___ Stutter ___ Nasal ___ Foreign

Slurred ___ Lisp ___ Race


Music ___ Quiet

Office Machines ___ Voices


Airplanes ___ Street Traffic ___ Party

UNF Athletics
Response Plan


When will it go off? _________________________________________________

Where is it located? ________________________________________________

What kind of bomb is it? _____________________________________________

Where are you calling from? __________________________________________

What is your name and address? ______________________________________


 Write down the phone number displayed on the campus phone caller ID, record the call as precisely as possible, noting time of call, length of call, any distinguishing characteristics of the callers voice, to include male/female, accent, age, etc. and the possible location.

 Do not hang up the phone when the call is completed. Keep the line open or place it on “HOLD”.

 Immediately contact the UPD (620-2800) and advise them of the call.

 Write out the message in its entirety with any other comments.

Appendix III

Natural Disasters

General Guidance

Faculty & Staff activities focus on safety issues and, in certain cases, the protection of University assets. Faculty & Staff are responsible for securing work area assets and for conducting preliminary damage assessments of work areas (Securing Work Areas appendix on the EH&S Emergency Management website (http://www.unf.edu/dept/ehs/emergency_management.html).

Procedures to be followed:


 Observe the following rules if lightning is occurring or is about to commence:

 Avoid water fixtures, telephone lines, and any electrical conducting materials.

 Stay inside buildings and off campus grounds.

 Campus buildings are designed to withstand significant damage resulting from thunderstorm wind, rain, hail and lightning strikes.

 Be sure to keep track of wind speeds.


 If a tornado is imminent or spotted take the following steps immediately:

o Notification of a pending disaster will be announced (over the voice address system, e-mail, or telephone) - fire/evacuation alarms are not to be activated.

o Stay away from all windows, glass and items that might fall.

o Move to the interior of Hodges Stadium.

o Secondary locations include:

 Interior of your suite (if there are no windows exposed and close all office doors);

 All Athletic Locker Rooms and the Athletic Training room

 Interior of Harmon Stadium

 Storage areas in Hodges Stadium

UNF Athletics Emergency Response Plan

o In very high winds, the arena seating area and tennis facility is not a safe location.

o Take cover under a sturdy object.

o Protect your head, neck, and face.

 There is not a sufficient warning period to close the University or to effectively protect University assets. Therefore no special effort should be made to protect University assets; all attention should be directed towards life safety procedures.


 If an earthquake strikes while you are in the building, take cover immediately under a sturdy object covering your head, neck and face. Be prepared to move with the object. To the extent possible, stay away from windows and items that might fall.

 Do not attempt an evacuation during the earthquake. Also be prepared for aftershocks.

 In outdoor areas, stay away from power lines, buildings, and any objects that might fall. In an automobile, pull off the road away from overpasses, bridges, and large structures that might fall.

 There is not a sufficient warning period to close the University or to effectively protect University assets. Therefore no special effort should be made to protect University assets; all attention should be directed towards life safety procedures.

Appendix IV

Active Shooter/Hostile Intruder

In the event of a declared emergency, the University of North Florida will use multiple means of communication to notify and update the campus community regarding the nature of the emergency. Means of communication may include the following:

 text messages,

 indoor/outdoor public address system announcements,

 cell phone calls,

 messages on UNF’s Facebook and Twitter accounts,

 messages on UNF’s web homepage and myWings landing page, and other electronic media

The information provided below focuses on the “active shooter/hostile intruder” scenario. These guidelines conform to current best practices and recommendations established by federal, state and local governmental agencies for responding to an active shooter incident on a university campus. In that context, this document continues the University’s commitment to provide its faculty, staff and students a nurturing safe learning environment within its academic buildings and learning spaces.

At the start of each semester you should familiarize both yourself and your students with the procedures outlined within this document (taken from the Department of Homeland Security).


In the event of an emergency notification, or if you become personally aware of an active shooter/hostile intruder event while in a classroom or other University building, quickly determine the most reasonable way to protect your own life. Remember that students and staff are likely to follow the lead of the faculty member or other staff member during an active shooter/hostile intruder event.

UNF Athletics Emergency Response Plan

Instructors/staff members are encouraged to take the actions listed below:


When an active shooter is in your vicinity:

If there is an escape path, and it is safe to do so, attempt to evacuate. Evacuate whether others agree or not. Leave your belongings behind. Help others escape if possible. Prevent others from entering the area. Call 9-1-1 when you are safe.


If evacuation is not possible, find a place to hide. Your hiding place should:

Be out of the shooters view. Provide protection if shots are fired in your direction. Not trap or restrict your options for movement. Allow you to lock and/or blockade the door.

In offices/classrooms where doors have glass panes, if available, use office/class furnishings

Once doors are locked and secured, only open doors for uniformed first responders.

When hiding:

Turn off the lights. Silence your cell phone. Spread out, do not bunch together. Hide behind large objects. Remain very quiet

If evacuation and hiding are not possible: Remain calm

Dial 911, if possible, to alert police to the active shooter’s location

If you cannot speak, leave the line open and allow the dispatcher to listen


As a last resort, and ONLY if your life is in danger, attempt to incapacitate the shooter:

UNF Athletics Emergency Response Plan

Act with physical aggression. Improvise weapons. Commit to your actions.


Remain calm and follow instructions. Keep your hands visible at all times. Avoid pointing or yelling. Know that help for the injured is on the way.

When informed to evacuate by emergency personnel, leave all personal effects behind unless instructed otherwise by emergency personnel.

Upon exiting the office/classroom space, promptly proceed to the location designated by or led to by emergency personnel.

Do not reenter office/classroom space until directed or given an all clear by emergency personnel.

The following URL connects to a 6-minute video supplied by the FBI entitled: Run, Hide, Fight.

https://www.fbi.gov/about-us/office-of-partner-engagement/active-shooter-incidents/run-hide-fight-video (you have to click on “download”)

It is an informative video that puts many of the concepts in this document in context to an actual active shooter/hostile intruder incident. It is strongly recommended that you take the time to review the material BEFORE debriefing your class or other area of responsibility. Should you deem it appropriate, showing the video to your class/personnel is also encouraged and recommended.

Several additional videos can also be found on myWings under the emergency section of the Home Tab.

Appendix V

Medical Emergencies

Emergency Medical Service (EMS) personnel or those individuals who are trained by the American Red Cross will provide first aid. Until rescue personnel arrive, administer first aid in the building, or in the event of a complete evacuation, at a designated safe assembly area outside.

UNF Athletics Emergency Response Plan

 Call 911 immediately. Provide the following information:

o Nature of medical emergency.

o Location of the emergency (address, building, room number).

o Your name and the phone number from which you are calling.

 Do not move victim unless absolutely necessary.

 The First Aid Kits are located in the athletic training room 1088.

 If personnel trained in First Aid are not available, as a minimum, attempt to provide the following assistance:

o Stop bleeding with firm pressure on the wounds (note: avoid direct contact with blood or other bodily fluids).

o Clear the air passages using the Heimlich maneuver (abdominal thrusts or chest compressions) in case of choking.

 Attempt first aid ONLY if trained and qualified. Appendix VI

Assistance to the Physically Impaired

To Assist Visually Impaired Persons:

 Announce the type of emergency

 Offer your arm for guidance

 Tell the person where you are going, obstacles you encounter

 When you reach safety, ask if further help is needed

To Alert People with Hearing Problems:

 Turn lights on/off to gain the person’s attention

 Indicate directions with gestures

 Write a note with evacuation directions

To Evacuation People Using Crutches, Canes, or Walkers:

 Evacuate these individuals as injured persons

 Assist and accompany to evacuation site if possible

 Use the evacuation chairs located in/by the stairwell of each upper floor.

 Use a sturdy chair, or one with wheels, to move the person

 Help carry the individual to safety

UNF Athletics Emergency Response Plan

Appendix VII

Primary Building Emergency Coordinator Emergency Response Kit

 Orange Fluorescent Safety Vest

 Area Supervisor and Zone Quick Reference Guide

 First Aid Kit

 Flashlight with batteries

 Whistle

 Caution Tape

 Administrator Cell Phone Directory

 Extra Supply of Flashlight Batteries

 Emergency Evacuation Procedure Plan for the UNF Athletics Department

Floor Supervisor Emergency Response Kit

 Orange Fluorescent Safety Vest

 Area Supervisor and Zone Quick Reference Guide

 Flashlight, with batteries

 Area Supervisor Cell Phone Directory

 Emergency Evacuation Procedure Plan for the UNF Athletics Department

UNF Athletics Emergency Response Plan

Appendix VIII

If applicable, Emergency Closing Procedures Due to Emergency Closure

All professional staff:

1. Communicate UNF closure and action items to student staff.

2. Update voicemail and email away messages for personal and team email and phone extensions.

3. Unplug all electronics and cover all computers in workspaces.

4. Remove items from window sills and close blinds in offices.

5. Confirm to Director and Assistant Director when all items are complete.

6. Assist in other areas as needed.

1. Create Slides and signs for the building announcing closing (if advance notice permits)

2. Share all Athletic Arena Building closure/opening on all social media formats (Facebook page, Instagram, and Twitter)

3. Unplug all electronics and cover all computers & 3D Printers

4. Remove items from window sills and close all blinds.

5. Assist in other areas as needed (outside furniture, banners, etc.)

UNF Athletics Emergency Response Plan

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