A Bird’s Life “Around The Cavalier Campus” Thomas Johnson 9th Grade Biology Advanced 2009
One day in the middle of May, the Cavalier Blue Bird, Mickey, decided to take a tour of the cavalier campus.
Mickey was a fairly big bird, and he lived in the forest behind Christ Church Episcopal School.
Mickey was a young bird who did not know about all the different aspects of Christ Church Episcopal School.
Mickey decided to visit the lower school and their garden first. As Mickey went through the school he found it hard to land, but found some desk’s to perch on to rest his tired wings.
Mickey was starting to feel hungry when, he came upon the garden. He ate a few bugs.
After the garden Mickey decided that he wanted to journey to the Chapel.
He went in and flew all around the chapel, so that he could see all of the wonderful architecture.
He flew around the altar and into the upper pews where he was able to sit because they were shaped like the branches he perches on in the forest.
Next, Mickey felt like going to the Middle School, but he had to just fly around the outside because none of the doors were open.
Then he felt like flying to the high school, his main destination. At this time, Mickey was feeling hungry and thirsty because he had not been able to find bugs with all of the concrete in between buildings. So, he flew straight to the biology rooms where he had heard there were many bugs to be found from the famous bug projects stored in the closets.
Then Mickey decided to fly around the high school a little more.
And even more.
Then he decided to go see some teachers, and even the “Dean of Students�, known as Mr. Clark.
Mickey then decided to go see some friends.
Then Mickey decided to head home. But on the way, he saw a big stadium and decided to explore. So he flew around and sat in the bleachers.
Then he flew back home to the forest. After thinking back over his journey, he realized that he was unable to move about as easily as he thought he could.
His feet and claws hurt his ability to walk, run, and sit on certain objects. His wings and feathers kept him from being able to get into some rooms or near water fountains. They also hurt his ability to open doors. But at the end of the day, Mickey, even as tired as he had become was happy with his journey around Christ Church Episcopal School.
Flashback from the day.