University of North Georgia Panhellenic Recruitment Guide 2020

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JAN 2020 ISSUE 1

UNG PANHELLENIC proudly presents





3-5pm | On Campus Students If you live on campus, move in is today! Don't forget about orientation tonight!

1pm or 6pm | HOAG Auditorium Recruitment Orientation. Meet your RC + group.

Meet at HOAG Aud 2:00 PM Round 1 | Open House Visit all 5 chapters.




Meet at HOAG Aud 2:30 PM Round 2 | Values Day Visit at max 4 chapters.

Meet at HOAG Aud 11:30 AM Round 3 | Preference Visit at max 2 chapters.

Meet at HOAG Aud 2 PM BID DAY! Run home to your new sisters.






Dear Potential New Member, On behalf of the University of North Georgia Panhellenic Council, we want to welcome you to Formal Recruitment 2020! The sorority experience here at UNG is one like no other. We are so excited to share our histories, traditions, and sisterhoods with you all. Our hope is that whether you choose to join a Panhellenic organization, or just spend this weekend with us, you find a place on campus to call home filled with people who lift you up, support your goals, and enrich your life far beyond your college years. Our advice to you for success in the recruitment process is to keep an open mind, be true to yourself and your values, and to have fun! The process is complicated and at times confusing, but let us be the first to tell you— it works. Use this guidebook as a tool to help you navigate through this weekend. But remember, every woman who surrounds you is here for you. Whether you want to celebrate or need a shoulder to cry on, we will be here through it all. We are beyond excited to have you here with us. We can't wait to meet you! Shelby Davis President Kristen Woodall Vice President of Recruitment GUIDE






Panhellenic Executive Board The National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) is the umbrella organization over the 26 national women's-only organizations. NPC is dedicated to promoting and advancing the sorority experience. To that end, NPC offers guidlines and principles that the UNG Panhellenic Council must adhere to. The UNG Panhellenic Council is the governing, prgoramming and advocating body over the five National Panhellenic Council sororities here at UNG. The nine members of the College Panhellenic Executive Board serve as the Recruitment Team and are here to help in any way we can.

Shelby Davis

Kerrigan Ellington

Kristen Woodall


Executive VP

VP of Recruitment

Jenn Ahlswede

Becca Wilkins

Maria Starr

VP of Recruitment Counselors

VP of Operations

VP of Campus Relations

Emily Cox

Jessie Jensen

Madison Riner

VP of Activities

VP of Service

VP of Scholarship GUIDE






Recruitment Counselors

A Recruitment Counselor is a woman who has

travel together with one to two other groups on

taken a step back from her own organization to

the first night. A piece of advice: get to know

help women going through the recruitment

the other women in your group! These women

process find their own home. The idea behind

are going through the process too and are

stepping back is to be able to lend the most

probably thinking and feeling the same things

unbiased ear to you all. No matter which

you are! They could even become your new

direction you feel your heart going, you have

sister in just a few short days. Lean on them. It

someone there who knows what the process

will make all the difference in the world.

entails, what it's like to be in a sorority, and will help you process your thoughts so you can

At the end of this process, we want you to have

make the best decision for you.

felt loved, supported, and empowered. We hope you make friendships during this process

During the weekend, you will be assigned to a

that will last long beyond this weekend. No

Recruitment Counselor group. Your group will

matter where you find your home, we are all sisters in Panhellenic.






The Core Values of Panhellenic SCHOLARSHIP Panhellenic sororities maintain high principiles of exceptional academics. The Panhellenic average GPA is always above the overall university and all-women GPAs. We boast memberships in every Honor's Society across campus and proudly offer scholarships to our members that can extend into graduate studies. Each of our organizations has an academic excellence program dedicated to promoting and maintaining support for sisters and their grades. Panhellenic also offers exclusive membership to the prestigious All-Greek Honors Society, Order of Omega. Acceptance into the order is limited to the top 3% of all Greek Life.

PHILANTHROPY Philanthropy (or raising money and goods for a cause) and hands on community service are an important aspect of sorority life. Each chapter is partnered with one or more unique philanthropic efforts, to which they donate extensive time and money. Chapters host events, tournaments, competitions, and fundraisers to support these organizations as well as support other causes across our community. In the 2018-2019, UNG's Panhellenic chapters raised more than [insert amount] and completed over [insert amount] hours of hands-on-service.

LEADERSHIP Our women are some of the top leaders on campus and that extends beyond just your years here at UNG. Did you know 85% of Fortune 500 executives belong to a fraternity or sorority and Sally Ride, the first female astronaut, was in a Panhellenic sorority (Sigma Kappa!). Each chapter, as well as the Panhellenic Executive Board, provide positions, programs, and the opportunity to attend conferences to learn and develop a variety of leadership skills. Leadership experience is invaluable in career and graduate school endeavors and sets you apart from your peers. Panhellenic empowers women to take the lead and strive for excellence in everything they are a part of.

SISTERHOOD By joining a Panhellenic Sorority, you will create lasting friendships that are made stronger by the bonds of sisterhood. Your sorority will have unique history, ritual, and values, that create a bond that lends itself to a connection that is much more like family than just a friend. Beyond chapters, all Panhellenic women are bound together by a united purpose of sisterhood and support Wherever life may lead you, your Panhellenic sisters will always be there for you. GUIDE





Time Commitment The time commitment to joining a Panhellenic sorority is comparable to adding classes to your schedule. You can think of each scenario below like adding a class that has its own set of expectations and requirements. You will get out of your sorority experience what you put into it. The more involved you are, and the more you invest, the more you will take away from your time here at UNG. We encourage you to become involved and to get all you can out of your sorority experience.

New Member: If you are in your first semester of being a member in a sorority, add a class and a half to your schedule. Your new member process (about eight weeks) includes your weekly new member and chapter meetings, and can include events such as socials, philanthropy events, and tabling.

Involved General Member: If you are an involved general member, meaning you've finished your first semester of membership and you serve in a small leadership role (i.e. committee chairwoman), add a class and a half to your schedule. If you choose to forego one of these roles, just add one class.

Executive Board Member: If you are a part of your chapter's Executive Board (Leadership Team/Comittee), add two classes to your schedule. This commitment includes at least one additional meeting per week. Some positions are similar to taking on an internship or part-time job. If you serve on Panhellenic's Executive Board, add an additional class (three total). You will attend at least two additional meetings a week, multiple events and conferences per semester, and be expected to attend events of all sororities on campus. The experience you gain from these leadership positions however, is invaluable and competitively earned. President: If you seek to be a chapter or Panhellenic President one day, you can expect to add a full courseload to your schedule (three classes). The commitment to this position is not one to be taken lightly. You will run your chapter's weekly chapter and executive board meetings, be expected to meet with advisors on a weekly basis, attend presidents' meetings, and events across campus. Being a president is a highly competitive position, and you will be one of few who can proudly say you served in a position like it. Serving at the highest position our community has to offer not only leaves a lasting impact on you, but ensures that you will leave a strong legacy when you are done. GUIDE






Academic Commitment Our Panhellenic commnunity is committed to supporting academic excellence, therefore your college grade point average is taken into consideration while going through the recruitment process.

Green Zone (3.0+ GPA)

Yellow Zone (2.5-2.9 GPA)

Red Zone (Below 2.5 GPA)

Your options are not likely to be limited by GPA.

Your options are likely to be limited by GPA.

Your GPA falls below the minimum requirement to go through recruitment.







Financial Commitment Membership in our organizations may seem to carry a high price tag, but it also carries lifelong benefits. During your first semester, dues are higher as you pay one time fees. Some chapters have higher dues typically because they are more all-inclusive (include things like t-shirts and formal cost). All chapters have payment plans available and many Panhellenic women work to pay their own dues. If you have any questions, ask! The chapters as well as Panhellenic will be happy to help you figure this out!


NEW MEMBER DUES (1st semester)

$681.50 + badge ($54+) Alpha Gamma Delta

Includes: Initiation fees, chapter dues for the semester, new member fee

$550 + badge ($45-90) Delta Phi Epsilon

Delta Zeta

Includes: initiation fees, dues for the semester

$494.02Â Includes: new member fee, initiation fee, badge fee, Loyalty fee, first semester dues

$300 + badge ($75+) $75 every month after initiation Phi Mu

Sigma Kappa

Includes: initiation fees, national dues, provisional member fee, Online Phi (new member) program

$417 + badge ($59+) Includes: new member fee, initiation fee, chapter dues

INITIATED SEMESTERLY DUES $320 (Fall)/ $400 (Spring) Includes: social events, dues, some shirts

$375 (Both Fall and Spring) Includes: dues, two shirts, sisterhood events, education foundation

$270 (Fall and Spring) Includes: dues

$300 (Fall)/ $375 (Spring) Includes: dues, social fees, M3 (Founder's) Campaign

$390 (Fall)/ $410 (Spring) Includes: dues







Round One OPEN HOUSE WHAT TO EXPECT On the first day, you will visit all five Panhellenic chapters here at UNG. You will travel with your Recruitment Counselor Group and a few others from event to event (don't worry you will get breaks, and we have snacks!) At the end of the day, you will sit down with a volunteer and enter your selections into the computer for the next day.

WHAT TO WEAR At Recruitment Orientation, you will receive a t-shirt for the first night. This day is the most casual. You're encouraged to be comfy, so feel free to wear jeans, a pair of colored or patterned pants, or really anything you want to pair your shirt with.

A PIECE OF ADVICE: "During Recruitment, but especially during Round One, you will be doing A LOT of walking. Wear shoes you can walk in comfortably. Flats are a great idea. And wear an outfit that makes you feel empowered. Find something in your closet that you love and speaks to who you are. You will be much more calm if you feel comfortable in your outfit." — Claire, Recruitment Counselor GUIDE






Round Two PHILANTHROPY WHAT TO EXPECT For Philanthropy/Sisterhood Day, you will visit a maximum of 4 chapters. When you get to your RC group, you will receive your own unique schedule and travel in small groups to each event. Each sorority will tell you about the unique philanthropies they support and what they mean to their sisters.

WHAT TO WEAR Feel free to dress up or down as much as you like. Wearing a dress isn't "too much" and most likely there will be chapter women in jeans, so you won't feel out of place either way!

A PIECE OF ADVICE: Keep in mind, just because you don't join a specific sorority doesn't mean you can't donate your time or money to their philanthrophy (or won't, because you'll attend your friends' events!) Each of the philanthropies we support deserve every ounce of attention they receive, so lend a hand! — Jessie, Panhellenic VP of Service







Round Three PREFERENCE WHAT TO EXPECT For Preference Night, you will visit a maximum of 2 chapters. You will get your schedule and travel in small groups like Day 2. Each sorority will share a little bit deeper meaning of their sisterhood and what binds sisters across the world. After visiting the chapter(s), you will sign the MRABA and enter your final selections.

WHAT TO WEAR We like to describe this night as business casual. This night is the most "formal" (though we use that word lightly). Slacks and a nice blouse, a dress, or a skirt are all great go-tos for this night. A tip: If you're a heels kind of girl, bring a pair of slippers to stay comfy when you're not at an event!

A PIECE OF ADVICE: Pref (Preference Round) is always an emotional day for everyone, us included. The chapters share deep stories, it's the end of a long weekend, and hard decisions are made. Just remember, your emotions are valid, you will be heard, and we are all here for you whatever you may need. — Kerrigan, Panhellenic Executive VP







Bid Day WHAT TO EXPECT When you report on Bid Day, you will go to your group as always. One by one, you will go with your Recruitment Counselor and open your bid. Once all the bids are opened, everyone will get into groups by chapter. We will all walk down to the gym where together where everyone gets to run home to their sisters.

WHAT TO WEAR BE COMFY! Yoga pants or jeans are the way to go. You will get a t-shirt from your new chapter after you open your bid. Usually the chapters have fun little things (like sunglasses, facepaint etc.) that they'll give you if you want to wear them as well!

A PIECE OF ADVICE: "BID DAY, BEST DAY! This is the day you've been waiting for! You finally get to run home and meet your new sisters! You'll go out and get to have a day of fun with your chapter doing anything from just hanging out, to a campfire, to roller skating. This day is all about you guys. We're just so happy you're home." — Jillian, Recruitment Counselor







Alpha Gamma Delta "Inspire the woman. Impact the world." Values: Love | Leadership | Lasting Friendship Philanthropy: Meals on Wheels and the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation Philanthropy Funds Raised 2018-2019: $9,660.62 Community Service Hours: 3,777 Spring 2019 Chapter GPA: 3.27 alphagamung

Alpha Gamma Delta is an international women's fraternity that promotes academic excellence, philanthropic giving, ongoing leadership and personal development and above all, a spirit of loving sisterhood. Guided by our Purpose, Alpha Gamma Deltas strive to attain a higher standard, thereby improving their lives, the lives of those around them, and the communities in which they live. Together, we continually work to: Inspire the Woman. Impact the World. GUIDE






Delta Phi Epsilon "Esse quam videri." To be rather than to seem to be. Values: Justice | Sisterhood | Love

Philanthropy: The National Association for Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders, the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, and the Delta Phi Epsilon Educational Foundation Philanthropy Funds Raised 2018-2019: $2,500 Community Service Hours: 2,241 Spring 2019 Chapter GPA: 3.05 dphieung

The mission of Delta Phi Epsilon states, "Delta Phi Epsilon develops a social consciousness and a commitment to think and act for the greater good. We assure continuous development and achievement for women by embracing our founding principles of Justice, Sisterhood, and Love." We inspire and empower our sisterhood to engage in a lifetime of leadership and service. We hope to empower all women to feel proud of the unique woman they are and to love the body they are in. GUIDE





Delta Zeta "To make life fuller, more meaningful, more rewarding. We live truly." Values: Friendship | Service | Leadership | Truth Philanthropy: Starkey Hearing Foundation & The Painted Turtle Camp Philanthropy Funds Raised 2018-2019: $3,132 Community Service Hours: 2,718 Spring 2019 Chapter GPA: 3.32 deltazeta_ung

It was the founding of Delta Zeta Sorority, whose purpose is to create among a group of women a true and lasting friendship, to encourage one another in the pursuit of knowledge, to promote values-based living and embrace social responsibility.Each of us wants to make friends, learn new things and do something that matters. It’s part of the human experience. You might say it’s in our DNA, but that doesn’t make it any easier to do. But in 1902, six young women formed an organization that would help them move these ideas forward. GUIDE





Phi Mu "Les Soeurs Fideles." The Faithful Sisters. Values: Love | Honor | Truth

Philanthropy: Children's Miracle Network Hospitals (CMNH) Philanthropy Funds Raised 2018-2019: $11,039.66 Community Service Hours: 2,806 Spring 2019 Chapter GPA: 3.39 ungphimu

The mission of Phi Mu states, "Founded in 1852, Phi Mu is a women’s organization which provides personal and academic development, service to others, commitment to excellence and lifelong friendship through a shared tradition. Phi Mu promotes vibrant living, encouraging members to achieve their personal best." We live out our values through a shared vision within our creed. We strive to uphold these high ideals; the womanhoods of love, honor, and truth in all parts of our lives. GUIDE





Sigma Kappa "One Heart, One Way."

Values: Personal Growth | Friendship | Service | Loyalty | Bound by a Promise

Philanthropy: Sigma Kappa Foundation, Inherit the Earth, Gerontology, Maine Seacoast Mission, and Alzheimer's disease Philanthropy Funds Raised 2018-2019: $17,161.63 Community Service Hours: 2,555 Spring 2019 Chapter GPA: 3.33

The Purpose of Sigma Kappa is "To provide women lifelong opportunities and support for social, intellectual and spiritual development by bringing women together to positively impact our communities.” The Purpose Statement and Values of Sigma Kappa reinforce and complement each other in expressing Sigma Kappa's reasons for being, what it strives to achieve, and how we will conduct the organization and ourselves.

sigmakappa_ung GUIDE





Gender-Inclusive Organizations GAMMA SIGMA SIGMA "Unity in service." Gamma Sigma Sigma is a national service sorority who values unity, leadership, diversity, partnership, and compassion. In the past year alone, the chapter has served over 900 hours collectively. Philanthropy: Alex’s Lemonade Stand, American Red Cross, American Cancer Society, Mothers Against Drunk Driving + March of Dimes Community Service Hours 2018-2019: 1615 Chapter Spring 2019 GPA: 3.18 Contact: Susannah McBride, VP of Membership

PHI SIGMA PI "Improving humanity with honor." Phi Sigma Pi National Honor Fraternity is a genderinclusive organization dedicated to: promoting lifelong learning, inspiring members to lead. Their values are scholarship, leadership, and fellowship. Philanthropy: Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership Funds Raised in 2018-2019: $2,763.18 Community Service Hours 2018-2019: 609 Chapter Spring 2019 GPA: 3.47 Minimum GPA: 3.0 Contact: Sidney Martin, President

Women and men are welcome to join these organizations regardless of other Greek affiliation. GUIDE





Culturally-Based Organizations SIGMA GAMMA RHO "Greater Service, greater progress." As a part of the Divine Nine, Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc. is a historically Black greek letter organization. It is the mission of Sigma Gamma Rho to enhance the quality of life for women and their families in the U.S. and globally through community service, civil, and social action. UNG Fraternity and Sorority Life is excited to welcome Sigma Gamma Rho to the Dahlonega Campus this year. Sigma Gamma Rho was the first Divine Nine organization to charter in university history. Philanthropy: Habitat for Humanity Minimum GPA: 2.5 Contact: Tye Demby, Anti Basileus






Contact Us We would love to hear from you to answer any questions you may have about Recruitment, Panhellenic, or Fraternity and Sorority Life in general. Be sure to follow us on social media to learn more about the process and our chapters.

Kristen Woodall, Vice President of Recruitment


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