2011 Publications Catalogue

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Promoting socially and environmentally sustainable human settlements development and the achievement of adequate shelter for all



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www.unhabitat.org/publications However, successful responses to the challenges of climate change require changes in how urban areas

Cities and Climate Change reviews the linkages between urbanization and climate change, and illustrates the significant contribution of urban areas to climate change, while at the same time highlighting the potentially devastating effects of climate change on urban populations. It reviews policy responses, strategies and practices that are emerging in urban areas to mitigate and adapt to climate change, as well as their potential achievements and constraints. In conclusion, the report argues that urban areas have a pivotal role in both climate change mitigation and adaptation and identifies strategies and approaches for strengthening this role.

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Alongside these threats, however, is an equally compelling set of opportunities. The concentration of people, industries and infrastructure, as well as social and cultural activities will make urban areas crucibles of innovation, where strategies can be catalyzed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to improve coping mechanisms and reduce vulnerability to climate change impacts.

operate. Such responses also demand closer coordination between local governments, civil society, community and private sector stakeholders, while at the same time building new connections between central power structures and marginalized segments of urban populations.


Climate change is one of the most dangerous threats ever faced by humankind. Fuelled by two powerful human-Induced forces that have been unleashed by development and manipulation of the environment in the industrial age, the effects of urbanization and climate change are converging in ways which threaten to have unprecedented negative impacts on urban quality of life, and economic and social stability.



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United Nations Human Settlements Programme P.O. Box 30030, GPO Nairobi, 00100, Kenya Telephone: +254 20 762 3120 Fax: +254 20 762 3477 infohabitat@unhabitat.org www.unhabitat.org



In today’s urbanizing world, the issues at stake in cities are numerous and complex. UN-HABITAT has been addressing them over the past 30 years by publishing a wide range of information material for researchers, decision makers in central and local governments, and civil society organizations including those at the grass-root level. This catalogue features over 150 key publications, arranged by theme with their respective bibliographic data and abstracts. Also included are all backlist titles, titles available in electronic form on our online catalogue at www.unhabitat.org, and titles in Languages other than English. The catalogue also gives a flavour of forthcoming publications on page 5 of the catalogue. In addition to our specifically themed publications, UN-HABITAT’s flagship publications, namely, the Global Reports on Human Settlements, the State of the World Cites and our quarterly journal Urban World cover a broad spectrum of issues in urban development, governance, land and housing as well as water and sanitation in cities. Therefore, these publications will be found under the general section as well as in the relevant themes. UN-HABITAT is keen for our partners to have easy access to information that is relevant to their work and our common goal of improving human settlements. If you wish to order any of our publications, please use the order form on the back page, email your request to habitat.publications@unhabitat.org, or use the online catalogue on the Publications page of the website.

Copyright © United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT), 2011 All rights reserved United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT), P.O. Box 30030, GPO Nairobi 00100, Kenya. Tel: +254 20 7623120 Fax: +254 20 7623477 Web: www.unhabitat.org/ publications Disclaimer The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries, or regarding its economic system or degree of development. The analysis, conclusions and recommendations of this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme, the Governing Council of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme, or its Member States.


Contents Introduction




New Publications


Upcoming Publications


Urban development and management


Land and Housing


Environment and Climate Change


Water Sanitation and Infrastructure


Urban Economy and Financing Shelter


Risk and Disaster Management


Social Inclusion


Information and Monitoring




Titles in Electronic Format 2009-2011 (available on UN-HABITAT’s website, www.unhabitat.org)


Publications in other languages 2009 – 2011


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Featured Titles Global Report on Human Settlements 2011: Cities and Climate Change Cities and Climate Change reviews the linkages between urbanization and climate change, two of the greatest challenges currently facing humanity in the 21st Century, and whose effects are converging in dangerous ways. It illustrates the significant contribution of urban areas to climate change while at the same time highlighting the potentially devastating effects of climate change on urban populations. It reviews policy responses, strategies and practices that are emerging in urban areas to mitigate and adapt to climate change, as well as their potential achievements and constraints. In conclusion, the report argues that urban areas have a pivotal role in both climate change mitigation and adaptation and identifies strategies and approaches for strengthening this role.

Table of Contents Launch: 28 March, 2011 Pages: 250, Year: 2011 HS Number: HS/001/11E ISBN Number(Series): 978-92-1-131929-3 ISBN Number(Volume): 978-92-1-132296-5 Price: USD 58

1 Urbanization and the Challenge of Climate Change 2 Cities and the International Climate Change Framework 3 The Contribution of Urban Areas to Climate Change 4 The Impacts of Climate Change on Urban Areas 5 Climate Change Mitigation Responses in Urban Areas 6 Climate Change Adaptation Responses in Urban Areas 7 Conclusion and Policy Directions


New Publications Language English/French/Spanish/Portuguese, Year 2009/10, Title: A Training Course on Land, Property and Housing Rights in the Muslim World USD 10 Annual Report 2009 UN-HABITAT annual report series - USD 5 Citywide Action Plan for Upgrading Unplanned and Unserviced Settlements in Dar es Salaam - USD 5 Climate Change Assessment for Esmeraldas, Ecquador - USD 5


Climate Change Assessment for Kampala, Uganda - USD 5

Malawi Urban Housing Sector Profile Abridged Version - USD 10 Mapping Urban Youth-Led Development Opportunities Fund for Urban Youth-Led Development - USD 5 Maputo Climate Change Assessment: A Summary - USD 5 Microfinance, Poverty Reduction and Millennium Development Goals - USD 5

Collection of Municipal Solid Waste in Developing Countries - USD 40

Organisation, Management and Evaluation of Housing Cooperatives in Kenya - Global Urban Economic Dialogue Series - USD 5

Count Me In: Surveying For Tenure Security And Urban Land Management - USD 5

Peer Review of the Implementation of UN-Habitat’s Medium-term Strategic and Institutional Plan (2008-2013)

Economic Development and Housing Markets in Hong Kong and Singapore USD 10

Planning Sustainable Cities: UN-HABITAT Practices and Perspectives - USD 5

Global Report on Human Settlements 2011 - Cities and Climate Change - USD 58 Hidden Cities Unmasking and Overcoming Health Inequities in Urban Settings (Full Report French) - USD 30 Hidden Cities Unmasking and Overcoming Health Inequities in Urban Settings (Full report English) - USD 30 Housing Finance Mechanisms in Brazil USD 5 Housing Policy Report Series - Successful policies and practices in the provision of affordable land and housing in Latin America and the Caribbean - USD 5 Ideas To Action - Best Practices in YouthLed Development - USD 5 Informal Urban Development in Europe - Experiences from Albania and Greece - USD 5 Infrastructure for Poverty Reduction and Economic Development in Africa – USD 5 Korogocho Situational Analysis- A Snapshot - USD 5 Land and Natural Disasters: Guidance for Practitioners - USD 15 Land, Environment and Climate Change; Challenges, Responses and Tools - USD 5


Low Income Housing in China - USD 10

Local Leadership for Climate Change Action - USD 5

Quick Guide 1: Urban Africa; Building with untapped potential - USD 5 Quick Guide 2: Low-income Housing USD 5 Quick Guide 3: Land; A crucial element in Housing the Urban Poor - USD 5 Quick Guide 4: Eviction; Alternatives to the destruction of urban poor communities- USD 5 Quick Guide 5: Housing Finance; Ways to help the poor pay for housing - USD 5 Quick Guide 6: Community-based organizations; The poor as agents of development - USD 5 Quick Guide 7: Rental Housing; A much neglected housing option for the poor - USD 5 Quick Guide 8: Local Government; Addressing urban challenges in a participatory and integrated way - USD 5 Rapport Annuel 2009 - USD 5 Report of the Fifth Session of the World Urban Forum, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil USD 5 Sao Paulo: A tale of two cities - USD 25 Solid Waste Management in the World’s Cities - USD 50 Sorsogon Climate Change Assessment: A Summary - USD 5 State of Africa Cities 2010 (French): L’état des Villes Africaines 2010, Gouvernance,

inégalité et marchés fonciers urbains USD 35 State of African Cities 2010: Governance, Inequity and Urban Land Markets USD 35 State of the World’s Cities 2010-2011: Bridging the Urban Divide - USD 40 State of Urban Youth 2010/2011: Leveling the Playing Field – USD 10 Strategic Citywide Spatial Planning: A Situational Analysis of Metropolitan Portau-Prince, Haiti – USD 5 Strategic Urban Development Plan for Homa Bay Municipality (2008-2030) – USD 10 Strategic Urban Development Planning in Lake Victoria Region: Lessons of Experience – USD 10 Supporting Local Action for Biodiversity: The Role of National Government – USD 10 Sustainable Mobility in African Cities: A new Perspective – USD 5 UN-HABITAT Country Activities Report 2011 – USD 5 UN-HABITAT’s Approach to Participatory Slum Upgrading: Lessons of Experience from the Case Study of Kagabiro/Muleba (Tanzania) – USD 5 Urban Land Markets: Economic Concepts and Tools for Engaging in Africa – USD 5 Urban Planning and Pro-poor Water and Sanitation Governance in the Lake Victoria Region: Lessons of Experiences with Comparatives Cases Studies from Asia and the Pacific, Africa and Latin America – USD 5 Urban Planning Manual for Somaliland - USD 5 Working with Parliamenterians: Strategy and Action – USD 5

Upcoming Publications Language English, Year 2011, Title: Addressing Urban Environment Issues: Experiences from the Sustainable Cities and Localising Agenda 21 Programmes Cities and Citizens series: Comparative Analysis of the Urban Inequities in three cities: Addis Ababa, Casablanca and Lagos Cities and Citizens series: Urban Inequities in Addis Ababa Cities and Citizens series: Urban Inequities in Alexandria Cities and Citizens series: Urban Inequities in Cairo Cities and Citizens series: Urban Inequities in La Paz Cities and Citizens series: Urban Inequities in Lusaka Cities and Citizens series: Urban Inequities in Manila Community Participation in Solid Waste Management: The Case of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Enabling Shelter Strategies: Housing Policy Guide Gender Mainstreaming Toolkit for Water and Sanitation Actors

Impact of Climate Change on Urban Residents in Columbia - Global Urban Economic Dialogue Series Impact of Global Financial Crisis - Global Urban Economic Dialogue Series Impact Study: Gender Mainstreaming Impact Study Impact Study: Kenya Country Impact Study Impact Study: Main Report of the First WSTF Impact Study: Nepal Country Impact Study Land, Environment and Climate Change; Challenges, Responses and Tools Local Leadership for Climate Change Action One Stop Youth Resource Centres: Local Governments Response to Improving Youth Livelihoods, Policy Dialogue Paper,5th international Conference on Children and Youth in MENA Cities,6-8 July, 2009,Aleppo, SYRIA


Housing Finance Mechanisms in Mexico

Public-Private Partnership in Housing and Urban Development - Global Urban Economic Dialogue Series Rental Housing: Housing Policy Guide Slum levels and trends 1990-2010 Strategic Urban Development Planning in Lake Victoria Region: Lessons of Experience Supporting Local Action for Biodiversity The Ethiopian Case Of Condominium Housing - The Integrated Housing Development Programme The State of Asian Cities 2010 The Statistical Book on Human Settlements Tunisia Urban Housing Sector Profile Understanding Gender issues in Water & Sanitation UN-HABITAT’s Approach to Participatory Slum Upgrading: Lessons of experience from the case study of Kagabiro/Muleba (Tanzania) Un-Habitat’s Urban Environment Tools Urban Indicators Programme Training Manual, revised guide Urban Info: User Guide Youth Resource Guide, Participate In Safer Cities 5

Urban development and management


Citywide Action Plan for Upgrading Unplanned and Unserviced Settlements in Dar es Salaam


The goal of this action plan is to upgrade 50 per cent of the existing unplanned and unserviced areas in Dar es Salaam by 2020 while simultaneously preventing the formation of new unplanned settlements. The plan is divided into thematic action plans, with cost estimates, for land, basic services, housing and capacity building. The action plan is the result of a consultative process involving all city stakeholders and partners, driven since 2005 by the Government of Tanzania and the Dar es Salaam Local Authorities, with technical assistance from UN-HABITAT and funding from Cities Alliance. Pages: 75, Year: 2010 ISBN: 978-92-1-132276-7 HS Number: HS/163/10E Price: USD 5

Hidden Cities: Unmasking and Overcoming Health Inequities in Urban Settings The global report Hidden Cities: Unmasking and Overcoming Health Inequities in Urban Settings is one important component of the overall WHO strategy to strengthen the response of the local, national and global health communities to reduce health inequities in an increasingly urbanized world. The report exposes the extent to which the urban poor suffer disproportionately from a wide range of diseases and health problems, which can be traced back to inequalities in their social and living conditions. It also provides evidencebased information and tools to help municipal and health authorities tackle health inequities in their cities. The case for action is juxtaposed with personal stories and photos illustrating the issues of urban health equity in five countries. Stories of municipal and national authorities who are taking action to reduce inequities also are featured. Pages: 100, Year: 2010 ISBN: 978-92-1-132271-2 HS Number: 159/10E Price: USD 30

Citywide Strategic Planning: A step by step guide Citywide Strategic Planning articulates the necessary ingredients for initiating and implementing a planning process that focuses on a set of strategic issues of principal importance for sustainable urban development. The guide presents the citywide strategic planning rationale and approach. Three main questions are addressed – where are we today? where do we want to be? -how do we get there? Conceived as a land tool, this guide shows you why and how focusing on strategic issues that can change the face of the whole metropolitan area has several social, institutional and economic benefits. This guide draws lessons from various practices and experiences. It takes you through the necessary steps on how to initiate and sustain a comprehensive planning process, resulting in a citywide strategic plan. The guideline is generic; in a given planning situation, modifications should be made to adapt to the local situation. This guide can never replace the devoted, innovative and constructive thinking of involved politicians, technicians and stakeholders, or the dreams and aspirations of the public at large. Urban planners, decision makers at the metropolitan level, development partners, land professionals, grassroots communities, national and local leaders will find this guideline helpful in carrying out their duties. Pages: 20, Year: 2010 ISBN:(Volume) 978-92-1-132250-7 HS/134/10E Price: USD 5

Informal Urban Development in Europe - Experiences from Albania and Greece The study provides the background and objectives of the Athens workshop, then provides separate in-depth background and analysis of the informal development solutions being adopted in Albania and Greece. Following a review of just how ‘pro-poor’ the solutions are, the final chapter provides a series of lessons learned, many of which can be applied to other countries experiencing informal development issues. Pages: 40, Year: 2010 ISBN:(Volume) 978-92-1-132266-8 HS/151/10E Price: USD 5

The Malawi Urban Housing Sector Profile is the first in a new UN-HABITAT report series. It is an analytical tool to support a comprehensive assessment of housing delivery systems in different countries tackling access to land, housing finance, basic infrastructure/ services, building materials and technology amongst other issues hindering the housing sector to work properly. It draws recommendations to enable better housing delivery for all. Pages: 152, Year: 2010 ISBN: 978-92-1-132188-3 HS Number: HS/1222/09E Price: USD 10

Planning Sustainable Cities: UN-HABITAT Practices and Perspectives UN-HABITAT has played a central and very active role in the recent debate on the future of urban planning. For years planning was considered an inefficient tool, unable to address development effectively. However renewed attention to urban planning has recently emerged. Shifting dramatically from its initial ambition to command and control the city, planning has started reassessing itself in the new context of urbanization. Pages: 50, Year: 2010 HS Number: HS/1218/09 Price: USD 5.00

Sao Paulo; A tale of two cities UN-HABITAT’s new Cities and Citizens series examines urban inequality in the developing world through in-depth analysis of intracity data developed by UN-HABITAT and its partner institutions and on-the-ground interviews, insights and images. São Paulo: A Tale of Two Cities launches the series, providing a close look at this vast megacity of internal contradictions and complexities. São Paulo has emerged as the economic powerhouse of Brazil, making huge advances in its socioeconomic and political sectors while remaining beset by inequalities and gaps in distributive justice. Pages: 179, Year: 2010 ISBN (Series): 978-92-1-132029-9 ISBN (Volume): 978-92-1-132214-9 HS Number: HS/103/10E Price: USD 25

State of African Cities 2010: Governance, Inequalities and Urban Land Markets (L’état des Villes Africaines 2010: Gouvernance, inégalité et marchés fonciers urbains) The State of the African Cities 2010 goes above and beyond the first report, which provided a general overview of housing and urban management issues in Africa. With the subtitle: Governance, inequity and urban land markets, the report uncovers critical urban issues and challenges in African cities, using social and urban geography as the overall entry points. While examining poverty, slum incidence and governance, the report sheds more light on inequity in African cities, and in this respect follows the main theme of the global State of the World’s Cities 2010 report. Through a regional analysis, the report delves deeper into the main urban challenges facing African cities, while provoking dialogue and discussion on the role of African cities in improving national, regional and local economies through sustainable and equitable development. The report has been drafted in cooperation with Urban Land Mark. Through an analytical survey of several African cities, the report examines urban growth, social conditions in slums, environmental and energy issues and, especially, the role of urban land markets in accessing land and housing. Pages: 270, Year: 2010 ISBN: 978-92-1-132291-0 HS Number: 190/10E Price: USD 35

State of the World’s Cities 2010/2011: Bridging the Urban Divide The world’s urban population now exceeds the world’s rural population. What does this mean for the state of our cities, given the strain this global demographic shift is placing upon current urban infrastructure? Following on from previous State of the World’s Cities reports, this edition uses the framework of ‘The Urban Divide’ to analyse the complex social, political, economic and cultural dynamics of urban environments. The book focuses on the concept of the ‘right to the city’ and ways in which many urban dwellers are excluded from the advantages of city life, using the framework to explore links among poverty, inequality, slum formation and economic growth. The volume will be essential reading for all professionals and policymakers in the field, and a valuable resource for researchers and students in all aspects of urban development. Pages: 225, Year: 2010 ISBN: 978-1-84407-696-3 HS Number: HS/1031/08E Price: USD 44


MALAWI Urban Housing Sector Profile


Strategic Citywide Spatial Planning: A situational analysis of metropolitan Port-au-Prince, Haiti


UN-HABITAT’s situational analysis of metropolitan Port-au-Prince provides a thorough background to the city’s situaton in terms of urban development and planning, and presents a way forward for future planning of the metropolitan area. This publication makes a case for a participatory approach in urban development and the need for institutional capacity building to better enable municipalities and their partners to deliver basic urban services to the city’s residents. This publication is part of the Citywide Strategic Planning series. Pages: 38, Year: 2010 ISBN:(Volume) 978-92-1-132238-5 HS Number: HS/135/10E Price: USD 5


Strategic Urban Development Plan for Homa Bay Municipality (2008-2030) The Strategic Urban Development Plan of Homa Bay, a town in Kenya, is an initiative of UN-HABITAT taking place in collaboration with Homa Bay Municipal Council. The objective of the initiative is to assist the Municipality of Homa Bay to prepare a strategic spatial framework that will help guide its future development. Pages: 89, Year: 2010 ISBN: 978-92-1-132234-7, HS/123/10E Price: USD 10

Urban Planning Manual for Somaliland This planning manual, targeted at planners and technicians in Somaliland (north-west Somalia), explains basic urban planning and details six crucial steps in the urban planning cycle. It is intended to provide the necessary technical support for Somaliland and contribute to an improved living environment for its citizens. The urban planners of Somaliland can guide the development and improvement of the urban areas of Somaliland. Pages: 89, Year: 2010 ISBN: 978-92-1-132246-0, HS/130/10E Price: USD 5

Urban Safety and Poverty in Asia and the Pacific: Key Findings from Sub regional Studies on South Asia, SouthEast Asia and the Pacific 2009 This report elaborates on the linkages between poverty and safety in three sub regions: South Asia, South-East Asia and the Pacific. It identifies a number of key themes such as linkages between insecurity and informal settlements, violence and poverty, safety and governance. The report presents a number of promising initiatives for the prevention of crime and illustrates issues and responses in a number of cities in the region through case studies. Furthermore, the report establishes an initial research agenda on safety and urban development in the region and identifies a number of areas where action is needed to prevent the spread of crime and increased insecurity. Pages: 82, Year: 2010 ISBN: 978-92-1-132248-4, HS/132/10E Price: USD 15

Global Report on Human Settlements 2009: Planning Sustainable Cities Planning Sustainable Cities reviews recent urban planning practices and approaches, discusses constraints and conflicts therein, and identifies innovative approaches that are more responsive to current challenges of urbanization. It notes that traditional approaches to urban planning have largely failed to promote equitable, efficient and sustainable human settlements and to address twenty-first century challenges, including rapid urbanization, shrinking cities and ageing, climate change and related disasters, urban sprawl and unplanned peri-urbanization, as well as urbanization of poverty and informality. It concludes that new approaches to planning can only be meaningful, and have a greater chance of succeeding, if they effectively address all of these challenges. Pages: 336, Year: 2009 ISBN: 978-1844078998, HS/1192/09E Price: USD 58

Twenty Years of Transition: The Evolution of Urban Planning in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union, 1989-2009

First Steps Towards Strategic Urban Planning - Urban development programme for the Somali region This series of books outline the basic steps taken towards effective and integrated urban development in the cities of Berbera, Bossaso, Gardho, Garowe, Hargeisa and Sheikh in the Somali region. They discuss the tools and processes used – such as city profiles, city consultations, spatial analyses, and action plans – and the results that emerged. Ultimately, the publications act as a comprehensive methodological tool for strategic urban planning. Bosasso: Pages: 50, Year: 2009 HS/1139/09E, ISBN: 978-92-1-132105-0 Burao: Pages: 46, Year: 2009, HS/941/07E,ISBN: 978-92-113-1917-0 Berbera: Pages: 60, Year: 2008 HS/942/07E, ISBN: 978-92-113-1918-7 Gardho Pages: 20, Year: 2008 HS/1033/08E, ISBN: 978-92-1-1320 12-1 Garowe Pages: 24, Year: 2008 HS/1048/08E, ISBN: 978-92-1-132044-2 Hargeisa Pages: 48, Year: 2007 HS/964/07E, ISBN: 978-92-113-1963-7 Sheikh Pages: 40, Year: 2008 HS/1047/08E, ISBN: 978-92-1-132043-5 Price: USD 10 for each


This paper reviews the dramatic transformations which have taken place in the cities of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union since the collapse of communist regimes in the region twenty years ago. The paper further analyzes how urban planning ‘the indispensable public function which aims to guide and manage urban change’ evolved in response to the new urban challenges. Pages: 166, Year: 2009 ISBN Volume: 978-92-1-132114-2 ISBN series: 978-92-1-131924-8 HS/1147/09E Price: USD 10



Land and Housing A Training Course on Land, Property and Housing Rights in the Muslim World

Housing as a Strategy for Poverty Reduction in Ghana

This training course from the Global Land Tool Network is part of the Network’s activities on Islamic dimensions of land. In most Muslim countries Islamic law, principles and practices make an important contribution to shaping access to land. GLTN therefore has as one of its objectives the identification and development of Islamic land tools and case studies through a cross-cultural, interdisciplinary and global process, owned by Muslims, but also including other civil society and development partners. The training course, designed as an introduction to the field, is divided into eight stand-alone Modules, intended for use across Muslim societies. It is generic in nature, encouraging local adaptations where applicable. In addition to the Modules, the package includes a Guide for Facilitators and a set of annexes to drawn from during the training course. The target groups for the course are policy makers or an audience at beginners or undergraduate level without prerequisite knowledge of Islamic land law but having basic experience with land issues in the Muslim world. Pages: 174, Year: 2010 ISBN: 978-92-1-132228-6, HS/118/10E Price: USD 5 (Available in CD-Rom)

The need to provide adequate, suitable and equitable housing has remained a major priority of every government. Even though housing is a basic necessity of life, more than half of the population in Ghana live in poor houses where they have no access to adequate sanitary facilities, water and warmth to meet their daily physical needs. The book contains results on the contribution of improved housing conditions in the poverty reduction efforts of the Government of Ghana. Pages: 40, Year: 2010 ISBN 978-92-1-132191-3, HS/1225/09E Series Title: Global Urban Economic Dialogue ISBN Series: 978-92-1-132027-5 Price: USD 5

Count me in: Surveying for Tenure Security and Urban Land Management This book is about involving and engaging urban poor communities in one of the first steps of any participatory planning or upgrading initiative. It describes how we can use “participatory enumerations” a surveying method used to gain better knowledge of the needs and priorities of the community. It presents and analyses existing and novel applications of participatory enumeration to enhance tenure security and improve urban land management. Pages: 174, Year: 2010 ISBN: 978-92-1-132228-6, HS/118/10E Price: USD 10


Korogocho Situational Analysis Korogocho Slum Upgrading Programme (KSUP) is a joint initiative of the Government of Italy and the Government of Kenya with the technical assistance of UN-HABITAT. It is funded through the Kenya-Italy debt swap. It seeks to improve the living conditions of the Korogocho slum residents through an integrated and participatory approach aimed at providing security of tenure as well as preparing and implementing improvements at the physical, economic and social level. Pages: 174, Year: 2010 HS Number: HS/196/10E Price: USD 5

Land and Natural Disasters: Guidance for Practitioners The Guidelines provide a holistic approach to addressing land issues from the immediate aftermath of a natural disaster through early recovery and reconstruction phases. It is targeted at humanitarians and land professionals, as well as government officials. The Guidelines take an inter-disciplinary approach to land, one that also brings together humanitarian emergency relief and early recovery perspectives. Throughout the text, readers will find many short cases illustrating practical aspects of bringing land issues into the post-disaster recovery process. Tools and other useful references are also included. The information provided

Land Inventory in Botswana, Processes and Lessons Successful land policy formulation and implementation depend on a complete and up-to-date inventory of land holdings. Such reliable land inventory, informs land policy choices and implementation priorities. Tribal land management constitutes the largest of the three main tenure types that prevail in Botswana (tribal, State, and freehold). This publication documents challenges, opportunities, processes and lessons learnt for implementing a successful land inventory. This publication recommends that countries planning to embark on a land inventory process should adapt Botswana’s experience to their respective jurisdictions, while taking into account the political, economic, technological, socio-cultural and institutional arrangements. Pages: 66, Year: 2010 ISBN: 978-92-1-132245-3, HS/1248/09E Price: USD 10

Land, Environment and Climate Change: Challenges, Responses and Tools This publication provides an overview of some the most important land-related environmental and climate change problems that the world is facing. It also offers an overview of the relationship between land tenure, land management approaches and the environment and identifies clear linkages between land, environment and climate change, moving from a scientific framework to a country level implementation framework. The implications this has in urban and rural areas are presented, and illustrated with 20 brief cases. This global overview of key environmental and climate change issues related to land use, land administration, land management and land tenure offers timely material and land tools for land professionals, environmental practitioners, and planners. The report identifies opportunities, gaps and priority research areas and critical land tools for action at local, sub-national, national, regional and global levels. Readers will find in this publication action-oriented suggestions for new research, land tool development, advocacy, resource mobilisation, and coordination. Pages: 82, Year: 2010 ISBN:(Volume) 978-92-1-132251-4 HS/136/10E Price: USD 10

Quick Guides for Policy Makers on Housing the Poor in African Cities Series The pressures of rapid urbanization and economic growth in Africa have resulted in growing numbers of evictions of urban poor from their neighbourhoods. In most cases they are relocated to peripheral areas far from centres of employment and economic opportunities. At the same time over 500 million people now live in slums and squatter settlements in Africa and this figure is rising. Local governments need policy instruments to protect the housing rights of the urban poor as a critical first step towards attaining the Millennium Development Goal on significant improvement in the lives of slum-dwellers by 2020. The objective of these Quick Guides is to improve the understanding by policy makers at national and local levels on pro-poor housing and urban development within the framework of urban poverty reduction. These Quick Guides are presented in an easy-to-read format and are structured to include an overview of trends and conditions, concepts, policies, tools and recommendations in dealing with the following housing-related issues: ISBN Number(Series): 978-92-1-131926-2 Quick Guide 1: Urban Africa; Building with untapped potential HS Number: HS/180/10 ISBN Number:(Volume) 978-92-1-132316-0 Quick Guide 2: Low-income housing; Approaches to helping the urban poor find adequate housing in African cities HS Number: HS/181/10E ISBN Number:(Volume) 978-92-1-132317-7 Quick Guide 3: Land; A crucial element in Housing the Urban Poor HS Number: HS/182/10E ISBN Number:(Volume) 978-92-1-132318-4


in these Guidelines will be of interest and use to anyone directly working to support rapid yet sustainable recovery of human settlements following a natural disaster. The Guidelines were produced through a partnership between UN-HABITAT, the Global Land Tool Network (GLTN), FAO and the Early Recovery Cluster. Pages: 140, Year: 2010 ISBN: 978-92-1-132236-1, HS/1254/09E Price: USD 10

Quick Guide 4: Eviction; Alternatives to the destruction of urban poor communities HS Number: HS/183/10E ISBN Number:(Volume) 978-92-1-132319-1 Quick Guide 5: Housing Finance; Ways to help the poor pay for housing HS Number: HS/184/10E ISBN Number:(Volume) 978-92-1-132320-7 Quick Guide 6: Community-based organizations; The poor as agents of development HS Number: HS/185/10E ISBN Number:(Volume) 978-92-1-132321-4 Quick Guide 7: Rental Housing; A much neglected housing option for the poor HS Number: HS/193/10E ISBN Number:(Volume) 978-92-1-132322-1 Quick Guide 8: Local Government; Addressing urban challenges in a participatory and integrated way HS Number: HS/186/10E ISBN Number:(Volume) 978-92-1-132323-8 Price: USD 10 (set price) 11

Shelter Projects 2009 By the end of 2009, over 43 million people worldwide had been forcibly displaced due to conflict and persecution. In addition, during 2009, 335 reported natural disasters killed over 10,000 people and affected more than 119 million people. The corresponding scale of global shelter need has required a diversity of approaches that go beyond simple design solutions. Spanning humanitarian responses from over 60 years, Shelter Projects 2009 is the second annual compilation of shelter programmes. The project summaries included aim to illustrate some of the project options available to organisations working in both post disaster and post conflict situations, as well as to support learning from the strengths and weaknesses of different projects. The focus of this book is on projects that maximise emergency response funds to support sustainable recovery. Pages: 150, Year: 2010 ISBN: 978-92-1-132285-9 HS Number: 172/10E Price: USD 5


Urban Indigenous Peoples and Migration: A Review of Policies, Programmes and Practices


The material originates from an international Expert Group Meeting on Urban Indigenous Peoples and Migration held in Santiago, Chile, March 27-29, 2007. It seeks to provide a comprehensive analysis of migration by indigenous peoples into urban areas from a human rights and a gender perspective. In this work, particular attention is paid to the varying nature of rural-urban migration around the world, and its impact on quality of life and rights of urban indigenous peoples, particularly youth and women Pages: 214, Year: 2010 ISBN: 978-92-1-132232-3, HS/120/10 Price: - USD 5 Series Title: United Nations Housing Rights Programme Report Series ISBN Series: 92-1-131407-0 Price: USD 15

Urban Land Markets: Economic Concepts And Tools For Engaging In Africa This Handbook introduces key economic and related concepts explaining the functioning of urban land markets. You will find in this Handbook tools for engaging in a critical analysis of conventional economics, particularly in the understanding of how African urban land markets work. Of great importance is the understanding of how land use, supply and demand unfold in African context. It provides a basis for strengthening urban policy in ways that enable poorer people in African cities to access well-located living and work spaces. This Handbook equips you with a better understanding of how interventions affect the market, and also how markets affect, enable, constrain and shape interventions by governments, developers, traditional authorities, banks, micro-lenders or any of its actors. It provides a sense of the dynamics of the urban land market – how particular decisions in one sector affect other sectors. This understanding provides practitioners in the field with a framework and tools to make informed decisions when formulating policies or making recommendations. Pages: 106, Year: 2010 ISBN: 978-92-1-132258-3 HS Number: 143/10E Price: USD 5

Housing Indigenous People in Cities: Policy Guide for Housing Indigenous People in Cities This is UN-HABITAT’s latest publication on indigenous peoples and their rights to the city in a world where they often are discriminated against. Pages: 51, Year: 2009 ISBN: 978-92-1-132187-6, HS/1221/09E Price: USD 5

Interlocking Stabilised Soil Blocks Appropriate earth technologies in Uganda Interlocking Stabilised Soil Block (ISSB) technology has been gaining recognition, particularly in East Africa. This material and method of construction has the advantages of low cost and minimal environmental impact, while providing comparable quality to conventional fired brick construction. The purpose of this publication is to promote the use of ISSB by sharing some case studies of successful adoption and adaptation to local contexts. It also highlights some of the challenges faced in developing and promoting the technology with some key lessons learned from projects in northern Uganda. Pages: 50, Year: 2009 ISBN: 978-92-1-132150-0, HS/1184/09E Price: USD 10

Housing and property rights in the context of post-conflict rehabilitation are amongst the most complex and sensitive issues affecting displaced populations in Georgia today. This problem stems primarily from a persistent lack of permanent accommodation for those displaced subsequent to intensive conflicts in the country in the 1990s. The more recent (August 2008) conflict has merely exacerbated this already serious situation, as it added to the number of people who cannot return to their homes and places of origin. Pages: 51, Year: 2009 ISBN: 978-92-1-132187-6, HS/1221/09E Price: USD 5

ENVIRONMENT and Climate Change

Land, Tenure and Housing Issues for Conflict-Displaced Populations in Georgia

Land Registration in Ethiopia: Early Impacts on Women This publication from the Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) belongs to a series of research reports examining the changing landscape of land tenure security in developing countries. The intent is to provide up-to-date information to land professionals and policy-makers working in the land sector and to raise awareness on what is being done at the country level. Pages: 25, Year: 2008 ISBN: 978-92-1-132014-5, HS/1035/08E Price: USD 5


ENVIRONMENT and Climate Change

Environment and Climate Change Global Report on Human Settlements 2011 - Cities and Climate Change

Climate Change Assessment for Kampala, Uganda

Cities and Climate Change reviews the linkages between urbanization and climate change, two of the greatest challenges currently facing humanity in the 21st Century, and whose effects are converging in dangerous ways. It illustrates the significant contribution of urban areas to climate change while at the same time highlighting the potentially devastating effects of climate change on urban populations. It reviews policy responses, strategies and practices that are emerging in urban areas to mitigate and adapt to climate change, as well as their potential achievements and constraints. In conclusion, the report argues that urban areas have a pivotal role in both climate change mitigation and adaptation and identifies strategies and approaches for strengthening this role. Launch: 28 March, 2011 Pages: 250, Year: 2011 HS Number: HS/001/11E ISBN Number(Series): 978-92-1-131929-3 ISBN Number:(Volume) 978-92-1-132296-5 Price: USD 58

UN-HABITAT’s Cities and Climate Change Initiative promotes enhanced climate change mitigation and adaptation in developing country cities. Kampala is a pilot city of the Initiative, and this document is an initial output of the Kampala’s Cities and Climate Change Initiative activities. This summary on climate change assessment for Kampala is based on the report titled “Assessment of Cities and Climate Change in Kampala and Uganda”, an initial output of the city’s activities under the Cities and Climate Change Initiative. Pages: 20, Year: 2010 ISBN: 978-92-1-132255-2, HS/140/10E Price: USD 5

Climate Change Assessment series The Climate Change Assessment series is based on the proposed Framework for Urban Climate Risk Assessment developed by the Fifth Urban Research Symposium. The climate risk assessment framework focuses on how cities are affected by climate change as opposed to how they contribute to climate change, and thus adaptation rather than mitigation is highlighted. The framework analyses climate risk from three interconnected vectors – hazards, vulnerability and adaptive capacities.

Climate Change Assessment for Esmeraldas, Ecuador This report is based on the Adaptation to Climate Change in Ecuador and the city of Esmeraldas: An Assessment of Challenges and Opportunities, 2009, prepared within the framework of UN-HABITAT ’s Cities in Climate Change Initiative. Pages: 24, Year: 2010 ISBN: 978-92-1-132269-9 HS Number: 157/10E


Climate Change Assessment for Maputo, Mozambique The Maputo summary is based on the report titled “Climate Change Impacts in Urban Areas of Mozambique, A Pilot Initiative in Maputo City: Preliminary Assessment and Proposed Implementation Strategy”, an initial output of the city’s activities under the Cities and Climate Change Initiative. Pages: 20, Year: 2010 ISBN: 978-92-1-132247-7, HS/131/10E Price: USD 5

Climate Change Assessment for Sorsogon, Philippines The Sorsogon Climate Change Assessment examines the climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation capacity of a small coastal city in the Philippines - Sorsogon City in the Bicol Region. The assessment uses a participatory Vulnerability and Adaptation process that looks into the city’s exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity vis-a-vis projected climate scenarios, previous climate related disaster events and people’s account of the past events and observations. Pages: 20, Year: 2010 ISBN: 978-92-1-132255-2, HS/140/10E Price: USD 5

Land, Environment and Climate Change: Challenges, Responses and Tools

The Sustainable Cities China Programme (1996-2007): A Compendium of Good Practice

This publication provides an overview of some the most important land-related environmental and climate change problems that the world is facing. It also offers an overview of the relationship between land tenure, land management approaches and the environment and identifies clear linkages between land, environment and climate change, moving from a scientific framework to a country level implementation framework. The implications this has in urban and rural areas are presented, and illustrated with 20 brief cases. This global overview of key environmental and climate change issues related to land use, land administration, land management and land tenure offers timely material and land tools for land professionals, environmental practitioners, and planners. The report identifies opportunities, gaps and priority research areas and critical land tools for action at local, sub-national, national, regional and global levels. Readers will find in this publication action-oriented suggestions for new research, land tool development, advocacy, resource mobilisation, and coordination. Pages: 82, Year: 2010 ISBN:(Volume) 978-92-1-132251-4 HS/136/10E Price: USD 10

This publication is a review of the Sustainable Cities Programme’s experience and impact in China from 1996-2007. The SCP was first implemented in China in Shenyang and Wuhan in 1996. From this initial experience, the Environmental Planning and Management methodology was integrated in urban management to address pressing environmental concerns such as air pollution, water quality, solid waste management and urban traffic. Pages: 35, Year: 2009 ISBN: Volume: 978-92-1-132076-3 Series: 978-92-132396-2, HS/1110/09E Price: USD 5

The Sustainable Cities Programme/ Local Agenda 21 Programme in the Philippines was started in 1998 by UN-HABITAT in collaboration with the Department of the Environment and Natural Resources. It was targeted at secondary towns and was perceived as a localization of the Philippine Agenda 21. Its main purpose was to pioneer the integration of environmental planning and management within the city organizations using the Sustainable Cities Programme-Local Agenda 21 approach. Pages: 35, Year: 2009 ISBN: Volume: 978-92-1-132077-0 Series: 978-92-1-132395-5, HS/1111/09E Price: USD 5

This report documents the activities of the Sustainable Lusaka Programme and Sustainable Kitwe Programme in Zambia in the period 1994-2007. Pages: 40, Year: 2009 ISBN: 978-92-1-132075-6, HS/1109/09E Price: USD 5

Urban World: Climate Change: Are cities really to blame? Climate change is fast becoming the preeminent development challenge of the 21st century,and this is why we have made it the theme for the cover story of this second issue of our new flagship magazine,Urban World. Pages: 92,Year: 2009 Price: USD 5

ENVIRONMENT and Climate Change

The Sustainable Cities Programme in Philippines (1998-2007): A compendium of good practices

The Sustainable Cities Programme in Zambia (1994-2007): Addressing the challenges of rapid urbanization


Water Sanitation and Infrastructure

Water Sanitation and Infrastructure Sustainable Mobility in African Cities: A new Perspective

UN-HABITAT Water and Sanitation Trust Fund: Annual Report 2009

T h i s re p o r t i s t h e s u m m a r y o f a conference entitled ‘Sustainable Development of Public Transport in Africa’ which was run jointly by the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT), UITP (the International Association of Public Transport) and UATP (the African Association of Public Transport) and which was held in Nairobi, Kenya, on November 10 and 11, 2009. Pages: 32, Year: 2011 ISBN: 978-92-1-132324-5 HS Number: HS/013/11E Price: USD 5

In response to an increasing emphasis of UN-HABITAT on documenting results rather than activities, an impact study on the activities supported by the Trust Fund was commissioned in the reporting year. Undertaking a comprehensive analysis of the Water and Sanitation Trust Fund’s impact in two sample countries (Nepal and Kenya) and of Water and Sanitation Trust Fund activities globally on the theme of “Gender Mainstreaming”, the study marks the first phase of a plan to regularly assess the impact of the Water and Sanitation Trust Fund’s. In this report, readers are invited to accompany the Water and Sanitation Trust Fund in its 2009 journey. Pages: 94, Year: 2010 ISBN: 978-92-1-132257-6, HS/142/10E Price: USD 5

Collection of Municipal Solid Waste in Developing Countries This book is written for developing countries. Since it seeks to encourage the designing of waste collection systems based on local information, the approach is valid in any country. The main focus is on municipal solid waste, which is taken to include waste from households, businesses and institutions, construction and demolition waste in small quantities, general solid wastes from hospitals (excluding hazardous wastes), waste from smaller industries that is not classified as hazardous, and wastes from streets, public areas and open drains. It is not concerned with wastes from agriculture, larger industries or the mining industries which normally handle their own wastes. Pages: 196, Year: 2010 ISBN: 978-92-1-132254-5 HS Number: HS/139/10E Price: USD 40

Solid Waste Management in the World Cities


Solid Waste Management in the World Cities is the third edition in the UNHabitat’s “State of Water and Sanitation in the World Cities” series. It aims to capture the world’s current solid waste management trends and draws attention to the importance of solid waste management especially regarding its role in reaching the UN Millennium Development Goals. Pages: 222, Year: 2010 ISBN: 978-92-1-132009-1, HS/1030/08E Price: USD 48

UN-HABITAT Water and Sanitation books for Lower Primary: Tommy has a Tummy Ache Tommy disregards all advice he has been given about drinking clean, boiled water. He regrets it immediately as suffers terribly. Find out what happens to Tommy in this exciting story. HS/1108/09E, ISBN: 978-92-1-132074-9

River Murunji River Murunji has become dirty. Its water is drying up. However, one girl named Susana and her classmates fight for River Murunji. They set out in an exciting journey to get River Murunji to its original status of glory. Will they succeed? Read and find out! HS/1107/09E, ISBN: 978-92-1-132073-2

The heavens seem angry. The rain pounds the earth, lightening strikes and the thunder roars. People are frightened. Water sweeps carrying away things on its paths. Maria’s doll is swept away. Maria embarks on a search that leads her to an adventure of a lifetime. Will she ever find her doll? Find out in this surprising story. HS/1106/09E, ISBN: 978-92-1-132072-5 Year: 2009 USD 10 (set price)

UN-HABITAT Water and Sanitation Books for Upper Primary: Aunt Pilipili Mr. and Mrs. Ambache travel and leave their young children in the hands of their aunt, Pilipili. The two young children, Ambere and Ndiso, at first dread their Aunt. They find her strict and forbidding. Everything seems to be taboo until they find out that actually… their Aunt isn’t as bad as they thought she was. HS/1073/08E, ISBN: 978-92-1-132067-1

The Magic Waterman Everyone thinks that Mzee Marende is a witch because he always has enough water, even to spare, when other people do not have water to drink. Incensed at Mzee Marende’s mysterious source of water, the people decide to attack him and his family accusing him of witchcraft. They set out to burn Mzee Marende’s entire family. In this exciting story, you will witness the deadly conflict as one man confronts and defeats an entire township. It is one of those stories a reader cannot forget easily. HS/1074/08E, ISBN: 978-92-1-132068-8

The UN-HABITAT Water and Sanitation Trust Fund: Annual Report 2008 Although sanitation has been hailed as “the most important medical advance since 1840”, over 2.5 billion people – most of them in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia – lack access to basic sanitation. The world is not on track to meet the 2015 Millennium Development Goal (MDG) for sanitation. For the drinking water MDG, progress is better, but the situation still critical in some regions. Meanwhile in the slums of cities such as Nairobi, Dar - es - Salaam and Mumbai, the daily reality is an extended struggle to find water, a place to defecate and a convenient location to dump or burn one’s rubbish. Pages: 40, Year: 2009 ISBN: 978-92-1-132087-9, HS/1121/09E Price: USD 5

Innovative Approaches for Involuntary Resettlement In 2002, UN-HABITAT became a partner of the Government of Sri Lanka and the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (now called JICA) in implementing the Lunawa Environmental Improvement & Community Development Project, a canal rehabilitation project within the Colombo Metropolitan region in Sri Lanka. This publication aims to record the various innovative approaches implemented for involuntary resettlement through this Project, as a useful reference among practitioners and policy makers in the field of infrastructure and urban development Pages: 55, Year: 2009 ISBN: 978-92-1-132173-9, HS/1204/09E Price: USD 5

Water Sanitation and Infrastructure

Maria’s Doll

The Killer Floods A deadly disease strikes fear in the hearts of all people. In this exciting story, you will find out what the disease is and how it is transmitted. You will also find out what happens to a girl named Mbona when she gets the disease. Will she survive? HS/1075/08E, ISBN: 978-92-1-132069-5 Year: 2009 USD 10 (set price)


Urban Economy and Financing Shelter Global Urban Economic Dialogue Series

Urban Economy and Financing Shelter

The Global Urban Economic Dialogue series presented here is a platform for all sectors of the society to address urban economic development and particularly its contribution to addressing housing issues. This work carries many new ideas, solutions and innovative best practices from some of the world’s leading urban thinkers and practitioners from international organisations, national governments, local authorities, the private sector, and civil society. This series also gives us an interesting insight and deeper understanding of the wide range of urban economic development and human settlements development issues. ISBN Series Number: 978-92-1-132027-5

Microfinance, Poverty Reduction and Millennium Development Goals This report argues that if microfinance is to benefit the chronically poor, deliberate action is needed to design products that are geared to the Millennium Goals and grant selective subsidies to compensate for market deficiencies that are detrimental to the chronically poor. The proposition is made that donors have a pivotal role to play if such market deficiencies are to be smoothed out and the capacity of microfinance to concentrate on the chronically poor is to be enhanced. Pages: 64, Year 2011 HS Number: HS/007/11E ISBN Number: 978-92-1-132302-3 Series Title: Global Urban Economic Dialogue Series Price: USD 5

Economic Development and Housing Markets in Hong Kong and Singapore


Hong Kong and Singapore have achieved a great deal in solving the housing problems for their people at all levels. This report examines the performance of housing markets and the relationship between economic development and housing markets in Hong Kong and Singapore. It examines the housing systems and the types of government intervention, the impacts of government intervention in the housing markets in Hong Kong and Singapore. Pages: 70, Year 2011 ISBN Number (Volume): 978-92-1-132303-0 HS Number: HS/008/11E Series Title: Global Urban Economic Dialogue Series Price: USD 10

Infrastructure for Poverty Reduction and Economic Development in Africa This report evaluates the role of infrastructure in promoting economic growth and poverty reduction in Africa. It is devoted to the study of the complementary physical infrastructure - telecommunications, power, transport (roads, railways, ports and airports), and water supply. Pages: 115, Year: 2011 ISBN: 978-92-1-132293-4 HS Number: HS/192/10E Series Title: Global Urban Economic Dialogue Series Price: USD 10

Low Income Housing in China This report describes the main challenges for low income housing and approaches for tackling low income housing in China Pages: 85, Year: 2010 ISBN: 978-92-1-132256-9 HS Number: HS/141/10C Series Title: Global Urban Economic Dialogue Series Price: USD 10

Organisation, Management and Evaluation of Housing Cooperatives in Kenya Housing cooperatives have become an essential means of dealing with the challenges of over-urbanization in Kenya. Several initiatives by the Government of Kenya, UN-HABITAT, the public and the private sector have been underway in the establishment of housing cooperatives particularly for the low-income earners. This report examines the development of housing cooperatives and Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies in Kenya, their organization, management and evaluation. It focuses on the challenges faced by new cooperatives and some of the strategies designed by the government and other institutions to support them. Pages: 140, Year: 2010 ISBN: 978-92-1-132268-2 HS Number: 153/10E Series Title: Global Urban Economic Dialogue Series Price: USD 10

Human Settlements Finance Systems series documents the state, evolution and trends of human settlements finance in member states, and examines the factors and forces which drive the development of human settlements finance systems and the roles of different institutions and actors in shaping the systems and trends, and reviews human settlements finance systems. It presents an interesting review of policies, instruments, processes and practices. It examines the strengths and weakness of these systems and practices, their relations to the housing sector and the broad economic and social sectors, and lessons learned from practices. ISBN Series: 987-92-1-132027-5

Challenges of Municipal Finance in Africa; with special reference to Gaborone city, Botswana Urbanization in the last 20 years has become one of the most important trends in human settlement development and the prospects of all developing countries continue to be deeply affected by rapid urban population growth. While Africa was 80% rural in the 1950s and 1960s, its rate of urbanization now stands on average at 50% and the trend is expected to continue over the coming years (UN-HABITAT, 1996). Pages: 54, Year: 2010 ISBN: 978-92-1-132198-2, HS/1233/09E Series Title: Human Settlements Financing Tools and Best Practices Series ISBN Series: 987-92-1-132027-5 Price: USD 5

Housing Finance Mechanisms in Brazil Housing finance mechanisms in Brazil have a very particular structure, when compared with the existing system all over the world. The Federal Government, aiming to solve different situations at the same time, created the Brazilian system in 1964. Previously, there was no organized system for housing financing in Brazil. Its structure has changed since then (1964-2009), on matters of formal guarantees, limits and definition of the adjustment of payments. The book shows how human settlements finance systems and models have been applied in Brazil. Pages: 50, Year: 2010 ISBN: 978-92-1-132225-5, HS/115/10E Series Title: Human Settlements Financing Tools and Best Practices Series ISBN Series: 987-92-1-132027-5 Price: USD 5

Informal Settlements and Finance in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania This report examines urbanization rates in Tanzania and its impacts on housing provision. It also reviews the different settlement upgrading projects carried out by the government, NGOs and other stakeholders that were aimed at improving the lives and working conditions of the majority of people living in informal settlements. Pages: 66, Year: 2010 ISBN: 92-1-132186-9, HS/1220/09E ISBN Series: 987-92-1-132027-5 Series Title: Human Settlements Financing Tools and Best Practices Series Price: USD 10

Guide to Municipal Finance This Guide to Municipal Finance describes the current issues in municipal finance and the ways in which local governments finance services and infrastructure. It sets out a basic economic framework that is used to evaluate the different aspects of municipal finance and that can be used by readers to evaluate other options. The Guide emphasizes that responsible, accountable, and efficient local governments need to raise their own revenues as much possible, adhere to an open and visible municipal budgetary process, and engage in transparent and prudent financial management. Pages: 110, Year: 2009 ISBN: 978-92-1-132113-5, HS/1146/09E Series Title: Human Settlements Financing Tools and Best Practices Series Price: USD 10

Urban Economy and Financing Shelter

Human Settlements Financing Tools and Best Practices Series

Guide to Preparing a Housing Finance Strategy This guide sets out the key elements of a housing finance strategy and the process of developing a housing finance strategy, including the study of housing demand, identifying available resources, market forces and strategies to accomplishing housing finance goals and objectives. Pages: 109, Year: 2009 ISBN: 978-92-1-132064-0, HS/ 1070/08E Series Title: Human Settlements Financing Tools and Best Practices Series Price: USD 15 19

Social Investment Funds This report provides an overview of the Social Investment Funds and their projects which have been implemented in Asia, Latin and Central America, Eastern Europe and Africa since the 1980s. The report describes the key characteristics of these funds and highlights their relevant weaknesses – predominately related to their financial sustainability; and offering ways in which these issues could be ameliorated. The report also questions the extent to which affordable housing or access to housing for low income groups, could be part of the social fund projects. Pages: 80, Year: 2009 ISBN: 978-92-1-13215-5, HS/1187/09E Series Title: Human Settlements Financing Tools and Best Practices Series Price: USD 10

Housing Finance Mechanisms in the Republic of Korea This publication is an evaluation housing finance mechanisms in Republic of Korea. It details Republic of Korea’s experience with this type of financing and may provide other countries with insights that could inform their efforts to promote effective housing and housing finance systems. This publication covers consumer finance, mortgage finance, public housing finance, low-income housing finance, the affordability of housing finance, (residential) development finance, and residential and commercial mortgage securitization. Pages: 110, Year: 2009 ISBN: 978-92-1-132022-0, HS/1144/09E Series Title: Human Settlements Finance Systems series Price: USD 10

Urban Economy and Financing Shelter

Human Settlements Finance Systems series


This series documents the state, evolution and trends of human settlements finance in member states, and examines the factors and forces which drive the development of human settlements finance systems and the roles of different institutions and actors in shaping the systems and trends, and reviews human settlements finance systems. It presents an interesting review of policies, instruments, processes and practices. It examines the strengths and weakness of these systems and practices, their relations to the housing sector and the broad economic and social sectors, and lessons learned from practices. ISBN Series Number: 978-92-1-132022-0

Housing Finance Mechanisms in Chile This report evaluates the housing finance mechanism in Chile, with special attention to the issues of affordability, efficiency, effectiveness and stability. Over the past three decades, the impact of the Chilean government’s social housing policy on the availability and affordability of housing has been substantial, in particular in drastically improving access to low and middleincome level households. One of the objectives of this report is to share the Chilean experience and some of the lessons learned, particularly those that may be replicable in other countries in the developing world. Pages: 103, Year: 2009 ISBN: 978-92-1-132056-5, HS/1062/08E Series Title: Human Settlements Finance Systems series Price: USD 10

Housing Finance Mechanisms in Zimbabwe The report focuses on key aspects and innovative instruments/practices that are specific to Zimbabwe, and makes recommendations, which involve communities in housing delivery with a firm foundation in the housing cooperative movement and which has achieved a substantial amount of success in Zimbabwe. The report also recommends the active participation of civil society organisations as they have also demonstrated a capacity to employ participatory and rights based approaches in housing delivery. Pages: 102, Year: 2009 ISBN: 978-92-1-132041-1, HS/1045/08E Series Title: Human Settlements Finance Systems series Price: USD 10

Community-Based Housing Finance Initiatives This report examines one of the main innovations and trends in communitybased housing finance initiatives - the Community Mortgage Programme in Philippines. The Community Mortgage Programme inPhilippinesisaninnovative financing scheme that aims to realize the dreams of housing ownership among the lowest income sector of the society and to help informal settlers to gain security of land tenure and housing tenure. This report presents the details of the Community Mortgage Programme, assesses its performance as a housing finance programme for the poor and examines the implementation problems. Pages: 65, Year: 2009 ISBN: 978-92-1-132180-7, HS/1213/09 Price: USD 10

Risk and Disaster Management

The Guidelines provide a holistic approach to addressing land issues from the immediate aftermath of a natural disaster through early recovery and reconstruction phases. It is targeted at humanitarians and land professionals, as well as government officials. The Guidelines take an inter-disciplinary approach to land, one that also brings together humanitarian emergency relief and early recovery perspectives. Throughout the text, readers will find many short cases illustrating practical aspects of bringing land issues into the post-disaster recovery process. Tools and other useful references are also included. The information provided in these Guidelines will be of interest and use to anyone directly working to support rapid yet sustainable recovery of human settlements following a natural disaster. The Guidelines were produced through a partnership between UN-HABITAT, the Global Land Tool Network (GLTN), FAO and the Early Recovery Cluster. Pages: 140, Year: 2010 ISBN: 978-92-1-132236-1, HS/1254/09E Price: USD 10

Shelter Projects 2009 By the end of 2009, over 43 million people worldwide had been forcibly displaced due to conflict and persecution. In addition, during 2009, 335 reported natural disasters killed over 10,000 people and affected more than 119 million people. The corresponding scale of global shelter need has required a diversity of approaches that go beyond simple design solutions. Spanning humanitarian responses from over 60 years, Shelter Projects 2009 is the second annual compilation of shelter programmes. The project summaries included aim to illustrate some of the project options available to organisations working in both post disaster and post conflict situations, as well as to support learning from the strengths and weaknesses of different projects. The focus of this book is on projects that maximise emergency response funds to support sustainable recovery. Pages: 150, Year: 2010 ISBN: 978-92-1-132285-9 HS Number: 172/10E Price: USD 5

LENSS Tool Kit: Local Estimate of Needs for Shelter and Settlement, Field Version, IASC Emergency Shelter Cluster The LENSS Tool Kit is designed to alleviate the difficulties of shelter and settlement needs assessment in the immediate aftermath of a disaster and before the recovery phase. Pages: 94, Year: 2009 ISBN: 978-92-1-132145-6, HS/1179/09E Price: USD 5

Post Tsunami Aceh-Nias Settlement and Housing Recovery Review In mid 2007, the BRR Housing Deputy asked UN-HABITAT to document the post-Tsunami housing reconstruction programme in Aceh and Nias. The resulting book aims to be a resource for future evaluations and policy making. The evaluation focuses on two key questions: what were the success factors in achieving housing recovery in the particular context of the reconstruction in Aceh and Nias; and what can be learned about the role of government and civil society in order to achieve successful housing recovery in the future. Pages:, Year: 2009 ISBN: 978-92-1-132142-5, HS/1176/09E Price: USD 20

Risk and Disaster management

Land and Natural Disasters: Guidance for Practitioners

Shelter Projects 2008 - IASC Emergency Shelter Cluster In recent years, the humanitarian community has looked inward, learning from their past experiences in providing emergency shelter for the ever-increasing number of populations suffering from crises worldwide. The humanitarian reform process has helped widen the community of practitioners, reinforced global and country-based coordination systems, and required the agencies concerned to seek new and better means of ensuring integrated and robust humanitarian programming. This publication is an example of series of learning tools being produced to support improved response to crises. Pages: 110, Year: 2009 ISBN: 978-92-1-132108-1, HS/1141/09E Price: USD 5


Social Inclusion Ideas to Action: Best Practices in Youth-Led Development This report represents the findings of two parallel surveys: a survey on Youth and Harmonious Urbanization and one on Youth-Led Development. Pages: 32, Year: 2010 HS/149/10E Price: USD 5

Social Inclusion

Mapping Urban Youth-Led Development


This report contains the results of an inventory, or mapping, of youthled initiatives undertaken during the inception phase of the Opportunities Fund. The inventory was conducted to identify and assess existing organisations and initiatives that would enhance the effectiveness of the fund. Pages: 32, Year: 2010 HS/148/10E Price: USD 5

State of the Urban Youth 2010/2011: Leveling the Playing Field This report is based on data from UN-HABITAT’s Global Urban Indicator Database, as well as surveys of, and focus group discussions with, selected representative groups of young people in five major cities located in four developing regions: Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), Mumbai (India), Kingston (Jamaica), Nairobi (Kenya) and Lagos (Nigeria). Pages: 86, Year: 2010 ISBN: 978-92-1-132010-7, HS/106/10E Price: USD 10

Working with Parliamentarians: Strategy and Action Parliamentarians are very important and vibrant partners of UN-HABITAT in promoting sustainable housing and urban development. They are the representatives of the people and pressure group on the government to set the priorities of national agenda and required budget for its implementation. They are the law makers for better governance in their respective countries. This publication address all these issues including challenges in working with the parliamentarians based on UN-HABITAT experience. It discusses the strategy and necessary action to be taken to strengthen our partnership with the parliamentary associations so that they can promote the Habitat Agenda and support in achieving the MDG’s for a better world. Pages: 40, Year: 2010 ISBN: 978-92-1-132294-1 HS/194/10 Price: USD 5

Gender Equality for Smarter Cities: Challenges and Progress Towns and cities are increasingly important places for tackling gender inequalities. Gender equality for smarter Cities highlights some of the key gender issues we face in the context of rapid urbanisation in the developing world. It also provides an overview of UN-HABITAT’s work in promoting gender equality in all its activities and programmes. Creating more equal opportunities and protecting rights for both women and men contributes to better living conditions for the urban poor and achievement of the Millennium development goals. Pages: 42, Year: 2009 ISBN: 978-92-1-132213-2, HS/1250/09E Price: USD 5

Information and Monitoring

We have also produced the following abstract for the publications catalogue:Cities and Climate Change re v i e w s t h e l i n k a g e s b e t w e e n urbanization and climate change, two of the greatest challenges currently facing humanity in the 21st Century, and whose effects are converging in dangerous ways. It illustrates the significant contribution of urban areas to climate change while at the same time highlighting the potentially devastating effects of climate change on urban populations. It reviews policy responses, strategies and practices that are emerging in urban areas to mitigate and adapt to climate change, as well as their potential achievements and constraints. In conclusion, the report argues that urban areas have a pivotal role in both climate change mitigation and adaptation and identifies strategies and approaches for strengthening this role. Launch: 28 March, 2011 Pages: 250, Year: 2011 HS Number: HS/001/11E ISBN Number(Series): 978-92-1-131929-3 ISBN Number:(Volume) 978-92-1-132296-5 Price: USD 58

State of the World’s Cities 2010/2011: Bridging the Urban Divide Following on from previous State of the World’s Cities reports, this edition uses the framework of ‘The Urban Divide’ to analyse the complex social, political, economic and cultural dynamics of urban environments. In particular, the book focuses on the concept of the ‘right to the city’ and ways in which many urban dwellers are excluded from the advantages of city life, using the framework to explore links among poverty, inequality, slum formation and economic growth. The volume will be essential reading for all professionals and policymakers in the field, as well as a valuable resource for researchers and students in all aspects of urban development. Pages: 225, Year: 2010 ISBN: 978-1-84407-696-3, HS/1031/08E Price: USD 44

State of the Urban Youth 2010/2011: Leveling the Playing Field This report is based on data from UN-HABITAT’s Global Urban Indicator Database, as well as surveys of, and focus group discussions with, selected representative groups of young people in five major cities located in four developing regions: Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), Mumbai (India), Kingston (Jamaica), Nairobi (Kenya) and Lagos (Nigeria). Pages: 86, Year: 2010 ISBN: 978-92-1-132010-7, HS/106/10E Price: USD 10

Annual Report 2009 The year 2009 was a landmark for management as UN-HABITAT rationalized its organizational structure and became better aligned to deliver the results prescribed under its MediumTerm Strategic and Institutional Plan. In particular, resource mobilization was improved, including adopting a more systematic approach. The results framework of the six focus areas was completed, enhancing convergence on strategic goals and improving programme planning. The associated performance measurement plans now provide a clear basis for accountability. English Pages: 62, Year: 2010 ISBN: 978-92-1-132233-0, HS/122/10E French Pages: 76, Year: 2010 ISBN: 978-92-1-132243-9, HS/127/10F Price: USD 5

Information and monitoring

Global Report on Human Settlements 2011: Cities and Climate Change


General Urban World: Urban Sustainable Mobility In this issue: - ‘Decade of Action’ launched to reduce road deaths as a global killer - Medellin’s Mayor talks of how his city has moved from fear to hope - Field report: how Pakistan is developing from last year’s devasting floods - New report on Arab cities: the cradle of urbanization Pages: 72, Year: 2010 Available Electronic Format


Urban World: Better City, Better Life In this issue: • Message from Deputy Executive Director, UN-HABITAT for World Habitat Day • What the Shanghai Expo means for China • Interview: Philadelphia’s Mayor reveals new strategic growth plan • How ICT is transforming the lives of slum dwellers • N e w U N - H A B I TAT E x e c u t i v e Director. Pages: 72, Year: 2010 Price: USD 5

Urban World: Ten Years into the Millennium Development Goals In September 2010, leaders from around the world will gather in New York for a special 10th anniversary review summit on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). With just five years left to achieve the Goals, the current issue of Urban World focuses on the possibility of achieving these. Pages: 72, Year: 2010 Price: USD 5

Urban World: Bridging the Urban Divide: Why cities must build equality?


Bridging the Urban Divide In this issue: • How Cape Town is rising to the World Cup challenge • New report highlights progress on Millenium Development Goals • Interview: Marcio Fortes, Minister of Cities, Brazil Pages: 68,Year: 2010 Price: USD 5

Urban World: Scaling new heights: New ideas in Urban planning This issue of the UN-HABITAT quarterly magazine focuses on urban planning - the theme this year of World Habitat Day. One of the most senior executives of a Hong Kong land giant explains how the company is giving central Beijing a major facelift. The Mayor of Seoul tells the story of the greening of the city, and we take a close, personal look at working in Afghanistan, one of UN-HABITAT’s biggest and most complex projects in the world. The cover story introduces the agency’s latest flagship publication, Planning Sustainable Cities: Global Report on Human Settlements 2009. English & Spanish Pages: ,Year: 2009 Price: USD 5

Urban World: Innovative cities: Why learning is the key to urban development This issue of Urban World covers innovative cities. It examines why learning is the key to smarter urban development. Pages: 84,Year: 2009 Price: USD 5

Urban World: Climate Change: Are cities really to blame? Climate change is fast becoming the preeminent development challenge of the 21st century,and this is why we have made it the theme for the cover story of this second issue of our new flagship magazine,Urban World. Pages: 92,Year: 2009 Price: USD 5

Titles in Electronic Format 2009-2011 (available on UN-HABITAT’s website, www.unhabitat.org)


Burao Profile: first steps towards strategic planning


Burkina Faso: Profil Urbain De Ougadougou


Cameroun: Profil Urbain de Kribi


Cameroun: Profil Urbain de Yaoundé


Cameroun: Profil Urbain National du Cameroun


Citywide Action Plan for Upgrading Unplanned and Unserviced Settlements in Dar es Salaam


Directrices internacionales sobre descentralización y fortalecimiento de las autoridades locales (Spanish)


ecoBudget: Introduction for Mayors and Municipal Councillors


Eritrea: National and Cities Urban Profile

10. Executive Summary of Structure Plans for Awka, Onitsha and Nnewi and Environs 2009-2027 11. Financing Urban Development around Lake Victoria 12. First steps towards strategic urban planning: Urban development programme for the Somali region 13. Ghana: Accra Urban Profile 14. Ghana: Ho City Profile 15. Ghana: National Urban Profile 16. Ghana: Tamale City Profile 17. Global Report on Human Settlements 2009: Planning Sustainable Cities 18. Guía para la prevención local hacia políticas de cohesión social y seguridad ciudadana 19. Hidden Cities ABRIDGED Arabic 20. Hidden Cities ABRIDGED Chinese 21. Hidden Cities ABRIDGED English 22. Hidden Cities ABRIDGED French 23. Hidden Cities ABRIDGED Russian 24. Hidden Cities ABRIDGED Spanish 25. Hidden Cities: Unmasking and Overcoming Health Inequities in Urban Settings 26. Housing Finance Mechanisms in the Republic of Korea 27. Informal Urban Development in Europe: Experiences from Albania and Greece 28. International Guidelines on Decentralization and Access to Basic Services for all 29. Lignes directrices internationales sur la décentralisation et l’accès aux services de base pour tous 30. Local Economic Development through Strategic Planning: Local Economic Development (LED) series - Volume 5 -

Trainer’s GuidePromoting 31. MALAWI Urban Housing Sector Profile 32. Mozambique Cities Profile: MAPUTO, NACALA AND MANICA 33. Niger: Profil Urbain de Mirriah 34. Niger: Profil Urbain National 35. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do MilénioObjetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milénio - Casimiro de Abreu Linha-base 2000/2006Relatório de Acompanhamento 36. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do MilênioObjetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio - Cachoeiras de Macacu ano de 2007Relatório de Acompanhamento 37. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do MilênioObjetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio - Cachoeiras de Macacu linha base 2000-2006Relatório de Acompanhamento

49. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do MilênioObjetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio - São Gonçalo ano de 2007Relatório de Acompanhamento 50. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do MilênioObjetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio - São Gonçalo linha-base 2000/2006Relatório de acompanhamento 51. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do MilênioObjetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio - Silva Jardim ano de 2007Relatório de Acompanhamento 52. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do MilênioObjetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio - Tanguá , linha-base 2000/2006Relatório de acompanhamento 53. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do MilênioObjetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio - Tanguá ano de 2007Relatório de Acompanhamento

38. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do MilênioObjetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio - Casimiro de Abreu ano de 2007Relatório de Acompanhamento

54. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do MilênioObjetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio: Municípios do Conleste ano de 2007Relatorio de Acompanhamento

39. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do MilênioObjetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio - Guapimirim ano de 2007Relatório de acompanhamento

55. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do MilênioObjetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio: Municípios do Conleste, Linha base 2000-2006.Relatório de Acompanhamento

40. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do MilênioObjetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio - Itaboraí 2007Relatório de Acompanhamento 41. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do MilênioObjetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio - Itaborai Linha-Base 2000/2006Relatório de Acompanhamento 42. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do MilênioObjetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio - Maricá ano de 2007Relatório de Acompanhamento 43. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do MilênioObjetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio - Maricá linha-base 2000/2006Relatório de acompanhamento 44. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do MilênioObjetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio - Municipio de Guapimirim linha-base 2000/2006Relatório de acompanhamento 45. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do MilênioObjetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio - Municipio de Magé ano de 2007Relatório de acompanhamento 46. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do MilênioObjetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio - Niterói ano de 2007Relatório de Acompanhamento 47. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do MilênioObjetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio - Niterói linha-base 2000/2006Relatório de acompanhamento 48. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do MilênioObjetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio - Rio Bonito ano de 2007Relatório de Acompanhamento

56. Papua New Guinea: Goroka City Profile 57. Papua New Guinea: Kokopo City profile 58. Papua New Guinea: Port Moresby Urban Profile 59. Rapid Urban Sector ProfileZambia: Kitwe Urban Profile 60. Rapid Urban Sector ProfileZambia: National Urban Profile 61. Sao Paulo; A tale of two cities 62. Senegal: Profil Urbain de Kanel 63. Senegal: Profil Urbain de Kaolack 64. State of the World’s Cities 2010/2011 Cities for All: Bridging the Urban Divide 65. Strategic Urban Development Plan for Homa Bay Municipality (2008-2030) 66. Strategic Urban Development Plan for Masaka Municipality 67. Structure Plan for Awka and Satellite Towns 68. Structure Plan for Nnewi and Satellite Towns

Titles in Electronic Format (available on UN-HABITAT’s website, www.unhabitat.org)

Urban Development and Management

69. Structure Plan for Onitsha and Satellite Towns 70. Tanzania: Bagamoyo Urban Profile 71. Tanzania: Dar es Salaam Urban Profile 72. Tanzania: Morogoro Urban Profile 73. Tanzania: National Urban Profile 74. The Sustainable Cities China Programme (1996-2007): A compendium of good practice 75. The Sustainable Cities Programme in Peru


76. The Sustainable Cities Programme in the Philippines (1998-2007) - A compendium of good practices addressing poverty, gender inequality and environmental degradation

107. Land, Environment and Climate Change: Challenges, responses and Tools

77. The Sustainable Cities Programme in Zambia (1994-2007) Addressing the challenges of rapid urbanization

109. Low Income Housing in China

78. Twenty Years of Transition: The Evolution of Urban Planning in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union, 1989-2009

Titles in Electronic Format (available on UN-HABITAT’s website, www.unhabitat.org)

79. UN-Habitat Country Program Document 2008-2009 - Vietnam 80. UN-Habitat Country Programme Document 2008-2009 - Indonesia 81. UN-Habitat Country Programme Document 2008-2009 - Lebanon 82. UN-Habitat Country Programme Document 2008-2009 - LiberiaHCPD 83. UN-Habitat Country Programme Document 2008-2009 - Malawi 84. UN-HABITAT Country Programme Document 2008-2009 - Mozambique 85. UN-Habitat Country Programme Document 2008-2009 - NamibiaHCPD 86. UN-Habitat Country Programme Document 2008-2009 - Nepal 87. UN-Habitat Country Programme Document 2008-2009 - Pakistan 88. UN-Habitat Country Programme Document 2008-2009 - Philippines 89. UN-Habitat Country Programme Document 2008-2009 - Rwanda 90. UN-Habitat Country Programme Document 2008-2009 - Sri Lanka 91. UN-Habitat Country Programme Document 2008-2009 - Uganda 92. UN-Habitat Country Programme Document 2008-2009- Zambia 93. Urban Planning Manual for Somaliland 94. World Urban Forum 4 ReportThe World’s Premier Conference on Cities Nanjing, China 3-6 November 2008 95. Zambia: Livingstone City Profile

Land and Housing 96. A Training Course on Land, Property and Housing Rights in the Muslim World 97. Citywide Strategic Planning: A step by step guide 98. Count me in:Surveying for tenure security 99. Gendering Land Tools 100. Guide to Preparing a Housing Finance Strategy: Human Settlements Financing Tools and Best Practices 101. Housing as a Strategy for Poverty Reduction in Ghana 102. Housing Finance Mechanisms in Brazil 103. Housing Finance Mechanisms in the Republic of Korea 104. Interlocking Stabilised Soil Blocks: Appropriate earth technologies in Uganda


105. Land and Natural Disasters: Guidance for Practitioners 106. Land Inventory in Botswana: Processes

and Lessons

108. Land, Tenure and Housing Issues for Conflict-Displaced Populations in Georgia 110. MALAWI Urban Housing Sector Profile 111. Quick Guides for Policy Makers on Housing the Poor in African Cities Quick Guide 1: Urban Africa - Building with untapped potential 112. Quick Guides for Policy Makers on Housing the Poor in African Cities Quick Guide 2: Low-income Housing 113. Quick Guides for Policy Makers on Housing the Poor in African Cities Quick Guide 3: Land

Environment and Climate Change 129. A handbook for cities and towns in developing countries: Sustainable Urban Energy Planning 130. Climate Change Assessment for Esmeraldas, Ecquador: Climate Change Assessment 131. Climate Change Assessment for Kampala, Uganda 132. Climate Change Assessment for Maputo, Mozambique 133. ecoBudget: Introduction for Mayors and Municipal Councillors 134. Global Report on Human Settlements 2011: Climate Change and Cities

114. Quick Guides for Policy Makers on Housing the Poor in African Cities Quick Guide 4: Eviction

135. Integrating the Green and Brown Agendas in a Climate Change Context: Guide for the formulation of Environmental Local Agendas in Colombia (Spanish)

115. Quick Guides for Policy Makers on Housing the Poor in African Cities Quick Guide 5: Housing Finance

136. Perspectivas para o Meio Ambiente Urbano. GEO Beberibe

116. Quick Guides for Policy Makers on Housing the Poor in African Cities Quick Guide 6: Community-based organizations 117. Quick Guides for Policy Makers on Housing the Poor in African Cities Quick Guide 7: Rental Housing 118. Quick Guides for Policy Makers on Housing the Poor in African Cities Quick Guide 8: Local government 119. Shelter Projects 2009 120. Slum Upgrading Facility THE UN-HABITAT Slum Upgrading Facility (SUF) WORKING PAPER 11 121. Strategic citywide spatial planning: A situational analysis of metropolitan Portau-Prince, Haiti 122. The Sustainable Cities China Programme (1996-2007): A compendium of good practice 123. The Sustainable Cities Programme in the Philippines (1998-2007) - A compendium of good practices addressing poverty, gender inequality and environmental degradation 124. THE UN-HABITAT Slum Upgrading Facility (SUF) WORKING PAPER 10 125. Urban Indigenous Peoples and Migration; A Review of Policies, Programmes and Practices 126. Urban Land Markets: Economic concepts and tools for engaging in Africa 127. Urban Sector Studies and Capacity Building for Khartoum State 128. World Urban Forum 4 Report: The World’s Premier Conference on Cities Nanjing, China 3-6 November 2008

137. Perspectivas para o Meio Ambiente Urbano. GEO Maraba 138. Perspectivas para o Meio Ambiente Urbano. GEO Piranhas 139. Perspectivas para o Meio Ambiente Urbano. GEO Ponta Pora 140. Planning Sustainable Cities: UN-HABITAT Practices and Perspectives 141. Solid Waste Management in the World’s Cities: Water and Sanitation in the World’s Cities 2010 142. SORSOGON CLIMATE CHANGE ASSESSMENT 143. The Sustainable Cities Programme in Zambia (1994-2007) Addressing the challenges of rapid urbanization

Water Sanitation and Infrastructure 144. Annual Report 2009: Water and Sanitation Trust Fund 145. Collection of Municipal Solid Waste in Developing Countries 146. Human Settlements Finance Systems: Housing Finance Mechanisms in the Republic of Korea 147. Human Settlements Finance Tools and Best Practices: Guide to Municipal Finance 148. Innovative Approaches for Involuntary Resettlement 149. Local Actions for Sustainable Development Water and Sanitation in Asia-Pacific Region 150. UN-HABITAT annual report series: Annual report 2008 151. Water and Sanitation in Latin America and the Caribbean 152. Water Operators Partnerships - Building WOPs for Sustainable Development in Water and Sanitation 153. Your Choice Booklet

Financing Shelter

154. Challenges of Municipal Finance in Africa; with special reference to Gaborone city, Botswana 155. Community Development Fund in Thailand 156. Community-Based Housing Finance Initiatives 157. Economic Development and Housing Markets: in Hong Kong and Singapore 158. Financing Urban Development around Lake Victoria 159. Guide to Municipal Finance 160. Guide to Preparing a Housing Finance Strategy 161. Housing Finance Mechanisms in Brazil 162. Housing Finance Mechanisms in Chile 163. Housing Finance Mechanisms in the Republic of Korea 164. Housing Finance Mechanisms in Zimbabwe

Social Inclusion 182. Gender Equality for Smarter Cities: Challenges and Progress 183. Gendering Land Tools 184. Guía para la prevención local hacia políticas de cohesión social y seguridad ciudadana 185. Ideas To Action 186. IGUALDAD DE GÉNERO PARA CIUDADES MÁS INTELIGENTES: Desafíos y Avances 187. Mapping Urban Youth-Led Development: Opportunities Fund for Urban Youth-Led Development 188. State of the Urban Youth 2010/2011: Leveling the Playing Field 189. The Global Assessment on Women’s Safety 190. Urbanization for Human Development: Politics in a World of Cities 191. Women’s Safety Audit: What Works and Where? 192. Working with Parliamentarians: Strategy and Action

165. Informal Settlements and Finance in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 166. Infrastructure for Poverty Reduction and Economic Development in Africa 167. Microfinance, Poverty Reduction and Millennium Development Goals 168. Organisation, Management and Evaluation of Housing Cooperatives in Kenya 169. Social Investment Funds 170. Challenges of Municipal Finance in Africa; with special reference to Gaborone city, Botswana

Risk and Disaster Management

215. Documento De Programa De País 20082009 - Costa Rica 216. Documento De Programa De País 20082009 - Ecuador 217. Global Report on Human Settlements 2009: Planning Sustainable Cities 218. Global Report on Human Settlements 2011: Climate Change and Cities 219. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milenio. Municipio de Silva Jardim. Relatorio de acompanhamento, linha base 2000-2006 220. Rapport Annuel 2009 (French) 221. State of African Cities 2010 (L’état des Villes Africaines 2010)Gouvernance, inégalité et marchés fonciers urbains 222. State of African Cities2010Governance, Inequalities and Urban Land Markets 223. State of China Cities 2010/2011 (CHINESE)Better City Better Life 224. State of China Cities 2010/2011Better City Better Life 225. State of the Urban Youth 2010/2011: Leveling the Playing Field

193. Annual Report 2008 - French

226. State of the World’s Cities 2010/2011 Cities for All: Bridging the Urban Divide

194. Annual Report 2008 - Spanish 195. Catalogue of Products and Services 196. Country Activities Report2009 197. Global Report on Human Settlements 2009, Planning Sustainable Cities: Policy Direction - Abridged Edition 198. Global Report on Human Settlements 2009: Planning Sustainable Cities 199. One Earth, One UN in a Chinese Garden: Design of the United Nations Pavilion 200. UN-HABITAT annual report series: Annual report 2008 201. Working Paper 9UN-HABITAT Slum Upgrading Facility Working Paper 9

172. Estrategia de Apoyo a la Gestión Urbano AmbientalSCP/LA21 en Arequipa

202. Your Choice Booklet

174. Innovative Approaches for Involuntary Resettlement

214. Documento De Programa De Pais 20082009 - Colombia


171. Aceh Nias Settlement & Housing RecoveryReview

173. Guía para la prevención local hacia políticas de cohesión social y seguridad ciudadana

213. Document De Programme-Pays 20082009 - TChad

Information and Monitoring 203. 5 Temas Selectos del Hábitat Latinoamericano 204. Annual Report 2008 - French

227. UN-HABITAT annual report seriesAnnual report 2008 228. UN-Habitat Country Program Document 2008-2009 - Vietnam 229. UN-Habitat Country Programme Document 2008-2009 - Indonesia 230. UN-Habitat Country Programme Document 2008-2009 - Lebanon 231. UN-Habitat Country Programme Document 2008-2009 - LiberiaHCPD 232. UN-Habitat Country Programme Document 2008-2009 - Malawi 233. UN-HABITAT Country Programme Document 2008-2009 - Mozambique 234. UN-Habitat Country Programme Document 2008-2009 - NamibiaHCPD 235. UN-Habitat Country Programme Document 2008-2009 - Nepal 236. UN-Habitat Country Programme Document 2008-2009 - Pakistan

205. Annual Report 2009

237. UN-Habitat Country Programme Document 2008-2009 - Philippines

206. Document De Programme-Pays 2008 2009 - Burkina Faso

238. UN-Habitat Country Programme Document 2008-2009 - Rwanda

207. Document De Programme-Pays 20082009 - Benin

239. UN-Habitat Country Programme Document 2008-2009 - Sri Lanka

208. Document De Programme-Pays 20082009 - BurundiHCPD

240. UN-Habitat Country Programme Document 2008-2009 - Uganda

178. Shelter Projects 2008IASC Emergency Shelter Cluster

209. Document De Programme-Pays 20082009 - Cap Vert

241. UN-Habitat Country Programme Document 2008-2009- Zambia

179. Shelter Projects 2009

210. Document de Programme-Pays 20082009 - Madagascar

242. World Urban Forum 4 ReportThe World’s

211. Document de Programme-Pays 20082009 - République Démocratique du Congo

243. Your Choice Booklet

175. Interlocking Stabilised Soil BlocksAppropriate earth technologies in Uganda 176. Land and Natural Disasters: Guidance for Practitioners 177. LENSS TOOL KIT: Local Estimate of Needs for Shelter and Settlement, Field VersionIASC Emergency Shelter Cluster

180. The Global Assessment on Women’s Safety 181. Women’s Safety Audit: What Works and Where?

212. Document De Programme-Pays 20082009 - Senegal

Titles in Electronic Format (available on UN-HABITAT’s website, www.unhabitat.org)

Urban Economy and

Premier Conference on Cities Nanjing, China 3-6 November 2008


Publications in other languages 2009 – 2011 Arabic

31. Senegal: Profil Urbain de Kaolack

1. Hidden Cities ABRIDGED

32. Document De Programme-Pays 2008 2009 - Burkina Faso

Publications in other languages 2009 – 2011


34. Document De Programme-Pays 20082009 - BurundiHCPD

60. Quick Guides in the Housing the Urban Poor in our Asian Cities Series 61. Quick Guide 1: Urbanization 62. Quick Guide 2: Low-Income Housing


Quick Guides in the Housing the Urban Poor in our Asian Cities Series


Quick Guide 1: Urbanization


Quick Guide 2: Low-Income Housing


Quick Guide 3: Land


Quick Guide 4: Evictions


Quick Guide 5: Housing Finance

37. Document de Programme-Pays 20082009 - République Démocratique du Congo


Quick Guide 6: Community-Based Organizations

38. Document De Programme-Pays 20082009 - Senegal


39. Document De Programme-Pays 20082009 - TChad

68. Hidden Cities ABRIDGED


Quick Guide 7: Rental Housing

Chinese 10. Hidden Cities ABRIDGED 11. Low Income Housing in China 12. State of China Cities 2010/2011; Better City Better Life 13. One Earth, One UN in a Chinese GardenDesign of the United Nations Pavilion

Dari 14. Quick Guides in the Housing the Urban Poor in our Asian Cities Series 15. Quick Guide 1: Urbanization 16. Quick Guide 2: Low-Income Housing

35. Document De Programme-Pays 20082009 - Cap Vert 36. Document de Programme-Pays 20082009 - Madagascar

40. Annual Report 2008 - French 41. Document De Programme-Pays 2008 2009 - Burkina Faso 42. Document De Programme-Pays 20082009 - Benin 43. Document De Programme-Pays 20082009 - BurundiHCPD 44. Document De Programme-Pays 20082009 - Cap Vert 45. Document de Programme-Pays 20082009 - Madagascar 46. Document de Programme-Pays 20082009 - République Démocratique du Congo 47. Document De Programme-Pays 20082009 - Senegal

17. Quick Guide 3: Land

48. Document De Programme-Pays 20082009 - TChad

18. Quick Guide 4: Evictions

49. Annual Report 2008 - French

19. Quick Guide 5: Housing Finance

50. Document De Programme-Pays 2008 2009 - Burkina Faso

20. Quick Guide 6: Community-Based Organizations 21. Quick Guide 7: Rental Housing

French 22. Burkina Faso: Profil Urbain De Ougadougou 23. Cameroun: Profil Urbain de Kribi 24. Cameroun: Profil Urbain de Yaoundé 25. Cameroun: Profil Urbain National du Cameroun 26. Hidden Cities ABRIDGED French


33. Document De Programme-Pays 20082009 - Benin


51. Document De Programme-Pays 20082009 - Benin 52. Document De Programme-Pays 20082009 - BurundiHCPD 53. Document De Programme-Pays 20082009 - Cap Vert 54. Document de Programme-Pays 20082009 - Madagascar 55. Document de Programme-Pays 20082009 - République Démocratique du Congo 56. Document De Programme-Pays 20082009 - Senegal

27. Lignes directrices internationales sur la décentralisation et l’accès aux services de base pour tous (French)

57. Document De Programme-Pays 20082009 - TChad

28. Niger: Profil Urbain de Mirriah

59. State of African Cities 2010 (L’état des

29. Niger: Profil Urbain National 30. Senegal: Profil Urbain de Kanel

58. Rapport Annuel 2009 (French) Villes Africaines 2010)Gouvernance, inégalité et marchés fonciers urbains

63. Quick Guide 3: Land 64. Quick Guide 4: Evictions 65. Quick Guide 5: Housing Finance 66. Quick Guide 6: Community-Based Organizations 67. Quick Guide 7: Rental Housing

Portuguese 69. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do MilênioObjetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio - Cachoeiras de Macacu ano de 2007Relatório de Acompanhamento 70. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do MilênioObjetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio - Cachoeiras de Macacu linha base 2000-2006Relatório de Acompanhamento 71. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do MilênioObjetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio - Casimiro de Abreu ano de 2007Relatório de Acompanhamento 72. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do MilénioObjetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milénio - Casimiro de Abreu Linha-base 2000/2006Relatório de Acompanhamento 73. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do MilênioObjetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio - Guapimirim ano de 2007Relatório de acompanhamento 74. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do MilênioObjetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio - Itaboraí 2007Relatório de Acompanhamento 75. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do MilênioObjetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio - Itaborai Linha-Base 2000/2006Relatório de Acompanhamento 76. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do MilênioObjetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio - Maricá ano de 2007Relatório de Acompanhamento 77. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do MilênioObjetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio - Maricá linha-base 2000/2006Relatório de acompanhamento 78. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do MilênioObjetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio - Municipio de Guapimirim linha-base 2000/2006Relatório de acompanhamento

80. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do MilênioObjetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio - Niterói ano de 2007Relatório de Acompanhamento 81. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do MilênioObjetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio - Niterói linha-base 2000/2006Relatório de acompanhamento 82. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do MilênioObjetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio - Rio Bonito ano de 2007Relatório de Acompanhamento 83. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do MilênioObjetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio - São Gonçalo ano de 2007Relatório de Acompanhamento

99. Perspectivas para o Meio Ambiente Urbano. GEO Piranhas 100. Perspectivas para o Meio Ambiente Urbano. GEO Ponta Pora 101. Documento De Programa De Pais 20082009 - Colombia 102. Documento De Programa De País 20082009 - Costa Rica 103. Documento De Programa De País 20082009 - Ecuador 104. Guía para la prevención local hacia políticas de cohesión social y seguridad ciudadana 105. Estrategia de Apoyo a la Gestión Urbano AmbientalSCP/LA21 en Arequipa 106. Guía para la prevención local hacia políticas de cohesión social y seguridad ciudadana

84. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do MilênioObjetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio - São Gonçalo linha-base 2000/2006Relatório de acompanhamento


85. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do MilênioObjetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio - Silva Jardim ano de 2007Relatório de Acompanhamento

109. Annual Report 2008 - Spanish

86. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do MilênioObjetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio - Tanguá , linha-base 2000/2006Relatório de acompanhamento

111. Documento De Programa De País 20082009 - Costa Rica

87. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do MilênioObjetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio - Tanguá ano de 2007Relatório de Acompanhamento

113. 5 Temas Selectos del Hábitat Latinoamericano

88. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do MilênioObjetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio: Municípios do Conleste ano de 2007Relatorio de Acompanhamento 89. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do MilênioObjetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio: Municípios do Conleste, Linha base 2000-2006.Relatório de Acompanhamento 90. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milenio. Municipio de Silva Jardim. Relatorio de acompanhamento, linha base 2000-2006

108. Urbanization for Human Development: Politics in a World of Cities 110. Documento De Programa De Pais 20082009 - Colombia

112. Documento De Programa De País 20082009 - Ecuador

114. Documento De Programa De Pais 20082009 - Colombia 115. Documento De Programa De País 20082009 - Costa Rica 116. Documento De Programa De País 20082009 – Ecuador

Publications in other languages 2009 – 2011

79. Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do MilênioObjetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio - Municipio de Magé ano de 2007Relatório de acompanhamento

Russian 91. Hidden Cities ABRIDGED

Spanish 92. Directrices internacionales sobre descentralización y fortalecimiento de las autoridades locales (Spanish) 93. Guía para la prevención local hacia políticas de cohesión social y seguridad ciudadana 94. Hidden Cities ABRIDGED Spanish 95. The Sustainable Cities Programme in Peru 96. Integrating the Green and Brown Agendas in a Climate Change Context. Guide for the formulation of Environmental Local Agendas in Colombia (Spanish) 97. Perspectivas para o Meio Ambiente Urbano. GEO Beberibe 98. Perspectivas para o Meio Ambiente Urbano. GEO Maraba




Promoting socially and environmentally sustainable human settlements development and the achievement of adequate shelter for all



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www.unhabitat.org/publications However, successful responses to the challenges of climate change require changes in how urban areas

Cities and Climate Change reviews the linkages between urbanization and climate change, and illustrates the significant contribution of urban areas to climate change, while at the same time highlighting the potentially devastating effects of climate change on urban populations. It reviews policy responses, strategies and practices that are emerging in urban areas to mitigate and adapt to climate change, as well as their potential achievements and constraints. In conclusion, the report argues that urban areas have a pivotal role in both climate change mitigation and adaptation and identifies strategies and approaches for strengthening this role.

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Alongside these threats, however, is an equally compelling set of opportunities. The concentration of people, industries and infrastructure, as well as social and cultural activities will make urban areas crucibles of innovation, where strategies can be catalyzed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to improve coping mechanisms and reduce vulnerability to climate change impacts.

operate. Such responses also demand closer coordination between local governments, civil society, community and private sector stakeholders, while at the same time building new connections between central power structures and marginalized segments of urban populations.


Climate change is one of the most dangerous threats ever faced by humankind. Fuelled by two powerful human-Induced forces that have been unleashed by development and manipulation of the environment in the industrial age, the effects of urbanization and climate change are converging in ways which threaten to have unprecedented negative impacts on urban quality of life, and economic and social stability.



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United Nations Human Settlements Programme P.O. Box 30030, GPO Nairobi, 00100, Kenya Telephone: +254 20 762 3120 Fax: +254 20 762 3477 infohabitat@unhabitat.org www.unhabitat.org


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