UNHRD Network UNHRD is a preparedness tool that supports the strategic stockpiling efforts of United Nations, International, Governmental and non-Governmental organisations. The Network holds strategic stock reserves of emergency relief goods such as medical kits, shelter items, IT equipment and operations support assets to support relief organisations in responding to emergencies. The network consists of five hubs in strategic locations around the world: • Europe (Brindisi / Italy), • Africa (Accra / Ghana), • Middle East (Dubai / UAE), • South East Asia (Subang / Malaysia), • Latin America (Panama City / Panama).
UNHRD Users The authorized users of UNHRD are United Nations Agencies, International Humanitarian Organisations, Governmental and Non Governmental Organisations which have signed a Technical Agreement (TA) with WFP. UNITED NATIONS AGENCIES, FUNDS AND PROGRAMMES a
Food and Agriculture Organization, FAO
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, OCHA
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, OHCHR
United Nations Development Programme, UNDP
United Nations Population Fund, UNFPA
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, UNHCR
United Nations Children’s Fund, UNICEF
United Nations University, UNU
World Health Organization - Pan American Health Organization, WHO-PAHO
World Food Programme, WFP
Agencia Espa帽ola de Cooperaci贸n Internacional para el Desarrollo, AECID
Cascos Blancos, Argentina
Canadian International Cooperation Agency, CIDA
Humanitarian Aid Department of the European Commission, ECHO
Economic Community Of West African States, ECOWAS
Italian Cooperation
Irish Aid
Italian Civil Protection
Japan International Cooperation Agency, JICA
Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency, MSB
Action Contre la Faim, ACF
Accion Contra el Hambre, ACH
Care International
Cesvi Fondazione
Concern Worldwide
Catholic Relief Services, CRS
Finn Church Aid, FCA
Goal Ireland
Handicap International, HI
International Federation of Red Cross, IFRC
UNHRD Users a
International Organization for Migration, IOM
International Rescue Committe, IRC
Islamic Relief World Wide
Mercy Corps
Mercy Malaysia
Norwegian Church Aid, NCA
Norwegian Refugee Council, NRC
Interm贸n Oxfam
Qatar Charity
Save The Children
Swiss Red Cross
The Johanniter International Assistance
World Vision International, WVI
UNHRD Network Benefits Timeliness The strategic location of the five depots around the world and their vicinity to potential emergency locations facilitate the immediate deployment of relief items, within 24 to 48 hours from a request. Each hub is located within an international airport and near ports facilities to ensure the rapid transport of relief items at the onset of an emergency.
Cost Efficiency Cost efficiencies are maximised through the use of single premises hosting multiple users, both in terms of storage costs and cargo consolidation at the time of dispatch to emergency operations.
The Network’s user-base currently stands at 41 organizations with an increasing number of relief entities utilizing the “onestop shop� not only for storage, but also for specific needs such as procurement, transport, handling, customs import and export processes, stock borrowings and technical field assistance. This increase reflects the coordinated and effective approach in responding to recent crises. The UNHRD Network concept anticipated the ongoing the UN humanitarian reform, and today, the large participation of adverse groups of humanitarian organizations sets an example for cooperation.
UNHRD Network Benefits Joint procurement, loans and borrowings Special arrangements with suppliers enable access to preferential and guaranteed prices to all users for a defined period of time. The harmonization of user’s stocks in recent years also enables UNHRD to call on providers to position virtual and white stocks for immediate release to all our users.
One-stop-shop with harmonized procedures UNHRD is a one-stop-shop, with common Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), a unique funding model, and a centralized Support Office to provide administrative and operational assistance as well as to administer the Network. The SOPs, applicable to all the hubs, outline the modus operandi for all users to request and use services. They also provide quality benchmarks to ensure the services offered by UNHRD continue to provide professional administration of the relief stock management on behalf of the humanitarian community.
Staging areas UNHRD hubs also acts as permanent “regional staging areas” through which multilateral and bilateral aid can be channeled to emergency locations at the onset of a crisis, thus decongesting the main entry points of affected countries where large-scale relief activities are ongoing. This allows the rapid set up of an integrated “pull” rather than “push” supply chain system, an important benefit for nations receiving international assistance.
Services offered by UNHRD Standard Services UNHRD provides at no costs to authorized users, warehousing and storage, inspection as well as handling of relief items prepositioned in any of the hubs of the Network.
Specific Services UNHRD also offers a wide range of additional services such as procurement, transport, technical assistance, insurance, repackaging, kitting, etc. These Specific Services are made available to all users at actual cost plus a management recovery fee. UNHRD also makes available to all users its state-of-the art training facilities in each of the hubs around the world. For further details, please contact: UNHRD.Training@wfp.org.
The Stocks
Stocks pre-positioned within our premises around the world include physical stocks selected and procured by each user, as well as stocks purchased by UNHRD upon request. UNHRD also benefits from virtual and white stocks strategically positioned within the hubs (white) or at suppliers’ factory (virtual) and which can be made available to the users at any given time, at preferential rates negotiated through WFP long term agreements.
Strategic & support equipment At the onset of an emergency, relief organizations often need to gear up or augment their response capacity by deploying operations support equipment. The UNHRD Network has available the following: • storage tents, • prefabricated office and living accommodations, • generators and lighting sets, • trucks, light and armoured vehicles, • individualised assessment, first aid, or emergency response kits, • pallets, storage tarpaulins, stitching/taping machines and scales • safety and security equipment.
Relief items To support the direct provision of relief items to people in need, the UNHRD managed stock includes: • medicines and medical supplies, • shelter and housing items, • water and sanitation equipment and kits, • high protein or fortified foods.
UNHRD Modus Operandi & Procedures Delivering to UNHRD It is easy for a user to send cargo to a UNHRD hub. The user simply notifies the hub of the type of cargo, shipment terms and size/volume prior to the departure of the goods. The documents required include: • a copy of the Purchase Order(s) • technical specifications of the items/equipment to be delivered • a copy of the shipping documents and cargo packing details
Modus Operandi & Procedures Customs Procedures UNHRD will process the documentation necessary for inbound and outbound customs procedures. Costs related to the customs clearance are borne by the user as a specific service.
Reception and inspection All incoming cargo will be inspected upon arrival in each of the hubs. A detailed report is sent to the stock owner with information on the delivery and if the delivered items comply with the Purchase Order (POs) and/or technical specifications provided by the user Any eventual issue will be documented and solutions proposed to the user for resolution.
Standard Operating Procedures are available at http://www.unhrd.org/SOPs.pdf
Modus Operandi & Procedures Requesting a Service: Available 24/7, the UNHRD customer service is the main entry point for all users regardless of the geographical position of the hub or service required and can be contacted by e-mail @
UNHRD.CustomerService@wfp.org Any request for the provision by UNHRD of a specific service will be formalized through a Proforma Invoice which will be addressed to the user and detail the type of service and the estimated cost. The signature of this document represents a firm commitment both for the user to accept the financial proposal and as a consequence for UNHRD to immediately activate the service provision.
Confirmation of service Once a service is completed, the user will receive a final invoice and debit note, describing the actual cost and the Managment Recovery Cost.
Stock Ownership and Releasing Authority All stocks stored and managed by UNHRD are and remain the sole property of the user. An authorization to release a defined stock is necessary prior to performing any outbound operation. In case of loan among two users, the borrowing organization must request the stock owner’s releasing authority for its approval and agree on the terms of the repayment, either directly or through UNHRD.
UNHRD Donors
The financial framework and sustainability of the UNHRD Network rests on a combination of resourcing schemes including: • multi-year commitments from host governments and donors to sponsor the running costs of the Network; • contributions to specific projects and initiatives, and • revenue generated from the provision of services to users.
Australia Canada
European Commission
UNHRD contacts: Please visit us at: http://www.unhrd.org to find out about the latest news on the Network and check out the stocks available in each hub at any given time. All users can access additional information by logging in to the restricted area with the credentials provided by the UNHRD Administrator.
UNHRD Support Office UNHRD c/o Aeroporto Militare “O. Pierozzi” Via U. Maddalena 54 72100 Casale Brindisi – Italy Tel: +39 0831.506650 – Fax: +39 0831.506649
UNHRD Coordination Cell UNHRD c/o World Food Programme Via C. G. Viola 68-70, Parco dei Medici 00148 Roma – Italy Tel: +390665131 Fax: +390665132845
UNHRD Support Office: +39.0831.506650 UNHRD Coordination Cell: +39.0665132441 / 2302 UNHRD Brindisi: +39.0831.506650 UNHRD Accra: +233.302.770051 UNHRD Panama: +507.317.6319/32 UNHRD Dubai: +971.4.3682302 UNHRD Subang: +603.7846.0918
UNHRD c/o the United Nations World Food Programme Via Cesare Giulio Viola, 68/70 Parco de Medici 00148 Rome, Italy Tel. +39 066513 - 2441/2302 Fax. +39 0665132845