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History of checks and delusions.
By Miguel A. Morra Present
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History of checks and delusions.
By Miguel A. Morra
There was once a payment instrument called a check. It was a payment order issued against a bank, so that upon presentation, it would pay the stipulated amount, previously deposited in a checking account by the issuer. If the issuer does not have funds, he can go to prison for a fraudster. An INSTITUTION that works perfectly Someone with little work but well paid through taxes forced to pay entrepreneurs, said: "It is too simple and since we have nothing to do, let's invent something " and the deferred pay check appeared, which is actually a hybrid called check but it is a promissory note receivable in a bank .
Time passed and another said "it's still too easy" and invented the cancellation check , which is actually a borrowed check and complicated to obtain.
This time, they went back; It was so complicated that it had to be made optional for some operations and therefore it was practically obsolete. And then the financial check appeared, which is a borrowed check, similar to the cancellation but, apparently simpler. To all this to the coherent original check that works as it should, we had to call it a Common Check to be able to differentiate it, even if it is the only one that is a true check. All these are inventions of officials and
legislators that hinder the normal operation
of the economy but apparently they serve to collect taxes that also serve to ensure the payment of their own salaries, whether they do things right or wrong. How interesting would it ever be to do the reverse :
We could propose the creation of another type of checks: The conditional paycheck : It would be like the deferred check , usable only to pay 8 0% of taxes. The state would use them to pay the salaries of