1 minute read





Reasoning is important?

By Miguel A. Morra Concepts

Nothing more unfair than social


By Gabriel Gasave

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Reasoning is important?

By Miguel A. Morra

Clive Lewis, excerpt from the book "Letter from the devil to his nephew", the book was written in 1941.

- The young devil asks the old devil: How have you managed to send so many souls to hell?

The old devil: - Because of fear!

. The young devil: - Well done! And what were they afraid of? Wars? Hunger? Old Devil: - No ... Illness!

- Young devil: - Were they sick? Have they died? There's no cure? Old devil: - A common disease, but it had a cure.

- Young devil: - I don't understand. Old Devil: - Unintentionally we came to the conclusion that the only thing to save is life at any cost!

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