S P∆ C E SETTLEMENT DESIGN PROJECT Wha t d o you ne ed for life ? A ir to b reath e, water to drin k an d fo o d to ea t. A s our ce of ene rgy for light, h eat an d c o m m u n icatio n s, exer c i s e to ke ep you fit. If huma ns a re to live o n th e Mo o n th ey have to d eve l op way s to me et the se n eeds fro m th e reso u rc es o f th e M oon i ts e l f a nd by re cycling ma te ria ls, gases an d liqu ids perfectly.
Y O U R T∆ S K I S T O D E S I G N ∆ MOONB∆SE FOR THE ∆ R T E M I S M I S S I O N , N ∆ S ∆’ S R E T U R N TO T H E M O O N
I N S P I R ∆T I O N
You should explain how your design would:
NASA has announced plans to go back to the Moon. These websites explain their plans. What would you do the same? What would you do differently?
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www.iop.org/explore-physics/moon// how-could-we-live-on-the-moon
Recycle CO2 into breathable air Recycle dirty water and sewage into drinking water and plant food Feed the lunar settlers Generate electricity to run the MoonBase, for heating, lighting, transport and communications Contain gases and liquids so air and water are not lost to space Exercise the settlers so they stay healthy in a low gravity environment
www.nasa.gov/specials/artemis/ www.nasa.gov/specials/apollo50th/back. html This YouTube video shows how to make Blue Peter’s famous Tracy Island model. Could you adapt this method to make a model of your MoonBase? How would you keep the air in? www.youtube.com/ watch?v=6XzA0IY1yaI
For more information, visit www.projectMoonbase.space
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