16 Public engagement
Public engagement Mission: to make our fundamental biological research accessible and responsive to the public for the mutual benefits of inspiration, knowledge-exchange and trust.
Generate increased trust in fundamental research and ensure our research remains relevant to society
Public Public engagement Engagement strategy strategy
Embed public engagement in research culture
Our projects in 2019 to support the public engagement strategy included: Scientists' Collaborative Project with Educators (SCoPE) We aim to bring contemporary research into GCSE and A-level
classrooms with support for teachers and students to deepen their knowledge of fundamental biology and current research. Teachers and our scientists co-created four innovative teaching 'toolkits', free to use in classrooms across the UK: The Cell Explorer (online interactive 3D cell model), Explore Epigenetics (an online game about epigenetics), a kit for Fruit Fly Larvae Dissection Empower and inspire (teaching the next about the generation size and scale of cells, tissues and organs) and Unlocking Genetic Editing (a hands-on problemsolving game). The project was funded by Wellcome and evaluated by the University of Cambridge Faculty of Education. SCoPE website: https://scopegurdoninstitute.co.uk Tattoo My Science Our scientists created designs based on their biology research, and we turned these into fun,