University of Cambridge / Newton Trust Student Community Volunteering Fund Evaluation Form This form is for recipients of Student Community Volunteering Fund grants to fill in at the end of their funded project. What is Evaluation? Evaluation is usually done at the end of a project, though can be done as each milestone is reached within a project. It looks at outcomes and measures their effectiveness against what was planned. Evaluation often looks at the impact of the overall project or programme or at the processes of how the programme was delivered and helps organisations to look at performance and see if changes are necessary. Why do we want to evaluate? We want to evaluate the work which the volunteers undertook for your society. We want to see if the project has achieved what you planned it to, and if any other significant achievements have been made as a result of the funding provided. The results can be used to measure how effective our funding has been, and will help the Committee on Community Activities and the Newton Trust to plan the allocation of funding in the future. How will we evaluate? We ask all successful grant applicants to complete this evaluation form around 6 months after they have received their grant. Evaluation form Please send a short report on our evaluation form (below) detailing: • A budget showing how you spent the grant, compared to the original budget. • How many volunteers were actually engaged with the project, compared to original estimates. • Any details of specific skills the volunteers gained as a result of their interaction with the project. • An estimate of how many people have benefited from the project undertaken by the volunteers and who they were. • How valuable the grant has been, and the future sustainability of your project. • Any details of how the work your volunteers undertook will benefit your organisation into the long term. • Any difficulties you have come across in connection with the purpose of the grant. • Any feedback or comments from volunteers. • Any comments for the University about the fund. Evaluation Form
The Pitt Building, Trumpington Street Cambridge CB2 1RP Tel: +44 (0) 1223 765490Fax: +44 (0) 1223 764062Email:
Section 1 – Contact Details: Name of main contact Name of organisation Position held in organisation Contact Address
Postcode Telephone number Fax number E-mail When is the best time to contact you? Of which College, if any, are you a member?
Section 2 – Budget: Please give details of your revised budget if it was spent differently from that in your original application, including details of any unspent budget:
Section 3 – Volunteers: Original estimate of total University of Cambridge volunteers that would be included in the project: ____ Actual numbers of total University of Cambridge volunteers that were actually engaged with the project: ____ Undergraduates
(insert number)
(insert number)
Which Colleges are your volunteers members of? Please outline what tasks the volunteers undertook for the project.
Please list the specific skills that the volunteers gained as a result of these tasks.
Section 4 – Project beneficiaries: Approximately how many people have benefited from the project undertaken by the volunteers? ____
(insert number)
Who were they / what group do they belong to (e.g. young people, people with Alzheimer’s)?
Section 5 – Future Sustainability: Have you attracted other funding for the activity funded via the Student Community Volunteering Fund, which will help to make this project sustainable in the longer term?
How would your organisation have funded this project if it had not received a grant from the Student Community Volunteering Fund (please state if the project would not have run at all)?
Section 6 – Your organisation: Have you any details of how the work your volunteers undertook will benefit your organisation into the long term (for example, production of materials, plans or reports which can be used by other groups)?
Did this project contribute more widely to volunteering support/infrastructure at the University? If so, how?
What, if any, difficulties have you come across in delivering the project funded through the Student Community Volunteering Fund?
If you have any feedback or comments from volunteers please include them.
If you have any comments for the University about the Fund (positive or negative), please include them.
Thank you. Please return this form to Nicola Buckley at the Office of External Affairs and Communications. Nicola Buckley Head of Public Engagement Office of External Affairs and Communications University of Cambridge The Pitt Building Trumpington Street Cambridge CB2 1RP Tel: 01223 765490 Fax: 01223 764062 Email: