Trends in Maternal mortality: 1990 to 2008

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Trends in Maternal Mortality: 1990 to 2008 Estimates developed by WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA and The World Bank

WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data Trends in maternal mortality: 1990 to 2008. 1.Maternal mortality - trends. 2.Maternal welfare. 3.Data collection - methods. 4.Models, Statistical. 5.Millennium Development Goals. I.World Health Organization. II.World Bank. III.UNICEF. IV.United Nations Population Fund. ISBN 978 92 4 150026 5

(NLM classification: WQ 16)

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Trends in maternal mortality: 1990–2008









2.1 Concepts and definitions


2.2 Measures of maternal mortality


2.3 Approaches for measuring maternal mortality




3.1 Sources of country data used for the 2008 estimates


3.2 Methods used to estimate MMR in 2008 according to data source


3.3 Calculation of adult lifetime risk of maternal mortality


3.4 Global and regional estimates


3.5 Differences in the 2008 methodology compared with 2005


3.6 Differences from other recent estimates




4.1 Maternal mortality estimates for 2008






Annex 1. Estimates of maternal mortality ratio (MMR, deaths per 100 000 live births), number of maternal deaths and lifetime risk (2008)


Annex 2. Map with countries by category according to their maternal mortality ratio (MMR, deaths per 100 000 live births), 2008


Annex 3. Comparison of 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, and 2008 estimates of maternal mortality ratio (MMR, deaths per 100 000 live births) by country


Annex 4. Countries with 40% or more decrease in maternal mortality ratio (MMR, deaths per 100 000 live births) between 1990 and 2008 33



Trends in maternal mortality: 1990–2008




Appendix 1. Adjustment factor to account for misclassification of maternal deaths in civil registration, literature review of published reports


Appendix 2. Sixty-three countries with civil registration data characterized as complete, with good attribution of cause of death


Appendix 3. Eighty-five countries lacking good complete registration data but where registration and/or other types of data are available


Appendix 4. Twenty-four countries with no nationally representative data on maternal mortality meeting inclusion criteria


Appendix 5. Estimation of maternal deaths due to HIV


Appendix 6. Estimates of maternal mortality ratio (MMR, deaths per 100 000 live births), number of maternal deaths and lifetime risk by WHO regions, 2008


Appendix 7. Comparison of 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, and 2008 estimates of maternal mortality ratio (MMR, deaths per 100 000 live births) by WHO regions


Appendix 8. Estimates of maternal mortality ratio (MMR, deaths per 100 000 live births), number of maternal deaths and lifetime risk by UNICEF regions, 2008


Appendix 9. Comparison of 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, and 2008 estimates of maternal mortality ratio (MMR, deaths per 100 000 live births) by UNICEF regions


Appendix 10. Estimates of maternal mortality ratio (MMR, deaths per 100 000 live births), number of maternal deaths and lifetime risk by UNFPA regions, 2008


Appendix 11. Comparison of 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, and 2008 estimates of maternal mortality ratio (MMR, deaths per 100 000 live births) by UNFPA regions


Appendix 12. Estimates of maternal mortality ratio (MMR, deaths per 100 000 live births), number of maternal deaths and lifetime risk by The World Bank regions and income groups, 2008


Appendix 13. Comparison of 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, and 2008 estimates of maternal mortality ratio (MMR, deaths per 100 000 live births) by The World Bank regions and income groups


Appendix 14. Estimates of maternal mortality ratio (MMR, deaths per 100 000 live births), number of maternal deaths and lifetime risk by United Nations Population Division regions, 2008


Appendix 15. Comparison of 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, and 2008 estimates of maternal mortality ratio (MMR, deaths per 100 000 live births) by United Nations Population Division regions




Trends in maternal mortality: 1990–2008

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Maternal Mortality Estimation Inter-Agency Group (MMEIG), together with Professor John Wilmoth,


Nobuko Mizoguchi, Sarah Zureick, and Reid Hamel of the University of California at Berkeley collaborated in developing the maternal mortality estimates. The MMEIG consists of the following individuals, listed in alphabetical order: Carla Abou Zahr of the World Health Organization (WHO), Mohamed Ali of WHO, Ties Boerma of WHO, Eduard Bos of The World Bank, Doris Chou of WHO, Ralph Hakkert of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Sara Hertog of the United Nations Population Division (UNPD), Mie Inoue of WHO, Colin Mathers of WHO, Michael Mbizvo of WHO, Samuel Mills of The World Bank, Holly Newby of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), Mikkel Oestergaard of WHO, Lale Say of WHO, Armando Seuc of WHO, Emi Suzuki of The World Bank, and Tessa Wardlaw of UNICEF. An external Technical Advisory Group (TAG) contributed to the development of these estimates by providing external technical advice. The members of the TAG are the following: Saifuddin Ahmed of Johns Hopkins University, David Braunholz of Aberdeen University, Peter Byass of Umea University, Wendy Graham of Aberdeen University, Kenneth Hill of Harvard University, Thomas Pullum of University of Texas at Austin, Dag Roll-Hansen of Statistics Norway, Neff Walker of Johns Hopkins University, and John Wilmoth of the University of California at Berkeley. Thomas Pullum and Eduardo Bergel reviewed the draft report. Mie Inoue, Alexandre Peregoudov, and Armando Seuc provided translation during country consultations. Liliana Carvajal of UNICEF provided technical assistance during preparation of the report. The Department of Governing Bodies and External Relations of WHO, WHO regional and country offices, UNFPA country offices, and UNICEF country offices, are gratefully acknowledged for facilitating the country consultations. Thanks to the focal points of governments who reviewed the preliminary MMR estimates and provided valuable feedback. The WHO, The World Bank Netherlands Partnership Program (BNPP), and USAID provided financial support. This report was prepared by Doris Chou, Mie Inoue, Colin Mathers, Mikkel Oestergaard, and Lale Say of WHO, Samuel Mills and Emi Suzuki of The World Bank, and John Wilmoth of the University of California at Berkeley. Contact person: Lale Say, Department of Reproductive Health and Research, WHO. E-mail:


Trends in maternal mortality: 1990–2008



AIDS adjusted PMDF


Confidential Enquiry into Maternal Deaths


Demographic and Health Surveys


gross domestic product per capita based on purchasing power parity conversion


general fertility rate


Human Development Index


human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome


International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (10th Revision)


Millennium Development Goal


Maternal Mortality Estimation Inter-Agency Group


maternal mortality ratio


maternal mortality rate


proportion maternal among deaths of females of reproductive age


purchasing power parity


reproductive-age mortality studies


skilled attendant at birth as a proportion of total live births


Technical Advisory Group


total fertility rate


The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS


United Nations Population Fund


United Nations Children’s Fund


United Nations Population Division


World Health Organization

Trends in maternal mortality: 1990–2008

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Five years remain until the 2015 deadline to

Sudan, and the United Republic of Tanzania,

achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDG)

comprised 65% of all maternal deaths in 2008.


adopted at the 2000 Millennium Summit. There are two targets for assessing progress in improving

Overall, it was estimated that there were 42 000

maternal health (MDG 5): reducing the maternal

deaths due to HIV/AIDS among pregnant women

mortality ratio (MMR) by three quarters between

in 2008. About half of those were assumed to be

1990 and 2015, and achieving universal access to

maternal. The contribution of HIV/AIDS was highest

reproductive health by 2015. Closer examination

in sub-Saharan Africa where 9% of all maternal

of maternal mortality levels is needed to inform

deaths were due to HIV/AIDS. Without these deaths,

planning of reproductive health programmes, to

the MMR for sub-Saharan Africa would have been

guide advocacy efforts and research at the national

580 maternal deaths per 100 000 live births instead

and international levels, and to inform decision-

of 640.

making for the achievement of MDG 5. To be useful for the latter purpose, the country estimates must be internationally comparable.

The MMR in 2008 was highest in developing regions (290) in stark contrast to developed regions (14) and countries of the Commonwealth of Independent

It has been a challenge to assess the extent of

States (40). Among developing regions, sub-Saharan

progress towards the MDG 5 target due to the

Africa had the highest MMR at 640 maternal deaths

lack of reliable and accurate data on maternal

per 100 000 live births in 2008, followed by South

mortality – particularly in developing-country

Asia (280), Oceania (230), South-Eastern Asia (160),

settings where maternal mortality is high. The World

North Africa (92), Latin America and the Caribbean

Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations

(85), Western Asia (68), and Eastern Asia (41). Forty-

Children’s Fund (UNICEF), and the United Nations

five countries had high estimated MMR (MMR ≥300)

Population Fund (UNFPA) have previously published

with four countries (Afghanistan, Chad, Guinea-

internationally comparable estimates of maternal

Bissau, and Somalia), having extremely high MMR

mortality for 1990, 1995, and 2000. In 2005,

(MMR ≥1000). Outside of sub-Saharan Africa, the

the three agencies, along with The World Bank,

seven countries with high MMR were: Afghanistan

developed country, regional, and global estimates

(1400), the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (580),

and made the first attempt to assess trends in MMR

Nepal (380), Timor-Leste (370), Bangladesh (340),

at the regional and global levels. As an update to

Haiti (300), and Cambodia (290).

this ongoing effort, the four agencies now present the global maternal mortality data for 2008 as well as for years 1990, 1995, 2000, and 2005. These estimates revise and improve upon the earlier methodology used. An estimated 358 000 maternal deaths occurred worldwide in 2008, a 34% decline from the levels of 1990. Despite this decline, developing countries continued to account for 99% (355 000) of the deaths. Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia accounted for 87% (313 000) of global maternal deaths. Eleven countries including Afghanistan, Bangladesh, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Nigeria, Pakistan,

During the period 1990–2008, 147 countries experienced a decline in MMR, 90 of which showed a decline of 40% or more. In two countries, there was no estimated change in MMR, while 23 countries had an increase. The adult lifetime risk of maternal death (the probability that a 15-year-old female will die eventually from a maternal cause) as measured in 2008 is highest in sub-Saharan Africa (at 1 in 31), followed by Oceania (1 in 110), and South Asia (1 in 120), while developed regions had the smallest lifetime risk (1 in 4300). Of the 172 countries and territories, Afghanistan had the highest estimated lifetime risk of 1 in 11.


Trends in maternal mortality: 1990–2008


The fifth MDG aims to improve maternal health with a target of reducing MMR by 75% between 1990 and 2015 – that is, it seeks to achieve a 5.5% annual decline in MMR from 1990. Globally the annual percentage decline in MMR between 1990 and 2008 was only 2.3%. Among countries with an MMR ≼100 in 1990, it is evident that 30 countries have made insufficient or no progress, including 23 from subSaharan Africa. These estimates provide an up-to-date indication of the extent of the maternal mortality problem globally. They reflect the efforts by countries, which have increasingly been engaged in studies to measure maternal mortality and strengthen systems to obtain better information about maternal deaths. The modest and encouraging progress in reducing maternal mortality is likely due to increased attention to developing and implementing policies and strategies targeting increased access to effective interventions. Such efforts need to be expanded and intensified, to accelerate progress towards reducing the still very wide disparities between developing and developed worlds.

Trends in maternal mortality: 1990–2008

1. INTRODUCTION Improving maternal health is one of the eight

Following the development of the MMR estimates,

Millennium Development Goals (MDG) adopted at

consultations with countries were carried out during

the 2000 Millennium Summit. The two targets for

July–August 2010: to give countries the opportunity

assessing progress in improving maternal health

to review the country estimates, data sources, and

(MDG 5) are reducing the maternal mortality ratio

methods; to obtain additional primary data sources

(MMR) by three quarters between 1990 and 2015,

that may not have been previously reported or used;

and achieving universal access to reproductive

and to build mutual understanding of the strengths

health by 2015. With only five years left until

and weaknesses of available data and ensure broad

the 2015 deadline to achieve the MDGs, closer

ownership of the results. After the consultations, the

examination of maternal mortality levels is needed to

statistical model was run again to incorporate any

inform planning of reproductive health programmes

new data provided by countries.

and to guide advocacy efforts and research at the national level. These estimates are also needed at

This report presents the global, regional, and

the international level, to inform decision-making

country estimates of maternal mortality in 2008,

concerning funding support for the achievement

and the findings of the assessment of trends of

of MDG 5. To be useful for the latter purpose,

maternal mortality levels since 1990. It summarizes

the country estimates must be internationally

the challenges involved in measuring maternal


mortality and the main approaches to measurement, and explains the methodology of the 2008 maternal

It has been a challenge to assess the extent of

mortality estimates. The final section discusses

progress towards the MDG 5 target, due to scarcity

the use and limitations of the estimates, with an

of reliable and accurate data on maternal mortality

emphasis on the importance of improved data

– particularly in developing-country settings where

quality for estimating maternal mortality. The

maternal mortality is high. WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA,

appendices present the sources of data for the

and The World Bank have collaborated to develop

country estimates as well as MMR estimates for

and update five-yearly estimates of maternal

the different regional groupings for WHO, UNICEF,

mortality using statistical modelling for countries

UNFPA, The World Bank, and UNPD.

where no reliable data on maternal mortality exist. The latest interagency estimates were published in 2007, reporting on maternal mortality in 2005.1,2 Recently, another study by an academic institute reported a set of estimates developed using an alternative methodology.3 The four agencies have now updated the global maternal mortality data for 2008 as well as for 1990, 1995, 2000, and 2005. The Maternal Mortality Estimation Inter-Agency Group (MMEIG), together with a Technical Advisory Group (TAG) consisting of outside technical experts, has revised and improved the previous methods used to estimate maternal mortality1,2 with a particular emphasis on developing methods for estimating trends in maternal mortality from 1990 to 2008. The MMR estimates were released in September 2010 to provide input to the United Nations General Assembly on progress towards achieving the MDGs. 3


Trends in maternal mortality: 1990–2008


2.1 Concepts and definitions In the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, Tenth Revision, 1992 (ICD-10), WHO defines maternal death as:

systems with correct attribution of causes of death are inadequate. With the publication of ICD-10, WHO recommended adding a checkbox on the death certificate for recording a woman’s pregnancy status at the time of death.4 This would help to identify indirect maternal deaths, but has not been implemented in many

The death of a woman while pregnant or within 42 days of termination of pregnancy, irrespective of the duration and site of the pregnancy, from any cause related to or aggravated by the pregnancy or its management but not from accidental or incidental causes.

countries. For countries using ICD-10 coding for registered deaths, all deaths coded to the maternal chapter (O codes) and A34 (maternal tetanus) were counted as maternal deaths. A concept of "pregnancy-related death" included in ICD-10 is defined as any death during pregnancy, childbirth, or the postpartum period even if it is due to accidental or incidental causes (Box 1). This alternative definition allows measurement of deaths that are related to pregnancy, even though they do not strictly conform with the standard

This definition allows identification of maternal deaths, based on their causes as either direct or indirect. Direct obstetric deaths are those resulting from obstetric complications of the pregnant state (pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum), from interventions, omissions, incorrect treatment, or from a chain of events resulting from any of the above. Deaths due to, for example, haemorrhage, pre-eclampsia/eclampsia or those due to complications of anaesthesia or caesarean section are classified as direct obstetric deaths. Indirect obstetric deaths are those resulting from previous existing disease, or diseases that developed during pregnancy, and which were not due to direct obstetric causes but aggravated by physiological effects of pregnancy. For example, deaths due to aggravation of an existing cardiac or renal disease are indirect obstetric deaths. Accurate identification of the causes of maternal deaths by differentiating the extent to which they are due to direct or indirect obstetric causes, or due to accidental or incidental events, is not always possible – particularly in settings where deliveries occur mostly at home, and/or where civil registration

"maternal death" concept in settings where accurate information about causes of deaths based on medical certificates are unavailable. For instance, in surveys, relatives of a reproductive-age woman who has died are asked about her pregnancy status at the time of death without eliciting any further information on cause of death. These surveys usually measure pregnancy-related deaths rather than maternal deaths. Prior to 2010, indirect maternal deaths due to HIV, which were coded to Chapter 1 according to ICD-10 rule 5.8.3 (in Vol. 2), were not included in the tally of maternal deaths. An amendment has recently been made to ICD-10, introducing code O98.7 to identify indirect maternal deaths due to HIV. These indirect maternal deaths are those in which HIV complicates the pregnancy or the delivery. Incidental HIV deaths in which the women happened to be pregnant would not be included in the MMR. Complications of pregnancy or childbirth can also lead to death beyond the six-weeks postpartum period. In addition, increasingly available modern life-sustaining procedures and technologies enable more women to survive adverse outcomes of

Trends in maternal mortality: 1990–2008

pregnancy and delivery, and to delay death beyond

number of maternal deaths in a population divided

42 days postpartum. Despite being caused by

by the number of live births. It depicts the risk of

pregnancy-related events, these deaths do not

maternal death relative to the number of live births.


count as maternal deaths in routine civil registration systems. An alternative concept of late maternal

By contrast, the maternal mortality rate (MMRate)

death was included in ICD-10, in order to capture

is defined as the number of maternal deaths in a

these delayed deaths that occur between six weeks

population divided by the number of women of

and one year postpartum (Box 1). Some countries,

reproductive age. It reflects not only the risk of

particularly those with more developed civil

maternal death per pregnancy or per birth (live

registration systems, use this definition.

birth or stillbirth), but also the level of fertility in the population. In addition to the MMR and the MMRate,

2.2 Measures of maternal mortality

it is possible to calculate the adult lifetime risk of maternal mortality for women in the population

The number of maternal deaths in a population is

(Box 2). An alternative measure of maternal mortality,

essentially the product of two factors: the risk of

the proportion maternal among deaths of females

mortality associated with a single pregnancy or a

of reproductive age (PMDF), is calculated as the

single live birth, and the number of pregnancies

number of maternal deaths divided by the total

or births that are experienced by women of

deaths among females aged 15–49 years.

reproductive age. The MMR is defined as the

Box 1. Alternative definitions of maternal death in ICD-10 Pregnancy-related death

The death of a woman while pregnant or within 42 days of termination of pregnancy, irrespective of the cause of death.

Late maternal death

The death of a woman from direct or indirect obstetric causes, more than 42 days but less than one year after termination of pregnancy.

Box 2. Statistical measures of maternal mortality Maternal mortality ratio

Number of maternal deaths during a given time period per 100 000

live births during the same time-period.

Maternal mortality rate

Number of maternal deaths in a given period per 100 000 women of

reproductive age during the same time-period.

Adult lifetime risk of maternal death

The probability of dying from a maternal cause during a woman’s reproductive lifespan.


Trends in maternal mortality: 1990–2008


2.3 Approaches for measuring maternal mortality Although widely-used standardized definitions of maternal mortality exist, it is difficult to measure accurately the levels of maternal mortality in a population – for several reasons. First, it is challenging to identify maternal deaths precisely, particularly in settings where routine recording of deaths is not complete within civil registration systems, and the death of a woman of reproductive age might not be recorded. Second, even if such a death were recorded, the woman’s pregnancy status may not have been known and the death would therefore not have been reported as a maternal

considered (death certificates, other vital event certificates, medical records, questionnaires, or autopsy reports), and the way maternal deaths are identified (record linkage, or assessment from experts). In addition, the system of reporting causes of death to a civil registry differs from one country to another, depending on the death certificate forms, the type of certifiers, and the coding practice. Under identification of maternal deaths was more common among the following. • Early pregnancy deaths, those not linked to reportable birth outcome. • Deaths in the later postpartum period (these were

death even if the woman were pregnant. Third, in

less likely to be reported than early postpartum

most developing-country settings where medical


certification of cause of death does not exist, accurate attribution of a female death as a maternal death is difficult.

• Deaths at extremes of maternal age (youngest and oldest). • Miscoding by ICD-9 or ICD-10, most often seen

Even in developed countries where routine

in cases of deaths caused by:

registration of deaths is in place, maternal deaths

–– cerebrovascular diseases;

may be unidentified due to misclassification of ICD-10 coding, and identification of the true

–– cardiovascular diseases.

numbers of maternal deaths may require additional

Potential reasons cited for under reporting/

special investigations into the causes of deaths.5–9

misclassification include the following.

A specific example of such an investigation is the Confidential Enquiry into Maternal Deaths (CEMD). An early form of this system has been established in England and Wales since 1928, and has been reporting for the United Kingdom since 1985.10 The most recent report of CEMD (for 2003–2005) identified 90% more maternal deaths than was reported in the routine civil registration system.10 Other studies on the accuracy of the number of

• Inadequate understanding of ICD rules (either ICD-9 or ICD-10). • Death certificates completed without mention of pregnancy status. • Desire to avoid litigation. • Desire to suppress information (especially as related to abortion deaths).

maternal deaths reported in civil registration systems

In the absence of complete and accurate civil

have shown that the true number of maternal deaths

registration systems, MMR estimates are based

could be up to almost 200% higher than routine

upon a variety of methods – including household

reports.7 Appendix 1 summarizes the results of

surveys, sisterhood methods, reproductive-age

a literature review for such studies. These have

mortality studies (RAMOS), verbal autopsies, and

estimated adjustment factors for misclassification of

censuses. Each of these methods has limitations

maternal mortality in death registration data ranging

in estimating the true levels of maternal mortality.

from 0.9 to 3.2 with a median value of 1.5.

Brief descriptions of the methods together with their

These studies are diverse, depending on the definition of maternal mortality used, the sources

limitations are shown in Box 3.

Trends in maternal mortality: 1990–2008

Box 3. Approaches to measuring maternal mortality Civil registration systems


This approach involves routine registration of births and deaths. Ideally, maternal mortality statistics should be obtained through civil registration data. However, • even where coverage is complete and the causes of all deaths are identified based on standard medical certificates, in the absence of active case-finding, maternal deaths may be missed or misclassified; and therefore • confidential enquiries are used to identify the extent of misclassification and underreporting.11

Household surveys

Where civil registration data are not available, household surveys provide an alternative. Limitations of household surveys include the following: • the survey identifies pregnancy-related deaths (not maternal deaths); • because maternal deaths are rare events in epidemiological terms, surveys to measure their levels require large sample sizes to provide statistically reliable estimates and therefore they are expensive; • even with large sample sizes, the obtained estimates are still subject to uncertainty (wide confidence intervals), making it difficult to monitor changes over time.

Sisterhood methods12,13

Sisterhood methods obtain information by interviewing a representative sample of respondents about the survival of all their adult sisters (to determine the number of ever-married sisters, how many are alive, how many are dead, and how many died during pregnancy, delivery, or within six weeks of pregnancy). This approach reduces the sample size, but: • it identifies pregnancy-related deaths, rather than maternal deaths; • the problem of wide confidence intervals remains, thereby precluding trend analysis; • the originally developed version (indirect sisterhood method) is not appropriate for use in settings where fertility levels are low (i.e. total fertility rate <4) or where there has been substantial migration or other causes of social dislocation; • it provides a retrospective rather than a current maternal mortality estimate (over 10 years prior to the survey); • the Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) use a variant of the sisterhood approach (direct sisterhood method) – this approach relies on fewer assumptions than the original method and collects more information than the indirect method (i.e. the age of all siblings, age at death and year of death of those dead, in addition to the information obtained by the indirect method), but requires larger sample sizes and the analysis is more complicated; • the estimates refer to a period approximately five years prior to the survey; and • as in the indirect method, the problem of wide confidence intervals remains (hence, the monitoring of trends is limited) and this approach also provides information concerning pregnancy-related deaths rather than maternal deaths. continued on next page


Trends in maternal mortality: 1990–2008

Box 3. continued


Reproductive-age mortality studies (RAMOS)


This approach involves identifying and investigating the causes of all deaths of women of reproductive age in a defined area/population by using multiple sources of data (e.g. interviews of family members, vital registrations, health facility records, burial records, traditional birth attendants) and has the following characteristics. • Multiple and varied sources of information must be used to identify deaths of women of reproductive age; no single source identifies all the deaths. • Inadequate identification of all deaths of reproductive-aged women results in underestimation of maternal mortality levels. • Interviews with household members and health-care providers and reviews of facility records are used to classify the deaths as maternal or otherwise. • If properly conducted, this approach provides a fairly complete estimation of maternal mortality (in the absence of reliable routine registration systems) and could provide subnational MMRs. • This approach can be complicated, time-consuming, and expensive to undertake – particularly on a large scale. • The number of live births used in the computation may not be accurate, especially in settings where most women deliver at home.

Verbal autopsy15–17

This approach is used to assign cause of death through interviews with family or community members, where medical certification of cause of death is not available. Records of births and deaths are collected periodically among small populations (typically in a district) under demographic surveillance systems maintained by research institutions in developing countries. The following limitations characterize this approach. • Misclassification of causes of reproductive-aged female deaths with this technique is not uncommon. • This approach may fail to identify correctly a group of maternal deaths, particularly those occurring early in pregnancy (e.g. ectopic, abortion-related) and indirect causes of maternal death (e.g. malaria). • The accuracy of the estimates depends on the extent of family members’ knowledge of the events leading to the death, the skill of the interviewers, and the competence of physicians who do the diagnosis and coding. • Demographic surveillance systems are expensive to maintain, and the findings cannot be extrapolated to obtain national MMRs.


A national census, with the addition of a limited number of questions, could produce estimates of maternal mortality; this approach eliminates sampling errors (because the entire population is covered) and hence allows a more detailed breakdown of the results, including time trends, geographic subdivisions, and social strata. • This approach allows identification of deaths in the household in a relatively short reference period (1–2 years), thereby providing recent maternal mortality estimates, but is conducted at 10-year intervals and therefore limits monitoring of maternal mortality. • The training of enumerators is crucial, since census activities collect information on a range of other topics which are unrelated to maternal deaths. • Results must be adjusted for the completeness of births and deaths declared in the census, and for distortions in age structures, in order to arrive at reliable estimates.

Trends in maternal mortality: 1990–2008

3. THE DEVELOPMENT OF 2008 ESTIMATES OF MATERNAL MORTALITY 3.1 Sources of country data used for the 2008 estimates


The most recent data, available by May 2010, on

underestimate true levels of mortality. Previous

maternal mortality and other relevant variables,

studies have shown that the direct sisterhood

were obtained through databases maintained by

method or reported deaths in the household surveys


may lead to biased estimates of levels of maternal

and the Center for International Comparisons at the

mortality, but not necessarily to biased values of

University of Pennsylvania. For instance, deaths

PMDF.25 In such data, both maternal deaths and

due to HIV/AIDS were obtained from UNAIDS

total female deaths at ages 15–49 years tend to be

(unpublished tables based upon the 2008 Report

underreported, affecting both the numerator and

on the global AIDS epidemic, UNAIDS/WHO,

the denominator of the PMDF in a similar fashion.

July 2008), deaths among females 15–49 years

For this reason, the observed PMDF was used as

from WHO life tables,19 live births from United

the preferred data input from all available sources

Nations Population Division 2008 revision, skilled

for estimating maternal mortality. The observed

attendant at birth as a proportion of total live births

PMDF from sisterhood data was age-standardized

from UNICEF,21 and GDP per capita measured in

by imposing the age distribution of women in the

purchasing power parity (PPP) from The World

sample population at the time of survey (rather than

Bank,22,23 Penn World Tables,24 and the World Health

the age distribution implied by retrospective reports

Organization (unpublished data, National Health

of sisters’ lives). If only the MMR was available

Accounts). These various agencies revise their

from a data source, the MMR was converted into a

estimates on a regular basis to take into account

PMDF using estimates of all-cause female deaths

new data and improved methods.

aged 15–49 from WHO, and live births from the UN


Population Division. Data from civil registration were extracted primarily from the WHO mortality database for the years 1985

A total of 172 countries and territories were included

onwards. For civil registration data using ICD-9,

in this assessment, representing 99.8% of world

deaths from chapter X Complication of pregnancy,

birth; countries and territories with populations

childbirth and the puerperium (codes 630–676) were

under 250 000 have not been included. Data

included. For civil registration data using ICD-10, the

available from countries varied in terms of the source

chapter XV Pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium

and methods. Countries were classified into three

(codes O00-O99) plus A34 (maternal tetanus) were

groups, based on the source and type of maternal

extracted in order to match ICD-9. It should be

mortality data (Table 1, and Appendices 2–4).

noted that ICD-9 does not specifically identify late

The database of observed MMR and PMDF from

maternal deaths whereas ICD-10 does. To maintain

civil registration, surveillance systems, household

comparability between civil registration data sets,

surveys, censuses, and special studies (such as

maternal deaths coded as late maternal deaths

RAMOS surveys and confidential enquiries), includes

(ICD-10 O96, O97), were considered in the total

2961 country-years of data across 172 countries,

numbers of maternal deaths. These late maternal

of which 2010 country-years are derived from civil

deaths accounted for between only 1% and 2% of

registration data, 819 from survey-based sisterhood

the deaths extracted from ICD-10 data.

data, and the remainder from surveillance systems, censuses, and other sources. Observation intervals

Numerous surveys (such as the DHS) and censuses

refer to 1985 or later. All nationally representative

have collected information on maternal deaths using

studies were included in the database, except those

the direct sisterhood method or deaths reported

considered deficient in terms of data quality or

in the 12 or 24 months prior to data collection.

lacking the necessary information.

There is evidence that such data systematically


Trends in maternal mortality: 1990–2008


Table 1. Sources of maternal mortality data used in developing the 2008 estimates Group

Source of maternal mortality data

Number of countries/ territories

% of countries/ territories in each category

% of births in 172 countries/ territories covered


Civil registration characterized as complete, with good attribution of cause of death a





Countries lacking good complete registration data but where other types of data are available





No national data on maternal mortality








a For the Bahamas, Belgium, Iceland, and Malta (0.1% of global births), the statistical model was used because the paucity of the

event of maternal mortality gave implausible trends.

3.2 Methods used to estimate MMR in 2008 according to data source

Estimation of maternal mortality ratio from civil registration data (Group A)

Two broad strategies were followed to develop

Civil registration on maternal deaths were used

the maternal mortality estimates for 172 countries

directly to estimate maternal mortality for the

and territories. The steps taken for estimating

63 countries that met the following criteria (see

maternal mortality with these strategies are

Appendix 2 for the list of countries).

summarized below. A technical report of the

• Earliest year of data available is before 1996.

methodology, data sets and the statistical analysis code used to prepare these estimates, will be available in a technical report accessible

• Latest year of data available is after 2002. • Data were available for more than half of the


range of years (from the first year available to the


last year available).

For 63 countries with relatively complete data from civil registration systems, as defined below (Group A), these data were used directly for estimating MMR. For countries in Groups B and C, a multilevel regression model was developed using available national-level data from surveys, censuses, surveillance systems and death registration. For four countries in Group A (Bahamas, Belgium, Iceland, and Malta), which have complete data from national death registration systems but very few events of maternal mortality for the target periods (1990, 1995, 2000, 2005 and 2008), the same multilevel regression model was used to generate estimates for all time periods, in order to avoid unrealistic time trends.

• Estimated completeness of death registration of at least 85% for all years, with at the most 1 or 2 exceptions. • Deaths coded to ill-defined cause codes (ICD-10 R codes) in data did not exceed 20% or exceeded 20% for only 1 or 2 years. Civil registration on maternal deaths were adjusted for incompleteness and for misclassification. For misclassification, an adjustment factor of the median 1.5 was applied, based upon available evidence (Appendix 1), unless a country-specific factor was available from one or more studies. For each of the target years t=1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2008, the available maternal mortality death counts and the corresponding live births20 are then pooled for the 5-year periods, i.e. years t–2 to t+2. The pooled maternal deaths were divided by the pooled live births. A few countries lack maternal death data for

Trends in maternal mortality: 1990–2008

the interval centred on 1990 or have only one year

• GDP per capita measured in purchasing power


of observation in the interval 2003–2007. For these

parity (PPP) equivalent international dollars

countries, the estimate from the multilevel regression

using 2005 as the base year (derived from World

model was used instead. If data exist for 2008 or

Bank,22,23 Penn World Tables,24 and WHO

2009, the average 2004–2008 or 2004–2009 was

(unpublished data, National Health Accounts).

taken as the point estimate for 2008. When data were

Where the complete series was unavailable,

not yet available for 2008 or 2009, it was assumed

annual estimates were obtained using linear

that the point estimate for 2005 (based on the 2003–

interpolation between two observations and

2007 average) remained constant through 2008.

assuming constant values before the first

Estimation of maternal mortality ratio using statistical model (Groups B and C) Previous interagency estimates of maternal mortality used a covariate-based regression analysis to obtain out-of-sample PMDF predictions for countries

observation and after the last data point. • GFR estimates were calculated from average births and female population over the PMDF or MMR time interval using data from the UN Population Division, 2008 revision.20 • SAB data consist of time series derived using

without recent reliable data, and used the most recent PMDF observation for countries with data.

all available data from health surveys and other

In the current round, a multilevel regression model

sources (in databases maintained by UNICEF).21

was developed to derive estimates and projections

Annual series were estimated by fitting a simple

of maternal deaths at specific time points (1990,

model of the logit (or log-odds) of SAB with

1995, 2000, 2005, and 2008). The model represents

time as the sole covariate; such a model was

maternal deaths due to direct obstetric causes or

estimated separately for each country. When

to indirect causes other than HIV/AIDS deaths for

a country had only one observation, it was

which pregnancy was a substantial aggravating

assumed that the SAB proportion remained

factor. HIV-related indirect maternal deaths were

constant over time. For some countries with more

treated separately. The three selected covariates

than one observation (including Fiji, Guyana,

of the model are: the gross domestic product per

Montenegro, New Zealand, and Thailand), the

capita (GDP), the general fertility rate (GFR), and

logit model did not fit well. For such cases, annual

the presence of a skilled attendant at birth as a

values were estimated as follows:

proportion of total live births (SAB). These covariates

–– estimates before the first observation were


were chosen from a broader list of potential covariates which fell into three groups: (i) indicators of social and economic development (such as GDP, Human Development Index, and female life expectancy at birth); (ii) process variables (SAB, proportions receiving antenatal care, proportion of institutional births, etc.); and (iii) risk exposure as a function of fertility (GFR or the total fertility rate).

Covariate time series Virtually complete time series of annual estimates for three covariates were obtained or constructed back to 1985. Annual estimates were then averaged over the time interval of each PMDF or MMR observation to create covariates for use in estimating the regression model.

assumed equal to the first observation; –– if the desired time reference fell between the reference points of two observations, the estimated value was calculated by linear interpolation between the two observations; –– estimates after the last observation were assumed equal to the last observation.

Adjustments to the input data When civil registration data were used as inputs into the model, maternal deaths were adjusted for misclassification and divided by the number of female deaths 15–49 to derive the PMDF. When non-civil registration data (censuses, surveys or enquiries) reported specific adjustment 11

Trends in maternal mortality: 1990–2008


factors for bias, these were retained. If no specific

were compared and the preferred model was

adjustments for completeness were reported,

chosen by assessing the statistical goodness of

PMDFs derived from these data sources were

fit, the within sample predictive accuracy, and the

adjusted upwards by a factor of 1.1 to take

plausibility of estimates out-of-sample. Goodness

account of the likely under-identification of maternal

of fit was measured using deviance scores derived

deaths due to unreported abortion-related deaths or

from standard log-likelihood calculations. The

other causes. To estimate a maternal PMDF from a

predictive accuracy of each model was evaluated by

pregnancy-related PMDF, pregnancy-related deaths

repeatedly holding out a portion of the data, fitting

were adjusted downwards by a factor of 0.9 (a 10%

the model to the remaining subset of data and then

reduction) for sub-Saharan African countries and

comparing model predictions against the data that

0.85 (a 15% reduction) for other low- and middle-

had been held out.

income countries, respectively, to account for incidental or accidental deaths. These factors were

Multilevel (or hierarchical) modelling offers a

derived from an analysis of the average risk of injury

statistically well-grounded means of representing

deaths in the reproductive ages for women.26

country data about levels and trends of maternal mortality within a global model that can also be used

Multilevel regression model

for predicting out-of-sample values.27 The model

A regression model was used for deriving MMR

was fit with three selected covariates (GDP, GFR,

estimates for 113 countries (which includes

and SAB) and random intercept effects for countries

Bahamas, Belgium, Iceland, and Malta from Group

and regions.

A, as explained previously). A range of models

The model can be described as follows:

logďż˝PMDF�� = β₀ + βâ‚ logďż˝GDP�� + βâ‚‚ logďż˝GFR�� + β₃ SAB� + 


 + log�1 – ��� + ξ�

where the following are associated with each observation i, within country j, within region k:

PMDFďż˝ = proportion maternal among deaths of females of reproductive age

GDPďż˝ = gross domestic product per capita (in 2005 PPP dollars)

GFR� = general fertility rate (live births per woman aged 15–49)

SABďż˝ = skilled attendant at birth (as a proportion of total births)

= variable intercept component for country đ?‘— = variable intercept component for region đ?‘˜

�� = proportion of AIDS deaths among total deaths to women aged 15–49 ξ� = error term.

The model was estimated using the ‘lme4’ package28 in the R statistical language.29 Use of a non-zero offset, log (1 – đ?‘Ž), changes the interpretation of the regression model, which becomes a predictive model for log (AMDF ) rather than log (PMDF ), since, in general: AMDF = AIDS-adjusted PMDF =

PMDF 1 – �

Trends in maternal mortality: 1990–2008

Only non-HIV-related maternal deaths are

is also some evidence from community studies

included in the numerator of the PMDF used as

that women with HIV infection have a higher risk of

the dependent variable of the regression model.

maternal death, although this may be offset by lower

The AMDF defined in this manner minimizes the

fertility.30–32 If HIV is prevalent, then there will also be

influence of the HIV epidemic on observed PMDF

more incidental deaths among pregnant women. It is

values by removing HIV/AIDS deaths from both the

thus important to address the issue of incidental and

numerator and the denominator.

indirect maternal deaths among HIV-positive women in estimating maternal mortality for these countries.

The model was fitted to the complete set of observations for 172 countries. Observations from

The MMEIG/TAG examined several approaches

civil registration data were collapsed into five-year

for dealing with this issue and adopted a strategy

time periods, and each such observation received

that involves further adjustment of observed

a weight of one in the regression model. Most

PMDF values to create a set of observations

other data sources (a single survey, census, special

for a “maternal, non-HIV-related” PMDF. Thus,

study, etc.) yielded a single observation referring to

the dependent variable of the regression model

some time period; such observations also received

described above includes only “maternal” deaths

a weight of one in the regression model. Some

properly defined but excludes all HIV/AIDS deaths

surveys, however, yielded more than one data point

from “pregnancy-related” observations (even

for multiple time periods; in such cases all of the

HIV/AIDS deaths that could properly be termed

various observations were included in the model but

“maternal”, in the sense that the pregnancy was a

with a combined weight of one.

substantial aggravating factor for a death caused primarily by HIV infection). Thus, the regression

To predict PMDF using the model, country covariate

model was used to estimate the number of maternal

data and relevant country and regional effects were

deaths not primarily due to HIV infection, and then

used. For countries with data available on maternal

the estimated number of indirect maternal deaths

mortality, predictions were based on country and

due to HIV/AIDS was added back to obtain the total

regional random effects, whereas for countries with

number of maternal deaths (see Appendix 5 for

no available data, predictions used regional random


effects only.

Uncertainty of estimates

After a final adjustment for indirect maternal deaths due to HIV/AIDS (see below), predicted PMDF values were converted to estimates of the MMR as follows: MMR = PMDF

In this report, estimates of maternal mortality are presented along with upper and lower limits of intervals designed to depict the uncertainty of those estimates. The intervals are the product of a


where D is the number of female deaths at ages 15–49 estimated from WHO death rates,19 and UNPD20 population estimates, and B is the number

detailed probabilistic evaluation of the uncertainty attributable to the various components of the estimation process. For estimates derived from the multilevel regression model, the components of uncertainty were

of live births from UNPD population estimates.20

divided into two groups: those reflected within the

Estimation of indirect HIV maternal deaths

to assumptions or calculations that occur outside

For countries with high HIV/AIDS prevalence,

the model (external sources). Estimates of the total

HIV/AIDS has become a leading cause of death during pregnancy and the postpartum period. There

regression model (internal sources), and those due

uncertainty reflect a combination of these various sources.



Trends in maternal mortality: 1990–2008


The internal component includes only the inferential

estimates. Details can be found at the web page:

uncertainty affecting the estimates themselves,

and not the additional uncertainty of prediction


with respect to individual data points. The external component includes uncertainty regarding assumptions for key parameters that are inputs to the modelling process (e.g. adjustment factors applied to observed data), along with uncertainty about data inputs to calculations that occur outside the model in the process of deriving the final estimates.

3.3 Calculation of adult lifetime risk of maternal mortality In countries where there is a high risk of maternal death, many girls die in childhood before reaching reproductive age. For this reason, it makes sense to consider the lifetime risk of maternal mortality conditional on survival to adulthood. Data presented

For estimates computed directly from civil

here include estimates of adult lifetime risk of

registration data, the external component of

maternal mortality, which equals the probability

uncertainty was treated in the same manner as

that a 15-year-old female will die eventually from a

described above. For the internal component,

maternal cause if she experiences throughout her

however, the regression analysis was replaced by a

lifetime the risks of maternal death and the overall

simple model of stochastic variation as a function of

levels of fertility and mortality that are observed for

population size.

a given population.

To obtain the intervals presented here, all

The adult lifetime risk of maternal mortality can be

components of estimation uncertainty were

derived using either the maternal mortality ratio,

depicted by probability distributions. For the

MMR, or the maternal mortality rate, MMRate.

internal component, the parameters of these

However, a precise estimate of lifetime risk requires

distributions were obtained from the output of the

knowledge of how the MMR or the MMRate changes

regression model (using ‘lme4’ in R).

For the

within the reproductive lifespan of women. Although

external component, distributions were chosen

such information is not generally available, it can be

by assumption after considering a range of

assumed that neither the MMR nor the MMRate is

plausible alternatives and assessing the sensitivity

constant over the reproductive lifespan. Because

of final estimates to choices within that range.

this assumption is more realistic for the MMRate

After simulating the combined effect of these

than for the MMR, the adult lifetime risk was

components on the estimation process, uncertainty

calculated using the MMRate33 as shown in Box 4.

intervals were chosen by computing the 2.5th and

This formula yields an estimate of the adult lifetime

97.5th percentiles of a simulated distribution of

risk that takes into account competing causes of


Box 4. Formula for estimating adult lifetime risk

Adult lifetime risk of maternal mortality =

Ă— MMRate

where ℓ₠₅, �₠₅, and �₅₀ are quantities from a life table for the female population during the period

in question (ℓ₠₅ equals the probability of survival from birth until age 15, and ��₠₅ – �₅₀��ℓ₠₅ equals

the average number of years lived between ages 15 and 50 – up to a maximum of 35 years – among survivors to age 15).

Trends in maternal mortality: 1990–2008

death. The 2008 country estimates of lifetime risk of

mortality within a global model that can also be

maternal mortality are shown in Annex 1, while the

used for predicting out-of-sample.

regional estimates are presented in Table 2 and in Appendices 6, 8,10, 12, and 14.


• Unlike the 2005 estimation, this round of estimation took into consideration the issue of incidental and indirect maternal deaths among

3.4 Global and regional estimates Global and regional maternal mortality estimates (according to the MDG, WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA, The World Bank and UNPD regional groupings) were

HIV-positive women in estimating maternal mortality for countries with high HIV/AIDS prevalence (described in detail in Appendix 5). • In the approach for the 2008 estimates, an effort

also computed. The MMR in a given region was

was made to exclude incidental deaths during

computed as the estimated total number of maternal

pregnancy in order to better capture true maternal

deaths divided by the number of live births for that


region. Additionally, the adult lifetime risk of maternal

• For the 2008 estimates, countries were classified

mortality was based on the weighted average of

into just three groups on the basis of available

��₠₅ – �₅₀��ℓ₠₅ for a given region multiplied by the

data (as noted above) instead of the eight groups

3.5 Differences in the 2008 methodology compared with 2005

for the most recent time period). One reason for

MMRate of that region.

There were substantial differences in the methods used for the 2008 maternal mortality estimation compared with those for 2005.2 • Compared with the 2005 estimates, the database

used for the 2005 estimates (the latter were based on the data source used for deriving an estimate this change is that for the 2008 estimation some countries had multiple data sources over time so that they could not be assigned to a single data source. For instance, El Salvador had data from civil registration (which was not complete), reproductive health surveys and RAMOS; Turkey

employed for this exercise was much larger,

has moved from one-time special studies to

consisting of 2961 country-years of data across

ongoing surveillance systems to improve data

172 countries, of which 2010 country-years


derive from civil registration data, 819 from survey-based sisterhood data, and the remainder from surveillance systems, censuses, and other sources. • Previous interagency estimates of maternal mortality used a regression model to generate PMDF estimates referring to a single point in time. The model was used to obtain out-ofsample predictions of PMDF for countries without recent data, and used the most recent PMDF observation for countries with data. In the current round of estimation, a multilevel regression model was developed to derive estimates of maternal deaths at multiple time points from 1990 to 2008. The multilevel approach (with random intercepts for both countries and regions) offers a statistically well-grounded means of representing country data about levels and trends of maternal

3.6 Differences from other recent estimates Recently, an academic institute (Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation – IHME) published estimates of maternal mortality for 181 countries using an alternative statistical methodology.3 There are differences in various aspects of the IHME study and this interagency analysis by MMEIG/TAG described here. These include: • Input data: the type of data sources and adjustments made to data from various sources (e.g. to sibling history data) differed. The interagency estimates used only nationally representative data, while the IHME study used subnational data in some cases. • Statistical models: modelling strategies differed. 15

Trends in maternal mortality: 1990–2008


• Covariates: the IHME analysis used total fertility rate, GDP, HIV prevalence, neonatal mortality rate, and female education, while the interagency analysis used GDP, GFR, and SAB. • Addressing HIV: the IHME analysis used HIV prevalence as a covariate for the model which included HIV/AIDS-related maternal deaths in the output variable. The interagency analysis separately estimated the numbers of non-HIV related deaths and indirect maternal deaths due to HIV/AIDS, and combined them later. • Number of female deaths at ages 15–49: both analyses applied the estimated PMDF to the estimated number of deaths to women at reproductive age. The life tables used for this application were different. Even if the estimated PMDFs from the two analyses were similar, differences in the number of deaths of women of reproductive age would contribute to different findings. The IHME used the life tables created by their institute, while this interagency analysis used the WHO life tables. • Process: the interagency estimation involved a period of interaction with countries to give the opportunity to review the preliminary estimates, data sources and methods; to obtain additional data sources that may not have been used; and to build mutual understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of available data.

Trends in maternal mortality: 1990–2008

4. ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF 2008 ESTIMATES 4.1 Maternal mortality estimates for 2008 Table 2 and Annex 1 present the estimates of MMR, the range of uncertainty of MMR estimates, the number of maternal deaths, and the lifetime risk by MDG regional groupings and by country, respectively. Although the point estimates are considered the most likely levels of MMR, the uncertainty ranges are intervals estimated to contain the true MMR with 95% probability. For 2008, there were an estimated 358 000 maternal deaths in the world, or a maternal mortality ratio (MMR) of 260 maternal deaths per 100 000 live births. There is a range of uncertainty around both estimates, suggesting that the true number of maternal deaths in 2008 could plausibly have been as low as 265 000 or as high as 503 000. Likewise, the plausible range for the global MMR in 2008 extends from 200 to 370. Of the estimated total of 358 000 maternal deaths worldwide, developing countries accounted for 99% (355 000) (Table 2). Nearly three fifths of the maternal deaths (204 000) occurred in the subSaharan Africa region alone, followed by South Asia (109 000). Thus, sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia accounted for 87% (313 000) of global maternal deaths. The MMR in 2008 was highest in developing regions (290) in stark contrast to developed regions (14) and countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (40). Among the developing regions, sub-Saharan Africa had the highest MMR at 640 maternal deaths per 100 000 live births in 2008, followed by South Asia (280), Oceania (230), SouthEastern Asia (160), North Africa (92), Latin America and the Caribbean (85), Western Asia (68), and Eastern Asia (41). By country (Annex 1), India had the largest number of maternal deaths (63 000), followed by Nigeria (50 000), the Democratic Republic of the Congo (19 000), Afghanistan (18 000), Ethiopia (14 000), Pakistan (14 000), the United Republic of Tanzania (14 000), Bangladesh (12 000), Indonesia (10 000), Sudan (9700), and Kenya (7900). These 11 countries comprised an estimated 65% of the global maternal

deaths reported in 2008. In contrast, 27 countries (all middle- or high-income countries) had five or fewer maternal deaths in 2008. As shown in Annexes 1 and 2, 45 countries had high MMR (defined as MMR ≥300 maternal deaths per 100 000 live births) with four countries (Afghanistan, Chad, Guinea-Bissau, and Somalia), having extremely high MMR (defined as MMR ≥1000 maternal deaths per 100 000 live births). In 2008, the 10 highest MMR countries in sub-Saharan Africa in descending order were: Chad (1200), Somalia (1200), Guinea-Bissau (1000), Liberia (990), Burundi (970), Sierra Leone (970), the Central African Republic (850), Nigeria (840), Mali (830), and Niger (820). Although most sub-Saharan African countries had high MMR, Mauritius and Cape Verde had low MMR (defined as MMR 20–99 maternal deaths per 100 000 live births), while Namibia and Botswana had moderate MMR (defined as MMR 100–299 maternal deaths per 100 000 live births). Outside sub-Saharan Africa, the seven countries with high MMR were Afghanistan (1400), the Lao People's Democratic Republic (580), Nepal (380), Timor-Leste (370), Bangladesh (340), Haiti (300), and Cambodia (290). Among developing regions, the adult lifetime risk of maternal death (the probability that a 15-year-old female will die eventually from a maternal cause) is highest in sub-Saharan Africa (at 1 in 31), followed by Oceania (1 in 110) and South Asia (1 in 120), while the developed regions had the smallest lifetime risk (1 in 4300). Of all 172 countries and territories for which estimates were made, Afghanistan had the highest estimated lifetime risk of 1 in 11. Appendices 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14 present the MMR, number of maternal deaths, and adult lifetime risk for WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA, The World Bank, and UNPD regions, respectively. Overall, it was estimated that there were 42 000 deaths due to HIV/AIDS among pregnant women. About half of those were assumed to be maternal (21 000, u=0.5; see Appendix 5). The contribution of



Trends in maternal mortality: 1990–2008


HIV/AIDS was highest in sub-Saharan Africa where

1995, 2000, 2005 and 2008 with new and improved

9% of all maternal deaths were due to HIV/AIDS as

methodology. The findings, presented in Annex 3,

shown in Table 3. Without HIV/AIDS, the MMR for

allow analysis of trends in maternal mortality

sub-Saharan Africa would have been 580 maternal

between 1990 and 2008.

deaths per 100 000 live births instead of 640. Table 4 shows the comparison of the MDG regional

Estimates of MMR trends, 1990–2008

groupings of maternal mortality estimates for

The methodological approach used to estimate

1990 and 2008 and the percentage change in the

maternal mortality in this round of MMEIG/TAG

MMR between 1990 and 2008 (similar tables for

estimates is substantially different from the ones

the different regional groupings for WHO, UNICEF,

used in the earlier rounds. In addition, more input

UNFPA, The World Bank, and UNPD are shown

data were available for the analysis of this round

in Appendices 7, 9, 11, 13, and 15, respectively).

as a result of consultations with countries and

Worldwide, maternal deaths fell from 546 000 in

the increased attempts by countries to measure

1990 to 358 000 in 2008 while the MMR declined

the MMR in recent years. Therefore, the findings

by 34% from 400 in 1990 to 260 in 2008 (Table 4).

of this exercise should not be compared with the

Annually, the MMR declined 2.3% (uncertainty

earlier MMEIG published estimates.1,2 This exercise

interval 1.8 to 2.8).

generated updated MMR figures for years 1990,

Table 2. Estimates of maternal mortality ratio (MMR, deaths per 100 000 live births), number of maternal deaths, and lifetime risk by United Nations MDG regions, 2008

Region WORLD TOTAL Developed regionsb Countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)c Developing regions Africa Northern Africad Sub-Saharan Africa Asia Eastern Asia South Asia South-Eastern Asia Western Asia Latin America and the Caribbean Oceania

Range of uncertainty on MMR estimates Lower Upper estimate estimate

Estimated MMRa

Number of maternal deathsa

Lifetime risk of maternal deatha: 1 in:

260 14

358 000 1700

140 4300

200 13

370 16






290 590 92 640 190 41 280 160 68 85 230

355 000 207 000 3400 204 000 139 000 7800 109 000 18 000 3300 9200 550

120 36 390 31 220 1400 120 260 460 490 110

220 430 60 470 130 27 190 110 45 72 100

410 850 140 930 270 66 420 240 110 100 500

a The MMR and lifetime risk have been rounded according to the following scheme: <100, no rounding; 100–999, rounded to

nearest 10; and >1000, rounded to nearest 100. The numbers of maternal deaths have been rounded as follows: <1000, rounded to nearest 10; 1000–9999, rounded to nearest 100; and >10 000, rounded to nearest 1000. b Includes Albania, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark,

Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Montenegro, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America. c The CIS countries are Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation, and Uzbekistan. d Excludes Sudan, which is included in sub-Saharan Africa.

Trends in maternal mortality: 1990–2008

By the broad MDG regions, all regions presented

estimated change in MMR in 2 countries, while 23

declines in MMR between 1990 and 2008, both in

countries had an increase in MMR and 147 countries

the total for the period and annually. The total MMR

experienced total MMR percentage declines. The list

percentage decline in developing regions was 34%,

of the 90 countries with a decline of 40% or more

more than twice that of the developed regions of

in the MMR between 1990 and 2008 is presented in

13%. It is important to note that it is easier to reduce

Annex 4.

the MMR when levels are high than when they are low. Among the developing regions, Eastern Asia

Among sub-Saharan African countries, it is estimated

had the largest decline, 63%, followed by South-

that the largest total percentage declines in MMR

Eastern Asia 57%, South Asia 53%, Asia 52%,

occurred in: Equatorial Guinea (–73%), Eritrea

Western Asia 52%, Latin America and the Caribbean

(–69%), Cape Verde (–58%), Ethiopia (–53%) and

41%, sub-Saharan Africa 26%, and Oceania 22%.

Rwanda (–51%). The five countries that experienced the estimated largest percentage increases were:

Annex 3 presents MMR estimates by country for

Botswana (133%), Zimbabwe (102%), South Africa

the period 1990–2008, as well total and annual

(80%), Swaziland (62%), and Lesotho (44%). The

percentage change for the same period. Out of the

latter group of countries are all in Southern Africa,

172 countries and territories that were covered in

the subregion with the highest HIV prevalence in

this exercise, between 1990 and 2008, there was no

the world.

Table 3. Estimates of maternal mortality due to HIV/AIDS by United Nations MDG regions, 2008


MMR (maternal deaths per 100 000 live births)a

HIV-specific maternal mortality ratio

Number of maternal deaths due to HIV/AIDSa

Percentage of maternal deaths due to HIV/AIDS

Number of maternal deathsa



21 000


358 000

Developed regionsb






Countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)c








21 000


355 000



18 000


207 000








18 000


204 000





139 000






South Asia





109 000

South-Eastern Asia





18 000

















Developing regions Africa Northern Africad Sub-Saharan Africa Asia Eastern Asia

Western Asia Latin America and the Caribbean Oceania

a The MMR and lifetime risk have been rounded according to the following scheme: <100, no rounding; 100–999, rounded

to nearest 10; and >1000, rounded to nearest 100. The numbers of maternal deaths have been rounded as follows: <1000, rounded to nearest 10; 1000–9999, rounded to nearest 100; and >10 000, rounded to nearest 1000. b Includes Albania, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark,

Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Montenegro, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America. c The CIS countries are Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan,

the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. d Excludes Sudan, which is included in sub-Saharan Africa.



Trends in maternal mortality: 1990–2008


Issues to consider in using the 2008 maternal mortality estimates

to be adjusted for specific characteristics. These

The estimates for 2008 provided in this report are

underreporting of maternal deaths, which is an issue

the fifth in a series of attempts by the UN agencies

even in highly developed civil registration systems,

to examine the likely global dimensions of the

to obtain MMR estimates that are comparable

problem of maternal mortality. Several issues should

across study designs. Such an adjustment allows

be considered in using these estimates.

regional and global aggregation. For this reason,

characteristics included the extent of potential

the presented point estimates usually differ from the country-reported figures.

First, it should be noted that the data and methods have improved over time. The 2008 estimates should not be compared with those from the

Third, despite the improved methodology, the global

previous exercises to assess changes in time.

database on maternal mortality remains weak.

Trends in maternal mortality calculated using the

Only slightly over a third of countries/territories

same improved methodology and presented for

have complete civil registration systems and good

years 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, and 2008 in this

attribution of cause of death (Group A). The ability

report show the changes over time.

to generate country, regional, and global estimates with higher precision and accuracy would be greatly

Second, depending on the type of data source

facilitated if country civil registration systems were

used, the primary data for individual countries had

further improved. This improvement would obviate

Table 4. Comparison of 1990 and 2008 maternal mortality by United Nations MDG regions 1990a Region

WORLD TOTAL Developed regionsb Countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)c Developing regions Africa Northern Africad Sub-Saharan Africa Asia Eastern Asia South Asia South-Eastern Asia Western Asia Latin America and the Caribbean Oceania


% change in MMR between 1990 and 2008

Annual % change in MMR between 1990 and 2008


Maternal deaths


Maternal deaths

400 16

546 000 2000

260 14

358 000 1700

–34 –13

–2.3 –0.8







450 780 230 870 390 110 590 380 140 140 290

540 000 208 000 8600 199 000 315 000 29 000 234 000 46 000 6100 17 000 540

290 590 92 640 190 41 280 160 68 85 230

355 000 207 000 3400 204 000 139 000 7800 109 000 18 000 3300 9200 550

–34 –25 –59 –26 –52 –63 –53 –57 –52 –41 –22

–2.3 –1.6 –5.0 –1.7 –4.0 –5.5 –4.2 –4.7 –4.0 –2.9 –1.4

a The 1990 estimates have been revised using the same methodology used for 2008, which make them comparable. The MMRs

have been rounded according to the following scheme: <100, no rounding; 100–999, rounded to nearest 10; and >1000, rounded to nearest 100. The numbers of maternal deaths have been rounded as follows: <1000, rounded to nearest 10; 1000–9999, rounded to nearest 100; and >10 000, rounded to nearest 1000. b Includes Albania, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark,

Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Montenegro, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America. c The CIS countries are Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan,

the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. d Excludes Sudan, which is included in sub-Saharan Africa.

Trends in maternal mortality: 1990–2008

the need to conduct special maternal mortality

least once during pregnancy by skilled health-care

studies – which are time-consuming, expensive, and

personnel increased from 64% to 80%, while the

of limited use in monitoring trends – or to employ

proportion of women aged 15–49 who are using any

statistical models that have their own weaknesses.

method of contraception also increased from 52% to 62%.

Potential reasons for declining maternal mortality

Improvement in the coverage of these health-care

Several reasons, from improvement in health

interventions over the past two decades may have

systems to increased female education, could

contributed to improved outcomes. For example,

account for the decline in maternal mortality during

Eastern Asia, which experienced the greatest MMR

1990–2008. In developing regions, not only has the

decline, has a contraceptive prevalence rate of 86%

MMR declined but also other MDG 5 indicators have

as opposed to only 22% in sub-Saharan Africa, the

improved during the same period. For instance,

region with one of the lowest MMR declines. Efforts

as shown in Figure 1, in developing regions the

to improve maternal health and reduce maternal

proportion of deliveries attended by skilled health

deaths should focus on increasing access to

personnel rose from 53% in 1990 to 63% in 2008.34

effective interventions, and on improving quality of

Similarly, the proportion of women attended at

health care.

Figure 1. Improved reproductive health indicators in developing regions, 1990 and 2008 (percentage)


Use of contraception


Antenatal care at least once

Deliveries by skilled health personnel

53 20

0 2008









For contraception, data were available for 1990–2007. Source: United Nations. The Millennium Development Goals Report 2010.



Trends in maternal mortality: 1990–2008


The fifth MDG aims to improve maternal health with

Strategy for Women’s and Children’s Health, which

a target of reducing the MMR by 75% between 1990

seeks to catalyse action for renewed and enhanced

and 2015. That is, it seeks to achieve an average

commitments by all partners for adequate financing

annual decline of 5.5% in the MMR from 1990 to

and policy to improve women’s and children’s

2015. According to these new estimates, both the

health.35 The commitments would support the

number of maternal deaths and the MMR fell by

following elements to accelerate progress towards

a third or more since 1990. Globally the average

MDG 5:

annual percentage decline in the MMR between 1990 and 2008 was 2.3%. None of the broad MDG regions was on track to achieve MDG 5, except Eastern Asia with a 5.5% annual decline (Table 4). Oceania and sub-Saharan Africa have made the least progress at 1.4% and 1.7%, respectively.

• Country-led health plans – development partners to support governments to implement country-led plans to improve access to reproductive health services. • A comprehensive, integrated package of

Fourteen countries achieved an average annual

essential interventions and services – women

decline of 5.5% or more between 1990 and 2008:

and children should have access to a package

Bhutan, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), China, Egypt,

of integrated services including family planning,

Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Estonia, Iran (Islamic

antenatal care, skilled care at birth, emergency

Republic of), Latvia, Maldives, Poland, Romania,

obstetric and newborn care, safe abortion

Turkey, and Viet Nam (Annex 3).

services (where abortion is not prohibited by law) and prevention of mother-to-child transmission of

To measure progress, countries with an MMR ≥100 in 1990, have been categorized as “on track”, “making progress”, “insufficient progress” or “no progress” in improving maternal health. A country is considered to be “on track” if the annual percentage decline between 1990 and 2008 is 5.5% or more. If the annual decline in MMR is between 2% and 5.5%, the country is considered to be “making progress”. Countries with an annual decline of less than 2% are considered to have made “insufficient progress” and countries with rising MMR have been categorized as making “no progress”. As shown in

HIV services. • Health systems strengthening – development partners to support governments to strengthen health systems to deliver high-quality services particularly in underserved communities. • Health workforce capacity building – development partners to work with governments to address the critical shortage of health workers by implementing national plans to train, retain and deploy health workers. • Coordinated research and innovation –

Annex 3, of the 87 countries with an MMR ≥100 in

development partners to develop, fund and

1990, 10 countries are considered to be “on track”

implement a prioritized, coordinated and

to improving maternal health, 47 countries have

innovative research agenda for women’s and

been “making progress”, 22 have made “insufficient

children’s health.

progress” and 8 have made “no progress”. In subSaharan Africa only Equatorial Guinea, and Eritrea and are “on track”, while three countries in South Asia (Bhutan, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Maldives) are also “on track”. The international community has been increasingly concerned about the fairly slow progress in improving maternal health. During 2010, the United Nations Secretary-General launched the Global

Fulfilling these commitments in line with the elements of the Global Strategy for Women’s and Children’s Health should help advance progress in maternal health.

Trends in maternal mortality: 1990–2008

ANNEXES Annex 1. Estimates of maternal mortality ratio (MMR, deaths per 100 000 live births), number of maternal deaths and lifetime risk (2008)


Afghanistan Albania Algeria Angola Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bhutan Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Central African Republic Chad Chile China Colombia Comoros Congo Costa Rica Côte d'Ivoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic

Estimated MMRa

Range of uncertainty on MMR estimates Number of maternal Lower Upper deathsa estimate estimate

Lifetime risk of maternal deatha: 1 in:

Proportion of maternal PMDFc deaths due (%) to HIV(%)b


1400 31 120 610 70 29 8 5 38 49 19 340 64 15 5 94 410 200

740 19 61 270 61 18 6 5 24 38 11 170 55 12 4 56 250 110

2600 50 220 1400 77 45 10 6 60 57 30 660 72 20 7 140 690 370

18 000 14 840 4800 480 14 20 4 63 3 3 12 000 2 15 6 7 1400 30

11 1700 340 29 600 1900 7400 14 300 1200 1000 2200 110 1100 5100 10 900 330 43 170

39.8 1.5 6.2 15.3 4.8 1.4 0.6 0.3 1.6 1.5 1.8 8 1.6 0.4 0.3 5.6 15.1 6.6
















190 58 21 13 560 970 290 600 12 94

84 38 13 11 330 410 180 360 7 39

380 87 34 15 950 2300 480 960 20 210

91 1800 2 9 4000 2700 1100 4200 42 11

180 860 2000 5800 28 25 110 35 5600 350


2.1 2.6 1.9 0.4 17 17.4 8.4 11.6 0.7 6










1200 26 38 85 340 580 44 470 14 53 10 8

670 15 23 74 140 330 24 290 11 36 4 5

2100 43 60 94 780 1000 82 730 17 76 23 12

5900 64 6900 780 72 720 33 3400 6 63 <2 9

14 2000 1500 460 71 39 1100 44 5200 1400 6600 8500

27.8 2 1.9 6.5 12.7 11.8 3.5 10.5 0.7 2.2 0.9 0.5



11.8 15.2



Trends in maternal mortality: 1990–2008

Annex 1. continued 24 Country

Democratic People's Republic of Korea Democratic Republic of the Congo Denmark Djibouti Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Fiji Finland France Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Guatemala Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Honduras Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran (Islamic Republic of) Iraq Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Lao People's Democratic Republic

Estimated MMRa

Range of uncertainty on MMR estimates Number of maternal Lower Upper deathsa estimate estimate

Lifetime risk of maternal deatha: 1 in:

Proportion of maternal PMDFc deaths due (%) to HIV(%)b












19 000




5 300 100 140 82 110 280 280 12 470 26 8 8 260 400 48 7 350 2 110 680 1000 270 300 110 13 5 230 240

5 140 62 81 51 71 130 160 9 270 14 7 5 150 190 30 6 210 2 56 390 440 180 180 71 10 5 150 140

6 610 170 230 130 170 630 510 14 790 48 8 14 420 910 76 8 600 3 190 1100 2300 410 520 180 17 6 350 380

3 73 240 380 1600 140 70 520 2 14 000 5 4 63 100 250 25 49 2600 2 480 2700 650 37 820 230 13 <2 63 000 10 000

10 900 93 320 270 380 350 73 72 5300 40 1300 7600 6600 110 49 1300 11 100 66 31 800 210 26 18 150 93 240 5500 9400 140 190

0.4 6.8 5.5 6.6 5.8 4.8 6.3 15.5 0.5 16.4 1.1 0.5 0.6 5.2 15.7 1.8 0.4 11.3 0.2 7.1 21.2 25 5.7 9.3 8 0.5 0.6 8.2 6.1









75 3 7 5 89 6 59 45 530 9 81

41 2 6 4 60 5 35 34 320 8 50

140 3 7 6 120 8 100 61 850 10 130

710 2 9 26 47 65 92 140 7900 5 97

300 17 800 5100 15 200 450 12 200 510 950 38 4500 450

4.9 0.3 1.2 0.3 3.4 0.4 5.3 1.2 12 1.4 3.1









14.9 12.2

12.6 6.6






Trends in maternal mortality: 1990–2008

Annex 1. continued


Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Lithuania Luxembourg Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Norway Oman Pakistan Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Qatar Republic of Korea Republic of Moldova Romania Russian Federation Rwanda Saudi Arabia Senegal

Estimated MMRa

20 26 530 990 64 13 17 440 510 31 37 830 8 550 36 85 65 15 110 550 240 180 380 9 14 100 820 840 7 20 260 71 250 95 98 94 6 7 18 8 18 32 27 39 540 24 410

Range of uncertainty on MMR estimates Number of maternal Lower Upper deathsa estimate estimate

18 14 260 520 26 11 15 270 300 14 21 520 7 300 30 74 27 8 63 310 140 93 210 7 12 57 470 460 4 9 140 58 110 57 62 61 2 5 12 4 16 28 17 33 320 13 240

23 48 850 1800 140 16 19 700 760 68 64 1400 9 980 41 95 150 26 190 870 410 270 650 10 15 180 1400 1500 12 45 490 84 560 150 160 140 13 10 26 19 20 35 44 46 910 45 680

5 17 310 1400 94 4 <2 3000 3000 170 2 4500 <2 590 7 1700 32 <2 720 4800 2400 100 2800 16 8 150 6500 50 000 4 12 14 000 50 530 150 600 2100 21 8 10 <2 81 14 57 600 2200 140 1900

Lifetime risk of maternal deatha: 1 in:

3600 2000 62 20 540 5800 3800 45 36 1200 1200 22 9200 41 1600 500 730 4000 360 37 180 160 80 7100 3800 300 16 23 7600 1600 93 520 94 310 370 320 13 300 9800 3000 4400 4700 2000 2700 1900 35 1300 46

Proportion of maternal PMDFc deaths due (%) to HIV(%)b



25.5 50.1



0.5 1.4 3.6 27.5 5.2 0.3 1.1 19 9.1 2.4 4.2 21.3 0.7 18.3 1.6 6.2 2.4 0.8 8.4 8.7 4.7 3.4 9.3 0.6 1 7.7 33.8 17.9 0.6 2.4 12.8 5 9.3 8 6.5 6.5 0.3 0.4 1.1 1.5 0.9 0.9 1 0.7 18.6 2.2 18.1

25 Groupd



Trends in maternal mortality: 1990–2008

Annex 1. continued 26 Country

Serbia Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syrian Arab Republic Tajikistan Thailand The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Timor-Leste Togo Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United Republic of Tanzania United States of America Uruguay Uzbekistan Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Viet Nam Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe

Estimated MMRa

Range of uncertainty on MMR estimates Number of maternal Lower Upper deathsa estimate estimate

Lifetime risk of maternal deatha: 1 in:

8 970 9 6 18 100 1200 410 6 39 750 100 420 5 10 46 64 48

7 530 8 5 15 44 510 240 5 26 420 86 180 3 8 20 29 32

9 1800 10 6 20 240 2800 610 7 57 1300 110 800 8 11 100 140 68

9 2200 3 3 3 16 4800 4500 28 140 9700 10 150 5 7 270 120 470

7500 21 10 000 13 300 4100 230 14 100 11 400 1100 32 400 75 11 400 7600 610 430 1200





370 350 55 60 23 77 430 26 10 12

150 210 35 32 15 33 240 20 4 11

860 600 82 110 36 190 670 33 24 14




Proportion of maternal PMDFc deaths due (%) to HIV(%)b


0.4 22 0.5 0.3 1.1 8 34.5 2.8 0.4 2.2 19.4 3.8 3 0.5 0.7 3.9 4.9 1.2





160 740 11 98 310 85 6300 120 7 90

44 67 1100 860 1900 500 35 3000 4200 4700

24.2 9.2 1.7 4 1.8 2.3 11.3 0.5 1.3 0.8



14 000










27 30

22 25

33 35

14 170

1700 1400

1.7 1.5









56 210 470 790

27 110 250 410

120 400 680 1200

840 1800 2600 3000

850 91 38 42

2.6 14.2 7.8 4.3








6.7 37.0 52.7

a The MMR and lifetime risk have been rounded according to the following scheme: <100, no rounding; 100–999, rounded to nearest 10; and >1000, rounded to nearest 100. The numbers of maternal deaths have been rounded as follows: <100, no rounding; 100–999 rounded to nearest 10; 1000–9999, rounded to nearest 100; and >10 000, rounded to nearest 1000. b The proportion of maternal deaths due to HIV/AIDS in countries with high HIV/AIDS prevalence. Data are not presented for countries without generalized HIV epidemic. c The proportion of maternal deaths among females of reproductive age (PMDF). d Group A=63 countries with good civil registration systems; Group B=85 countries with modelled MMR estimates using available country data; Group C=24 countries with modelled MMR estimates but with no available maternal mortality data.

Trends in maternal mortality: 1990–2008

Annex 2. Map with countries by category according to their maternal mortality ratio (MMR, deaths per 100 000 live births), 2008


Maternal Mortality Ratio, 2008

<20 20–99 100–299 300–549 550–999 ≥1000 Population <250 000 not included in the assessement Not applicable The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the World Health Organization concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Dotted lines on maps represent approximate border lines for which there may not yet be full agreement.


Trends in maternal mortality: 1990–2008

Annex 3. Comparison of 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, and 2008 estimates of maternal mortality ratio (MMR, deaths per 100 000 live births) by country 28

Estimated MMRa







% change in MMR between 1990 and 2008

Annual % change in MMR between 1990 and 2008b









Albania Algeria Angola Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bhutan Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria

48 250 1000 72 51 10 10 64 55 25 870 120 37 7 72 790 940

44 180 1000 61 44 13 7 79 59 22 640 42 28 7 32 690 650

41 140 880 63 34 9 5 59 56 23 500 50 31 6 100 560 420

34 120 720 70 32 8 5 44 48 21 420 62 20 5 94 460 260

31 120 610 70 29 8 5 38 49 19 340 64 15 5 94 410 200

–35 –53 –41 –3 –44 –22 –48 –41 –11 –25 –61 –47 –58 –20 32 –48 –79

–2.4 –4.1 –2.9 –0.2 –3.2 –1.4 –3.7 –2.9 –0.7 –1.6 –5.3 –3.5 –4.8 –1.2 1.5 –3.6 –8.6















83 120 28 24

130 98 25 23

310 79 24 28

280 64 23 14

190 58 21 13

133 –52 –23 –49

4.7 –4.0 –1.4 –3.7































Canada Cape Verde

6 230

7 200

7 170

12 120

12 94

94 –58

3.7 –4.9

Central African Republic















56 110 140 530 460 35 690 8

40 82 120 450 520 42 620 14

29 60 110 390 590 41 580 11

26 44 85 360 590 43 530 14

26 38 85 340 580 44 470 14

–54 –66 –41 –36 26 25 –31 64

–4.3 –6.0 –2.9 –2.5 1.3 1.3 –2.1 2.8

Burkina Faso Burundi

Chad Chile China Colombia Comoros Congo Costa Rica Côte d'Ivoire Croatia

Progress towards improving maternal healthc

insufficient progress making progress making progress

making progress making progress

making progress on track on track

making progress

insufficient progress insufficient progress making progress insufficient progress making progress insufficient progress insufficient progress on track making progress making progress no progress making progress

Trends in maternal mortality: 1990–2008

Annex 3. continued Annual % change in MMR between 1990 and 2008b






% change in MMR between 1990 and 2008

63 17 15

62 17 9

65 14 7

53 11 7

53 10 8

–16 –41 –49

–1.0 –3.0 –3.8

Democratic People's Republic of Korea








Democratic Republic of the Congo






















220 230 220 200 1000 930 48 990 40 7 13

170 190 150 170 900 590 46 920 36 5 13

120 170 110 140 480 420 14 750 32 5 10

100 140 90 120 320 330 23 560 28 6 8

100 140 82 110 280 280 12 470 26 8 8

–52 –40 –63 –44 –73 –69 –76 –53 –34 16 –35

–4.1 –2.9 –5.5 –3.2 –7.3 –6.6 –7.9 –4.2 –2.3 0.8 –2.4









Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Greece

750 58 13 630 6

690 64 9 540 2

560 50 7 500 5

460 52 7 400 3

400 48 7 350 2

–46 –17 –42 –44 –60

–3.4 –1.0 –3.0 –3.3 –5.2

































Haiti Honduras Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran (Islamic Republic of) Iraq Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica

670 210 23 8 570 620

620 180 23 7 470 440

450 160 10 6 390 350

350 130 10 6 280 270

300 110 13 5 230 240

–55 –47 –43 –33 –59 –62

–4.4 –3.5 –3.2 –2.2 –4.9 –5.4








93 6 12 10 66

94 4 10 6 76

84 6 9 4 91

82 2 7 5 87

75 3 7 5 89

–19 –57 –43 –53 36

–1.2 –4.6 –3.1 –4.2 1.7

Estimated MMRa


Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic

Denmark Djibouti Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Fiji Finland France

29 Progress towards improving maternal healthc

insufficient progress insufficient progress insufficient progress making progress making progress on track making progress on track on track making progress

insufficient progress making progress

making progress insufficient progress making progress insufficient progress insufficient progress making progress making progress

making progress making progress on track


Trends in maternal mortality: 1990–2008

Annex 3. continued 30

Annual % change in MMR between 1990 and 2008b






% change in MMR between 1990 and 2008

12 110 78 380 10 77

9 95 76 460 10 98

9 79 59 560 8 81

7 66 45 580 9 78

6 59 45 530 9 81

–49 –48 –42 38 –8 5

–3.7 –3.6 –3.0 1.8 –0.4 0.3








57 52 370

58 45 340

42 36 470

21 29 570

20 26 530

–64 –50 44

–5.7 –3.8 2.0









Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Lithuania Luxembourg Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Mozambique Myanmar

100 34 6 710 910 56 510 1200 14 780 72 93 130 15 270 1000 420

85 21 11 680 830 46 240 1100 12 710 67 85 110 18 220 890 350

74 20 11 580 770 39 110 980 11 640 28 90 93 20 160 780 290

68 12 17 490 620 34 52 880 9 590 32 87 79 17 130 640 250

64 13 17 440 510 31 37 830 8 550 36 85 65 15 110 550 240

–39 –61 170 –38 –44 –44 –93 –31 –41 –30 –50 –8 –48 1 –59 –47 –43

–2.7 –5.2 5.5 –2.6 –3.2 –3.2 –14.6 –2.1 –2.9 –2.0 –3.9 –0.5 –3.6 0 –5.0 –3.5 –3.1








Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Niger

870 10 18 190 1400

700 11 13 170 1300

550 13 12 140 1100

440 8 14 110 910

380 9 14 100 820

–56 –16 –22 –44 –43

–4.6 –1.0 –1.4 –3.2 –3.1









Norway Oman Pakistan Panama

9 49 490 86

4 35 410 71

8 27 340 71

9 22 290 71

7 20 260 71

–21 –60 –48 –18

–1.3 –5.1 –3.6 –1.1

Papua New Guinea
























Estimated MMRa


Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Lao People's Democratic Republic Latvia Lebanon Lesotho


Progress towards improving maternal healthc

making progress no progress

making progress

no progress insufficient progress making progress

making progress making progress on track making progress making progress

making progress making progress making progress making progress insufficient progress making progress

making progress making progress insufficient progress

making progress insufficient progress insufficient progress making progress

Trends in maternal mortality: 1990–2008

Annex 3. continued



% change in MMR between 1990 and 2008

Estimated MMRa





Annual % change in MMR between 1990 and 2008b

Philippines Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Qatar Republic of Korea Republic of Moldova Romania Russian Federation Rwanda Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia

180 17 15 29 15 18 62 170 74 1100 41 750 13

140 14 10 31 13 18 60 72 72 1400 32 690 15

120 8 9 23 11 19 39 52 57 1100 28 560 9

110 5 8 19 9 18 25 31 39 720 25 460 8

94 6 7 18 8 18 32 27 39 540 24 410 8

–48 –67 –51 –37 –46 1 –49 –84 –47 –51 –41 –45 –40

–3.6 –6.2 –3.9 –2.6 –3.4 0 –3.7 –10.3 –3.6 –3.9 –3.0 –3.3 –2.8

Sierra Leone








6 15 11

6 11 11

15 13 12

10 6 15

9 6 18

50 –62 59

2.3 –5.4 2.6








1100 230 7 91

1200 260 4 73

1200 380 5 59

1200 440 6 45

1200 410 6 39

12 80 –13 –58

0.6 3.3 –0.8 –4.8









Suriname Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syrian Arab Republic Tajikistan Thailand The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Timor-Leste Togo Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom

84 260 7 8 120 120 50

39 220 5 8 77 170 52

110 340 5 7 58 120 63

100 440 4 8 50 75 51

100 420 5 10 46 64 48

21 62 –25 22 –61 –44 –4

1.0 2.7 –1.6 1.1 –5.2 –3.3 –0.2








650 650 86 130 68 91 670 49 28 10

590 550 90 110 51 98 690 45 20 10

520 450 59 83 39 95 640 35 15 12

420 380 55 67 29 82 510 26 12 13

370 350 55 60 23 77 430 26 10 12

–43 –46 –36 –54 –66 –16 –36 –47 –62 20

–3.2 –3.5 –2.5 –4.3 –6.0 –0.9 –2.5 –3.5 –5.4 1.0








Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa Spain Sri Lanka

United Republic of Tanzania

31 Progress towards improving maternal healthc

making progress

on track making progress making progress insufficient progress

insufficient progress no progress no progress

insufficient progress no progress

making progress making progress

making progress making progress making progress

making progress

insufficient progress


Trends in maternal mortality: 1990–2008

Annex 3. continued 32

United States of America Uruguay Uzbekistan Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Viet Nam Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe

Annual % change in MMR between 1990 and 2008b






% change in MMR between 1990 and 2008








39 53

35 32

25 29

27 30

27 30

–30 –44

–2.0 –3.2








170 540 390 390

120 460 490 450

91 340 600 670

66 250 560 830

56 210 470 790

–66 –61 19 102

–6.0 –5.3 1.0 3.9

Estimated MMRa


Progress towards improving maternal healthc

on track making progress no progress no progress

a The MMR have been rounded according to the following scheme: <100, no rounding; 100–999, rounded to nearest 10; and

>1000, rounded to nearest 100. b Negative values indicate a decreasing MMR from 1990 to 2008, while positive values indicate an increasing MMR. Given that the

uncertainty intervals are wide for some countries, these will have to interpreted with caution.

≥100 in 1990 are categorized as “on track” if there has been 5.5% decline or more annually, “making progress” if MMR has declined between 2% and 5.5%, making “insufficient progress” if MMR has declined less than 2% annually, and having “no progress” if there has been an annual increase in MMR. Countries with MMR <100 in 1990 are not categorized.

c Countries with MMR

Trends in maternal mortality: 1990–2008

Annex 4. Countries with 40% or more decrease in maternal mortality ratio (MMR, deaths per 100 000 live births) between 1990 and 2008 Country

% change in MMR between 1990 and 2008a

Maldives Romania Iran (Islamic Republic of) Bhutan Estonia Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Poland China Turkey Viet Nam Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Latvia Egypt Indonesia Slovakia United Arab Emirates Bangladesh Lithuania Peru Syrian Arab Republic Yemen Greece Oman India Morocco Belarus Cambodia Cape Verde Sri Lanka Ireland Nepal Haiti Chile Tunisia Algeria Ethiopia Italy Brazil Dominican Republic Lao People's Democratic Republic Portugal Rwanda Bosnia and Herzegovina

–93 –84 –80 –79 –76 –73 –69 –67 –66 –66 –66 –65 –64 –63 –62 –62 –62 –61 –61 –61 –61 –61 –60 –60 –59 –59 –58 –58 –58 –58 –57 –56 –55 –54 –54 –53 –53 –53 –52 –52 –51 –51 –51 –50

Country Lebanon Mauritius Bulgaria Czech Republic Japan Republic of Moldova Austria Benin Jordan Mongolia Pakistan Philippines Barbados Honduras Mozambique Russian Federation Ukraine Gambia Qatar Togo Senegal Armenia El Salvador Ghana Malawi Malaysia Nicaragua Tajikistan Uzbekistan Guinea Hungary Israel Myanmar Niger The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Timor-Leste Germany Kazakhstan Angola Azerbaijan Colombia Cyprus Malta Saudi Arabia Ecuador Serbia


% change in MMR between 1990 and 2008a

–50 –50 –49 –49 –49 –49 –48 –48 –48 –48 –48 –48 –47 –47 –47 –47 –47 –46 –46 –46 –45 –44 –44 –44 –44 –44 –44 –44 –44 –43 –43 –43 –43 –43 –43 –43 –42 –42 –41 –41 –41 –41 –41 –41 –40 –40

a Percentages have been rounded.


Trends in maternal mortality: 1990–2008


Appendix 1. Adjustment factor to account for misclassification of maternal deaths in civil registration, literature review of published reports Country

Australia Austria Brazil, capital cities Canada China, Taiwan El Salvador Finland

France Japan Netherlands

United Kingdom

USA USA, Maryland USA, North Carolina



2000–2002 2003–2005 1980–1998 2002 1988–1992 1997–2000 1984–1988 June 2005–May 2006 1987–1994 1999–2000 1999 1988 Dec–1989 Mar 2001–2003 2004–2006 2005 1983–1992 1993–2005 1985–1987 1988–1990 1991–1993 1994–1996 1997–1999 2000–2002 2003–2005 1995–1997 1993–2000 1999–2000

Additional maternal deaths identified (%)

110 90 60 40 60 50 60 220 –10 100 10 130 20 20 35 40 50 40 40 50 60 80 70 70 50 60 10

Adjustment factor

2.1 1.9 1.6 1.4 1.6 1.5 1.6 3.2 0.9 2.0 1.1 2.3 1.2 1.2 1.35 1.4 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.5 1.6 1.1


Trends in maternal mortality: 1990–2008

Appendix 2. Sixty-three countries with civil registration data characterized as complete, with good attribution of cause of deatha Argentina





Republic of Korea



Republic of Moldova






Russian Federation






















Costa Rica





The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia



Trinidad and Tobago

Czech Republic





United Kingdom


New Zealand

United States of America









Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)

a For the Bahamas, Belgium, Iceland and Malta (0.1% of global births), the statistical model was used because the paucity of the

event of maternal mortality gave implausible trends.



Trends in maternal mortality: 1990–2008


Appendix 3. Eighty-five countries lacking good complete registration data but where registration and/or other types of data are available Afghanistan



























Bolivia (Plurinational State of)


Puerto Rico

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Iran (Islamic Republic of)




Saudi Arabia




Brunei Darussalam


Sierra Leone

Burkina Faso


South Africa



Sri Lanka


Lao People's Democratic Republic


Central African Republic





United Republic of Tanzania







CĂ´te d'Ivoire



Democratic Republic of the Congo



Dominican Republic









El Salvador







Appendix 4. Twenty-four countries with no nationally representative data on maternal mortality meeting inclusion criteria Angola


Solomon Islands




Cape Verde

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya

Syrian Arab Republic







Democratic People's Republic of Korea




Papua New Guinea

United Arab Emirates

Equatorial Guinea


Viet Nam

Trends in maternal mortality: 1990–2008

Appendix 5. Estimation of maternal deaths due to HIV


To construct the dependent variable of the multilevel regression model, a fraction of estimated HIV deaths among pregnant women was subtracted from PMDF observations (already adjusted for completeness and misclassification) to create PMDFna for maternal, non-HIV-related deaths as follows: PMDFna = PMDFadj – �Ŋ�


is the proportion of HIV/AIDS deaths among all deaths to women aged 15–49. It is derived from


the number of deaths as estimated by WHO for its life tables and from the number of deaths due


is the fraction of HIV/AIDS deaths in the pregnancy-related period that were presumably

to HIV/AIDS as estimated by UNAIDS.

included in a PMDF or MMR observation. It is assumed that ĹŠ equals one for all observations with a “pregnancy-relatedâ€? definition (with or without accidents) and that ĹŠ equals zero for all vital registration (VR) data. For non-VR observations with a “maternalâ€? definition, the value of ĹŠ is based on empirical evidence when possible and is assumed to be 0.5 otherwise (this choice affects rather few data points in situations where HIV/AIDS deaths are frequent). đ?‘Ł

is the proportion of HIV/AIDS deaths to women aged 15–49 that occur during pregnancy.

The value of � can be computed as follows: � =


đ?‘? đ?‘˜ GFR

1 + đ?‘? (đ?‘˜â€Šâ€“ 1) GFR

GFR is the general fertility rate đ?‘? đ?‘˜

is the average exposure time (in years) to the risk of pregnancy-related mortality per live birth (set equal to 1 for this analysis); is the relative risk of dying from HIV/AIDS for a pregnant versus a non-pregnant woman (reflecting both the decreased fertility of HIV-positive women and the increased mortality risk of HIV positive pregnant women).

The value of đ?‘˜ proved difficult to estimate directly from available study data, and instead a statistical approach was adopted that involved choosing a value of đ?‘˜ to maximize measures of goodness of fit for the regression model. The resulting value of đ?‘˜â€Š= 0.4 was used for all countries.

For pregnancy-related observations, the definitional adjustment described earlier (removing 10% or 15% of such deaths) was applied after subtracting HIV-related deaths.


Trends in maternal mortality: 1990–2008


After estimating PMDFna using the multilevel regression model, final PMDF estimates were computed by adding back a constant fraction, u, of the estimated number of pregnancy-related HIV/AIDS deaths, which are counted here as “indirect maternal� deaths:


estimated PMDF = estimated PMDFna + đ?‘Žuđ?‘Ł u

is the fraction of pregnancy-related deaths among HIV-infected women assumed to be indirect maternal deaths.

The MMEIG/TAG reviewed available study data on HIV/AIDS deaths among pregnant women and recommended using u = 0.5. Given the scarcity of appropriate data for choosing the proper value of this parameter (which could vary over time and space), the value of 0.5 was chosen in order to minimize the expected error that is implied by any symmetrical probability distribution of uncertainty (over the interval of zero to one). Overall, it was estimated that there were 42 000 deaths due to HIV/AIDS among pregnant women. About half of those are estimated to be maternal.

Trends in maternal mortality: 1990–2008

Appendix 6. Estimates of maternal mortality ratio (MMR, deaths per 100 000 live births), number of maternal deaths and lifetime risk by WHO regions, 2008

Region Africa Americas South-East Asia Europe Eastern Mediterranean Western Pacific WORLD

Estimated MMRa

Range of uncertainty on MMR estimates Lower Upper estimate estimate

620 66 240 21 320 51 260

450 56 160 19 220 35 200

890 80 350 25 520 74 370

Number of maternal deathsa

Lifetime risk of maternal death:a 1 in:

190 000 10 000 91 000 2300 52 000 13 000 358 000

32 670 150 2900 84 1100 140

a The MMR and lifetime risk have been rounded according to the following scheme: <100, no rounding; 100–999, rounded to near-

est 10; and >1000, rounded to nearest 100. The numbers of maternal deaths have been rounded as follows: <1000, rounded to nearest 10; 1000–9999, rounded to nearest 100; and >10 000, rounded to nearest 1000.

Appendix 7. Comparison of 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, and 2008 estimates of maternal mortality ratio (MMR, deaths per 100 000 live births) by WHO regions Estimated MMRa Region

Africa Americas South-East Asia Europe Eastern Mediterranean Western Pacific WORLD






850 110 580 44 430 130 400

830 93 470 37 410 97 370

780 81 380 29 390 75 340

690 70 280 22 350 58 290

620 66 240 21 320 51 260

% change in MMR between 1990 and 2008

Annual % change in MMR between 1990 and 2008b

–27 –39 –59 –52 –24 –59 –34

–1.7 –2.7 –5.0 –4.1 –1.5 –5.0 –2.3

a The MMR have been rounded according to the following scheme: <100, no rounding; 100–999, rounded to nearest 10; and

>1000, rounded to nearest 100. b Negative values indicate a decreasing MMR from 1990 to 2008, while positive values indicate an increasing MMR. Given that the

uncertainty values are wide for some countries, these will have to be interpreted with caution.



Trends in maternal mortality: 1990–2008


Appendix 8. Estimates of maternal mortality ratio (MMR, deaths per 100 000 live births), number of maternal deaths and lifetime risk by UNICEF regions, 2008


Estimated MMRa

Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Eastern and Southern Africa Western and Central Africa Middle East and North Africa Asia South Asia East Asia and Pacific Latin America and Caribbean Central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States Industrialized countries Developing countries Least developed countries WORLD

Range of uncertainty on MMR estimates Lower estimate Upper estimate

Number of maternal deathsa

Lifetime risk of maternal death:a 1 in:

590 640 550 720 170 200 290 88 85

430 470 400 490 120 140 190 61 72

840 920 770 1100 270 290 430 130 110

207 000 204 000 79 000 115 000 17 000 135 000 109 000 27 000 9200

36 31 38 26 190 210 110 600 480






14 290 590 260

12 220 420 200

16 410 840 370

1600 356 000 166 000 358 000

4300 120 37 140

a The MMR and lifetime risk have been rounded according to the following scheme: <100, no rounding; 100–999, rounded to near-

est 10; and >1000, rounded to nearest 100. The numbers of maternal deaths have been rounded as follows: <1000, rounded to nearest 10; 1000–9999, rounded to nearest 100; and >10 000, rounded to nearest 1000.

Appendix 9. Comparison of 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, and 2008 estimates of maternal mortality ratio (MMR, deaths per 100 000 live births) by UNICEF regions Estimated MMRa Region

Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Eastern and Southern Africa Western and Central Africa Middle East and North Africa Asia South Asia East Asia and Pacific Latin America and Caribbean Central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States Industrialized countries Developing countries Least developed countries WORLD

% change in MMR between 1990 and 2008

Annual % change in MMR between 1990 and 2008b






780 870 750 980 270 410 610 200 140

770 850 760 940 230 340 510 160 130

720 790 720 870 200 300 430 130 110

650 710 630 780 180 230 330 100 91

590 640 550 720 170 200 290 88 85

–25 –26 –26 –27 –37 –51 –53 –56 –41

–1.6 –1.7 –1.7 –1.7 –2.6 –4.0 –4.2 –4.5 –2.9








12 440 900 400

10 410 840 370

11 370 750 340

14 320 650 290

14 290 590 260

16 –34 –35 –34

0.8 –2.3 –2.4 –2.3

a The MMR have been rounded according to the following scheme: <100, no rounding; 100–999, rounded to nearest 10; and

>1000, rounded to nearest 100. b Negative values indicate a decreasing MMR from 1990 to 2008, while positive values indicate an increasing MMR. Given that the

uncertainty values are wide for some countries, these will have to be interpreted with caution.

Trends in maternal mortality: 1990–2008

Appendix 10. Estimates of maternal mortality ratio (MMR, deaths per 100 000 live births), number of maternal deaths and lifetime risk by UNFPA regions, 2008




200 32 85 250 630 15 260

Asia and the Pacific Eastern Europe and Central Asia Latin America and the Caribbean Middle East and North Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Non-UNFPA list (40 countries) WORLD

Range of uncertainty on MMR estimates Lower Upper estimate estimate

140 27 72 170 460 13 200

Number of maternal deathsa

Lifetime risk of maternal death:a 1 in:

136 000 1900 9200 21 000 189 000 1700 358 000

210 1800 480 120 31 4000 140

290 39 110 390 910 17 370

a The MMR and lifetime risk have been rounded according to the following scheme: <100, no rounding; 100–999, rounded to near-

est 10; and >1000, rounded to nearest 100. The numbers of maternal deaths have been rounded as follows: <1000, rounded to nearest 10; 1000–9999, rounded to nearest 100; and >10 000, rounded to nearest 1000.

Appendix 11. Comparison of 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, and 2008 estimates of maternal mortality ratio (MMR, deaths per 100 000 live births) by UNFPA regions Estimated MMRa Region

Asia and the Pacific Eastern Europe and Central Asia Latin America and the Caribbean Middle East and North Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Non-UNFPA list (40 countries) WORLD






400 66 140 340 870 13 400

340 57 130 310 850 11 370

290 45 110 280 790 12 340

230 34 91 260 700 15 290

200 32 85 250 630 15 260

% change in MMR between 1990 and 2008

Annual % change in MMR between 1990 and 2008b

–51 –52 –41 –27 –27 16 –34

–4.0 –4.0 –2.9 –1.8 –1.8 0.8 –2.3

a The MMR have been rounded according to the following scheme: <100, no rounding; 100–999, rounded to nearest 10; and

>1000, rounded to nearest 100. b Negative values indicate a decreasing MMR from 1990 to 2008, while positive values indicate an increasing MMR. Given that the

uncertainty values are wide for some countries, these will have to be interpreted with caution.



Trends in maternal mortality: 1990–2008


Appendix 12. Estimates of maternal mortality ratio (MMR, deaths per 100 000 live births), number of maternal deaths and lifetime risk by The World Bank regions and income groups, 2008 Region and income groupa

Estimated MMRb

Low income Middle income Lower middle income Upper middle income Low and middle income East Asia and Pacific Europe and Central Asia Latin America and the Caribbean Middle East and North Africa South Asia Sub-Saharan Africa High income WORLD

580 200 230 82 290 89 32 86 88 290 650 15 260

Range of uncertainty on MMR estimates Lower Upper estimate estimate

420 150 160 64 210 62 27 72 62 190 470 14 200

830 290 330 100 400 130 39 110 130 430 920 17 370

Number of maternal deathsb

Lifetime risk of maternal death:b 1 in:

162 000 195 000 181 000 14 000 357 000 26 000 1900 9200 6700 109 000 203 000 1900 358 000

39 190 160 570 120 580 1800 480 380 110 31 3900 140

a Income groups were based on 2009 gross national income per capita estimates: low income, US$ 995 or less; lower middle

income US$ 996–3945; upper middle income US$ 3946–12 195; and high income, US$ 12 196 or more. b The MMR and lifetime risk have been rounded according to the following scheme: <100, no rounding; 100–999, rounded to near-

est 10; and >1000, rounded to nearest 100. The numbers of maternal deaths have been rounded as follows: <1000, rounded to nearest 10; 1000–9999, rounded to nearest 100; and >10 000, rounded to nearest 1000.

Appendix 13. Comparison of 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, and 2008 estimates of maternal mortality ratio (MMR, deaths per 100 000 live births) by The World Bank regions and income groups






% change in MMR between 1990 and 2008

850 350 400 120 440 200 66 140 210 610 870 15 400

800 310 360 100 410 160 57 130 160 510 850 14 370

740 280 320 97 370 130 45 110 120 430 800 13 340

640 230 260 88 320 100 34 91 98 330 710 15 290

580 200 230 82 290 89 32 86 88 290 650 15 260

–32 –41 –43 –31 –34 –56 –52 –41 –59 –53 –26 –1 –34


Region and income groupa

Low income Middle income Lower middle income Upper middle income Low and middle income East Asia and Pacific Europe and Central Asia Latin America and the Caribbean Middle East and North Africa South Asia Sub-Saharan Africa High income WORLD


Annual % change in MMR between 1990 and 2008c

–2.1 –3.0 –3.1 –2.0 –2.3 –4.6 –4.0 –2.9 –4.9 –4.2 –1.7 –0.1 –2.3

a Income groups were based on 2009 gross national income per capita estimates: low income, US$ 995 or less; lower–middle

income US$ 996–3945; upper–middle income US$ 3946–12 195; and high income, US$ 12 196 or more. b The MMR have been rounded according to the following scheme: <100, no rounding; 100–999, rounded to nearest 10; and

>1000, rounded to nearest 100. c Negative values indicate a decreasing MMR from 1990 to 2008, while positive values indicate an increasing MMR. Given that the

uncertainty values are wide for some countries, these will have to be interpreted with caution.

Trends in maternal mortality: 1990–2008

Appendix 14. Estimates of maternal mortality ratio (MMR, deaths per 100 000 live births), number of maternal deaths and lifetime risk by United Nations Population Division regions, 2008


Estimated MMRa

590 640 180 16 85 23 100 17 290 590 200 260

Africa Sub-Saharan Africa region Asia Europe Latin America and the Caribbean Northern America Oceania More developed regions Less developed regions Least developed countries Other less developed regions WORLD

Range of uncertainty on MMR estimates Lower Upper estimate estimate

430 470 130 14 71 20 48 16 220 420 150 200

Number of maternal deathsa

840 920 270 18 110 26 210 19 410 840 290 370

Lifetime risk of maternal death:a 1 in:

207 000 204 000 139 000 1200 9200 1100 570 2400 356 000 166 000 190 000 358 000

36 31 230 4200 490 2200 410 3600 120 37 190 140

a The MMR and lifetime risk have been rounded according to the following scheme: <100, no rounding; 100–999, rounded to near-

est 10; and >1000, rounded to nearest 100. The numbers of maternal deaths have been rounded as follows: <1000, rounded to nearest 10; 1000–9999, rounded to nearest 100; and >10 000, rounded to nearest 1000.

Appendix 15. Comparison of 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, and 2008 estimates of maternal mortality ratio (MMR, deaths per 100 000 live births) by United Nations Population Division regions Estimated MMRa Region

Africa Sub-Saharan Africa region Asia Europe Latin America and the Caribbean Northern America Oceania More developed regions Less developed regions Least developed countries Other less developed regions WORLD






780 870 370 35 140 12 120 26 440 900 340 400

770 850 320 27 130 11 110 20 410 840 300 370

720 790 270 21 110 13 120 17 370 750 270 340

650 710 210 16 90 23 110 17 320 650 230 290

590 640 180 16 85 23 100 17 290 590 200 260

% change in MMR between 1990 and 2008

Annual % change in MMR between 1990 and 2008b

–25 –26 –51 –55 –41 97 –12 –33 –34 –35 –41 –34

–1.6 –1.7 –4.0 –4.4 –2.9 3.8 –0.7 –2.2 –2.3 –2.4 –2.9 –2.3

a The MMR have been rounded according to the following scheme: <100, no rounding; 100–999, rounded to nearest 10; and

>1000, rounded to nearest 100. b Negative values indicate a decreasing MMR from 1990 to 2008, while positive values indicate an increasing MMR. Given that the

uncertainty values are wide for some countries, these will have to be interpreted with caution.



Trends in maternal mortality: 1990–2008


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