C'est La Vie

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© Keewu production / ONG RAES

Financé par

C’est la

VIE That’s life !



With the support of

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, UNFPA, WHO, UN Wome n, Global health workforce alliance, Fonds au diovisuel de la Fra ncophonie, CIRTEF, CFI, Orange, Afric an artists for development, AMARC, UCLA, Butterfly Works.


of the world’s population


of the maternal death burden

millions inhabitants

West and Central Africa background of the 20 poorest countries in the world are in W and C Africa (18 out of 20 are in Africa, Source IMF 2013)

of women

© Keewu production / ONG RAES

who give birth are assisted by skilled health professionals


DIE of pregnancy-related causes

1 child out of 5 dies before age 5, accounting for 30% of all the world’s infant-child mortality


in every 3 women has been circumcised

of women

of girls aged 15 to 24

Hum Log

have accurate knowledge on HIV/AIDS


of women

In India, in an episode of the very popular ‘‘Hum Log’’ show, a police inspector loses his eyesight as he tries to rescue a child from an explosion. The epilogue following the episode features a Bollywood star, who encourages the audience to take part in an organ donation program. Within two weeks of the show’s airing, 200 000 people sign up as donors.

use a modern form of contraception

justify domestic violence A study following the broadcasting of this episode showed that 70% of viewers said they had learned that women have a right to access the same opportunities as men, 68% that women have a right to choose what they want to do with their lives, and 71% that a family’s size should be limited.

of young people use mass media


of the total population has a cell phone

of the total population uses the Internet

of the population lives in urban centers where TV is more used than radio.

In Kenya, following the airing of the 60 episodes of ‘’Tushauriane’, the use of family planning rose 58% in the country and desired family size dropped from 6.3 to 4.4 children.

Communicating differently to promote health


33% of maternal deaths, 30% of infant-child mortality, 30% of HIV/AIDS infections occur in West and Central Africa, even though this region accounts for only 6% of the world population. In most of this region’s countries, the status of women fall short of international standards, and this contributes to the high rates of early marriage and pregnancy, low contraceptive prevalence and a high incidence of sexual violence. For millions of Africans, access to vital information remains difficult and often tedious. Using the format of a fun and entertaining TV show, That’s Life! intends to sensitize a wide audience from Madagascar to Dakar. Women and midwifes are the main characters of this Pan African show.

Facilitating access to information on: • Maternal and neonatal health • Infant health

© Keewu production / ONG RAES

• Rights to sexual and reproductive health • How health systems operate • Reproductive health for teens and young adults • Gender-based violence

1 Open Data, African Development Bank: http://opendataforafrica.org 2 SOWC, UNICEF 2010 & 2011 – UNAIDS statistics: http://www.unaids. org/en/dataanalysis/tools/aidsinfo/ countryfactsheets/

For quality healthcare available to all Focusing on health professionals

Some 34 African countries still do not reach the threshold of 23 doctors – nurses – midwives, per 10,000 inhabitants, which, according to WHO, is necessary to meet the populations’ basic health needs, particularly for mothers and their children. Health personnel work in precarious conditions: insufficient medical supplies, lack of staff, and inadequate skills are part of their everyday routine. In addition, these workers are underpaid, rarely supervised, and left on their own in a deregulated work environment. Under such working conditions, these men and women cannot deliver the quality of care the populations are entitled to. This, in turn, has weakened the bond of trust established between health professionals and the population. By making health professionals the main characters of the TV show, and by highlighting concepts linked to patient’s rights, the goal is to promote high quality healthcare accessible to all.

TV shows for social change

Impactful and modern content

Contemporary symbols of ‘soft power’ – which radiate across borders and cultures – TV shows have a great influence over their audience. They effectively model ways of life, cultures and beliefs, explaining them while keeping the audiences captivated by building on dramatic tensions between individuals and their social environment. The success met by South American and Indian TV shows has created the drive to develop a popular and unifying show with which the African audience will identify. Using TV to promote an issue or influence public debate has met with social and economic success in countries like Ethiopia, India, Mexico, the Philippines, Brazil or Nigeria. When considering social issues such as HIV/AIDS, gender-based violence, family planning or the reproductive health of teens, studies have shown that TV shows have a positive impact on the audience’s knowledge, attitudes and behaviors.

© Keewu production / ONG RAES

The characters and the screenplay of That’s Life! were developed based on the methodology of a Brazilian producer, Miguel Sabido. The Sabido method is based on factors that foster attitude and behavior changes. In Mexico, the « telenovelas » produced by Miguel Sabido greatly contributed toward the significant decrease observed in population growth in the 80s. This success led other countries to develop shows based on the same methodology in South America, in Asia, Africa and even in Europe.

TV shows

otion and • Capture the audience’s em attention messages • Allow a continuity in the ing the lett by , ion etit rep ir the and racters, cha the h viewers identify wit environial soc ir the and ms their proble ment racters to • Leave enough time for cha nge cha and p elo dev realistically unfold • Allow for several stories to ch on a tou to s thu and concurrently erent point diff ugh thro s me the of variety of views text, and deal • Build a realistic social con audience the as with social norms just m experiences the

A professional team to inform millions of viewers in prime time

Continent-wide and transmedia broadcasting

The production team has called upon internationally acclaimed French-speaking African artists, to write, act and direct That’s Life! The artistic goal is to develop a quality show that draws on its viewers’ codes and values, and uses entertainment to support information and sensitization. Artists and celebrities from the continent, who are engaged in the campaign, will be featured and speaking out in the epilogues following all episodes.

That’s Life! has an agreement with Canal France International (CFI) allowing its broadcast on over sixty local African channels, thus potentially reaching over 100 millions of viewers. Lastly

A campaign format That’s Life! is the central component of a campaign that promotes a wide-ranging debate on maternal health, sexual violence and family planning.

Through its partnerships with local media and civil society organizations, a dialogue will be launched with viewers. They will be invited to participated in phone-in talk shows on TV or radio, express themselves through social media platforms, mobile phone or Internet games. Health professionals are working with the project team to develop such interactive tools and contents. This innovative content supports conventional approaches based on community dialogue, advocacy and social mobilization.

Realistic budgeting, emphasized on skills transfer That’s Life! has made a wager on youth. Vocational trainings and mentoring organized by professionals of the African media community will foster the blossoming of new talents that will be ready to step up in the future. That’s Life! offers a financial plan whose financial and human goal are the sustainability of the TV show’s production, and, in time, its economic independence.

Talk Show A regional communication campaign

© Keewu production / ONG RAES

The TV show That’s Life! is at the heart of a West and Central Africa-wide, cross-media information campaign

These TV and radio shows s offer to discuss the theme es. sod epi touched on in the s, Health specialists, celebritie and w sho the m fro ors act opinion leaders facilitate ary these panels, make necess one ph r we ans s, ion cat rifi cla calls and questions from the audience.

Epilogues In certain pilot countries, epilogues are produced and aired following episodes to channel the demand they create to the appropriate available health services. The epilogues rely on celebrities and influential opinion leaders to secure support and action from the population.

Mobile & Promotion of hotlines The closing cr edits inform vi ewers that a hotline offering counse ling services is avai lable.

Media & Advocacy

The directing team, ac tors and celebrities linked to the project are trained to diffuse the MUSKOKA topics in the public sphere. The TV series’ potential in terms of me dia exposure is used to be nefit advocacy effort in the South and the North.

Internet & Social Media

Information websites are developed to inform visitors or to develop the show’s main characters online. Additional scenes and plots are published on social media and visitors are invited to share their opinion or to imagine new developments in the show.

Participative Communication

izations The civil society organ ve linked to the participati s of the itie tiv ac n tio communica u.com) are NGO RAES (sunukadd information mobilized to develop ssages and communication me media in 8 designed for the local untries of the sub-region’s co

Serious Game « That’s Life + » engages young people and uses alternate reality to encourage them to act. Viewers –mostly young people – play by sending texts and unlock new scenes on the Internet or on the radio. These media are also used to facilitate exchanges and debates.

Professional meetings Associations, professional bodies and labor unions related to health are trained and equipped to use the TV show as a leverage tool for the promotion of good medical practices.

Radio Adaptations uced based Radionovelas are prod plots of the on the characters and h and in TV show, both in Frenc ing a larger local languages, reach audience.

Community Animation

Community-based grassroot organizations are given discussion guides to help their communities investigate the topi cs brought up by the TV show. These props can als o help start discussions in viewe rs or listeners clubs.


That’s life!


... in a health center that tries, as hard as it can, to deal with the everyday challenges that come with providing healthcare to the inhabitants of the Ratanga neighborhood where life revolves around joys, misfortunes, work and family life. The tragic deaths of a young fifteen year-old girl and her baby, during delivery, bring to light the deficiencies of the health care system and shatters Ratanga. This distressful event triggers a new sense of collective enlightment among the neighborhood’s inhabitants and the health center’s workers.

© Keewu production / ONG RAES

Men and women of all ages and all walks of life will try to figure out how an efficient health policy can be implemented.

That’s life! ... ... offers a genuine and human look at an Africa that’s bold, candid, surprising and endearing, where different social groups cross paths, love or hate each other, betray or try to understand each other. Lives are ruled in turn by love stories or hate, by scheming and deceptions. We will get attached to the colorful characters as they share their hopes and fears. The situations, the characters and their personalities will be dealt with in nuances and without condescension. The general tone of show will be humorous, without excluding dramatic and sensitive themes. While each episode will be a stand-alone piece, it will nicely fit into the general continuum of the series. The main characters will set the show’s tempo as we follow their daily lives.


Korsa, 40 years old

© Keewu production / ONG RAES

Assitan, 25 years


g, good-lookin ildren, very ch no , le Sing qualified. wife ed her mid just complet e subth of ol Assitan has ho renowned sc long training in a en her lifework has be is posted Th be to region. t es ’s itan’s requ r childhood dream. Ass nter of he ce d. th te al an he in the ) has been gr od (Ratanga oman; neighborho ern urban w od m d an g un . She yo tic She is a t and idealis , independen tious ng bi ro st am is is e sh things. She ge an the ch of to wants the head to become tion s za pe ni ho ga or d an ove its ard to impr hool. She maternity w taught in sc as w e sh t ha w rms with ng te yi pl to ap ve to come ha er of the ev w will ho the realities allenges and ch al tic ac pr field.

Married, has two teenagers has two si . Korsa ster-wives. Woman of charac ter, K compelled to constan orsa feels with other tly comp ete s. Korsa h as been w at Ratang orking a’s health center for years and many feels that she should become h rightly ead of the maternity and will se ward, e that Ass itan never the job. K gets orsa also has to dea marital p l with roblems th at her profess often affec ional life, t and lead unwise ch her to oices.

Emadé, 20 years old

Yaye, 55 years old ow, t retired. Wid Midwife, almos n. has no childre an’s end of Assit Yaye is a fri who e on e th is parents and for girl’s passion instilled the an m wo ic at ism char midwifery. A e th is ye spect, Ya who inspires re od, ho or hb ig ne r he backbone of ly single-handed she which er, nt ce h alt he e at th supports. All, ect hborhood, resp and in the neig her by op st to es lik her. Everybody ter af g in likes look place, and she uses ho ly nt ta ns co others. She r to ho come to he young girls w e. nc ta sis as d e an seek her advic

Young wo man, who was force marry at 15 d to , two youn g children . Emadé liv es with her husband an her mother d -in-law, w ho gives a hard tim her e. For the love of her husband, Emadé b ears with mother-in her -law as bes t as she ca Emadé h n. opes to resume h education er , and will d o anything can to succ she eed.

Touli, 35 years old

Badiène, 65 years old Single, no

Rokoba, 60 years


kolaw, Ro o her-inh t o w m r e ’s h Emadé abusive mot n a . ba is on’s life ls her s own contro on her how her son d im e h is She ra inding rm re s ep ced he and ke tantly sacrifi er h e s s o n she co him. She ch in r b r erself, self fo but -law h , in e r g te la a vil daugh aer from extremely je ging h is a as a r ob e k h o s R now e treat her. Sh nstantly lous of loyee and co e her c p la m p e bad to re s her -law. n in te r a te re th ugh new da with a

Magar’s husband. Rokoba’s nephew.


Badiène m anages th e neighbo rhood’s sh op. She is Yaye’s great friend, she knows all th e traditiona practices o l f family pla nning, and often prove s to be of very good advice. Kin dhearted an d comforting, Badiène ac the health ce ts as a liaison with nter where she refers the people who prefer traditional medicine. Badiène is the living memory o f the neig hborhood; she knows all of its sto ries.

Magar 30 years old ers. three daught Married, has et in an Intern Magar works y, sh ry ve d and café. Subdue She e. nc de nfi co lfshe has no se save od face to puts up a go sband hu r he t bu , her marriage humiats her and constantly be hool sc to t en w ar liates her. Mag and ad re how to and knows alificaqu no s ha e write but sh back ms of taking tions. She drea e. lif r he control over

Touli is a sales representativ e for a famous car brand and appears to be a charming man . He is good-looking, funny, everything he touches turns to gold. Everyone envies Mag ar to have married such a man . At home however it is a totally different story. Touli is violent, ill tempered and dreadful to his wife. Boastful, Touli lives beyond his means to impress , getting into debts or even breaking the law in the process.

Moula ye, 40 y ears old

Widow, no children .

He is the referring gynecologist for Ratanga’s health center where he sees patients twice a week. In case of an emergency he is the one who is called. Magar wa s Moulaye’s first love, and he neve r really got over her. Nevertheless he got married and had a child bu t tragically lost his family to a car accid ent. Devastated, Moulaye is blinded by his mourning and does not realize how successful he is with women. He could not care less about their int erest in him and always remains pro fessional and respectful. That said a mystery hangs about him….

, 40



n, 25

Yaye is a friend o f Assitan ’s parents

© Keewu production / ONG RAES

Yaye, 55

Touli is Rokoba’s nephew

Yaye and Badiène are friends

Rokoba, 60

Rokoba is Emade’s mother-in-law

Emadé, 20


Touli, 35

THE THREE Badiène, 65

Touli and Magar are married


Magar is Moulaye’s first love

Moulaye, 40

m a e T ntation

e s e r p T

ife l s ’ t ha


Workshop In 2013, a writing workshop was organized in Dakar from August 1st to August 19th. This workshop was facilitated by Dr. Tandia Fatoumata Dédé Keita and M. Daour Wade. The main objectives were: • to train the scriptwriters in the Sabido methodology within the context of

the production of a Pan African TV show with 50 episodes called That’s

Life! which will be broadcasted in French speaking Africa, especially in Senegal, Mali, Burkina Faso and Guinea • to develop the show’s concept, the main characters, the plots and the program’s bible Participated at the workshop, alongside Dr. Keita and M. Wade: For the technical team: • Marguerite Abouet • Hélène Bararuzunza • Christian Charles Sow • Mbarick Diagne

© Keewu production / ONG RAES

For the production team: • Angelin Ngbandjui • Alexandre Rideau • Mbathio Diaw The workshop took place at the Institut Français de Dakar to which we renew our thanks.

PRoject Team

• Moussa Sène Absa • Marguerite Abouet • Christian Charles Sow • Hélène Bararuzunza • Mbarick Diagne • Fatoumata Dédé Keita • Daour Wade • Emile Abossolo-Mbo

• Fabacary Assymby Coly • Papa Arona Camara • Alioune Mbow • Nasr Djepa • Moustapha Ndiaye « Picasso » • Bassirou Ndiaye • Khadidiatou Sow (Costume Designer) • Maria Dapina (Make-up artist)

Moussa sene ABSA, Director Born in 1958 in Tableau Ferraille, not far from Dakar, Moussa Sène Absa is a versatile artist. Indeed, he is a painter, a writer, a musician, an actor, and a stage director… Many of his movies have moved audiences. Among others are Ça twiste à Popenguine (1994), Tableau Ferraille (1995) which was awarded the Prix de l’ACCT, at the Namur festival and Best Cinematography at FESPACO, and Madame Brouette (2004). His work as a painter is also widely recognized and his painting exhibited in Senegal, Europe as well as in America.

Marguerite abouet, Author-scriptwriter Marguerite Abouet was born in 1971 in Abidjan. She grew up among her family in the popular neighborhood of Yopougon till the age of 12. Her parents then sent her brother and her to their great uncle, in Paris where they were to « pursue long studies ». There, with wonderment, she discovered libraries and developed a passion for books and writing. After having worked as a legal assistant, she decided to fully dedicate herself to writing. In October 2005, she created the character of Aya of Yop city. With an unrivaled voice and sense of humor, she tells the story of an Africa freed from the clichés of war and famine. In 2006, Aya of Yop city was awarded first price at the Angoulême International Comics Festival. Marguerite lives in Paris. She writes many stories that are published: Aya of Yop City (6 volumes), Akissi (3 volumes), Bienvenue (2 volumes), Délices d’Afrique, but also for the television and the cinema (Aya of Yop City was released in movie theaters in the Spring of 2013). She also dedicates a lot of work to the association she founded - DES LIVRES POUR TOUS -, which aims to make books more accessible to African children by opening neighborhood libraries. > www.deslivrepourtous.org

© Keewu production / ONG RAES

Christian Charles SOw, Scriptwriter Charles Sow is a librarian who has been working for many years in the field of development through surveys and developing scenario for serial dramas for sensitization or entertainment. Christian Charles is also the author of ‘‘Cycles de sécheresse’’, a collection of short stories edited by Hatier monde noir, Paris, and currently studied as a part of class for the maîtrise en lettres modernes at the university Cheikh Anta Diop in Dakar. Scriptwriter for RAES since 2007, he took part in two training sessions on the Sabido method in 2009 and 2013 and is one of the scriptwriters for the That’s Life! TV show.

Hélène Bararuzunza, Scriptwriter Hélène Bararuzunza is a scriptwriter. Following studies in literature and filmmaking, she received a master 2 in film history and esthetics at the University of Paris VII. She worked jointly on several documentary and short film projects before joining the Conservatoire Européen d’Ecriture Audiovisuelle (CEEA), where she trained for two years to become a scriptwriter. She graduated in 2011, and is working on several fiction projects for the television and the cinema.

Mbarick Diagne, Scriptwriter Mbarick Diagne, Senegalese scriptwriter and director, he has worked in this field since 1997. He has produced television films and TV shows aired on national television and in home video format for the Senegalese diaspora. In 2010, he took part in capacity building program in script writing in partnership with the French Embassy’s cultural services and RAES. An introduction to the Sabido methodology will allow him to join the scriptwriter team of That’s


Fatoumata Dede Keita, Health consultant Fatoumata Dédé Keïta is a general practitioner in the area of public health. She has more than 15 years of experience in international development related to providing reproductive health services, health communication, qualitative and quantitative research, monitoring and evaluation and training. She has consistently supported development projects in Africa by providing a technical assistance through the Ministry of Health of Mali, USAID projects and PMC. Since November 2006, she is a trainer in the Sabido method and in the context of the That’s Life! project she is in charge of introducing the scriptwriters to the method and of supervising them in the development of the TV show’s bible.

Daour Wade, Scriptwriter

© Keewu production / ONG RAES

Daour Wade is a storyteller. He also writes stories, in Wolof, French and English. He has written scripts and directed dramas for both TV and the radio. He trained in film making in Paris (France) at the CLCF (Conservatoire Libre du Cinéma Français) and at the Indiana University Bloomington, USA. He is a training consultant with PMC (Population Media Center, Vermont-USA) and an expert on the Sabido method, a form of entertainment and education. As such, he has led training workshops in several countries of West Africa, geared toward writers, producers and technicians on the Sabido method through sharing tools, planning, the conception and the production of radio serials using the Sabido method.

Emile Abossolo-Mbo, Acting coach Emile Abossolo-Mbo is a Cameroonian actor known among other things for his part in Les Savates du Bon Dieu, Africa Paradis or in the French TV show Plus belle la vie. He fell in love with cinema at the age of 3 when his father took him to the movies for the first time. This started off his mimicry career in his neighborhood and later took him to theater class and finally stages. When he came to France in 1984, Emile was already known in Cameroon for the troupe he created with two of his friends, the XYZ trio. In France, he took part in many theatrical productions such as Hamlet, Titus Andronicus, La tragédie du Roi Christophe. His ability to speak several languages has landed him multiple parts in international productions such as Highlander, The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles, etc. For the TV series That’s Life! he will be in charge of the artistic direction by coaching the actors.

Fabacary Assymby COLY, First assistant director His introduction in 2000 to the audiovisual trade at the Média Centre in Dakar, marked the beginning of his film making adventure. His experience includes production, directing and/or shooting for documentary films, fictional film, music video, entertainment shows, and TV commercials.

Papa Arona Camara , Chief operator and lighting Papa Arona Camara is a head mechanic and a grip. He was trained on the job assisting famous chief operators such as the French Jean-Pierre Mas. Prior to this he produced video clips for singers and TV commercials, in Dakar, and he has worked as a photographer for the Cheikh Anta Diop University in Dakar and has also been their camera operator since 1976. He started his filmmaking career in the 80s with filmmaker Moussa Touré as a painterelectrician. From 1983 to 1984, he worked jointly with a French on the feature film Petit Doigt by the Senegalese Moussa Yoro Bathily. This experience was a real eye opener for Papa Arona Camara. His love of machinery took root during the shooting of Camp de Thiaroye by Ousmane Sembène. In addition to the mechanical component of his work, Papa Arona Camara continues to work on lighting. Last February, the FESPACO jury distinguished La pirogue a feature film directed by Moussa Touré on which Papa Arona Camara worked as well.

Alioune Mbow, Sound engineer Alioune Mbow is one of the best sound engineer in Senegal. He took part in more than 22 feature films of which 3 have earned an Etalon at the FESPACO in 2013 : - En attendant le bonheur by Abdehrahmane Sissako - Ezra by Newton Aduaka

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- Tey by Alain Gomis He was also assistant sound engineer for several movies.

Nasr Djepa, Director of photography Born in 1965, in Dakar, Nasr Djepa is a graduate of the prestigious FEMIS. His end-ofstudy film project, 18% de réflexion, considered the relationship between black skin and the different film types available on the market. He worked alongside renowned filmmakers: Jacques Perrin, Jacques Malaterre, Eric Valli (Himalaya, l’enfance d’un chef)... He worked on several TV serials like Navarro and Camping Paradis. Nasr Djepa was director of photography for Cheikh Ndiaye’s first feature film L’appel des arènes, Senegal, 2006, adapted from the famous eponymous novel, and which received a special mention from the Amiens Festival in 2005. He also worked on the short amine Awa est une petite fille très gourmande which was awarded the Professional Jury Prize at the Récréacourt Festival in Montreuil, 2005.

mOUSTAPHA nDIAYE «PICASSO», Set decorator Moustapha Ndiaye so called “Picasso”, studied at the École Nationale des Beaux Arts in Dakar, and graduated in interior design in 1984. He started with an internship as assistant set decorator for the feature film Eugène Guillaume in 1989. Two years later, the Senegalese Picasso is set decorator for a film project, Samori by Sembène Ousmane. With time Picasso became a sought–after set decorator and took part in many shootings by renowned filmmakers. He also took part in the production of two music videos for the Senegalese musician, Youssou Ndour and a few TV commercials. His talent in interior design, which earned him his nickname Picasso, resulted in an invitation to the French film festival of Namur in Belgium, in September 2000. Moustapha Ndiaye was nominated for the Pan African film Prize of the M-Net, Pretoria for the decors of Moussa Sene Absa’s feature film Tableau ferraille.

Production Team

• Alexandre Rideau • Mbathio Diaw • Angelin Ngbandjui • Bassirou Ndiaye • Noel Maxam

Alexandre rideau, Producer Alexandre Rideau is a founding member of the NGO RAES, which he created after having worked at the Online Journalism Review (OJR) at the University of Southern California (USC) as Development and Marketing Director.

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For RAES, Alexandre built an international network of partners, created and implemented media projects in West and Central Africa. After producing radio serials in West Africa and framed the participative communication strategy, Sunukaddu, Alexandre now develops innovating advocacy approaches using mass media linked to mobile phone technologies and the Internet. Alexandre studied communication, and graduated in 2001 earning a Master of Art in Communication specializing in the role of images in society and in the communication methods for behavior change. Since then, Alexandre has produced trans media projects in Africa and regularly worked on themes pertaining to social communication and information technologies for sustainable development.

Mbathio DIAW, Production manager Born in 1984 in Dakar, Mbathio Diaw has worked for RAES since 2007 after having collaborated with USAID. She has 5 years of experience in the financial management of projects run by the Open Society Fundation, Technical cooperation of Belgium, France and Spain, the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie, UNESCO, UNFPA, UN women, etc. Her experience led her to manage projects of radio, video and web productions in several French-speaking countries in West Africa.

Angelin Ngbandjui, Production director Born in 1983 in Abidjan, Angelin has lived in France for the last 15 years. Operation Manager/ and production manager for an animation studio (Autochenille Production - Banjo studio), he took part in the production of Chat du Rabbin (Joann Sfar and Antoine Delesvaux), released in 2011, of the feature film Aya of Yop City (Marguerite Abouet and Clément Oubrerie), released in 2013. Angelin designed and directed various short film projects, in an orphanage in Benin, or during trips organized by the Romainville’s local government (Barcelone, Berlin). In 2012 he led a photo novel project Mes Abidjan(s), with children from Adjamé, in Ivory Coast. Actor in Combat de nègre et de chiens by Bernard-Marie Koltès, directed by Michael Thalheimer, he collaborated on the pre-production of Gainsbourg vie héroïque. He is a colorist for Gallimard (Comic books: Zazie dans le métro/Aya of Yop City)

Bassirou Ndiaye, Production director Born in 1977, in Senegal, Bassirou Ndiaye is a Studio Sankara resident. Behind the camera, or directing, producing or in the control room, Bass has shown his numerous talents on many occasions. Bassirou Ndiaye has directed and produced videos for the aforementioned studio, and has produced a piece on the artist, craftsman and designer Ousmane Mbaye. As a production manager, he has contributed to many albums by Senegalese artists, and television shows, in addition he has worked for big companies like Nescafé, Tigo, Orange, Canal SAT, and others. He also directed the control room for television shows and concerts with an unrivalled personal touch and professionalism.

Noel MAXAM, consultant Noel Maxam is an American television director, writer and producer. He has worked on the CBS drama As the World Turns as a writer and later directed The Young and the Restless for nearly 10 years.

© Keewu production / ONG RAES

In 2007, he left CBS to become one of the producers of NBC’s show Days of our Lives. He was later promoted co-executive producer of this show. In 2012, he left NBC to become a freelance director. Recently, he has worked for The Young and the Restless, Hollywood Heights and Disney. Noel Maxam graduated from the Interlochen Arts Academy (DEC), Carnegie Mellon University (BFA Directing) and earned his Masters at the University of Southern California (MFA in film and video production).


RAES SENEGAL 24 Boulevard Martin Luther King Fann Hock Dakar - Senegal T +221 33 842 65 15

Keewu proD 10 rue Nani Fann Hock Dakar - Senegal T +221 33 822 06 07

Photo credits : P4 > © F. Diakité / P6 - 61 > © E. Ledoré / P 12 > © A. Garde / P8 - 53 - 57 - 63 > © V. Evrard - Conception graphique : Guillemette Gatineau

RAES FRANCE BRC 14 rue Jean Jacques Rousseau 75001, Paris

© Keewu production / ONG RAES

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