UNICEF Tajikistan

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UNICEF ANNUAL REPORT for Tajikistan 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Achievements: In 2010, UNICEF Tajikistan office‟s work was dominated by a major outbreak of poliomyelitis. Though certified as polio-free in 2002, Tajikistan experienced the largest polio outbreak this year, with 458 confirmed cases (65% of the world‟s total). The vast majority of confirmed cases occurred in children (70% <5y, 90% <15y). UNICEF swiftly mobilised funds for vaccine provisions and social mobilisation and partnered closely with WHO to support the MOH in organising six national immunisation rounds and a mop-up round, reaching virtually all children under 15. The effective response to the polio outbreak demonstrated UNICEF‟s capacity to respond decisively to emergencies. The polio outbreak has also alerted the Government, UNICEF, WHO and other stakeholders to enhance routine immunisation, surveillance and take necessary steps to prevent any future recurrence. The Office signed a tripartite Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade (the de facto Planning Ministry) and 8 priority districts to start a direct partnership. This decentralised approach has brought UNICEF support closer to targeted children and women. This approach is also applied to enhance programme synergy and equitable basic social services. The first year of implementation has shown promising results. UNICEF supported the MOE in developing a new National Strategy for Education Development 2010-2020 (NSED). UNICEF, working closely with the World Bank, has played a pivotal role in education sector reforms. Shortfalls: Due to the response to the polio outbreak, the approval of the National Comprehensive Health Strategy for 2010-2020 and its costing were postponed. Due to the development of NSED and the expansion from 10 to 12 year education, the development of a girls‟ education strategy was delayed. The Office was unable to complete a SITAN as planned for 2010. This was due to the poor response to two consecutive requests for proposals in the course of the year. Some deterioration in security affected UNICEF‟s ability to work in Rasht valley, which contains one of UNICEF‟s priority districts. Collaborative partnerships: UNICEF used its lead role in the WASH cluster to facilitate a swift response to the mudflows that affected Khuroson District in 2009. The CO, with a tripartite partnership with DFID and ECHO, supported the construction of a new water supply system. UNICEF plays a critical role in the education sector, co-leading the education donor group.

2. COUNTRY SITUATION AS AFFECTING CHILDREN AND WOMEN Deteriorating internal security: 2010 has seen a marked deterioration in Tajikistan‟s internal security. The escape of 25 armed convicts from a prison in the capital has increased concerns about stability in the country. A suicide bomb attack on a police

station in the northern city of Khujand gave rise to concerns about an increased terrorist threat1[1]. Armed confrontations took place in the Rasht Valley in eastern Tajikistan, a stronghold of the United Tajik Opposition (UTO) during the civil war in Tajikistan in 1992-1997. Global economic downturn and recovery: Tajikistan‟s economy was severely affected by the global economic downturn, mainly through reduced labour emigration and the dramatic fall in foreign remittances by 31% in 2009. Though remittances recovered by 27% in 2010, families and the economy continue to remain fragile and vulnerable to external shocks. Nearly half of the Government of Tajikistan‟s budget currently comes from international aid, adding to the country‟s vulnerability. Sub-regional tension: Sub-regional tensions influenced the development context for children and women in 2010, as they affected the economy and, to an extent, the availability of commodities. As the Economist Intelligence Unit pointed out, “tensions with Uzbekistan have remained high, owing to Uzbekistan‟s concerns about the construction of Tajikistan‟s Roghun hydroelectricity project”. (EIU, December 2010, p.3) In 2010 “freight trains destined for Tajikistan (were) being held up at the border”. (EIU, December 2010, p.10). There were fears in 2010 that ethnic unrest in southern Kyrgyzstan could spill over into neighbouring countries, but this risk did not materialise. (EIU, December 2010, p.10) Natural disasters: Tajikistan had a difficult year coping with 236 natural disasters that occurred in the first 11 months of 2010, causing 61 casualties (CoES, 2010). Damage caused by these disasters was estimated at 518 million TJS (about US$117 million). According to the Agency on Statistics under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, 45 countries provided USD81 million worth of humanitarian aid to Tajikistan in 2010. Joint Country Partnership Strategy (JCPS): In November 2009, Tajikistan Government signed a JCPS with 12 international development partners, to enhance aid effectiveness and coordination. The UN System (including UNICEF) participated as one. On December 3rd and 4th, the Government of Tajikistan and all related development partners organised a high-level Development Forum to review development progress and remaining challenges. The joint statement and action plan will shed light on development priorities and aid coordination. Polio Outbreak: Tajikistan had been certified by WHO as Poliomyelitis-free since 2002. In 2010 the country experienced an outbreak of wild poliovirus (Type 1) with 458 confirmed cases. This is the biggest outbreak this year globally. The vast majority of the cases occurred in children (70% <5y, 90% <15y). Although OPV coverage was as high as 97% in 2010 according to administrative data, the last population-based survey (TLSS) in 2007 estimated the nationwide OPV-3 coverage at only 50.3%. The polio outbreak suggests areas of weakness in the health system, in terms of cold chain management, safe immunisation practices, surveillance, and case definition and management that will need to be addressed. Within UNICEF as well, further steps will be taken jointly with the WHO and others to support the Government to prevent polio‟s recurrence.

3. CP ANALYSIS & RESULT 3.1 CP Analysis Capacity Development: In 2010, the Tajikistan Country Programme (CP) made a significant shift in programme strategy to cooperate directly with district governments. UNICEF‟s collaboration with the local authorities of eight of the most disadvantaged priority districts in Tajikistan has led

to a much better understanding of the capacity constraints at that level, while offering a mechanism to systematically address these constraints, including capacity building of district governments to deliver results for children. The polio outbreak has drawn attention to capacity gaps in the health system. Immunisation personnel need improved knowledge and skills. Cold chain management, vaccine administration, safe immunisation practices, surveillance and case definition and management were all found to be in need of strengthening. While a start was made to address these issues during the immediate polio response, it is clear that a lot more needs to be done to ensure sustained capacity for the implementation of the routine immunisation programme and the prevention of future outbreaks. UNICEF continued to offer an integrated support package to strengthen capacity in schools in Tajikistan, based on the Child-Friendly School (CFS) concept. This entails the promotion of the following priority activities: girlsâ€&#x; education, WASH, life skills-based education, disaster risk reduction, and early learning. Capacity at the school level is enhanced by providing different types of support including hardware improvements where required; equipment, textbooks and other supplies; training; community outreach and mobilisation. Children are centrally involved in implementing these capacity enhancement initiatives and in acquiring improved lifeskills and knowledge, but importantly, children are also taking on the role of change advocates in their families and communities. An essential aspect of capacity building through schools is the work on disaster risk reduction. Tajikistan is highly prone to natural disasters. Accordingly, UNICEF is preparing school children, teachers, school management and the communities surrounding schools for emergencies in the most disaster-prone parts of the country. Effective Advocacy: In 2010, UNICEF finalised and published the results of a National Micro-Nutrient Study. The report was launched at a major advocacy event attended by the key government officials and representatives from all regions and priority districts. The report reveals that despite significant improvements in nutritional status, malnutrition remains a major challenge. Every third child under five in Tajikistan (29 per cent) is stunted and half of the children are iodine-deficient. A comprehensive but easy-to-read communication package was developed and presented along with the report. A series of short video messages were developed and is now airing at prime time. UNICEF advocated strongly for a new NSED. Key evidence produced to underpin advocacy efforts included an assessment of factors influencing girlsâ€&#x; school enrolment and attendance and the demand-side interventions most likely to have an impact; and a situation analysis of early learning. One advocacy message UNICEF has consistently communicated throughout 2010 is the importance of maintaining levels of social expenditure. Through its advocacy, UNICEF has made a major contribution to the protection of social sector budget lines, partnering with international financial institutions to ensure the floor of social expenditure.

The visit of a UNICEF Executive Board delegation in 2010 provided an excellent opportunity to bring about a better appreciation and understanding of Tajikistan‟s unique development challenges in the Board and in UNICEF management. The visit increased Tajikistan‟s visibility both within the organisation and beyond. Strategic Partnerships: To respond to mudflows in Khuroson in 2009, UNICEF rapidly mobilised support from the UK Department for International Development (DFID) and ECHO to support the immediate emergency response as well as the construction of a new water supply system and accompanying hygiene education for the new settlement. The response led to a significant reduction of morbidity due to water-borne diseases. UNICEF co-leads the education donor group with the WB, and demonstrated its leadership in coordinating the support to the development of the NSED and in the endterm review of the FTI II. To respond to the polio outbreak, UNICEF initiated a community-based rehabilitation programme for children affected by polio. It is implemented under the direct supervision of the MOH, in collaboration with the MOLSP and the MOE, Operation Mercy, Handicap International, and Voluntary Service Overseas. The programme covers 40 localities in the 24 most affected districts in Tajikistan. UNICEF collaborated closely with UNDP and other sister agencies to support the Government of Tajikistan (GoT) to develop the National Progress Report on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The report was well received at the UN General Assembly Summit. Together with UN sister agencies, UNICEF is part of the Joint Country Partnership Strategy, which aims to enhance aid effectiveness and coordination. The high-level Development Forum held in December 2010 demonstrated the effectiveness of donor coordination and the strong partnership with the GoT. UNICEF engaged actively in the Development Forum. UNICEF‟s Country Office (CO) has developed a new partnership with the MOF. The CO supported the MOF and its 73 finance departments throughout the country to improve monitoring and reporting in the social sectors. Knowledge Management: The National Micro-Nutrient Survey took stock of the nutritional status of the country‟s children and mothers, presenting a clear overview of the progress made and the remaining challenges. The survey provides a solid foundation for an evidence-based action plan, targeted to those parts of the country and population groups that are lagging behind on specific indicators. In 2010, UNICEF commissioned a study on the increased incidence of suicide amongst children and young people (12-24 years of age) in Sughd. The study will advance the international knowledge base on suicide amongst children, while enabling UNICEF to assist the GoT to address the underlying causes.

Another critical piece of research supported by UNICEF looks at the impact of the large scale labour migration from Tajikistan and the impact this has on children and families left behind. It is known that remittances from labour migration have so far been a major driver in Tajikistanâ€&#x;s poverty reduction. But to boost the positive impact of migration, the Government needs to appreciate the social impact of migration, and introduce measures to support children left behind. UNICEF supported research into the reasons for dropout and poor attendance of girls, particularly at secondary school level. This research will inform the package of interventions UNICEF will roll out to improve gender equity in education. The CO participated in a study initiated by UNICEF Regional Office to learn how young people perceive the quality of education. Although the report is not finalised, preliminary findings indicate that most of the respondents underlined the inadequate quality of teaching, non-(child) friendly school environment (bad infrastructure conditions) and non-participatory teaching, school management and decision making processes as the main problems in Tajikistanâ€&#x;s education system. The results of the study will inform policy discussions and programme responses. In all research efforts, UNICEF ensures that international experts partner with local researchers and research institutes, so that a lasting contribution is made to local research capacity. C4D Communication for Development: In 2010, the CO made a major effort to strengthen the effective application of Communication for Development (C4D) in improving health, nutrition and other key social outcomes for children and women. Key interventions with a major C4D component in 2010 included the polio response and the H1N1/Seasonal Influenza campaign. Both interventions involved broad partnerships between the MOH, UNICEF, WHO, national and local media, NGOs, religious authorities and communities. Media and IEC materials for both interventions were pre-tested with participant groups; some were redeveloped using feedback from communities and lessons learnt during the implementation. As part of the emergency response to the polio outbreak, the CO supported the MOH in informing the population about six national and one sub-national immunisation rounds, and mobilising communities to further spread the message and support the campaign, with a particular focus on isolated, marginalised and underserved communities. These included remote mountainous communities, people living in border areas, shepherds and their families, Romas and Afghan refugees. Religious authorities, community leaders and women activists were engaged to ensure that no children were left behind in the national campaigns. In the H1N1/Seasonal Influenza campaign, the CO supported the MOH in raising the populationâ€&#x;s awareness of key influenza symptoms and risk reduction practices through a nationwide campaign that relied on a combination of approaches, including a media campaign, IEC materials, and community-based events involving children and their families. Community-based events focused on engaging local communities in isolated

and hard-to-reach areas with limited access or exposure to mass media to disseminate messages about key influenza prevention practices. A KAP survey is being carried out on the effectiveness of the campaign. The office-wide two-day training in October strengthened staff understanding of the C4D process and equipped them with the knowledge of best practices, strategies and approaches in C4D.

3.1.3 Normative Principles Human Rights Based Approach to Cooperation: The CO supported the National Commission on Child Rights (NCCR) under the Tajikistan Government to present Tajikistan‟s second periodic report on the implementation of the CRC to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child. The CO also had consultations with the NCCR to identify priority activities in responding to the Committee‟s Concluding Observations. The NCCR presented Concluding Observations to the GoT and charged relevant ministries and agencies to come up with urgent measures to address main areas of concern. The CO consistently strives to reach out to the most disadvantaged groups of children especially children with disabilities, children in conflict with the law and children with HIV/AIDS. In the juvenile justice sector, half of the judges in the country were trained on both national and international juvenile justice standards and the importance of a child-friendly approach to children in conflict with the law. In the response to the polio outbreak, health workers were mobilized to reach out to all the children between 0-15 years of age, but special emphasis was placed on communities that are hard to reach and whose children might have been missed out. Special community mobilization and communication efforts were made to reach out to Roma children, Afghan refugee children and children living in remote, hard to access communities. The rights of children with disability risk being violated especially on account of the existing considerable stigma and discrimination towards the disabled. Services for children with disabilities are few and there is over-reliance on institutionalization. UNICEF strives to make community-based services available for children with disabilities, particularly those paralysed by polio, and to address stigma and discrimination so that children with disabilities can live, grow up and participate in their own communities. Gender Equality and Mainstreaming: Tajikistan ranks 89 out of 134 countries according to the World Economic Forum 2010 Global Gender Gap Report. Deterioration is noticeable in all areas – health, education, economic activity and political empowerment of women. In 2010 a gender assessment was undertaken to investigate the extent to which gender has been effectively mainstreamed in the CP, and to assess what efforts have been made by the CO to strengthen its own capacity for gender mainstreaming. The assessment found a significant commitment in the CP to achieving the goal of girls‟ empowerment and addressing women‟s and girls‟ needs, particularly in the field of education, health, and social protection. The focus on girls‟ education is reflected in key

strategic documents, reports and work plans, as well as in communication and advocacy tools. The pay-off from sustained attention to girls‟ education is visible at the levels both of national policy and the school. In addition, girls‟ education is an area in which the CO is developing innovative approaches such as, the planned demand-side intervention (social transfers) to prevent girls‟ absenteeism and drop-out in upper grades of secondary education. Within the broader UN team, particularly through the Joint Programme on violence against women, UNICEF continued to build capacity of the Dushanbe Child Right Centre and Family Medical Centre in tackling child protection issues including the cases of violence against children, and referral of such cases to relevant structures. UNICEF also supported gender sensitisation trainings for the inspectors of the Ministry of Interior. The CO will further enhance and systematise gender mainstreaming in the CP. To perform more effectively in this area, the CO team itself will need training for capacity building in gender mainstreaming. The CO is keen and committed to pay special attention to gender-specific issues pertaining to boys and men. The development of specific information material for fathers on parenting and early child development, for instance, could add to ongoing efforts to improve child nutrition and development. Environmental Sustainability: The CO conducted a review of the WASH in Schools implementation strategy in 2010. This recommended a new direction for WASH in schools, broadening the concept to a “life skills education” package. The suggested new package aims not only to address school hygiene and sanitation but to integrate emerging issues, such as climate change and environmental management. This holistic approach is particularly critical in Tajikistan, which is highly prone to the impacts of climate change. The revised strategy proposed the phased integration of life skills education into the national education system, highlighting children‟s potential as agents for behaviour change both in schools and in their communities. As water, sanitation and hygiene are key factors affecting child mortality and morbidity in Tajikistan, the CO also leveraged other partner programmes to pay attention to WASH. Examples include advocacy for inclusion of WASH under FTI school construction, and collaboration with KfW on WASH in schools. This new initiative complements the on-going efforts to integrate a Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) component into the national education system. Tajikistan is highly disaster-prone and the DRR approach provides not only for increased emergency response capacity in schools and families but also a longer-term view of prevention through enhanced knowledge and behaviour change in environmental management and conservation. UNICEF advocated for these issues to be incorporated in the new national education strategy, which is currently under development and expected to be finalized in 2011. The newly approved National Comprehensive Health Strategy (NCHS) for 2010-2020 identifies environmental issues amongst the major health determinants. The strategy envisages provision of safe water and sanitation, clean air and a healthy living environment free from risks to be enjoyed by all, including women and children.

3.2 Programme Components: Title:

Health and Nutrition

Purpose: Purpose of the Programme Component and the main results planned for 2010 By the end of 2015, more children, young people and women benefit from quality primary health care and nutrition services in accordance with international standards provided by the MoH. Specifically, the following interim results (IRs) are to be achieved by 2015: IR1. The Ministry of Health increases the allocation of resources to maternal and child survival/nutrition strategies within its budgetary frameworks, including SWAp. IR2. The Ministry of Health provides all women as well as newborn infants in all maternal facilities of 8 priority districts with quality antenatal and essential obstetric and newborn care services in accordance with international standards. IR3. At least 80% of households in 8 priority districts practise interventions on child survival, care and nutrition. IR4. In all reproductive health centres and maternity houses of 18 districts, pregnant women with an „at risk‟ profile receive VCT, and if HIV positive, receive ARV in accordance with PMTCT protocol; and HIV positive children have access to ARV prevention, treatment and social services. IR5. Outreach services and STI/HIV voluntary counselling, testing and treatment for MARA are provided in all 25 YFHS clinics nationwide. Resources Used: Resources used: Total approved for 2010 as per CPD: US$1,500,000 Total available for 2010 from all sources: RR US$895,286; OR US$1,327,991; Total: US$2,223,277 Any special allocations (list)

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UNICEF Set aside funds to support H1N1 influenza prevention Micronutrient Initiative (IDRC) (in-kind support)

List of donors          

Global Thematic contribution for Young Child Survival & Development Japan Japan Committee for UNICEF Netherlands Office of U.S. for Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) Rotary International The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM) The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland The World Bank United Nations Foundation Inc

Result Achieved: Faced with the world‟s biggest Polio outbreak in 2010, emergency response dominated the workload and thus delayed the achievement of some results outlined in the RWP, including approval of the National Comprehensive Health Strategy for 2010-2020. The costing of the strategy and its plan of action were postponed to mid-2011. In relation to IR1, the GoT approved the National Comprehensive Health Strategy for 2010-2020, for which UNICEF spearheaded the development of the MCH component. UNICEF also contributed to the finalisation of the comprehensive multi-year plan on immunisation for 2010-2015. The MoH jointly with MoF approved regulation for sustainable operation of Youth-Friendly Health Services (YFHS) – a significant step forward in institutionalisation of YFHS. A joint MoU with GTZ was signed to pave the way for the adoption of improved quality neonatal care in the country. A first set of neonatal protocols was reviewed and submitted for approval to the MoH. The presentation of the results of the 2009 National Micronutrient Survey was a major advocacy event attended by key government officials. Despite significant improvements, the survey revealed that malnutrition remains a major challenge. Nearly every third child under five in Tajikistan (29 per cent) is still stunted and half of the children are iodine deficient. As follow-up, UNICEF is supporting the MoH in outlining a national nutrition strategy and an action plan. Regarding IR2, almost three million children 0-15 years are now protected from Polio after six nationwide and one sub-national immunisation days (NIDs). As a swift emergency response, after consultation with the GoT and partners, UNICEF made available 10.3 million doses of mOPV-1 to immunise all children 0-15 years, mobilising the emergency reimbursable polio funds provided through US CDC and an additional 7.0 million doses of trivalent OPV vaccine for the last two rounds of NIDs with funds from the Governments of Japan and India and Japan Committee for Vaccines. UNICEF was also able to mobilise US$95,000 from the UN CERF, US$75,000 from the UK Department for International Development (DfID), US$250,000 from the Rotary International and US$75,000 from UNICEF‟s regional budget to support the social mobilisation efforts. More than half a million women 15-29 years received their dose of MR vaccine as a part of the national strategy to eliminate Measles and Rubella. In 2010, more than 50,000 newborns and close to 200,000 children under five have improved access to better quality neonatal care services in priority districts, as a result of the equipment of maternities and PHC facilities. More than 814,300 children under five (>95%) received two doses of Vitamin A. Around 72,793 children 6-24 months in 16 districts benefited from micronutrient supplements. More than 170 severely malnourished children received care and treatment in Therapeutic Feeding Centres. Around 31,511 (74%) pregnant women and 58,736 (72%) lactating mothers in the Region of Republic Subordination received iron pills and micronutrient supplements. With reference to IR3, more than 30,000 mothers and caregivers in priority and emergency-affected districts improved their knowledge on infant and young child feeding, care and management of childhood diseases. In relation to IR4, UNICEF was one of the sub-recipients of the GFATM. A significant result achieved this year was approval of the governmental resolution to provide social assistance to HIV-positive children. In 2010, the coverage of PMTCT interventions

scaled-up to 22 districts and was integrated into the antenatal services. Currently, almost 50% of pregnant women with at-risk profile have access to counselling and HIV rapid testing. As of 1 October 2010, 86% of HIV-positive pregnant women (125) received ARV prevention. In relation to IR5, six new YFHS (Youth-Friendly Health Service) facilities were established and equipped with medical supplies for STI/HIV diagnosis and treatment for young people, increasing the total number of YFHS in the country to 17. The WHO quality standards are used to monitor the quality of services provided by the YFHS. In 2010 approximately 7,000 Most At Risk Adolescents (MARA) used the YFHS. Future Workplan: In 2011, the major focus will be on the following: 1.

Support to the costing of the national health strategy will continue;


As a lesson learned from the Polio outbreak, UNICEF will assist the MoH in strengthening routine immunisation services, whilst Polio eradication interventions will continue to be pursued, including four additional Polio NIDs; A national Diphtheria immunisation campaign might also be pursued at the request of the Government, as the MOH feared that the coverage of DTP/DT was significantly lower than reported;

3. Scaling up evidence-based interventions in pre-pregnancy, neonatal and early childhood stages will dominate service delivery in priority districts, including PMTCT and Paediatric AIDS.


Basic Education and Gender Equality

Purpose: Using the Child Friendly School (CFS) approach as a conceptual framework, the Basic Education and Gender Equality (BEGE) Programme component intends to achieve the following result: By 2015, the education system ensures increased completion of basic quality education by girls and expands access to preschool programmes. The above will be achieved by accomplishing the following Intermediate results (IRs). By 2015: IR1 The Ministry of Education implements in eight priority districts specific interventions (e.g. cash transfers, school vouchers, scholarships) to increase attendance and enrolment in Grades 7-9; IR2 In 65 per cent of schools in eight priority districts, all students use safe water and improved gender-sensitive facilities; IR3 A total of 825 secondary schools, including 200 schools in eight priority districts, deliver HIV/AIDS LSBHE classes in Grades 7-9; and IR4 The Ministry of Education (MoE) coordinates a mixed model pre-school system in eight priority districts and the expansion of these services.

Emergency preparedness and disaster reduction is mainstreamed in all aspects of the programme, with the aim of immediately restoring education services in emergencies. Recognizing that progress towards the IRs depends on a strong policy framework and institutional capacity in Central and District Governments to ensure equitable access to quality education, UNICEF supports the MoE‟s on-going reforms. These include developing a new National Strategy for Education Development, and a phased expansion of compulsory education from ten to twelve years. UNICEF is actively engaged in the donor coordination process as the co-Chair, along with the WB, of the Education Donors Group, which functions under the Donor Coordination Council mechanism. UNICEF also works closely with the WB in coordinating the implementation of the Fast-Track Initiative; it co-leads, jointly with Save the Children, the Education Cluster under REACT; and it leads the WASH Cluster in emergencies. Resources Used: Total approved for 2010 as per CPD: US$1,330,000 Total available for 2010 from all sources: RR: US$170,583; OR: US$1,752,537; Total: US$1,923,120 Any special allocations (list)  UNICEF EPF funds to respond to Vanj earthquake emergency List of donors:

European Commission/ECHO Global Thematic contribution for Basic Education and Gender Equality Netherlands Government Government of Norway UNICEF National Committee -Norway The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM) The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Result Achieved: The focus of UNICEF support in policy work in 2010 was on the development of the NSED 2010-2020. As the co-Chair of the education donors group together with the WB, UNICEF led donor coordination in the above process. UNICEF works closely with the World Bank on the implementation of the Fast Track Initiative (FTI), taking active part in the FTI-II End-Term Review. With respect to IR1, the girls‟ education initiative was launched in 80 schools benefiting around 5,000 girl students in Grades 5-9 who were at risk of dropping out. Some 150 local education department officials, school teachers and parent-teacher association (PTA) members were trained on the community-based Education Management Information System, School Management Plan and Partnership Defined Quality. UNICEF supported a gender audit by the Centre for Gender Pedagogies under the Academy of Education on nine new text books and associated teaching aids, to ensure that the forthcoming 12-year education system will be adequately gender-sensitive. An assessment on the key reasons for girls‟ poor attendance and drop out at the secondary level was carried out yielding valuable insights on the merits of different types of demand-side interventions.

In relation to IR2, approximately 25,000 students benefited from the WASH in Schools package implemented in 50 schools in three districts, wherein hygiene education was promoted by 200 trained teachers. Some 14 target schools were equipped with sanitation facilities. UNICEF assisted the MoE in developing guidelines on WASH in schools. The WASH in Schools implementation strategy was reviewed and revised. For IR3, LSBE was integrated in 150 schools reaching around 45,000 students in Grades 7-9. Some 950 school teachers, local education officials, and staff of teacher training institutes were trained to conduct interactive LSBE classes in 150 targeted schools. Based on success achieved with it so far and continued advocacy, the LSBE programme was approved as part of the forthcoming 12-year education standard curriculum. For IR4, a situation analysis of Early Learning was carried out to inform the NSED. Early learning and development standards were finalized. School/community-based and twoshift kindergarten (those that operate on two shifts a day) models have been mainstreamed with UNICEF support in 31 newly established ECD centres covering about 1,000 children aged 5-6 years. Under the ECHO-funded DIPECHO-V, the Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) interventions continued in 510 schools, where more than 1,000 school teachers obtained knowledge and skills on DRR and over 120,000 school children benefited from training on family disaster preparedness plans. In 2010, 16 schools in four most disaster-prone districts were identified for a new school-based DRR model under DIPECHO-VI and a baseline survey is currently underway. Training of trainers was conducted with participation of MoE and CoES officials. Emergency response. In 2010, emergency relief was provided in Vanj after an earthquake and in Kulob after floods. Around 2,000 people in Kulob benefited from an emergency hygiene campaign that included distribution of chlorine tablets. Around 300 households (2,100 people) received water containers, hygiene kits, soaps and water purification tablets. Construction of one school in the district is currently underway. About 750 children and 560 adults in Vanj received psychosocial support. As part of the recovery process from the natural disasters in 2009, one new school with four classrooms was built in mountainous Mastchoh district where 85 school children regained access to quality schooling. About 3,000 people affected by mudflows in Khuroson district gained access to safe drinking water through construction of a new drinking water supply system, and sanitation and hygiene education was promoted amongst 4,700 affected people in the new Shohruh and Oftobak settlements. Challenges in 2010 related to the limited capacity of partners at the district level. Low levels of funding in WASH in 2010 also had a significant impact on implementation of RWP activities. Limited flexibility in the use of OR funding for LSBE and DRR has presented challenges for programmes. Delays in filling key posts and difficulties in attracting consultants of adequate quality have also impacted on RWP implementation. Future Workplan: Future Work Plan 2011 In 2011, the BEGE programme will support MoE and its partners with the following four priorities:

1) Policy and system reforms, including timely completion of NSED and supporting solid action towards 12-year education; 2) Consolidated support with a quality education package at school level, focusing on disadvantaged and marginalized children; 3) Institutional and human resources capacity building at all levels; and 4) Emergency response and preparedness. All these interventions will be focused on UNICEFâ€&#x;s priority districts. Title:

Child Protection

Purpose: By 2015, there is an increase in the proportion of vulnerable children who benefit from alternative community-based social services and family substitute care rather than being consigned to institutional care; furthermore, incarceration and institutionalization of children are deemed as judicial decisions of last resort. Interim result 1 (IR1) By 2015, the child care system is transformed into a comprehensive set of services that rely more on community-based family-support services, family substitute care, and the prevention of family separation. Interim result 2 (IR2) By 2015, the juvenile justice system respects the best interests of the child, and community-based alternative practices aiming at minimizing deprivation of liberty are available and used. In 2010, the Child protection Programme targeted 3 main results: 1) Social services are in place for children in need of special care, especially those with disabilities, including through strengthened gatekeeping mechanisms in 8 priority districts; 2) Alternatives and diversion schemes for juvenile justice are introduced and enhanced in 8 priority districts; 3) Communication for development efforts on priority and emerging child protection issues are initiated and intensified. Resources Used: Total approved for 2010 as per CPD: US$920,000 Total available for 2010 from all sources: RR US$350,000; OR US$577,944; Total: US$927.944 Any special allocations (list) List of donors  Global Thematic contribution for Child Protection  Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation

Result Achieved: In regard to IR1, UNICEF supported local authorities of the 8 priority districts to start using and/or continue to use a database on children with disabilities (CWD). The local authorities registered 6,059 CWD since they started using this database. UNICEF supported the MLSP to draft a guidance note for collaboration between social workers of Social Assistance at Home Units (SAHU) and Child Rights Units (CRU) to ensure a common approach to delivery of social services to vulnerable children and families at the local level. UNICEF negotiated with MLSP to develop a long term vision for building the capacities of staff carrying out social work functions. UNICEF and the EC project on Social Service Development supported the drafting of a curriculum for a long-term in-service training programme that will enable existing staff of MLSP to become re-qualified. UNICEF supported the establishment of the Republican Psychological Medical Pedagogical Consultation Centre (PMPC). Two more Medical Pedagogical Centres (MPCs) were transformed into PMPCs in Panjakent and Khorog and were equipped with rehabilitation material. More than 200 CWDs have been referred to the PMPC in the priority districts and were registered to get their social assistance entitlements. In three districts, UNICEF supported the continuation of the work of Parent Education Centers (PEC). These centres provided counselling-training to parents of CWD to ensure integration of children in regular schools; 120 children with disabilities (3- 9 yrs old) were served through the PECs. As requested by the Sughd Regional Authority, UNICEF commissioned a study on prevalence of suicide among children and young people (12-24), to be completed in 2011. With respect to IR2, UNICEF supported the MoJ to finalise the Guidance on the Juvenile Justice Alternative Project (JJAP) which will facilitate the projectâ€&#x;s implementation at the district level. UNICEF supported capacity building for the MoJ and the MoE employees. Forty-five members of the referral organs (district courts, police departments and child rights units) and 47 staff of the Out of School Curriculum Centers in nine districts received initial training on diversion and alternative schemes and mechanisms. Already, 107 children in conflict with the law have been diverted and 100 at-risk children have been served through the project. UNICEF supported the Judicial Training Centre to inform 140 out of 300 judges from 64 district courts about international legislation related to children in conflict with the law. UNICEF supported the Ministry of Interior and its two Reception and Referral Centres. Future Workplan: Future Work Plan for 2011 In 2011, the Child Protection Programme will support MLSP, MoJ, as well as other key players such as MoH, MoE, MoI as follows:


Strengthening policy and sector reform both in social protection and justice as they are relevant to CWD and children in conflict with the law, including developing regulations, and bylaws related to JJAP and social service delivery; 2) Development of institutional and human capacity of social welfare and justice sectors at all levels with focus on systematised in-service training programmes to requalify the staff to carry new functions , including the child and family module of the long term in-service training for existing staff of MLSP, and establishment of the JJ unit under the MoJ; 3) Strengthening gate-keeping mechanisms and coordination among key players in both social welfare and justice sectors that is complemented by concrete service delivery, especially community based rehabilitation for children affected by polio, early rehabilitation for CWD and diversion and alternatives schemes through the Out of School Curriculum Centres that are fully owned by the government. Title: Policy and Planning Purpose: By 2015, Government allocates proportionately more resources to critical social protection sectors (preschool education, neonatal care, family based care and protection) based on evidence and general public support. IR1. By 2015, quality, reliable, and up to date data is available to policy implementers to inform policy and its implementation; IR2. By 2015, public policy and budgeting supports child-friendly social sector development; IR3. By 2015, a strong partnership for children is further strengthened for the promotion of children‟s rights. Resources Used: Total approved for 2010 as per CPD: Total available for 2010 from all sources: RR: US$715,402; OR: US$393,602; Total: US$1,109,004 Any special allocations (list)  

UNICEF Set aside funds to support H1N1 influenza prevention UNICEF Set aside funds to provide system-wide support to countries mitigating the impact of the global economic slowdown and continuing volatile food prices with particular emphasis on social protection in Tajikistan UNICEF EPF funds to respond to Vanj earthquake emergency

List of donors  Global Thematic contribution for Policy Advocacy and Partnership  Rotary International  The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland  UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN OCHA) Result Achieved: With respect to IR1, the CO has conducted the Tajikistan Living Standards Survey 2009 (jointly with the WB); Micronutrient Status Survey 2009/10; Demand-side interventions

on Girls‟ Education in Tajikistan: a needs assessment 2010; Situation Analysis of ECD; Impact of Labour Migration on Children Left Behind 2010 (to be completed in March 2011); Suicide Study (to be completed in March 2011). The Comprehensive Situation Analysis of women and children is underway and will be completed next year. The CO supported the Government Agency on Statistics to conduct a national Census in September 2010. The UNICEF-supported TojikInfo website continues to serve as a platform for dissemination and sharing of household surveys and other data. With regard to IR2, the CO successfully influenced the Government‟s Crisis Action Plan to protect social expenditure. Notably, the social sector was the only sector that did not experience budget cuts in 2010. The CO also contributed substantive inputs to the development of Poverty Reduction Strategy – 3. The CO supported the MoF and its 73 finance departments nationwide to strengthen their capacities. Through this partnership, the MoF employees have acquired improved knowledge and skills related to finance operating systems, and performance indicators in the social sector. The CO has established a partnership with the MoEDT (the de facto Planning Ministry) and 8 priority districts, by signing a tripartite MoU on programme cooperation. UNICEF provided technical and financial support directly to the district governments. This decentralised approach of programme implementation has directed resources closer to targeted children and women. Through a strengthened partnership with the IMF, the CO was able to ensure the social expenditure floor of the public budget. Frequent information sharing between the two partners is a common practice. Importantly the next IMF Country Report will include analysis on child malnutrition based on UNICEF data and analysis. With respect to IR3, the CO supported the National Commission on Child Rights under the GoT for the second periodic report on the implementation of the CRC to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child. The CO hosted the visit of the UNICEF Executive Board delegation to Tajikistan. The visit enabled the CO to showcase UNICEF‟s work for children and women in Tajikistan and highlight the need for additional support to the country. The CO supported the Water for Life International Conference in Dushanbe and organised a national children‟s drawing exhibition. The exhibition enabled children to present their views and opinions on safe drinking water through art to the high-level participants in the Conference. The CO organised a one-minute video workshop. Some 20 short videos developed by young people were showed during the Conference. The CO issued 22 press releases and five human interest stories, and organized six media events, two press tours and several interview opportunities with local and regional media.

Future Workplan: In 2011, the work of Social Policy and Planning Programme will be centred around: 

Completing the Migration Study, the Suicide Study, and the Situation Analysis. There is a preliminary agreement to include additional modules (Education, Early Learning, Child Disability) into the DHS, which will be conducted in the second half of 2011.

Strengthening MIS at the district level jointly with other stakeholders and development partners (UNDP).

Expanding decentralised programme cooperation to 4 new districts (Aini, Istravshan, Murgab and Rumi) and bringing the total number of priority districts to 12.

Supporting the GoT in the implementation of the MTEF and the PFM reform, to ensure that the social sector budget work is more effectively channelled towards children, women and poor families.

Strengthening partnerships for the sustained realisation of children‟s rights. C4D will be expanded, focusing on polio vaccination, WASH and CWD.

Supporting exchange of experience on decentralised programme implementation, to learn from, and build on, the relevant experiences of other countries.

4. OPERATIONS & MANAGEMENT 4.1 Governance & Systems 4.1.1 Governance Structure: The Annual Management Plan 2010 (AMP) included key programme and management priorities and defined key results and responsibilities of staff to achieve the office objectives. The achievements of the AMP were reviewed at mid-year and end-year Management Review meetings. EWEA is an active document. In-house committees are functioning well based on TORs. All staff are kept informed of risk mitigating factors in times of emergencies and options available to them. The DSS was under-staffed from April 2010 but is fully staffed since October 2010 and is able to provide full support. The CMT met 3 times in 2010 and made recommendations on a) management of inhouse publications, b) group trainings, and c) addressing areas emerging from the Staff Morale Survey. Progress on Internal Audit Recommendations has been on the CMT and Staff Meeting agenda regularly. Weekly Section Chiefs meetings are one of the mechanisms used for reporting on key management indicators.

The CO had a „satisfactory‟ rating in the Internal Audit of February 2010 for Governance, with positive observations in six areas. The only area for improvement (use of SSA for services not of temporary nature) has subsequently been addressed and OIA informed. The Contract Review Committee had 23 meetings in 2010 reviewing 36 cases. The CO CRC ceilings are low at US$15,000 for Contracts and US$10,000 for Supplies. The CO did not have any Post-facto Notifications to report, as per FC 19, Rev. 3. The CO staffing structure would need to be re-visited in the next BSB to fill the HR gaps, mainly in Programme Communications, and Operations Management for a more equitable management structure with added responsibilities attached thereto.

4.1.2 Strategic Risk Management: a) & b) The recently developed Risk Control & Self Assessment (RCSA), consisting of the CO Risk Profile and the Risk Control Library, was an office-wide initiative within UNICEF‟s Risk Management Framework. This is a working document to be used as a benchmark for assessing risks periodically, with a Control Library for mechanisms in place to mitigate or manage the risks at a tolerable level. c) All programmes have an emergency component with standard minimum level of readiness to enable timely response to emergencies. The Disaster Risk Reduction unit (DRR) within Education Section works in close collaboration with the Committee of Emergency Situations and the Rapid Emergency Assessment & Coordination Team (REACT) to ensure timely response. d) The Business Continuity Plan was last updated in February 2010 with the next update to be done when DSS completes the Country Security Risk Assessment. e) The Risk Control Library of the RCSA has identified the Risk Responses and Controls for the moderate to highly rated risks of the office. The Office Risk Profile needs to be kept abreast capturing all internal and external operating changes. RCSA will be visited quarterly at CMTs, or as warranted.

4.1.3 Evaluation: The CO has systematised the development, as well as the monitoring of the progress, of the 2-year and the 6-year Integrated Monitoring and Evaluation Plans (IMEP). The two IMEPs are developed based on the Government and CO data needs. Both IMEPs are reviewed by RO whose comments are incorporated. Final versions are reviewed at the CMT and approved by the Head of Office IMEP implementation is one of the management indicators of the CO and its progress is reviewed on a quarterly basis. IMEP‟s progress is also reviewed at internal Mid-year and Annual Review meetings. Any changes follow the established mechanism. The M&E Officer is responsible for monitoring the IMEP and provides technical support for planning and implementing studies, surveys and evaluations. The M&E Officer also keeps the RO informed about the progress of IMEP and gets additional support if needed. All IMEP activities are conducted jointly with the relevant Government and Development Partners. The findings are widely used and disseminated for advocacy on result-based policy development, implementation and reporting.

The CO did not conduct any Evaluations in 2010, the first year of the 6 year programme cycle. An evaluation is planned in 2011 in the Health programme, preparations for which are underway.

4.1.4 Information Technology and Communication: The following initiatives were taken by the offices based on the on-going management of customers‟ requirements and performance assessment of the ICT services and according to the recommendations of the regional office colleagues: 

Establishing country ICT Working Group as per the recommendation of the UNICEF Regional Telecommunication Officer as a legal entity for inter-agency cooperation towards common approach for planning, conceptualising and implementing the ICT part of Business Continuity and routine ICT initiatives (2 meetings held since October 2010 involving UNDP, UNICEF, WFP & WHO). The Working Group‟s Terms of Reference are being formalised.

Installation of the video conference equipment as a RO initiative and purchased out of the RO funds, to improve collaboration activities among different groups within the region and any other relevant parties.

Substituting legacy 3Com switches with Cisco 3560 network switches to increase core throughput, sustainability and overall security of the office local area network.

Taking into account the security situation within the country and in the adjacent countries, the CO remains with the existing connectivity plan (ISP for Internet, VSAT for ProMS and email as well as back-up for the entire link).

ProMS version 9.1 has been successfully installed in the office.

4.2 Fin Res & Stewardship 4.2.1 Fund-raising & Donor Relations: Strengthening donor relations, particularly with the aim of raising additional resources for the Country Programme and response to polio outbreak, was a major priority for the CO in 2010. The CO mobilised 130% of the resources required to meet the annual OR ceiling. Ten per cent of total OR funds mobilised by the CO were raised to respond to the polio outbreak in Tajikistan. In addition to raising funds for the Country Programme, the CP supported Tajikistan‟s National Coordination Council on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria in identifying priority areas for and developing a five-year country proposal and budget for Round 10 of the GFATM Call for Proposals. All donor reports were submitted by the CO on time. The timely submission of donor reports is ensured through regular review of the status of reports during weekly Section Chief Meetings and monthly Programme Meetings. Donor report quality is ensured through the review by Section Chiefs and the Deputy Representative and the subsequent clearance by the Head of Office.

The CO prioritises the optimal utilisation of funds. The average utilisation level of PBAs expiring in 2010 was over 95 per cent. Only one out of 16 PBAs expiring during the reporting period was extended upon the CO‟s request. The effective monitoring of the use of funds, particularly with the aim of avoiding unwarranted extension of PBA durations, is ensured through the regular review of expenditure status during weekly Section Chief Meetings, monthly Programme Meetings, and quarterly Country Management Team Meetings. To showcase the impact of UNICEF programmes on the lives of children and women in Tajikistan, the CO arranged field visits for several donors including the UK Department for International Development (DFID) and Japan Committee Vaccines for the World‟s Children. Donor agencies were regularly updated by the CO on the progress of interventions they supported. In 2011, the CO will further strengthen its fund-raising effort through packaging programme proposals and more proactive engagement with potential donors, both in the country and outside.

4.2.2 Management of Financial and Other Assets: The CO received „partially satisfactory‟ rating in Operations Support in the recent internal audit of February 2010. The only high risk area was in CRC processes. This audit recommendation has since been fully implemented. The CO has a well functioning Contributions management mechanism. The M&E officer informs the relevant programme and allocates the funds as approved by the Representative and based on the contribution agreement with donors. Budget utilisation progress is tracked regularly in weekly Section Chief meetings, and in more detail at the monthly Programme Coordination meetings. The CO practises a non-extension policy on contributions and makes all possible efforts to ensure the funds are used effectively on time. The CO consults PARMO on contributions regularly and involves them in proposal writing and reporting. Tajikistan is one of the 44 country offices submitting Bank Reconciliations on a quarterly basis. Liquidation of Direct Cash Transfers (DCT) outstandings has been controlled below the benchmark levels in the first 3 quarters. However, as at 23rd December 2010, DCT outstandings between 6-9 months is 32% and outstandings > 9 months is 0.4% of total outstanding DCTs. The CO has submitted one DCT write-off request to the Comptroller and response is awaited. Recent HACT Spot Check results show misappropriation of funds and discussions on remedial measures are on-going with the relevant partners. The RR and OR expenditures as of 23rd December are 92% and 94% respectively (excluding OBOs). The CO is unable to fund any exchange rate fluctuations after PBA expiry date, e.g. SM/2009/0280 (refer recent communication with Programme Accounts Unit of Accounts Section, DFAM). The CO would like to propose a regional hands-on training for Finance Assistants on VISION, now that they are certified in the IPSAS courses.

4.2.3 Supply: With the increased HR capacity in Supply Unit since mid 2009, the supply function is better managed with increased oversight and fair distribution of work. The CO has a large component of Supply delivery, amounting to approx. 30% of total expenditures in 2010, compared to 37% in 2009. The number of PGMs in the Supply Plan at the end of 1st Q (59) differed considerably from the number of total PGMs raised by the end of 2010 (121). This could be due to MOUs with de-centralised district governments that were signed only in the 2nd Q. Procurement Service clients are mainly Global Fund (through UNDP) and the Republican Immuno-prophylactic Center (RCIP). The RCIP does not have the capacity to work independently with the PS orders and needs a significant amount of assistance from the CO. A Local Market Research was recommended by the Internal Audit. Only 7 bidders responded and 5 already work with UNICEF. Tajikistan‟s local market is limited and suppliers agreeable to working with UNICEF‟s terms and conditions are few (reluctance to complete Supplier Profile information). The Market Research is not expected to bring much added value. The CO shares bidding documents and LTAs with other agencies to avoid duplications, e.g. printing. UNDP and UNICEF share and accept bid results for other categories, when a need arises. Logistics Capacity Assessment (LCA) report was shared by WFP with Operations Management Team. UNICEF rents one commercial warehouse for emergency stocks and another is a UNDP rented warehouse. Government warehouses are not available or with very poor conditions. UNITRACK works well for Tajikistan. CO has made progress in listing all key government counterpart Ministries as the Consignees for off-shore supplies, making them responsible for customs clearance, handling and transportation from entry ports. The CO received valuable and timely support from SD in raising Construction Contracts >US$100k.

4.3 Human Resource Capacity: 

In 2010 the CO recruited two international officers, four national officers and five assistants. During this year, one NO and two assistants resigned to pursue advanced studies. As of Dec. 2010, the office is fully staffed, except for one NO post. The L3 post in ECD is unfunded and vacant.

The trend of young, talented staff applying for scholarships overseas and leaving the organisation is worrying. A high turn-over rate therefore is a concern, especially when the CO has invested in staff development/training and considerable efforts in refilling the posts.

The 2009 PER completion rate by all 3 parties by Feb. 2010 was 60%. E-Pas completion rate by international staff was 100% by set deadlines. Work overload is a common concern across the office and the work/life balance is hard to meet. A Peer Support Volunteer has been appointed but has not yet been trained. This is planned for early 2011. 

The 10 minimum standards on HIV in workplace were displayed on the office bulletin board for a period of 3 months earlier in the year.

4.4 Other Issues 4.4.1 Management Areas Requiring Improvement:

     

A well developed Monthly Travel Plan has resulted in joint field trips by different sections. UNICEF will be using the Logistics Capacity Assessment done by WFP in late 2010 and will not be conducting its own. Recruiting 3 Field Monitors on SSAs from April 2010 has reduced office staff travels from Dushanbe to the field. Two of the three Field Monitors share UN premises, rent-free or for a minimal rent. Sharing of second warehouse with UNDP is a common premises initiative. Another office move was averted, with a considerable cost saving to UNICEF. UNRC was close to making a final decision on agencies to move out of the current Common Premises 2, due to security reasons related to the structural soundness of the building. UNICEF HQ and RO staff visited Dushanbe for an assessment and considered the current building as adequate and appropriate, compared to other options proposed. With some more security measures to be implemented in the current building, UNICEF informed UNRC and UNDSS of UNICEF‟s position to remain in the current building (finally, other agencies also did not move).The initial cost saving in yr. 1 was approx. US$225k and the savings in annual rent was approx. US$70k.

4.4.2 Changes in AMP: 

The CO will be making a submission to PBR in February 2011 for a change in the office structure to fill HR gaps. Upgrading of the Operations Manager‟s post, establishing a L3 Programme Communication Specialist‟s post and establishing a national ECD Officer post at NOB are among the priorities.

Evaluating the programme priority districts and making changes, based on lessons learnt from 2010. The CO had signed MOUs with 8 priority districts for 2010/2011 and is considering some additions in 2011, while scaling down with 2 or 3 districts with better social indicators in 2011.

Out-posted Field Monitor (FM) positions to be evaluated in early 2011 for cost benefit analysis, since 2010 was the first year that the CO engaged Field Monitors. If it is found to work well for the programme, then the contracts of the FMs and their duty stations will need to be reviewed and changed as necessary.

Implementing Partners who underwent micro-assessment under the HACT framework will need to be trained in UNICEF‟s Cash Transfer modalities and financial procedures. A Project Manager‟s Manual should be developed for their easy reference.

5. STUDIES, SURVEYS, EVALUATIONS & PUBLICATIONS 5.1 List of Studies, Surveys & Evaluations: 1. The impact of migration on the children left behind 2. Adolescent and youth perspectives on education quality in Tajikistan 3. Situation Assessment and Analysis of Children’s and women’s Rights 4. Baseline assessment in the priority districts focusing on availability of basic social services 5. Study on Suicide among children and youth in Tajikistan 6. Demand-Side Interventions on Girls’ Education in Tajikistan: a Needs Assessment 7. Gender Assessment of Country Programme

5.2 List of Other Publications 1. Micronutrient Status Survey in Tajikistan, 2009

6. INNOVATION & LESSONS LEARNED: Title: Decentralised support to deliver equitable results for children in Tajikistan Contact Person: Hongwei Gao, hgao@unicef.org Abstract: The main purpose of sharing is to highlight some of the CO‟s effective initiatives centred around decentralization and social budgeting work. Building on field experience and working in alliance with other development partners, the CO collaborates with governments at all levels to stimulate dialogue on macro-level policies that guide national frameworks, legislative reform and budgetary allocations affecting children and women. The CO continues advocating for actions, building capacities and leveraging resources to ensure that budget and policies support children‟s needs and rights. Innovation or Lessons Learned: Strengthening partnerships: Through regular interaction and collaboration with the government at central and local levels, the CO intends to build on achieved results, which include, among others, the government‟s improved appreciation of children‟s rights and main social sector challenges, as well as an agreement to increase social sector expenditure. Technical expertise and advocacy: The CO has proven itself as a leading agency in producing diverse technical materials and evidence-based, action-oriented policies to support the implementation of the government‟s social development agenda and protect the rights of children. This helps demonstrate to both the Government and Development

Partners the need to more effectively invest resources in the social sectors, and particularly in children. Challenges: Insufficient institutional and human capacities of central and local governments as well as fragmentation of the budget process and the evolving system of intergovernmental relations. Transparency and public discussion of spending priorities in the legislature, civil society, and the media are still at an early stage. Potential Application: Decentralization and social budget work should be focused on building long-term capacities and institutions at all levels for child-friendly policies. In hard economic times when public sector and household resources are tight, it is particularly important to ensure that public finance policies and local development plans are geared towards protecting services for children. Without this protection, not only the progress toward achieving the MDGs could be threatened, but the foundation for future economic growth would be weakened. Issue/Background: As part of its decentralised strategy the CO started a direct partnership with local governments of eight poor districts in 2010, in order to enhance programme synergy and provide equitable basic social services for poor children and women. In 2010, the country office has continued working closely with the governments at central and district levels as well as with DPs on the implementation of the Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) (in the MoF and social sector ministries) and the Public Financial Management (PFM) reforms to support policy dialogue for leveraging resources for social development. Strategy and Implementation: A tripartite MOU between UNICEF, local authorities of eight priority districts and the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade was signed on 11 th April 2010. Within the framework of the Local Development Plans, local authorities developed Work Plans which served as the basis for development action. This is done in cooperation with the CO and with the participation of Oblast Governments, MoEDT and other line ministries. This initiative intends to build capacity and commitment to prioritize and increase social sector allocations in local budgets and development plans. On 9th June 2010, the CO signed a MOU with the MoF on implementation of key components of the PFM strategy. A joint project aims to support implementation of ready-to-use software for preparation and execution of budgets in all finance departments across the country. This will facilitate monitoring, reporting and information exchange. The MoF employees have also acquired necessary skills in operating the system, including producing required statements and performance indicators in education, health and child-sensitive social protection, and transmitting the data to the MOF. The overall objective is to build long-term capacities for child-friendly budgeting. Progress and Results: Results achieved within the framework of decentralization approach included: (i) providing support to eight local district authorities in the elaboration of social development plans to promote social development for children and women, (ii) providing

direct budget support to local authorities via Direct Cash Transfer to support implementation of the Work Plans. Although it is premature to assess the impact of the approach, there are encouraging improvements in social sector outcomes. Under the joint UNICEF- MoF project, budget planning/ execution software has been installed in all 73 finance departments. The MoF‟s specialists have also been trained on financial issues. Next Steps: In 2011, the CO will expand the decentralized cooperation programme to 4 new districts, bringing the total number of priority districts to 12. The CO will also continue implementation of the MTEF and PFM reform to ensure that the social sector budget is more effectively channeled towards the priority needs of children and women.

7. SOUTH-SOUTH COOPERATION: The Government of Tajikistan, following the polio outbreak, appealed to international donor agencies for support. They also used GoT channels to request assistance from non-traditional donors. In response to the polio outbreak, the Government of India committed US$330,000 to support the Ministry of Health of Tajikistan through the supply of polio vaccine, facilitated by UNICEF. The Indian Government support was timely and highly appreciated by GoT and UNICEF. Through bi-lateral agreement the Indian Government intends to continue supporting MoH in renovation of some hospitals and provision of basic medical equipment in 2011 and 2012. In 2010 the CO supported the GoT in organising the high-level international conference on the mid-term comprehensive review of the implementation of the International Decade for Action “Water for Life”, 2005-2015, from June 8-10 in Dushanbe. The conference provided a venue for southern countries to share their views on water-related issues, discuss cooperation, and come up with concrete plans for the implementation of internationally agreed water-related goals. At the request of the Government, the CO organised a national children‟s drawing exhibition “Water Through Children‟s Eyes” as part of the Conference. The exhibition enabled over 120 children to present their views and voice concerns about various problems related to the lack of safe drinking water in households and schools across the country. The exhibition was visited by the President of Tajikistan, Mr. Emomali Rahmon, and UN Under-Secretary General for Economic and Social Affairs, Mr. Sha Zukang.

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