Unicorn Magazine Issue 140

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festival & gig Reviews MORRIS page



“Time flies when you’re enjoying yourself”...


nd we have just enjoyed a great summer of festivals and live music events – many in our own back yard - like Folk by the Oak in Hatfield, the second Kimpton Folk Festival and the Ely Folk Festival. Great to see performers of all ages gracing the stages and many new faces helping to continue those all-important traditions. The passing of time brings many positive things – like the new full colour format of Unicorn Magazine which has proved very popular and we’ve received a great deal of positive feedback – thank you! You’ve also told us that you like our new ‘Editors’ Choice’ feature and the way we are now presenting the CD reviews. Passing time also brings some not so welcome changes too, and this year we have had to say a very sad goodbye to some well-loved figures in the folk world and to some long-standing folk clubs. But all these changes reinforce the importance of strong heritage and roots – people and organisations come and go, but tradition carries on and gives us a sense of belonging and continuity. And nothing celebrates heritage, roots and tradition better than the folk music and dance that have been at the heart of Unicorn Magazine for the past 35 years or so.

So while we’ve all been enjoying the summer festivities, our next Unicorn Magazine copy date is fast approaching! We’ve no sooner printed one edition than we’re reminding you to send us your material for the next one! We know it can be difficult for you to get everything ready to meet our deadlines and we try to be flexible, but we do have to publish on time to publicise events right from the start of each edition. The official copy date for the next issue is Friday 27 October – if you can’t quite manage to meet that deadline, please get in touch and tell us what you are planning. We can allocate the space and possibly even give you a bit more time to finalise things – so the more you can tell us in advance, the more we will be able to help you. In the meantime, we would like to thank all our advertisers and supporters. Please keep sending in your news, comments and suggestions - we really appreciate hearing from you. And now we can all look forward to a packed programme of music and dance activities to brighten the days of Autumn as the nights begin to draw in. See you round the clubs. Sandra & Clive

25 – 27



Unicorn Diary



Club Index




Review: Indigo Girls / Assembly Halls


Review: Kimpton Folk Festival 2017


Stumming & Dreaming: Joan Woolard


Review: IGF / Scott Henderson Trio / Kings Place


Feature: The Lock in ‘Christmas Carol’


Review: The Little Folk Festival 2017


Feature: Michael Gillett Guitars


14 – 15

Shall We Dance? Folk Bloke


Photo Review: Folk by the Oak 2017


Feature: Watford FC at Farm Fest 2017


Morris Page: Farewell to Redbornstoke

Front cover: Photo by Al Rogers Dulcimer by kind permission of Chuck Silverman © Unicorn Magazine 2017 CB1422 • October 2017

46 – 47

CD Reviews

Clive Batkin 07771 822414 clive@cbatkin.plus.com unicornmagazine @hotmail.co.uk Sandra Lawes unicornmagazine @hotmail.co.uk Contact address: 2 Hill Close, Harpenden, Herts AL5 5JE

We take great care to ensure all elements of Unicorn Magazine are accurate. However, we accept no liability for any misprints or mistakes that appear. The views and opinions expressed in submitted articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors. Any personal views expressed in submitted articles are the writers’ own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Unicorn Magazine editorial team. It will be assumed that any letters sent to the magazine are intended for publication unless otherwise obviously stated. We reserve the right to edit any material sent to us for style, content or length.

Visit our website at www.unicornmagazine.org Unicorn Magazine: ISSUE 140


Editorial Team:


Printed by Newman Thomson Ltd 3

The Stables | Wavendon | Milton Keynes

October to December highlights

world class music & entertainment

The Urban Folk Quartet 19 October

Jess Morgan & Dan Whitehouse 20 October

Martin Simpson 24 October

Megan Henwood 27 October

Heg & the Wolf Chorus 18 November

Cara Dillon 1 December

Steeleye Span 10 December

The Albion Band 20 December

Moulettes 21 December

box office 01908 280800 book online www.stables.org 4

The Stables | Wavendon | Milton Keynes

The Ceilidh Experience is for anyone interested in traditional and folk music who would like the chance to play in a band and at a ceilidh. During the sessions you’ll learn tunes and come together as small ceilidh bands, getting ready to perform at a final event for dancers and folk fans of all ages.

Course dates: Sundays 21 & 28 January, 4 & 25 February, 4 March 2018, 10am-12.30pm; Sunday 18 March afternoon rehearsal (4pm) and evening performance (7.30pm)

You’ll also have the opportunity to practice with a ‘caller’ and work on a stage with professional sound equipment.

Course fee:

The course is suitable for any instrument, but acoustic instruments are especially welcome.

To book a place call The Stables box office on 01908 280800 The Stables, Stockwell Lane, Wavendon, Milton Keynes MK17 8LU

Participants should be aged 15 or over, already be able to play tunes from memory, ideally at ’dance speed’ and be prepared to do some tune practice between sessions.

£90 (£70 students) for six sessions

box office 01908 280800 www.stables.org

Cambridge Junction

Sun 01 Oct

Martin Carthy & Eliza Carthy

Mon 02 Oct

Zervas & pepper

Mon 09 oct

Twelfth day

Thu 12 oct

Hannah sanders & ben savage

Fri 13 oct

Hot 8 brass band

Sun 15 oct

Jolie Holland & Samantha parton

Mon 16 oct


Thu 19 oct

Cc smugglers

Mon 23 oct

Heg & the wolf chorus

Mon 30 oct

The furrow collective

Mon 06 nov

The saz’iso project

Wed 15 nov

Afro celt sound system

Thu 16 nov

Newton Faulkner

Mon 20 nov


Tue 28 nov

Melrose quartet

Fri 01 dec

Beans on toast & skinny lister

Sun 03 dec


Sat 16 dec




Cambridge junction, clifton way, Cambridge cb1 7gx

Junction.co.uk | 01223 511 511 6

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Unicorn Magazine: ISSUE 140



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HP17 8E


3pm e Ha r 2017 cembne ay 2 Dmaien hall, an afteyrnoo er Saturd In the And Turn g urin nt feat

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Turvey plays: Turvey (outside Bedford) has a large folk community (the village has put on Tony Harrison’s Mysteries in recent years) and are about to put on a new play with traditional music from 15 – 18 November this year. The play is set in Turvey in the 1850s and uses original archival research, based on the lives of a real family from Turvey. It’s very much in the spirit of Lark Rise to Candleford, in that it aims to portray a family’s life against the background of a whole community – which in Turvey means gossiping lacemakers, agricultural labourers and shoemakers. The music is a mixture of traditional folk songs and original music in traditional style, which has been composed by Tim Brewster. Rough versions of the songs can be heard on this website: www.bellsofturvey.org.uk/preview.html. Strummers are delighted to announce the launch of The Bridge, a new network organisation representing music providers in the Cambridge region, offering a single point of contact for performers, venues, festivals and large organisations. For details visit their website: www.cambridgebridge.co.uk. Winchmore Folk Dance Club are holding an English Country Dancing Workshop developing technique and customs for all dancers wanting to improve their style. Dancing terms, movements and etiquette will be explained so we can get full enjoyment from our dancing. Date is Sunday October 1st 2017, 3.00 – 5.30pm, Lancaster Road UR Church Hall, 7 Armfield Road, EN2 0DH. Cost for the workshop is £6.00 including refreshments and cake served at 5.00pm. Workshop Leader is Colin Hume, with live music from Chris Carpenter. More information from Gillian:0208 360 6226, Joyce:020 8886 2696, John:0208 926 7293. Please also see their ad on page 39for a dance in aid of Children in Need...

elle concert en, two exc & Mat Gre and singers from s musician s, Jackie Oates, the Geckoe er and fiddle sing amazing her unique player withof English ballads , nt y Cutting treatme and And and songs, technically er. with soulful and melodeon play ce show ing exiting dan outstand ond – an Step Bey One 6pm At Steppers. the Stony band orks – a PolkaW very special with dh r ceili dman s and thei farewell And the of wonderful tune and Barry Goo s with load ers Hugh Rippon e guests. Call party. the Walter Ros duce make up ile in the Meanwh y Vernon will introBow, Room, Kitt finalists Bow by ts New Roo dom and Thomas Megan Wis the final spot with Evans and ham favourites, timan. old Haddenber & Anni Fen Dave Web

The Old Town Hall (Hemel Hempstead) is putting on the following show: Joglaresa: Make We Mirth, on Saturday 9 co.uk ceilidhs. December, 8pm. denham www.had Using no mirthcontrol Joglaresa blow the dust off medieval song and romp through Christmas Past – with medieval and folk song as a springboard for remember to sendtheir us theirDo invention. Amongst ownyour newly-composed carols forRose ‘Round suchclub as Anews Lovely andThe a Clubs’ mashup of rapper Flo Rida’s You Spin My Head Round with a medieval motet, there will also be Blow, Blow thou Winter Wind by Orlando Gough.With fiddle, harp, bells, bagpipes, dulcimer and voices Joglaresa ring in Christmas and New Year. Tickets are £14, £12 concession, £10 Dacorum Card. More information from The Old Town Hall, 01442 228098. e Finale Sal Records prices. Dragon h ous cas at ridicul Must Go! ing Everyth

Do remember to send us your club news for either ‘Chatterbox’ or ‘Round The Clubs’ and we’ll feature it in this section

Finally, once again we are very sorry to see the demise of the fabulous Haddenham Ceilidhs. Details of their final event can be seen in their ad on page 39, and their flyer above. They will be missed greatly... Joglaresa: Make We Mirth Unicorn Magazine: ISSUE 140




aturday 1 July dawned fine and warm – just perfect for the second Kimpton Folk Festival. Brilliantly organised by the enthusiastic and very capable team led by Doug Jenner, this delightful one-day event brought together everything that I love about living in England. The setting was the picture-postcard pretty Hertfordshire village of Kimpton and we were treated to a wonderful variety of folk events in the six venues. There were top class concerts on the two main stages, pub sessions, Morris dancing and amazing free events on the Village Green. Everywhere the sound and the setting were highly professional. There were fabulous acoustics in the Church and a real party atmosphere for the main stage in the Village Hall which was packed to the gunnels for the afternoon and evening concerts. We were entertained by household names in the folk world - too many to mention by name. The festival team had also booked up-and-coming young people – so there was something for everyone’s taste from haunting acoustic solos to boisterous performances by groups and everything in between. Another nice touch by the organisers was the free programme which gave details of everything that was happening and helped everyone to make the best of the day and make up their minds which acts to see! One of the aims was to spread the folk message to people who don’t normally come to folk events and all afternoon until early evening, there was free entertainment on the Green. People sat on straw bales, picnic chairs or on rugs on the ground and everyone from babes in arms to great grandparents had a great time. I think quite a few more people were converted to folkies, as I overheard them expressing amazement at what folk music really is – variety, fabulous music, skilled musicians and good fun. The programme of events on the Green was topped off by a full-on ceilidh with a talented caller who got everyone on their feet.

storytelling for children and adults, traditional games and entertainment for children, workshops for musicians to hone the finer points of their skills, dancing on the Green and in the Boot pub, lovely craft stalls, mouth-watering cakes and so much more. By the end of the day most of the youngsters had beautifully painted faces and so did many of the adults! Everything ran smoothly and all the basics were superbly handled – car parking, signage, ticketing, loos – all fantastic. All the catering outlets did a roaring trade and the Boot pub also provided a marvellous BBQ. I am delighted to learn from the Festival Organising Committee that they intend to hold another Kimpton Festival next year - and hopefully for many more years in the future! Sandra Lawes

Sam Kelly & The Lost Boys

Outdoors Ceilidh with FiddleBrige / Caller Martin Lindridge

And in true festival style, there was also


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Unicorn Magazine: ISSUE 140


fter two hugely successful years we can now definitely confirm that Kimpton Folk Festival is here to stay. As organisers we were thrilled that our second festival achieved sell-out concerts and attracted even larger crowds than at our inaugural event last year. Kimpton Folk Festival spreads into just about every available space in the village with top folk performers blazing away in the Memorial Hall and in our lovely old church, and tons of free music and a rip-roaring ceilidh on the village green. Elsewhere there’s busking, sessions, dancing, workshops, story-telling and much more entertainment all around the village. Gathering in our official office in the conservatory of Kimpton’s wonderful pub, The Boot, the organising committee indulged in a bit of communal back slapping before settling down to start thinking about next year. We’re absolutely certain that the festival will continue to grow, with more and more people wanting to join in the fun every year and are determined to satisfy the demand. Watch this space for details, but we can guarantee that they’ll be even more great folk artists performing in the main venues next year and more exciting music, dance and other fun and games all around the village. The free entertainment on the village green is the absolute beating heart of the festival and the place were casual visitors can see top folk musicians and singers and be introduced to the joys of folk music and dance. Kimpton Folk Festival will also continue to be a forum for new and emerging talent to perform alongside established stars. We’re completely dedicated to the task of laying on the widest possible range of musical entertainment, providing something for all the family. Hope to see you at next year’s event – the third Kimpton Folk Festival – on Saturday, July 7.

Fridays from 8pm

Folk in the A Annexe 13 Oct, 10 Nov v, 8 Dec

£2.50 p performers / £4.50 0 non-performers// £3.50 concesssions

Guest Nights 27 Oct - Chris Cleverley C £13.00 / £11.00 cooncessions

24 Nov v – Kit Hawes & Aaron Catlow w £13.00 / £11.00 cooncessions

Brian King Kimpton Folk Festival Organising Committee

Unicorn Magazine: ISSUE 140



Ely Folk Club presents

Wednesday 18th October

Sam Kelly & Jamie Francis £11 (£10 advance)

Play an Instrument? Dance? Sing?

Wednesday 15th November

Dana & Susan Robinson £11 (£10 advance)

Want to perform?

Wednesday 13th December

Join English Miscellany. English Miscellany – the performance group – is looking for additional musicians for dance and song, dancers and singers; Country, Playford, Cotswold, North West, Mumming and Traditional Song. Weekly practices – friendly group – overseas tours – display locally – loads of fun – lots of support.

Duncan McFarlane & Anne Brivonese £11 (£10 advance)

Old Dispensary, 13 St Mary’s St., Ely CB7 4ER

Call 01442 255862 Mike or Eileen to find out more and extend your range.

01353 740999/664706


Abbots Langley Winter Acoustic Concerts http://www.oldtimetim.com/alwac.htm

Afternoon of Sunday 8th October 2017 at 3pm - £12.00*

Sound Tradition

Afternoon of Sunday 12th November 2017 at 3pm - £12.00*

Martyn Wyndham Read + Iris Bishop

Afternoon of Sunday 11th February 2018 at 3pm - £12.00*

On the Hither Side of the Hedge (plus English step dance workshop -12:00 - 1:15 )

Afternoon of Sunday 11th March 2018 at 3pm - £12.00*


(Coope, Simpson, Freya, Fraser)

Abbots Langley Community Centre Gallows Hill Lane, Abbots Langley, Herts, WD5 0AP

* Ticket includes tea or coffee & cake in the interval advance reservation recommended

Enquiries to ALConcerts@gmail.com Or call Tim and Lesley Brooks on 01923 264536


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Unicorn Magazine: ISSUE 140


his is the best sounding room we have ever played in london...

...were Scott Henderson’s opening words as he mounted the stage in Hall Two of Kings Place for his culminating concert at this year’s International Guitar Summit on July 13th. “Scott Henderson,” I hear you cry “but he’s not folk...?”. And of course you would be right – his style of music is about as far from traditional (or even modern) folk as one can get. And yet as a composer and guitar player of near genius-ability, as well as an example of what total dedication to one’s instrument can achieve, I defy anyone (whatever their normal musical proclivities), to not have enjoyed this spell-binding concert.


ings Place (the wonderful music & arts venue in the heart of London’s rejuvenated King’s Cross district) has been playing host to the International Guitar Summit for a few years now. Every event in the programme is a wealth of information, knowledge and insight into all areas of the modern guitar world, with lots to interest the folk / acoustic player. The venue itself may come as a revelation to anyone unaware of its existence. The modern atmosphere of its beautifully designed space is truly inspirational, and features a café, restaurant, bar, numerous seating areas and modern art aplenty to keep one occupied whilst waiting for concerts or during an interval. It is also one of those rare places that lay out copious amounts of free drinking water at events – always the sign of a truly civilised and enlightened venue in my opinion! The two concert halls – pictured right – are (as Scott says) acoustically near perfect, as well as being extremely comfortable and relaxing places to both listen and watch performances.

Anyway, back to the gig... Scott Henderson is a charismatic and hugely entertaining performer to watch. His on-stage banter and rapport with the audience is immediately both relaxed and informative – he is the only person I have ever seen to make the changing of a battery in a non-functioning effects pedal an engaging part of a show! His trio (Archibald Ligonniere on drums and Romain Labaye on bass) were all consummate professionals, each masters of their own instrument and art, and the band played together as tightly as any I have ever seen. I realised after the gig that I had started smiling to myself the moment I got to the venue, and stayed that way until well into my train journey home (a mere 20 minutes fast train to Hertfordshire or Bedfordshire).

derson & M


Kings Place Hall ONE Credit: Nick White

Kings Place Foyer Credit: Nick White

Kings Place HALL TWO Credit: Nick White

Kings Place have a regular and enviable programme of folk concerts on their books – do go catch them if you can! www.scotthenderson.net www.kingsplace.co.uk www.igf.org.uk Clive Batkin

Background image: Kings Place EXTERIOR Credit: Angela Inglis Unicorn Magazine: ISSUE 140

Scott Hen

Kings Place HALL ONE Credit: Nick White www.unicornmagazine.org



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Unicorn Magazine: ISSUE 140

We would strongly suggest checking with the venue / organiser before attending any of the below since unfortunately we can’t be held responsible for the accuracy of the information

Sunday Lunchtimes S TONY STRATFORD • Vaults Bar, High Street (Weekly, lunchtimes): Jane Armour, 01908 566407

Sunday Evenings W ESTON TURVILLE • The Chandos (3rd): Roger Dorman, 01296 613742 M ILTON KEYNES • see www.mksessions.blogspot.com (Weekly) M ILTON KEYNES • New Bradwell Sports Club, New Bradwell (1st): Patsy, 07932 157610 S T ALBANS • Great Northern, 172 London Road (Third Sunday of the month but may change 6.00pm). Alison Macfarlane, 01727 852111 S T ALBANS • Lower Red Lion, Fishpool Street (2nd 7.00 – 10.00pm): John Breeze, 07774 909067 L EIGHTON BUZZARD • The Swan, Northall (1st) Richard Chatterley, 07790 023220 TRING • Cowroast Inn. London Road, Tring, Herts, HP23 5RF (2nd) 7.30 – 9.30pm. Slow and steady folk tune session for beginners and improvers. Louise, 07791 561199

Monday Evenings A SHWELL • Rose & Crown (1st): Ian Chandler, 01462 743091 CHATTERIS • Chatteris Folk Club, Honest John, 24a South Park St, PE16 6AR (3rd), Acoustic music and song: Keith Cheale, 02354 652868 SOHAM • Cherry Tree, Fordham Rd (3rd): Claire White, 01353 720550 S TEVENAGE • Our Mutual Friend (2nd): Gary Moyle, 07960 953778 T OTTERNHOE • Old Farm Inn (8.30pm, weekly): Contact, 01582 661294 (pub)

Tuesday Evenings A BINGTON PIGOTTS • Village Hall, SG8 0SH (810.30pm, 3rd, admission £2 per person): George Norris, 01763 853062 AMPTHILL • The Albion, Dunstable Street (2nd): Rod Ward, 01763 852 377 B EDFORD • Burnaby Arms, Stanley St (last 7.30pm, tunes) Matthew Rickards, 07791 433456 DUNSTABLE • Globe, Winfield St (Weekly): Maureen, 01582 512300 DUNTON • March Hare, Dunton, nr Biggleswade (1st): John Pritchett, 01767 448093 (pub) G T WILBRAHAM • Memorial Hall Social Club (3rd): Dave, 01440 783280 H EMEL HEMPSTEAD • Leverstock Green Cricket Club, 24 Bedmond Road, HP3 8LJ (1st Bluegrass and oldtime songs and tunes): Chris Lawrence, 01442 215826 H ISTON • Boot, Histon, nr Cambridge (1st): Dave Benford, 01223 880553 MARCH • Georges Folk Club, 61 High Street, PE15 9JJ (1st), Acoustic music and song: Mark Gibson, 01354 652868 R ICKMANSWORTH • Conservative Club, Bury Lane (2nd): Michael, 01923 770425 TEWIN • Rose & Crown. (3rd evenings). Acoustic, vocal, instrumental. Kit Burgess, 01438 869435 Unicorn Magazine: ISSUE 140

T RING • Kings Arms, (8.30, 1st, trad Irish songs & tunes, led by Chan Reid/fiddle, John Devine/pipes, Neil Stanton/guitar): Rob Muirhead (landlord), 01442 823318 W OOTTON (Beds) • The Cock MK43 9JT (8.00pm, broad acoustic & folk): Mike Carter Jones, 01234 768555, Pub (Karen), 01234 930034

Wednesday Evenings B ARTON-LE-CLAY • Waggon & Horses (8.30pm, fortnightly): Ann, 01582 560815 B ENINGTON (Stevenage) • The Bell (1st): Kit Burgess, 01438 869435 C AMBRIDGE • Six Bells, Covent Garden (8.30pm, 2nd, Bluegrass & Old Time): Jim, 07803 158084 E LY • Town Folk, The Town House PH, Market St, Ely. (2nd and last): Liam, 01353 659614 or 07468 240798 debrunliam@outlook.com H ITCHIN • The Plume of Feathers, Stevenage Road, Little Wymondley, Hitchin, SG4 7HY (9.00–11.00pm, 1st , Ramrugge Clog Morris music sessions): Kerry 07877 930201 M ARCH • March Folk Club, Royal British Legion Club, Rookswood, 27 West End, PE15 8DP (3rd), Acoustic music and song: Keith Cheale, 02354 652868 M OGGERHANGER • Moggerhanger Village Hall (7.00pm for 8.00pm, 1st): Chris Bashford, 01767 640242 R ADLETT • Cat & Fiddle, Cobden Hill, WD7 7JR (8.00pm, 2nd): Nick, 020 8207 3057 S T ALBANS • White Swan, Dagnall St (8.30pm, weekly, mainly music): Rick Payman, 01727 852976 T EBWORTH • Queens Head, LU7 9QB (4th, free food): Richard Chatterley, 07790 023220 T OWERSEY • Village Hall (7.30 for 8.00pm, 3rd): Andrew Leleux, 01296 615160 W ELHAM GREEN • North Mymms Social Club, AL9 7PQ (2nd): Alan Francis, 07774 859758

Thursday Evenings H ERTFORD • Great Eastern, Railway Place (3rd): Keith Acheson, 07979 841079 K IMPTON • The Boot (2nd & 4th): Doug, 07973 751039, jennerdouglas@me.com T OWERSEY • Three Horseshoes (last): Grant, 01844 212322 WOBURN SANDS • Royal Oak (2nd & 4th): Vic Longhorn, 01908 582660

Friday Evenings A YLESBURY • Queens Park Arts Centre (1st, 3rd and 5th): Amanda Diamond, 01296 424332 S T NEOTS • Chequers, St Mary’s St, PE19 2TA (13 October, 10 November, 8 December): Sarah, 07857 311834, ssennett@theiet.org S TEEPLE CLAYDON • Prince of Wales MK18 2NP (2nd, Open Mic): Charlie, 07925 145062 W ELWYN • Brocket Arms (7.30pm, 3rd) Doug, 07973 751039, jennerdouglas@me.com





Wednesday 4 Friday




Wednesday 11 Friday


Saturday 14 Wednesday 18 Friday Saturday

20 21



Wednesday 25 Friday



Wednesday 1 Friday


Wednesday 8 Friday




Wednesday 15 Friday Saturday

17 18

Wednesday 22 Friday Saturday

24 25

Wednesday 29


English Country Dancing Workshop. 3.00–5.30pm. £6 including refreshments • WFD1 Linsleighders Folk Dance Group – club callers • LFDC Dance with Brenda Godrich and the Friday Folk Band • FF2 Dance with Double Dichotomy and caller Madeleine Smith • SCD Linsleighders Folk Dance Group – club callers • LFDC Ceilidh with Cock and Bull and caller Barry Goodman £10 • UC Dance with caller Paul Garner • FF2 Annual Dance with Terry Phipps and Quarry Turners £10 plus plate food • CFDC AGM (7.00pm) and Dance with caller Barrie Bullimore • WFD2 Linsleighders Folk Dance Group – club callers • LFDC Dance with Bob Lilley • FF2 Dance with Wild Ride and caller Mark Elvins • FF1 Family dance. Val and Ian McFarlane with Toucan Play. 2.30– 5.30pm • CFA Linsleighders Folk Dance Group – club callers • LFDC Dance with Patricia Donnithorne • FF2

Linsleighders Folk Dance Group – club callers • LFDC Dance with Andrea Stodell and the Friday Folk Band • FF2 Linsleighders Folk Dance Group – club callers • LFDC Ceilidh with Banter and caller Fee Lock £10 • UC Dance with Madeleine Smith and Spring Greens • FF2 Public dance with Kendal Green and caller Ian Jones. 7.3–10.45pm. Bring a plate of food to share • BFC Dance with caller Colin Hume • WFD2 Midweek Meltdown with Larry Unger, Audrey Kuth (USA) and Colin Hume • FF2 Linsleighders Folk Dance Group – club callers • LFDC Dance with Frances Oates • FF2 Charity Dance in aid of Children in Need. 7.30–10.30pm. All abilities and ages welcome. Minimum donation £5 • WFD2 Linsleighders Folk Dance Group – club callers • LFDC Dance with Barrie Bullimore • FF2 Dance with Dampier’s Round and caller John Meechan • LFDC Linsleighders Folk Dance Group – club callers • LFDC

December Friday




Wednesday 6 Friday


Saturday 9 Wednesday 13 Thursday




Wednesday 20 Friday Friday Sunday

22 29 31

Dance with Mike Bennett and the Friday Folk Band • FF2 Dance with ‘Most of Momentum’ & callers Kathryn and David Wright • SCD Finale Concerts, Dance Show and Ceilidh. 3.00pm. See advert for full details.• HC Linsleighders Folk Dance Group – club callers • LFDC Ceilidh with Take The Biscuit and caller Lisa Heywood £10 • UC Dance with Suzanne Farmer • FF2 Dance with caller Andrea Stodell • WFD2 Linsleighders Folk Dance Group – club callers • LFDC Christmas Dance with Spring Greens and caller Suzanne Harper 7.30–10.30pm • SAAFDC Party with Mark Elvins, Mollie and Ali • FF2 Linsleighders Folk Dance Group – club callers • LFDC Carol Singing around St Albans • FF2 Club closed for Christmas • FF2 New Year’s Eve Big Ceilidh with The Geckoes and caller Barry Goodman £18 • UC


BFC Bedford Fine Companions Goldington Academy, Haylands Way, Bedford MK41 9BX Chris Rutt, 01463 700451, https://finecompanions.wordpress.com BFD Bedford Folk Dance Club Putnoe Heights Church, Putnoe Heights, Bedford MK41 8EB Ron Law, 01234 825 574 BFFC Black Fen Folk Club NCI Club, 1 Holland St, Cambridge, CB3 3DL Pete Barrett, 07854 528806 CCD Cambridge Contra Dance St Andrew’s Hall, St Andrew’s Road, Cambridge, CB4 1DH. Hugh Stewart, 01223 368641, www.cambridgefolk.org.uk/contra CFA Chiltern Folk Association Amersham Common Village Hall, White Lion Road, Amersham, HP7 5AH Judith Inman, 01628 486845, www.chilternfolk.org.uk FF1 Friday Folk Samuel Ryder Academy, Drakes Drive, St Albans, Herts AL1 5AR Bob Barrett, 01727 856508, www.fridayfolk.org.uk FF2 Friday Folk The Church Hall, Marlborough Road, St Albans, AL1 3XG Bob Barrett, 01727 856508, www.fridayfolk.org.uk HC Haddenham Concerts & Ceilidhs Haddenham Village Hall, Near Aylesbury, HP17 8EE Box Office, 07717 047039, john@actionfolk.co.uk LFDC Linsleighders Folk Dance Group 14 Knaves Hill, Linslade, Leighton Buzzard LU7 2UD Elizabeth Corser, Secretary, 01525 378010 elizabeth.corser@btinternet.com

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Unicorn Magazine: ISSUE 140


NC Northampton Ceilidhs Christchurch Hall, Christchurch Road, Abington, Northampton, NN1 5LL John and Ruth Green, 01933 397767 or 07760 197921 www.northamptonceilidhs.co.uk RB Roundabouters Country Dance Club The Friends’ Meeting House, Cuttys Lane, Stevenage, Herts SG1 1UP Lorna Sharpe, 01438 727239, roundabouters@live.co.uk, www.roundabouters.org.uk SCD Staplers Country Dance Club St Ippolyts Parish Hall, Waterdell Lane, St Ippolyts, Nr Hitchin, Herts SG4 7RB Cecilia Mills, 01582 881966 SAAFDC St Albans Abbey Folk Dance Club Homewood Road United Reformed Church Hall, Sandpit Lane, St Albans, AL1 4BH Suzanne Harper and Spring Greens, 01727 834977 UC Unicorn Ceilidhs St Mary’s Hall, Church Street, Baldock, SG7 5AE Alan Creamer 01582 724261, 07946 439095 alan@creamer.me.uk, www.unicornceilidhs.org.uk WFD1 Winchmore Folk Dance Club Lancaster Road, United Reformed Church Hall, 7 Armfield Road. Enfield, EN2 0DH John, 0208 926 7293, Gillian 0208 360 6226, Joyce 0208 886 2696 WFD2 Winchmore Folk Dance Club Trinity Church Hall, Church St / Gentleman’s Row, Enfield, EN2 6AN John 0208 926 7293, Gillian 0208 360 6226, Joyce 0208 886 2696


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Unicorn Magazine: ISSUE 140




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Unicorn Magazine: ISSUE 140

The White Horse Folk Club Castle Street Hertford, SG14 1HH 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the Month. Floor Spots available.

Music starts at 8pm FREE ADMISSION

Contact Pat Crilly - 07971804418 Email - patcrilly@hotmail.com

Headline Acts – 4th Quarter 2017

October 10th – Zoë Wren

A wonderful singer, songwriter and guitarist Zoë brings a rare warmth to her performances. I saw her first at an event celebrating 3 famous songwriters earlier this year and immediately booked her for the club. In the meantime she has become well established on the local folk scene.

October 24th – Karen Johnson & Tony Clark

Karen & Tony have been with us a few times before and it’s be great to have them return again. Both have beautiful voices and Tony is an excellent guitar player. Their material covers every genre, folk, country, contemporary, music hall and great self penned material too. They encourage audience singing so dust off your voices.

November 14th – The Delta Ladies

They gave us great sets the last time so they’re back. Just sublime, guitars, fiddle, appalachian dulcimer, percussion, varied rhythms and harmonies. Great fun and teasing with a large and varied repertoire including blues, folk and world. Not to be missed...we’ll need a bigger room!

November 28th – Pat Crilly & Greg Camburn

They haven’t headlined the club before. Pat has a warm baritone voice and accompanies himself on strangely tuned guitars and Irish bouzouki and Greg is a maestro of the soprano saxophone and whistles. Songs about Senegalese steel burners, deep sea divers, crows, Irish romance and other topics from Pat’s travels and with Greg turning the melodies into music. Choruses to sing along to.

December 12th – George Pornby’s XXXXmas Special

Our perennial favourite “George” and a few of his many and strange personas are coming along to give us some pre Christmas cheer. With a selection of songs to rival the greats about anything and everything and playing a range of self made and well worn instruments we will laugh and laugh. Warning for those with weak bladders :- bring spare underwear!

December 26th – Boxing Day so no club this week.

Unicorn Magazine: ISSUE 140



SHAKE the chains on the main stage

the acorn stage

Kitty Macfarlane

Derek Yau (Patch & the Giant)

An entranced audience

the main stage

nancy kerr

happy punters

crafts on show

Greg Russell

eric bibb

festival fun & flags

Hannah Martin



he 2017 Folk By The Oak folk day marked the 10th anniversary of this wonderful festival, and it was the biggest and best yet. Increased to a capacity of 8000 tickets, the festival was a complete sell-out – the weather was kind, the acts were of a top-notch quality and the overall atmosphere was exactly what we have come to expect from this major player in the folk festival world. Clive Batkin This photo review is based on a format we used to review the 2014 FBO festival (way back in Issue 128) – just look how things have changed !

the levellers all photos © Tammy marlar 2017 18

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Unicorn Magazine: ISSUE 140




Tenterden folk f “Tenterden, the Jewel of the Weald”

Thursday 5 th to Sunday 8 th October 2017 Folk song, music, dance,

BUY TICKETS, GET INVOLVED OR TAKE PART: i CONTACT INFORMATION: Alan Castle, 15 Repton Manor Road, Ashford, Kent TN23 3HA

Ticketed events include: concerts, barn dance, special shows, workshops, meet the guests, folk clubs, etc. Free events include: free music stage, dance stage, dance displays, procession, song and music sessions, street theatre, etc. Guests include: Barrie & Ingrid Temple, Brian Peters, Derek Gifford, Dick Miles, Graeme Knights, Greg Harper, Jeff Warner (USA), Jezreels Ceilidh Band (Sponsored by Taylor Wimpey), JIB (are Barrie & Ingrid Temple with Jim Mageean), Jim Bainbridge, Jim Mageean, Keith Kendrick & Sylvia Needham, Nick Dow, Paul and Liz Davenport, Pete Castle, Si Baron, Snail Tales Storytelling, Steve Turner, Tim Laycock, Wheeze presented by Parrabbola Thursday evening concert: Steve Tilston plus Nick, Keith & Sylvia Free music stage & other showcase guests include: Alan Neville & Rachel Eyres, Ash(Belgium), Earwig Corner, Endless Knot, Green Diesel, John Bowden & Vic ShepPeter Hicks, United Folk Orchestra Plus our popular regular/local guests: Adrian O, Bob Kenward, Chris Roche, Gavin & Julie Atkin, John & Di Cullen, Malcolm Ward, Mark Gibson, Marsh Warblers, Morrigan, Peter Collins, Roger Resch, Spare Parts, Sue Watson, & Lizzi Stephens, Tom Lead, Travelling Folk, Vic & Tina Smith

Paul Cumberland T:01795 532370 Chief stewards: Kathy & Bob Drage, T: 01843 835694 Dance co-ordinator:

Unicorn Magazine: ISSUE 140

Plus up to 60 Morris sides, Appalachian dancers, folk dance display teams and street theatre CHECK THE WEBSITE FOR FULL DETAILS



The Old Bull Inn 56 High St (car park Market Hill) Royston SG8 9AW 7:30 for 8pm till 11pm

www.roystonfolk.org Concert Nights

Last Friday of EVERY Month Friday 27th Octr 2017 £12 (£10 in advance) £2 under 25s Treble Special with “Local Heroes” … Thursday’s Band Kaszak & Afifi … and … Kelly & Woolley

Showcase Nights

Second Friday of EVERY Month Friday 13th Oct 2017 Jeremy Harmer & The Adhoc String Ensemble (pictured) 2 Steps 4 Words The Lazy Sundays John Meed Ruby Muse


Alice Moralee

Friday 10th Nov 2017 David Savage (pictured) David Wilson The Worthys Bill Tarran!!

Friday 24th Nov 2017 £15 (£13 in advance) £2 under 25s Kathryn Roberts & Sean Lakeman



Support Chris Fox Friday 29th Dec 2017 THE CLUB WILL BE CLOSED

Friday 8th Dec 2017 Christmas Party … AND … YOUNG ARTIST CONTEST: Award presentation and Concert NOT at The Old Bull (instead at The Bungalow) See our web site details of … the venue and the line up

Too close to New Year


Showcases hosted by Mark Gamon entry is £4 (£3 performers) £2 under 25s MARK IS NOW BOOKING SHOWCASE SPOTS FOR 2017

“For FOLK Music read … GREAT Music”


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Unicorn Magazine: ISSUE 140

Dunton Folk 2017 Fantastic Venue - Real Ale and Cider - Superb Music

28th October Kara and The Foxglove Trio 18th November Cardboard Fox 16th December The Churchfitters’ Christmas Cracker 6th January 2018 Duton Wassail Church Farm, 6.30pm The Dunton Folk Venue; St Mary Magdalene Church, Dunton, Biggleswade, SG18 8RR. Doors open 7.30pm Tickets available from Simon 01767 310 424

Unicorn Magazine: ISSUE 140





arm Fest is an annual fundraising music festival hosted at The Catholic Worker Farm, Lynsters Farm, Maple Cross, WD3 9XJ, which is situated on a large working cattle farm in a rural setting with two acres of land and lake frontage. It was held this year from Friday 30th June 2017 to Sunday 2nd July 2017 with back-to-back musicians performing rock, country, folk, gospel, classical and world music. Camping space is available along with food and drink including barbecue and real ale! Regulars and friends from Watford Folk Club this year again supported this worthy cause, playing from 12pm – 3pm on the Sunday while Jacktar from Watford Open Mic played on Saturday evening.

A little known connection between the Folk world and the Catholic Worker Movement is the American singer, Utah Phillips , an American labour organiser, folk singer, storyteller, poet and the “Golden Voice of the Great Southwest” (Enola Gay,

Unicorn Magazine: ISSUE 140


He described the struggles of labour unions and the power of direct action, self-identifying as an anarchist. He often promoted the Industrial Workers of the World in his music, actions, and words. While riding the rails and tramping around the west, he met Ammon Hennacy from the Catholic Worker Movement. He gave credit to Hennacy for saving him from a life of drifting to one dedicated to using his gifts and talents toward activism and public service. Phillips assisted him in establishing a mission house of hospitality named after the activist Joe Hill. Phillips worked at the Joe Hill House for the next eight years. The Catholic Worker Farm and Mary House provide accommodation, food, English lessons, counselling and other services for 21 destitute (without access to public funds) female asylum seekers (who we call our ‘sisters’) and their children, at no charge.

Always a pleasure to play there in the marquee with David working his magic on the sound desk, there’s great music and a great atmosphere and the crew from Watford get there early and stay late! We can’t wait to come back.

Pete Nutkins

The Goodnight Lovin’ Trail, Singing Through the Hard Times etc).

For more details about their work visit www. thecatholicworkerfarm.org and look out for details of next year’s FarmFest – we’ll be there! The Watford Folk Club Team

julian mount


The farm

the lake


Advert Unicorn Oct-Dec 17:Layout 2



Page 1

Dance the night away . . . it’s a barn dance – or is it a ceilidh? A ceilidh (say

kayley) is your chance to dance English folk dances with others. The caller explains all the moves and walks them through – the band starts – and a great time is had by all! There’s usually a dance display in the interval and a raffle. Singles and groups are welcomed – just come and enjoy dancing to great music from top bands. Tickets only £10 - singles & groups welcome.

See www.unicornceilidhs.org.uk

cock & Bull


take the biscuit

fee lock

lisa heywood

with caller

with caller

barry goodman

One of the best-known ban ceilidh world - saxophones, ds in the flute, clarinet, recorders and guitar com give you a musical sound likebine to other! See and hear them on no Facebook. Barry has called with most bands in the UK, and alwaysof the top lovely atmosphere with grea creates a t An evening to look forwarddances. to!

St Mary’s Hall, Church St, Baldock SG7 5AE




with caller

TTB combines exciting young duo Beth Gifford (viola) and Matt Broo kes (accordion) with Rob Gifford (drums) and Trevor Lines (bass). The band plays at least one ten by every member of the tune writband, combining mostly original materia l with some traditional English tune s. www.bethgifford.co.uk/take-t he-biscuit/ Fee has been calling for more years Lisa has a wealth of experience calling for many styles of dance. than she cares to remember, and has lisaheywood.net a great rapport with the audience.! It’ll be a top night!

Banter are three talented musicians, playing English folk dance music with brass, keyboards, melodeon and percussion. Tim Walker, Nina Zella and Simon Care are a triumvirate of toetapping instrumentalists showcasing the best of English music. www.banter.band

Tickets now available on line - see website for details


Advert Unicorn NYE 17:Layout 2



Doors open 7.30 p.m. Dancing 8.00 to 11.00 p.m.

Page 1

Dance the night YEAR away on New Year’s Eve at THE BIG CEILIDHRI . . .RIRI SUNDAY 31ST DECEMBER


GECKOES barry goodman with caller

Geckoes are in the front ran k of the bands on the English Ceilidh scene. Evolving out of the country dances of the Brit ish Isles, Europe and America, this style of dancing is typified by its exuberance and Ge cko es' music has all the energy and style that it takes to if somewhat sweaty - dancerfill a floor with delighted s. www.geckoes.co.uk Barry makes any ceilidh into New Year’s Eve, with his hug an occasion, and doubly so on e repertoire of excellent dan ces. We anticipate another great night! www.unicornceilidhs.org.uk

St Mary’s Hall, Church Street, Baldock SG7 5AE


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TICKETS: Adults: only £18.00 Children: (under age 16 on the night) only £10 BOOK NOW limited to 70 places! Phone Alan on

07946 439 095 or 01582 724 261 or email

alan@creamer.me.uk Tickets also available at the October, November & December ceilidhs (if any unsold).

� Grand Raffle � Free tot of whisky at midnight (adults only!)

Doors open 7.30 p.m.

Dancing 11.00Ale p.m. Full Bar8.00 withtoReal

Unicorn Magazine: ISSUE 140

Sunday 1 BLACK FEN FOLK CLUB • Open Stage ENGLISH MISCELLANY • NW & Cotswold Morris HITCHIN FOLK CLUB • Josienne Clark & Ben Walker plus Emily Mae Winters Monday 2 HERGA • Singaround STAPLERS • AGM and Club Callers WALTHAM ABBEY FOLK CLUB • Guests John and Di Cullen Tuesday 3 ST NEOTS FOLK CLUB • Sophie Matthews and Chris Green Wednesday 4 ENGLISH MISCELLANY • Country LINSLEIGHDERS FOLK DANCE GROUP • Club Callers Thursday 5 BEDFORD FOLK DANCE CLUB • Dance with caller Kevin Prigmore BEDFORD FOLK MUSIC CLUB • Singaround PLACE THEATRE, BEDFORD • Faustus REDBOURN FOLK CLUB • Open Stage and Singaround ROUNDABOUTERS • Special club night, dances associated with Pat Shaw Friday 6 BEDFORD FINE COMPANIONS • Club Night Visitors Welcome CAMBRIDGE CONTRA DANCE • Dance CAMBRIDGE FOLK CLUB • Open Stage with Chad Mason FOLK AT THE MALTINGS • Kitty Macfarlane FRIDAY FOLK • Brenda Godrich and the Friday Folk band WATFORD FOLK CLUB • Singaround £5 Saturday 7 STRUMMERS FOLK COLLECTIVE 1 • We Shall Overcome – annual anti-austerity concert with Pete Morton and the Strummers Collective Sunday 8 BLACK FEN FOLK CLUB • Dipper Malkin HITCHIN FOLK CLUB • Slaid Cleaves Monday 9 HERGA • Singaround STAPLERS • Guest Caller Adrian Besant WALTHAM ABBEY FOLK CLUB • Singaround Tuesday 10 ST NEOTS FOLK CLUB • The Carrivick Sisters WHITE HORSE • Zoë Wren Wednesday 11 ENGLISH MISCELLANY • Country LINSLEIGHDERS FOLK DANCE GROUP • Club Callers Thursday 12 BEDFORD FOLK DANCE CLUB • Dance with caller George Hearnden BEDFORD FOLK MUSIC CLUB • Singers Night REDBOURN FOLK CLUB • The Worthys plus floor spots ROUNDABOUTERS • Club night, country dancing Friday 13 BEDFORD FINE COMPANIONS • Club Night Visitors Welcome CAMBRIDGE FOLK CLUB • The Malingerers, Garry Woolley &Matt Kelly, The Rosie Eade Band FRIDAY FOLK • Paul Garner ROYSTON FOLK CLUB • Showcase Session featuring Jeremy Harmer and the Adhoc String Ensemble and Young Artist competition performers WATFORD FOLK CLUB • Pete Coe £10 Sunday 15 BLACK FEN FOLK CLUB • Open Stage HITCHIN FOLK CLUB • Clive Gregson and Liz Simcock Monday 16 HERGA • Singaround STAPLERS • Caller Barry Goodman WALTHAM ABBEY FOLK CLUB • Singaround with visiting Haverfolk Tuesday 17 ST NEOTS FOLK CLUB • Open Stage Wednesday 18 ELY FOLK CLUB • Sam Kelly & Jamie Francis ENGLISH MISCELLANY • NW & Cotswold Morris LINSLEIGHDERS FOLK DANCE GROUP • Club Callers Thursday 19 BEDFORD FOLK DANCE CLUB • Dance with caller Hilary Andrews

Unicorn Magazine: ISSUE 140

BEDFORD FOLK MUSIC CLUB • Local Singers and Musicians REDBOURN FOLK CLUB • Open Stage and Singaround ROUNDABOUTERS • Club night, country dancing Friday 20 BEDFORD FINE COMPANIONS • Club Night Visitors Welcome CAMBRIDGE CONTRA DANCE • Dance CAMBRIDGE FOLK CLUB • The Roving Crows FRIDAY FOLK • Bob Lilley WATFORD FOLK CLUB • Richard Stewart and Nigel Hyams £7 22 BLACK FEN FOLK CLUB • Open Stage HITCHIN FOLK CLUB • Martin Simpson Monday 23 HERGA • Singaround STAPLERS • Regency Evening – Colin Hume with Spring Greens WALTHAM ABBEY FOLK CLUB • Singaround Tuesday 24 ST NEOTS FOLK CLUB • Reg Meuross £10 and £9 WHITE HORSE • Karen Johnson & Tony Clark Wednesday 25 ENGLISH MISCELLANY • Country LINSLEIGHDERS FOLK DANCE GROUP • Club Callers 26 BEDFORD FOLK DANCE CLUB • Dance with caller Roger Dover BEDFORD FOLK MUSIC CLUB • Singaround REDBOURN FOLK CLUB • The Mile Roses plus floor spots ROUNDABOUTERS • Country dancing with guest caller Denise Devonald Friday 27 BEDFORD FINE COMPANIONS • Club closed – half term CAMBRIDGE FOLK CLUB • The Dovetail Trio FRIDAY FOLK • Patricia Donnithorne ROYSTON FOLK CLUB • Triple Header Concert – Thursday’s Band, Kelly and Woolley, Kaszak and Afifi WATFORD FOLK CLUB • Spotlight Singaround with Chris Lawley plus Warp & Weft and Pete Nutkins £5 Sunday 29 BLACK FEN FOLK CLUB • Open Stage HITCHIN FOLK CLUB • Chris While and Julie Matthews Monday 30 HERGA • Singaround STAPLERS • Caller Joan Rutt WALTHAM ABBEY FOLK CLUB • Guests Lynne Heraud and Pat Turner Tuesday 31 ST NEOTS FOLK CLUB • The Hayes Sisters

(This is slightly earlier than normal due to the Christmas closure period of our printing / delivery firms)



Wednesday 1 LINSLEIGHDERS FOLK DANCE GROUP • Club Callers Thursday 2 BEDFORD FOLK DANCE CLUB • Dance with caller Lynne Whapples BEDFORD FOLK MUSIC CLUB • Singers Night REDBOURN FOLK CLUB • Dariah Kulesh and Jonny Dyer plus floor spots ROUNDABOUTERS • Club night, country dancing Friday 3 BEDFORD FINE COMPANIONS • Club Night Visitors Welcome CAMBRIDGE CONTRA DANCE • Dance CAMBRIDGE FOLK CLUB • Open Stage with Jeremy Harmer and his Ad Hoc Strings FOLK AT THE MALTINGS • Paul Scourfield FRIDAY FOLK • Andrea Stodell and the Friday Folk band WATFORD FOLK CLUB • Alice Jones £10 Sunday 5 BLACK FEN FOLK CLUB • Open Stage ENGLISH MISCELLANY • NW & Cotswold Morris HITCHIN FOLK CLUB • Jim Causley plus The Foxglove Trio Monday 6 HERGA • Singaround STAPLERS • Guest Caller Jeanie Byron Williams WALTHAM ABBEY FOLK CLUB • Singaround Tuesday 7 ST NEOTS FOLK CLUB • Round the Room Wednesday 8 ENGLISH MISCELLANY • Country LINSLEIGHDERS FOLK DANCE GROUP • Club Callers Thursday 9 BEDFORD FOLK MUSIC CLUB • Local Singers and Musicians PLACE THEATRE, BEDFORD • Gerry Colvin Band REDBOURN FOLK CLUB • Gilmore & Roberts plus floor spots ROUNDABOUTERS • Country dancing with the Carousel Band BEDFORD FOLK DANCE CLUB • Dance with caller Kevin Prigmore Friday 10 BEDFORD FINE COMPANIONS • Club Night Visitors Welcome CAMBRIDGE FOLK CLUB • Showcase: An Dha FRIDAY FOLK • Madeleine Smith and Spring Greens ROYSTON FOLK CLUB • Showcase Session featuring The Worthys and Young Artist competition performers WATFORD FOLK CLUB • Granny’s Attic £10 Sunday 12 BLACK FEN FOLK CLUB • Open Stage HITCHIN FOLK CLUB • Gigspanner plus Tim Broadbent Monday 13 HERGA • Singaround STAPLERS • Guest Caller Frances Oates with Staplers’ musicians WALTHAM ABBEY FOLK CLUB • Singaround Tuesday 14 ST NEOTS FOLK CLUB • Dave Ellis and Boo Howard WHITE HORSE • The Delta Ladies Wednesday 15 ELY FOLK CLUB • Dana and Susan Robinson ENGLISH MISCELLANY • NW & Cotswold Morris FRIDAY FOLK • Midweek Meltdown – Larry Unger, Audrey Knuth (USA), Colin Hume LINSLEIGHDERS FOLK DANCE GROUP • Club Callers Thursday 16 BEDFORD FOLK DANCE CLUB • Dance with caller John Green BEDFORD FOLK MUSIC CLUB • Singaround REDBOURN FOLK CLUB • Open Stage and Singaround ROUNDABOUTERS • Club night, country dancing Friday 17 BEDFORD FINE COMPANIONS • Club Night Visitors Welcome CAMBRIDGE CONTRA DANCE • Special dance with touring US band Audacious


CAMBRIDGE FOLK CLUB • Steve Tilston FRIDAY FOLK • Frances Oates WATFORD FOLK CLUB • Polly Morris £10 Saturday 18 STRUMMERS FOLK COLLECTIVE 2 • Young Strummers Showcase Concert Sunday 19 BLACK FEN FOLK CLUB • Open Stage HITCHIN FOLK CLUB • Jez Lowe & The Bad Pennies Monday 20 HERGA • Singaround STAPLERS • Caller Barbara Gilder and ANO WALTHAM ABBEY FOLK CLUB • Singaround Tuesday 21 ST NEOTS FOLK CLUB • Jim Moray £12 and £10 Wednesday 22 ENGLISH MISCELLANY • Country LINSLEIGHDERS FOLK DANCE GROUP • Club Callers Thursday 23 BEDFORD FOLK DANCE CLUB • Dance with caller George Hearnden BEDFORD FOLK MUSIC CLUB • Singers Night REDBOURN FOLK CLUB • Nick Dow plus floor spots ROUNDABOUTERS • Club night, country dancing Friday 24 BEDFORD FINE COMPANIONS • Club Night Visitors Welcome CAMBRIDGE FOLK CLUB • Granny’s Attic FRIDAY FOLK • Barrie Bullimore ROYSTON FOLK CLUB • Concert – Kathryn Roberts and Sean Lakeman supported by Chris Fox WATFORD FOLK CLUB • Folk Song Competition Final £7 (Entries close 1st October) Sunday 26 BLACK FEN FOLK CLUB • Gemma Khawaja HITCHIN FOLK CLUB • Megson plus Hattie Briggs Monday 27 HERGA • Singaround STAPLERS • Caller Denise Devonald with the Carousel Band WALTHAM ABBEY FOLK CLUB • Guests Discovery Tuesday 28 ST NEOTS FOLK CLUB • Round the Room WHITE HORSE • Pat Crilly & Greg Camburn Wednesday 29 ENGLISH MISCELLANY • Club practice LINSLEIGHDERS FOLK DANCE GROUP • Club Callers Thursday 30 BEDFORD FOLK DANCE CLUB • Dance with caller Graham Foster BEDFORD FOLK MUSIC CLUB • St Andrews Singaround REDBOURN FOLK CLUB • Open Stage and Singaround ROUNDABOUTERS • Club night, country dancing

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Unicorn Magazine: ISSUE 140


1 BEDFORD FINE COMPANIONS • Club Night Visitors Welcome CAMBRIDGE CONTRA DANCE • Dance CAMBRIDGE FOLK CLUB • Open Stage FOLK AT THE MALTINGS • The Foxglove Trio FRIDAY FOLK • Mike Bennett and the Friday Folk band WATFORD FOLK CLUB • Chris Flegg £10 Saturday 2 HADDENHAM CONCERTS AND CEILIDHS FINALE • Concerts, Dance Show and Ceilidh – see advert for details STRUMMERS FOLK COLLECTIVE 2 • John Preston Tribute Band – rants and anthems Sunday 3 BLACK FEN FOLK CLUB • Open Stage ENGLISH MISCELLANY • NW & Cotswold Morris HITCHIN FOLK CLUB • Martyn Joseph (Ticket Only) Monday 4 HERGA • Singaround (Check website) STAPLERS • Guest Caller Kevin Prigmore WALTHAM ABBEY FOLK CLUB • Singaround Tuesday 5 ST NEOTS FOLK CLUB • Paul Downes and Mick Ryan Wednesday 6 ENGLISH MISCELLANY • Country LINSLEIGHDERS FOLK DANCE GROUP • Club Callers Thursday 7 BEDFORD FOLK DANCE CLUB • Dance with caller Ann Gibson BEDFORD FOLK MUSIC CLUB • Local Singers and Musicians REDBOURN FOLK CLUB • Emerald Hill plus floor spots ROUNDABOUTERS • Club night, country dancing Friday 8 BEDFORD FINE COMPANIONS • Club Night Visitors Welcome CAMBRIDGE FOLK CLUB • Kitty Macfarlane and Jess Morgan FRIDAY FOLK • Suzanne Farmer ROYSTON FOLK CLUB • Christmas Party Showcase featuring local favourites and Young Artist Competition winners (TBC) WATFORD FOLK CLUB • Spotlight Singaround with Andrew Clarke £7 Saturday 9 Hemel Hempstead The Old Town Hall • Joglaresa: Make We Mirth Sunday 10 BEDFORD CORN EXCHANGE • The Demon Barbers / Breaking Tradition: The Lock In ‘Christmas Carol’ BLACK FEN FOLK CLUB • Open Stage HITCHIN FOLK CLUB • St Agnes Fountain (Sold Out) Monday 11 HERGA • Singaround STAPLERS • Caller Ann Gibson WALTHAM ABBEY FOLK CLUB • Singaround Tuesday 12 ST NEOTS FOLK CLUB • Vicki Swann & Jonny Dyer’s Winter Warmer Show £10 and £8 WHITE HORSE • George Pornby’s XXXXmas Special Wednesday 13 ELY FOLK CLUB • Duncan Macfarlane and Anne Brivonese ENGLISH MISCELLANY • Country LINSLEIGHDERS FOLK DANCE GROUP • Club Callers Thursday 14 BEDFORD FOLK DANCE CLUB • Dance with caller Kevin Prigmore BEDFORD FOLK MUSIC CLUB • Singaround REDBOURN FOLK CLUB • Lion’s Share plus floor spots ROUNDABOUTERS • Club night, country dancing Friday 15 BEDFORD FINE COMPANIONS • Christmas Party CAMBRIDGE CONTRA DANCE • Dance CAMBRIDGE FOLK CLUB • Pete Morton’s

Unicorn Magazine: ISSUE 140

Magical Christmas Tree Tour FRIDAY FOLK • Party with Mark Elvins, Mollie and Ali WATFORD FOLK CLUB • Christmas Singaround £5 Saturday 16 ENGLISH MISCELLANY • Christmas Party STRUMMERS FOLK COLLECTIVE 3 • Strummers 60’s and Soul Xmas Party Sunday 17 HITCHIN FOLK CLUB • An Albion Christmas (Ticket Only) Monday 18 HERGA • Club closed STAPLERS • Party Evening with Club Callers WALTHAM ABBEY FOLK CLUB • Winter Solstice party singaround Tuesday 19 ST NEOTS FOLK CLUB • Club Christmas Party Wednesday 20 LINSLEIGHDERS FOLK DANCE GROUP • Club Callers Thursday 21 BEDFORD FOLK MUSIC CLUB • Carolling Party Night REDBOURN FOLK CLUB • Christmas Party ROUNDABOUTERS • TBC (check website) 22 CAMBRIDGE FOLK CLUB • Open Stage with Terry Hiscock Friday FRIDAY FOLK • Carol Singing around St Albans WATFORD FOLK CLUB • Club closed for Christmas Monday 25 HERGA • Club closed for Christmas STAPLERS • Club closed for Christmas Tuesday 26 ST NEOTS FOLK CLUB • Club Closed for Christmas WHITE HORSE • Club closed for Christmas Wednesday 27 LINSLEIGHDERS FOLK DANCE GROUP • Club closed for Christmas Thursday 28 BEDFORD FOLK MUSIC CLUB • Christmas Recovery Singaround ROUNDABOUTERS • Club closed – no meeting Friday 29 CAMBRIDGE FOLK CLUB • Club closed for Christmas FRIDAY FOLK • Closed for Christmas WATFORD FOLK CLUB • Club closed for Christmas

don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE TO both OUR BLOG and our mailing list FOR revised gig dates, news & UPDATES BETWEEN ISSUES...



[ Listed alphabetically by location ] BEDFORD • Bedford Corn Exchange St Paul’s Square, Bedford, MK40 1SL Contact: 01234 718044, www.bedfordcornexchange.co.uk BEDFORD • Bedford Folk Dance Club Putnoe Heights Church, Bedford MK41 8EB Contact: Ron D. Law, 01234 825574 www.bedfordfolkdanceclub.com BEDFORD • Bedford Fine Companions Folk Dance Club Hazeldene Lower School, Stancliffe Rd, Bedford MK41 9AT Contact: David Cooke, 01234 823920 www.finecompanions.synthasite.com BEDFORD • Bedford Folk Music Club Kempston Hammers Sports and Social Club, 134 High Street, Kempston, Bedfordshire MK42 7BN Tel: 01234 853262 Contact: Mike Blair, 01525 404513 – see us on Facebook BEDFORD • The Place Theatre Bradgate Road, Bedford, MK40 3DE Contact: Laura Pottinger, 01234 354321, www.theplacebedford.org.uk BLACK FEN • Black Fen Folk Club NCI Sports and Social Club, 1 Holland Street, Cambridge CB4 3DL Contact: Julie Watson 07391692278 www.facebook.com/BlackFenFolkClub CAMBRIDGE • Cambridge Folk Club Golden Hind PH, 355 Milton Rd, Cambridge CB4 1SP Contact: Marion Treby, 01638 603986 www.cambridgefolkclub.org CAMBRIDGE • Cambridge Contra Dance St Andrew’s Hall, St Andrew’s Rd, Chesterton CB4 1DH Contact: Hugh Stewart, 01223 368641, www.cambridgefolk.org.uk/contra CAMBRIDGE • Strummers1 Golden Hind, 355 Milton Rd, Cambridge, CB4 1SP Contact: Les Ray, 07903 521412, www.strummers.org CAMBRIDGE • Strummers2 CB2, 5 Norfolk St, Cambridge, CB1 2LD Contact: Les Ray, 07903 521412, www.strummers.org CAMBRIDGE • Strummers3 NCI Club, 16A Orchard St, Cambridge, CB1 1JT Contact: Les Ray, 07903 521412, www.strummers.org ELY • Ely Folk Club The Old Dispensary, St Mary’s Street, Ely, Cambs CB7 4ER (no bar) Contact: Ruth Bramley / Andy Wall, 01353 740999 / 01353 664706, www.elyfolkclub.co.uk

LINSLADE • Linsleighders Folk Dance Group The Forster Institute, Waterloo Rd, Linslade, Leighton Buzzard LU7 2NR Contact: Elizabeth Corser, 01525 378010, Elizabeth.corser@btinternet.com LUTON • English Miscellany East Hyde Village Hall, Lower Harpenden Rd (B653), nr Luton LU2 9QB Contact: Eileen Heylin, 01442 255862 www.englishmiscellany.com REDBOURN • Redbourn Folk Club Old School Room, Hollybush PH, Church End, Redbourn AL3 7DU Contact: Jenny McNaught, 01582 793164 www.redbournfolkclub.org.uk ROYSTON • Royston Folk Club Old Bull Inn, 56 High St, Royston SG8 9AW Contact: Mark Gamon (showcases) 07738 183158, Chris Walls (concerts) 01763 260 556, www.roystonfolk.org ST ALBANS • Folk at the Maltings The Maltings Arts Theatre, Level 2, The Maltings, St Albans AL1 3HL Contact: Alison Macfarlane, 01727 852111 www.stalbansfolkmusic.org.uk ST ALBANS • Friday Folk Social Dance Club Methodist Church, Marlborough Rd, St Albans AL1 3XG Contact: Bob Barrett, 01727 856508 www.fridayfolk.org.uk ST NEOTS • St Neots Folk Club Priory Centre, Priory Lane, St Neots PE19 2BH Contact: Roger Pitt, 01234 376278, www.stneotsfolkclub.co.uk STEVENAGE • Roundabouters Country Dancing Club Friends Meeting House, Cutty’s Lane, Stevenage, SG1 1UP Contact: Lorna Sharpe, 01438 727 293, roundabouters@live.co.uk, www.roundabouters.org.uk WALTHAM ABBEY • Waltham Abbey Folk Club Royal British Legion, Brooker Rd, Waltham Abbey EN9 1HY Contact: Jan Ayres, 01992 613987, www.walthamabbeyfolkclub.com WATFORD • Watford Folk Club Pump House, Local Board Rd, Lower High St, Watford WD17 2JP Contact: www.folkatthepumphouse.webs.com

HARROW • Herga at the Castle The Castle PH, 30 West Street, Harrow, Middlesex, HA1 3EF Contact: Tim Brooks, 01923 264536, www.herga.club HEMEL HEMPSTEAD • The Old Town Hall The Old Town Hall, High Street, Hemel Hempstead HP1 3AE Contact: 01442 228090, www.oldtownhall.co.uk HERTFORD • The White Horse Folk Club White Horse PH, Castle St, Hertford SG14 1HH Contact: Pat Crilly 07971 804418, patcrilly@hotmail.com




HITCHIN • Hitchin Folk Club Sun Hotel, Sun St, Hitchin, SG5 1AF Contact: Maureen Jones, 01462 812391 www.hitchinfolkclub.co.uk HITCHIN • Staplers Country Dance Club St John’s Community Centre, St John’s Rd, Hitchin SG4 9JP Contact: Cecilia Mills, 01582 881966, www.staplers.org.uk



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Unicorn Magazine: ISSUE 140




aving missed the Indigo Girls (Amy Ray & Emily Saliers) at the Cambridge Folk Festival a few days earlier, I was delighted to catch the second of two tour-closing performances at the Islington Assembly Halls. I’m not an expert on their previous works (stretching back over the 20 or so years of their career), but of course know them well by name and from some of the more familiar tunes. The evening started with a great support slot from Lucy Wainwright Roche (daughter of Loudon Wainwright III & Suzzy Roche), who confidently took the stage with just her guitar and voice (despite still suffering from a heavy cold). She quickly established a great rapport with the audience, and I really enjoyed her repertoire of simple yet effective tunes and stories. The Indigo Girls came on stage with their all-female band, all of who were excellent players... The band’s communication with the audience was both engaging and intimate (considering the

Assembly Halls exterior


size of the venue), helped no doubt by their clearly fanatical following. A vast number of instrument changes were effortlessly handled by the band, and I loved the overall mix of folk / americana / bluegrass sounds they produced with them – I’m now a firm fan! The venue also was another pleasant surprise to me. It was my first time at the Islington Assembly Hall but instantly really liked it. It has a beautifully restored exterior and interior (it was closed in the 80s and remained derelict until restoration in 2010), and the trip from the ‘Unicorn area’ was extremely easy via public transport, situated as it is in the heart of Upper Street in Islington. The concert hall itself has a wonderfully baroque /art deco feel to it, which heightens the experience of watching a concert. Although I was in the downstairs standing area, the upstairs seated gallery looked equally as enticing. The bar prices are a bit eye watering, but no more so than any other London venue.

balcony stage left

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Looking at their list of past and forthcoming events, the Hall has many folky gigs that would satisfy the most ardent folk aficionado, as well as lots of other more mainstream acts. All in all I loved the concert and came away a firm Indigo Girls (and Assembly Hall) convert! Clive Batkin www.indigogirls.com www.islingtonassemblyhall.co.uk

the indigo girls

Unicorn Magazine: ISSUE 140

Remembering Joan Woollard


his is the first of a regular column on the local folk music scene, which will include gig and CD reviews and information on what’s happening on the local scene, brought to you by Strummers & Dreamers, the folk show on Cambridge 105 Radio.

Unfortunately we must start on a sad note, as in July we learned of the passing of Joan Woollard. Joan was the devoted wife of Ken Woollard, organiser and artistic director of the Cambridge Folk Festival from its beginnings in 1964 till his death in 1993. Joan was there beside Ken from those very early days, providing tea, hot food and caring support for young performers who would become their friends, Ralph McTell, The Dubliners, Loudon Wainwright III and Christy Moore, to name just a few. Joan was President of the Cambridge Folk Club for many years. I asked Marion Treby of the club’s committee to share her memories of Joan with us: “She was a wonderful lady with a great sense of the importance of music; she enjoyed life to the full and had an amazing capacity to think of others.

She enjoyed her Friday evenings at the Club. Loyal and enthusiastic, she would never just come to enjoy the music, but preferred to have a ‘job’ to do as well, so would happily sit at the desk in the thick of things. Not surprisingly, considering the eclectic remit of the Cambridge Folk Festival to which she was dedicated for so many years, her taste in music was broad; she liked it to be good quality, rhythmic and tuneful with meaningful lyrics, but was just as happy listening to jazz or blues as to folk! My fondest memories? Joan in the audience at two very different concerts: humming quietly along, completely absorbed by the marvellous music of Aly Bain and Phil Cunningham; and laughing so much at the antics of the teams of I’m Sorry I haven’t a Clue that she could barely join in the silliness on the kazoo!” Goodbye dear Joan, we will all miss you. Les Ray


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Unicorn Magazine: ISSUE 140



If you fancy dancing North East Rapper or Yorkshire Longsword or Medieval Buffens join us on a Tuesday at 8.30-10pm in the Friends Meeting House, Cutty’s Lane, Stevenage, SG1 1UP or email bagman@stevenagesword.org.uk

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Unicorn Magazine: ISSUE 140

Baldock & Letchworth Blues, Folk & Roots 8.30pm Wednesdays accompanied under 16s free Prices: member concessions/members/non-members

See our website www.madnanny.co.uk for detailed information

Oct 04 The James Brothers £10/12/15 Oct 18 session

https:// thejamesbrothers.co.uk

Nov 01 Walklate & Fuschi 9/10/£12 www.matwalklate.co.uk/mat-paulo.html Nov 15 session Dec 06 Vicki Swan & Jonny Dyer £8/9/10 Dec 20 Christmas party


Venue: The Orange Tree, Norton Rd, Baldock, SG7 5AW www.madnanny.co.uk 01767 683583


Autumn 2017 If you enjoy a lively barn dance, you'll find Friday Folk is a great way to meet like-minded people and have fun. Newcomers are always welcome. And there's no need to bring a partner. Meeting Fridays from 7:45 to 10:00 pm at The Church Hall, Marlborough Road, St Albans, AL1 3XG. www.fridayfolk.org.uk – 01727 856508 Standard Friday admission £4

Unicorn Magazine: ISSUE 140

29 Sep 6 Oct 13 Oct 20 Oct

AGM and Club Callers Brenda Godrich and FF Band Paul Garner Bob Lilley

21 Oct Saturday Special - Mark Elvins and Wild Ride at Samuel Ryder 27 Oct Patricia Donnithorne 3 Nov Andrea Stodell and FF Band 10 Nov Madeleine Smith and Spring Greens 15 Nov Midweek Meltdown - Larry Unger, Audrey Knuth (USA), Colin Hume at Marlborough Rd 17 Nov 24 Nov 1 Dec 8 Dec 15 Dec 22 Dec

Frances Oates Barrie Bullimore Mike Bennett and FF Band Suzanne Farmer Party - Mark Elvins, Mollie & Ali Carol Singing around St Albans





UM140 SAMM UM3 Ad (colour).indd 1

17/8/17 16:31:26

The Lock In ‘Christmas Carol’


alf gig, half dance show and half panto, this BBC Award Winning team of musicians & dancers are bringing their best festive live music, song and dance to our area this December...

It’s Christmas Eve and the regulars of The Olde Fighting Cocks are excited about the night ahead, it’s going to be the Folk & Hip Hop dance party of the year! To their dismay the landlady, Jasmineezer Scrooge, has more profitable ambitions and is preparing to launch her new business, ‘Jazzles’ nightclub. Cheap alco-pops, seedy lighting and mindnumbing bass beats are all in danger of alienating the local community and ruining Christmas! Fortunately, some insightful souls are at hand to lead her back to her senses.

See their ad on the back cover for more details

Featuring ‘folk powerhouse’ The Demon Barbers, artists from Breaking Tradition Dance Company, a new seasonal repertoire and a ‘slightly unhinged’ approach to their family friendly stage shows, this show is the ideal way to bring 2017 to an end. They are on at Bedford Corn Exchange on the 10th of December (I’ll be going!) – a full list of the December dates are shown below: 1st Barnsley Civic / 8th The Met, Bury / 9th Norwich Playhouse / 10th Bedford Corn Exchange / 16th Sage Gateshead / 17th Theatre By The Lake, Keswick. www.thelockindanceshow.co.uk Clive Batkin

Afternoon Concert with Andy Turner & Mat Green, Jackie Oates and Andy Cutting 6pm One Step Beyond – Dance Show with Stony Steppers 7.30pm Bow by Bow, Megan Wisdom, Thomas Evans and Dave Webber & Anni Fentiman introduced by Kitty Vernon (Walter Rose Room) 8pm Ceilidh with Barry Goodman, Hugh Rippon and Polkaworks (Main Hall) 3pm

Box Office 07717 047 039 • john@actionfolk.co.uk

REDBOURN FOLK www.redbournfolkclub.org.uk

The Hollybush, Church End, Redbourn Thursdays 8pm – 10.45pm Oct.5th


Oct.12th The Worthys plus floor spots Oct.26th The Mile Roses plus floor spots Nov.2nd

Dariah Kulesh & Jonny Dyer plus floor spots

Nov. 9th Gilmore & Roberts plus floor spots Nov.23rd Nick Dow plus floor spots Dec.7th

Emerald Hill plus floor spots

Dec.14th Lion’s Share plus floor spots Dec.21st CHRISTMAS PARTY All other Thursdays are OPEN STAGE

Unicorn Magazine: ISSUE 140



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Unicorn Magazine: ISSUE 140




ummer 2017 marked the first year of a new local folk event, The Little Folk Festival. This unique happening was a celebration in festivalform of community, creativity and folk culture, run entirely by the parents of the Rudolf Steiner School, Kings Langley for the benefit of the whole community. The festival featured a very interesting lineup of folk acts, including such names as the Joyful Harmony Community Choir, Said the Maiden, Susie Ro Prater, Father Benjamin and the Frosty Mornings, The Unsung Roots, Boat to Row, headliner Sam Carter and a closing ceilidh from Boldwood. In addition to these acts, there was a huge range of both familiar (and unique) festival-type activities, including Crafts, Circus Skills, Festival Stalls, Food Stalls, Drumming, Facepainting, Foraging, Indian Head Massage, Storytelling, Basketry, Yoga, the Red Tent Womens Circle, Intuitive Coaching, Gong Bath and Indian Tabla.

A unique selling point of this particular festival is the family friendly emphasis. Not only is it an alcohol-free festival (all food & drink were completely free from alcohol, but with a huge variety of creative options on offer), but there was also no smoking or dogs (apart from guide dogs) allowed on site. To further encourage the family feeling, two accompanied children are allowed in free with each adult ticket sold. The Festival did have a truly unique atmosphere, and the grounds of the School make for a pleasant and interesting venue. All the events were held outside (with inside provision in the case of rain) and the closing ceilidh was particularly delightful, conducted as it was in an arena of hay bales as the sun set. We are delighted to see that the festival will run again in 2018, on Saturday 7th July – full details from:

Sam Carter

Outside ceilidh



The day began at 10.00am with an inspirational community singing workshop led by the renowned Susie Ro Prater, cofounder of Glastonbury choir Shakti Sing. The Festival Stage then opened at 12:30pm with a packed programme of folk music all afternoon, leading into the ceilidh from 7.00pm from Boldwood.

Clive Batkin

said the maiden

Sangeet College Indian Tabla

A recent testimonial from a reader... “I thoroughly enjoy reading Unicorn Magazine it’s a real credit to you and the team.” 42

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♫ St Albans Organ Theatre ♫ Sunday, October 1st at 2.30 pm - VINTAGE TEA AFTERNOON - Come and be totally pampered and waited on with cream teas, finger sandwiches and cakes whilst being entertained by some the quieter instruments in the Collection. Seats at £17.50p can be reserved in advance via email to Tracy on: stalbansorgantheatre@tjlmarketing.co.uk Sunday, 8th October – Musical Sunday Afternoon featuring the mechanical collection of musical instruments – ranging from musical boxes and organettes to the four large Belgian dance hall organs. Doors open 2.00pm – Refreshments and souvenir shop open at 3.25 pm. Saturday, 14th October at 7.30 pm – Theatre Organ Concert evening with Andrew Nix on the Mighty Wurlitzer. Teas, coffee and ice cream available during the interval. Tickets £10.00.

A unique playing collection of mechanical (self-playing) musical instruments – ranging from roll-playing pianos, musical boxes, Victorian hand-turned Organettes and the Mills Violano (a self-playing violin with integral piano) to four large Belgian dance organs operating from fan-fold cardboard book music. The collection also includes the ‘Mighty Wurlitzer’ and the very rare ‘Spurden-Rutt’ theatre pipe organs.

 320 Camp Road, St Albans. AL1 5PE. (Next to Camp School) Tel: 03003 65 65 65. email: info@stalbansorgantheatre.org.uk

Further details and seat prices on our web-site: www.stalbansorgantheatre.org.uk Wheelchair access and facilities for our disabled patrons.

No animals except assistance dogs.

The St Albans Organ Theatre is administered by St Albans Musical Museum Society – a UK Registered Charitable Trust No.276072

(We featured Michael’s amazing instuments on the cover of Issue 139 {Ed.})


fter decades of frustration with the design of the standard electric bass guitar, former Royal Navy aircraft engineer Michael Gillett transferred his technology skills from maintaining helicopters to designing his own range of guitars. Michael, who when not making guitars is a parttime teacher of Popular Music at Richard Huish College in Taunton, and explained his dissatisfaction with existing bass guitar design. “The blueprint for the traditional electric four-string, lower-register boiler-house bass has hardly changed since 1950, when the legendary Leo Fender put a pick-up on a prototype, long solid-bodied wooden construction and called it the Precision. Over the years, designers might have tinkered with the format by adding an extra string here or there, using additional circuitry or putting fine-tuners at the wrong end. Yet they’re still pretty much how they came off the original production line. Utilitarian and just a bit dull.” “I thought this was ridiculous. There was no ergonomic thought to these things. They’re just exactly the same as they were 40 years ago. It’s just a plank of wood with a neck and some pick-ups. Nobody at this time had gone back to the drawing board to specifically redesign them from scratch as a bass instrument. I thought I’d look into it.” However at the London Bass Guitar Show last year, visitors witnessed the debut outing of the Contour range, ten years in the making from Gillett Guitars. It didn’t look like an acoustic or an electric bass, was shorter in scale and produced colourful, nuanced sound.

Contour for anything other than a bass guitar, from its headstock to the ergonomic contouring (it has an arm recess at the front and a ‘beer belly’ recess at the back), there is a distinctly organic vocabulary to the design. Beautifully crafted – with lots of maple and rosewood – the attention to detail is superb and there’s none of that ghastly high-pressure laminate you see on cheaper acoustics these days. Michael says the Contour was the result of a huge amount of prototyping spanning a decade (which also involved an appearance on ‘Dragon’s Den’ in an attempt to attract funding), but he actually started thinking about it in 1998. Given that Gillett’s more natural market is in his words “the purest professional bass player, and that market in the UK is very small indeed”, he’s competing for every sale he can make. That’s why he regards the world as his territory and has patents filed in North America as well as the UK. “What we’re really going for is the young bass player coming out of America, using our guitars as a standard instrument because they are much better than anything else out there. It’s a completely new idea. I also thought that guys who played upright double bass would be attracted to our instruments, because what I tried to do was create a guitar that emulated that sound, but without any bells and whistles. I wanted to reproduce that lovely woody, clunky sound, but in an actual guitar. ” “I’m thrilled with it, particularly my five-string fretless standard model. The professional players who pick it up just can’t believe how good it is!

In his fifties, Gillett went to university to do a design and technology degree “which topped up my enthusiasm for making things, and it was where I was able to apply some of my ergonomic ideas of making basses more comfortable to play, reducing the scale length and making an instrument that was part acoustic.” Michael explains that this latter idea is important because to emulate the sound of a double bass “you need to have a hollow body. You can’t do that with a solid guitar.”


After the interior construction comes general appearance. While no-one could ever mistake the


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Unicorn Magazine: ISSUE 140

Unicorn Magazine: ISSUE 140




nce again we have an encouragingly large number of CDs submitted for review, so we’ve used the same format as the last issue to be able to fit in as many as we can. In no particular order therefore: 1

Maja’s Tree is the debut EP of the Royston based trio - Sasha Mason on flute and vocals, Alan Lane on guitar and vocals and Tom Rouse on viola. The four tracks play for just over 13 minutes and showcase their unusual instrumental combination as well as their song writing and vocal skills. The eclectic mix of tracks has a fresh quality, reminiscent of a live performance. The first track ‘Ted’s Song’, an instrumental composed by the whole group, features a hypnotic repetition of gentle, relaxing phrases with a spoken meditation at its core. The second ‘Inshca’, written by Sasha, is a haunting waltz time piece with harmonious, almost medieval overtones with gentle sections repeated on the viola. By contrast ‘Breton’, is traditional music arranged by Sasha – lively and rhythmical. The final piece is ‘Shadow’, written by Alan, introspective and mystical featuring the delightful harmony of Sasha and Alan’s voices blended with the melodic tones of Tom’s viola. I wish the sleeve has told us more about the title and context of the disc and it would be helpful to have the words of the meditation in Ted’s Song which I found hard to hear. Perhaps that was deliberate! I think we will see and hear more of this trio and their unusual music. SL 2

“And Then We Sing” is the new CD from Jeremy Harmer. In the manner of a 21st century troubadour, singer-songwriter Jeremy Harmer uses his academic knowledge and skills to shine a perceptive light onto the key issues of our world. His intelligent, well researched lyrics illustrate his sincere passion for subjects such as racism, immigration, the effect of war on children, the murder of the MP Jo Cox, the plight of refugees, the love of a daughter and even an alternative national anthem, inspired by Jeremy Corbyn’s much publicised refusal to sing the National Anthem. I found the lyrics evocative and pertinent, especially the line in ‘The Dove’ “When you stoke up lies and hatred, mad men will get their guns.” And I don’t

1 46



think I have ever heard the word ‘non-negotiable’ in song lyrics before! The nine self-penned songs are interspersed with two traditional folk songs that will be familiar to most (‘Sovay, Sovay’ and ‘Renardine’) and two delightful Shakespeare songs set to music by Jeremy himself. The final song ‘We will rise again’ strikes a welcome note of optimism and made me think of the anthem ‘We shall overcome’. Jeremy accompanies his vocal solos – sometimes more spoken than sung – on an acoustic guitar and also plays bass guitar, percussion and keyboards. This is supported by six performers on violins, cello, electric guitar, violas, double bass and backing vocals. Jeremy Harmer is well-known especially in the Cambridge area and has strong links with the Cambridge Folk Festival. Find out more about him and his music at www.otherloves.co.uk. SL 3

“All We Have in Common” by Thursday’s Band is the first full album by Thursday’s Band. Four experienced musicians (Lucinda Fudge, Mark Gamon, Matt Kelly and Nick Blishen) skilfully combine the sound of locked down acoustic guitars with free-flowing fiddle, viola and mandolin and tight three-part harmonies to produce a breathtaking mix of songs. They describe their music as ‘no genre’ and the CD is a perfect illustration of the versatility of the band and their material – an eclectic mix telling of the end of a love affair, the death of a friend, the cruel fate of a man imprisoned for wanting to give his sweetheart a gift plus a celebration of the gastronomic delights on offer at Cambridge Folk Festival to name but a few of the subjects covered! Impossible to pigeon-hole, the tracks sometimes sound British, sometimes American, sometimes traditional, sometimes up to date, often wistful and poignant, other times exuberant and joyful – but always thoughtprovoking, melodic and skilfully executed. Because of the clear diction of the singers, I could hear every word of the poetic lyrics but I really appreciated the booklet within the CD sleeve which gives all


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Unicorn Magazine: ISSUE 140

the lyrics and details of the instruments on each track. Find details of Thursday’s Band’s gigs in our area and where to buy the CD on the website www. thursdaysband.co.uk. SL 4

“Game of Chance” by Fraser & Toots is the second outing from the Bucks duo of Fraser & Susanne Winterbottom (we reviewed their first CD back in Issue 132). The CD is an excellent showcase of their songs and music, very well played on both guitar & accordion, with pleasantly articulated vocals from them both. The CD is mainly of self-penned songs, but with a smattering of trad and covers to add variation to the mix. The duo are clearly very busy doing a range of gigs, and when not doing that run an open mic night at Buckingham Acoustic club every Thursday – I’ve no idea where they find the time for it all! Check them out at www.ragnrollmusic.net. CB 5

“In Between Silence” is the latest release from Cambridgeshire multi-instrumentalist David Youngs. I know David’s work from his percussive acoustic guitar work, so was particularly delighted to receive this offering for review. Others may know his work on the Halo steel pan drum, of course – two very different instruments but with a common theme of percussion and rhythm running through them, maybe? Loathe as I am to sum up this album with a comparison, I’d say it would instantly appeal to fans of some of the better percussive-guitar players out there: Preston Reed, Michael Hedges and even bits of Antonio Forcione (with a smattering of Windham Hill) instantly spring into my head when I listen to it. A lovely aspect of David’s playing is the fact that the melodies of the tunes never seem to give way to the technique – very often not the case with such music. David has a very full and informative website which outlines a lot of his work, approach and general activities (www.davidyoungs. net). I was sorry to see that David currently has no live performances anywhere, but I will definitely try to catch him as soon as I can. CB


We reviewed a Chris Fox CD in the last issue (Parallel Crossing) and were therefore both surprised and chuffed in equal measure when another CD from him dropped onto the office floor for this issue! “Loose Ends” was released in July of this year and again it carries a selection of his signature original tunes. It also has a great arrangement of one of my all-time favourite folk tunes, Lord Franklin, on there and (luckily!) I really enjoyed his take on the song. As with the last CD, his guitar playing and voice come over really well on this recording, and he has some additional instrumentation, vocals and percussion dotted around for extra textures. You can buy his music and read more about his work and gigs on his website, www.chrisfoxmusic.org. I’m now looking forward to the third CD, Chris! CB 7

We owe Daria Kulesh a bit of an apology, unfortunately! She sent her latest release “Long Lost Home” to us way back at the beginning of the year (the album was released in 23 February 2017 with a gig at Cecil Sharp House, after all!), and via various administrative muck-ups at this end it has only just made it to the Review column. Oops! Anyway, we are delighted to say that the CD is well worth the wait! As with all of Daria’s output, the CD is beautifully produced, with imaginative songs and lyrics, spectacular cover artwork and photos (the majority from Daria herself) – and the production values on this new offering are extremely high. This latest CD also features a panoply of some of the top names in folk at the moment, all adding their instrumental talents to her songs. The booklet of lyrics that accompany the tri-fold packaging give great insight and explanation into the very personal motivation and stories behind all of Daria’s tunes... rather than try to describe them here, I suggest instead that you all rush out and buy the CD to enjoy them in their full richness. Full details on the CD (and all of Daria’s other works) are available on her website, www.daria-kulesh.co.uk. CB

A NOTE ON OUR CD review POLICY We have a (relatively) strict policy for which CDs we review. As with most areas of the magazine, we tend to only feature recordings made by artists living in, working in or having a significant link with our covering area. When you send in CDs therefore,

Unicorn Magazine: ISSUE 140

it would help us greatly if you could outline how your offering fits within that criteria. Of course we’ll do whatever we can to include as many reviews as we can, space permitting.



Witney Supersqueeze Weekend Music Course for Accordions, Concertinas & Melodeons

10th - 12th November Henry Box School, Witney OX28 4AX Accordion - Murray Grainger, Paul Hutchinson Concertina - Robert Harbron, Matt Quinn, Dave Townsend, Andy Turner Melodeon - Ollie King, Geert Oude Weernink, Matt Quinn, Rees Wesson Course Fee £95.00

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Saturday 11th November Henry Box School

Tickets £10.00

For more information and tickets phone 01865 714778


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Unicorn Magazine: ISSUE 140



Farewell to RedbornStoke Morris


n 2018 Redbornstoke Morris, a men’s side based in Ampthill Bedfordshire, will be dancing its 42nd and final year.

of local sides and even teams from as far away as the USA. They have also performed and run workshops at numerous festivals around Britain.

Established in 1976 in Ampthill, the side took its name from the Bedfordshire Hundred that included Ampthill and the surrounding area. Their badge, worn on the front of their baldricks, is an adaption of Redborne Upper School’s badge where they have always met to practice. However they are possibly better known for the “three legged ant” logo worn on the back: Ampthill was originally an Anglo-Saxon settlement called ‘Aemethyll’, which literally means either ‘ant-heap’ or ‘ant infested hill’, hence the ant logo.

So why are they stopping? The spirit is willing but the flesh it is weak as they say. The members of Redbornstoke Morris are not getting any younger and, much as they might wish to, cannot maintain the standard of dance they expect of themselves. More importantly they have been unable to attract the new blood needed to continue the side although a number of new Morris teams have started up in the area.

Redbornstoke Morris has always sought to develop their dances and although they started out dancing traditional Cotswold Morris they have, over the years, created their own traditions including Scouthall – based on various Cotswold traditions; and Marston – a Molly style set of dances for winter performances. Their most noted and distinctive tradition is Ampthill. Developed in the mid-1980s it is distinguished by both its stepping and the figures which are based on circles and triangles as much as the more traditional lines. Over the years they have established three traditional Morris events in Bedfordshire: the Boxing Day dancing and Mummers play in Silsoe; May Day sunrise at Katherine’s Cross in Ampthill Park; the Toddington Tour in late July, which attracts a number

So rather than gradually fading away Redbornstoke Morris will make 2018 something of a “Farewell Tour” taking in some of their own favoured events (and any they are invited to that they can raise a team for), giving them the chance to dance with teams they have befriended over the years. Redbornstoke Morris are keen for their dances to continue, even if they aren’t. If any teams in the region (or even further afield) want to learn any of the dances or take on the Ampthill tradition as a whole and continue its development, Redbornstoke Morris is more than willing to run workshops or provide instruction. Contact bagman_redbornstoke@yahoo.com or talk to any member of the side.

TOP PHOTO: The Hastings Jack in the Green Festival, May 2015 THIS PHOTO: Dancing outside the White Hart, Flitton,2013


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Unicorn Magazine: ISSUE 140

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