1 minute read
4.1 Perceptions of Thailand’s Readiness for the Impact of AEC
from Countering Emerging Threats and Challenges of Transnational Organized Crime - Thailand's Perspective
Perceptions of Thailand’s Readiness for the Impact of AEC
Thai government officers are concerned about the need to effectively prepare for the impact that regional integration may have on their workload, and in particular, the expected increase in TOC activity in Thailand. The table below provides an overview of the answers in terms of importance.
How important do you think it is to be prepared for when Thailand joins the AEC?
Some officers noted that adequate preparations are particularly necessary in Thailand due to the country’s central position within the AEC, which makes it a regional hub for any kind of activity. Therefore, they emphasized that preparations should encompass all ranks and operational levels, and should adopt an integrated and multidisciplinary approach, involving many relevant stakeholders, including NGOs.