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4.4 Development challenges and opportunities
IFFs in developing countries, such as Azerbaijan, mean fewer hospitals, schools, police, roads, and pensions, as well as fewer job opportunities.122 The OECD and other international entities have indicated that there is clear “collateral damage” of outfows produced by embezzlement, the diversion of public property, and the plundering of the public treasury.123
Increased focus on the seizure and confscation of only a portion of assets linked to IFFs would have a signifcant impact on accelerating development within Azerbaijan, assuming that recovered assets are liquidated and efectively distributed to high-priority development needs. The following section identifes some development challenges for key sectors, as well as the development opportunities in Azerbaijan in case it would be possible to recover only 10% of assets lost through IFFs in the country.
The goal of Azerbaijan’s economic development plan for the future124 is to improve the well-being of the population, by providing quality health and education services, focusing as the main strategic line on their accessibility for all categories of the population, including for low-income and underprivileged families.
The main priority is to develop social spheres and human capital, improve the quality of education, healthcare, law enforcement, transportation, and strengthen social protection.