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In 2020, the United Nations marked its 75th anniversary. The values enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations in 1945 aimed to make the world a better place for all. It is with the same spirit that the General Assembly passed resolution 71/291 in 2017, establishing the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) and recognizing the importance of countering terrorism and preventing violent extremism. In these endeavours to make the world a better place and to counter and prevent terrorism and violent extremism, there are few allies as powerful as sport and its values.
Historically, terrorist groups attempted, and continue, to strike sporting events. They are not solely targeted because they are attended by large groups of people, but also because they represent what terrorists aim to destroy in our societies and across the world. Sport is an extraordinary generator of positive values and an unparalleled unifying power, which can transcend civilizational and cultural barriers. Sport and sporting events play a significant role in addressing and preventing violent extremism by promoting the empowerment of youth and women and by facilitating integration. Sport pushes people to be better, to aim higher and further. It promotes tolerance and gender equality, strengthens communities, builds resilience and channels natural competitive instincts in a harmonious way.
Sport is a fundamental and true human value. This is the reason why the Office of CounterTerrorism is proud to present this Guide on the
Security of Major Sporting Events: Promoting Sustainable Security and Legacies. This Guide was developed as part of the UNOCT’s Global Programme on the Security of Major Sporting Events, and the Promotion of Sport and its Values as a Tool to Prevent Violent Extremism, and with thanks for the invaluable partnership and support of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC), the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) and the International Centre for Sport Security (ICSS). Its raison d’être is to help all relevant stakeholders, in particular policymakers and practitioners, to prepare, organize and manage sporting events while mitigating the constantly evolving threats posed by terrorism.
This publication greatly benefited from the contributions of Member States, international organizations, regional organizations, sports associations, the private sector and academia, with special thanks to the the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED); the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL); the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA); the Council of Europe (CoE); the Confédération Africaine de Football (CAF); the Asian Football Confederation (AFC); and the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA).
Finally, I want to express my gratitude to all the officials and partners who have supported the development of this document and offer my sincere appreciation for the contributions of the People’s Republic of China through the United Nations Peace and Development Trust Fund, the State of Qatar and the Republic of Korea for their generous financial support, which has made possible this publication and the entire work carried out by the Global Programme.
Mr. Vladimir Voronkov
Under-Secretary-General United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism
The United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) is a proud partner of the Global Programme, together with the UN Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT), the UN Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) and the International Centre for Sport Security (ICSS). UNAOC strongly believes in the power of sport to prevent violent extremism through its ability to break down walls between people regardless of their faith, race or culture. But people everywhere must be allowed to watch and practice sports in peace. This guide provides excellent guidance for key decision-makers when it comes to security at major sporting events at all stages of their organization, calling for active collaboration with relevant stakeholders, including community leaders and youth, due to their understanding of the local context.
H.E. Mr. Miguel Ángel Moratinos
High Representative for the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations
UNICRI is pleased to contribute to this Guide based upon our extensive expertise in the field of major events security, gained over two decades of technical assistance to more than 70 Member States. In 2006, UNICRI established the International Permanent Observatory on Security Measures during Major Events, welcomed by ECOSOC in its Resolution 2006/28. Through this framework, UNICRI has promoted the most effective methods to keep major events safe and secure around the world. We are proud to share our know-how and lessons learned with the Global Programme and to see the key elements we identified – namely, the importance of integrated planning, public-private partnerships, community engagement, and regional cooperation – echoed in this important publication. This Guide perfectly illustrates how a holistic approach fosters the security of major sporting events for everyone to enjoy around the world.
Ms. Antonia Marie De Meo
Director of UNICRI
This Guide crystalizes the experience of generations of policy and decision-makers, and their visions on how to plan the security of major sporting events, including with regard to legacy factors, sustainability and cooperation across sectors. It provides an exhaustive overview of all the forms of support and mutual assistance available within the international community to protect such events as a common good across nations, as a catalyst for change and a staging area for global citizens. ICSS feels proud to have shared the knowledge it has developed since its establishment and mobilized its community to arrive at a document which, we believe, represents a precious high-level orientation on the security challenges and opportunities to be considered from the very initial decision to bid for a major sporting event.
Mr. Mohammed Hanzab
ICSS Chairman