U N I F I R E U S A . C O M

Whether in a firefight or fighting fire, we’ve got you covered EXPECT EXCELLENCE
Since Unifire’s inception in 1987, one thing has taken precedence over all else, the customer. We pride ourselves in customer service and providing the equipment, training, and gear the customer requires to complete their mission, even in the most extreme environments. In the markets Unifire services, our customers may only get one chance for success and we take that same approach with customer service by providing our customers with the best customer experience.
As a government contractor, Unifire streamlines the procurement process for government agencies Even after 35 years, Unifire continues to provide the highest quality products and services through its contract vehicles and robust vendor network.
No matter your mission, Unifire has several easily navigable contract vehicles to meet your unique requirements
UNIFIRE / Supporting True American Heroes
With Unifire’s broad product offering, knowledge, and experience, we are your single source supplier for any product or service needed for mission success.

UNIFIRE / Supporting True American Heroes 3904 E. Trent Ave Spokane, WA 99202 Toll Free: +1 (800) 745.3282 Phone: +1 (509) 535.7746 Fax: +1 (509) 535.9064 Email: govsales@unifireusa.com UNIFIREUSA.COM UNIFIRE, INC.

Unifire’s team can help you select equipment to satisfy your needs. We will help you determine procurement options, based on your requirements. We will verify part numbers, lead times, pricing and product specifications and requirements to ensure that we meet your needs! 3 UNIFIRE / Supporting True American Heroes TRACK RECORD OF PERFORMANCE SPE1C1 20 D 1346 SPE1C1 20 D 1345 SPE1C1 20 D 1344 SPE1C1 20 D 1343 SPE1C1 20 D 1343 SPE1C1 20 D 1342 SPE1C1 20 D 1341 SPE1C1 20 D 1340 Disposable Isolation Gowns Schedule84GS07F268AA Schedule78GS03F110AA Schedule51VGS21F071AA FireandEmergencyServicesEquipment(FESE) TailoredLogisticsSupportProgram(TLSP) SpecialOperationalEquipment(SOE)Tailored LogisticSupportProgram(TLSP) GSASchedules DLATLSPROGRAMS

C A P A B I L I T I E S 4 UNIFIRE / Supporting True American Heroes Withmorethan35yearsofexperienceprovidinghighqualityproducts,Unifirecan efficientlysourceanddeliveranymissioncriticalproductsorsolutions. Withitsextensiveknowledgeandexperienceinprovidingturnkeysolutions,Unifireutilizes itstimeprovenindustryrelationshipsandproprietarytechnologyinfrastructuretoefficiently sourceanddelivermorethan1.5millionproductstofederal,state,andlocalagencies. Command & Control Situational Awareness EOCs/TOCs Communications Cyber Cyber Security Quantum Safe Technology Storage SCIF Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaissance UAS/Counter UAS Testing Needleless injection IFAKs TFAKs PPE Hygiene Training Simulation Bomb Suites CBRNE PPE IED Training Kits CIED Kits Robotics Tents Hard Sided Shelters DFAC’s Gyms Shower/Latrine Facilities Generator & HVAC Trailers Cots Emergency Preparedness Disaster Response EMS HazMat Lighting Power Tools & Equipment PPE Weapons & Accessories Knives & Tools Night Vision & Thermals Optics Plate Carriers OCIE & PPE Body Armor Shields Bags/Packs Duty Gear Footwear & Socks Gloves Helmets Hydration Cold Weather Clothing

The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) aims a delivering the government with the products and solutions they need GSA Schedules, also known as Federal Supply Schedules and Multiple Award Schedules (MAS) are long term government contracts. With the power of GSA, you have millions of products and services at your fingertips which have been approved for purchase by federal, state and municipal agencies utilizing federal dollars. Through its privileged access to GSA and MAS, Unifire leverages its robust vendor network, time proven industry relationships, proprietary technology infrastructure and industry leading distribution capabilities to efficiently source and deliver mission critical products and solutions
5 UNIFIRE / Supporting True American Heroes MULTIPLE AWARD SCHEDULE (MAS) GS 07F 268AA

3152Clothingincludingworksuits,coats,hoods,gloves,reflectiveclothing,camouflage,hazardousmaterial clothingandgloves,etc 316210Footwearincludingshoes,boots,etc. 326220Hoses,Valves,Fittings,Nozzles,CouplingsandRelatedAccessories 332216 Law Enforcement, Firefighting and Rescue Tools, Equipment and Accessories including jaws, cutters,axes,shovels,andproductsrelatedtoemergencypreparednessandfirstresponderequipment 332510C Hardware Store, Home Improvement Center, Industrial or General Supply Store, or Industrial Maintenance Repair and Operations (MRO) Distributor Catalog including but not limited to: flooring, fencing,hardware,buildingmaterials,tools,appliances,electric,paint,plumbing,lawnandgarden,motors, shop, machining, welding, material handling; carts, trucks and dock; HVAC, cleaning and irrigation, equipment.Theseitemsmustmeetgovernmentrequirementsfor"energyefficiency"orGreen(EnergyStar orFederalEnergyManagementProgram(FEMP)designated),waterefficient,products,and/ortheuseof nonozonedepletingsubstances,asapplicabletoproductgroupswithdesignation 332999 Law Enforcement Personal Equipment including all personal equipment related to law enforcement,suchasrestraints,dutybelts,flashlights,weaponscopes,gasmasks,etc. 333314NVNightVisionEquipment includingequipment,suchascameraswithnightvision,etc 334220SurveillanceSystems,WearableBodyCameras,andVehicularVideo includingvideostorageand servicesaspartofatotalsolution 337215FirearmCare includingstorage,securing,cleaning,bulletrecovery,vaults,etc. 339112 Breathing Air Equipment and Related Items including inhalator devices, respiratory protection products,etc. 339113PAProtectiveApparel includingfirefightingsuitsandaccessories,bodyarmor,headprotection,etc 339113RMedical/RescueandPatientTransportationProducts includingkitsandimmobilizationdevices 339920SSportingGoods,FitnessEquipment,andSupplies includingallsportinggoods,fitnessequipment, and supplies, such as protective sports gear, sportspecific products, sports bags, air pumps, weight benches,treadmills,etc 611430STSecurityTraining includingallsecuritytrainingrelatedtolawenforcement,security,emergency preparednessand/orfirstresponders.Examplesincludeinstructorledtraining,webbasedtraining,preset courses,trainingdevelopment,consultingservices,ContinuanceofOperationsPlanning(COOP)services, etc 812910 Canine Training, Handling, and Caging Products and Services including canine training and handlingequipment,caninesearchanddetection,etc OLM OrderLevel Materials (OLM) OLMs are supplies and/or services acquired in direct support of an individualtaskordeliveryorderplacedagainstaFederalSupplySchedule(FSS)programcontractorBPA OLMpricingisnotestablishedattheFSScontract,butattheorderlevel SinceOLMsareidentifiedand acquiredattheorderorBPAlevel,theorderingcontractingofficer(OCO)isresponsibleformakingafairand reasonable price determination for all OLMs using FAR 15.404 techniques for commercial price determinations Usingthisprocedure,ancillarysuppliesandservicesthatareunknownatthetimeofthe SchedulecontractawardmaybeincludedandpricedattheorderlevelorBPAlevel MULTIPLE AWARD SCHEDULE (MAS) GS 07F 268AA GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION (GSA) CONTRACTS 6 UNIFIRE / Supporting True American Heroes

Offers millions of approved products & services available to Federal purchasers Easy to use Secure Electronic Shopping Cart: Complete your purchase quickly and securely with confidence Fair and reasonable negotiated prices GSA accepts the SmartPay, IMPAC, Government Purchase Cards Certain requests can be purchased with an Activity Address Code (AAC or DoDAAC) Detailed Order History Information Contact Unifire at +1 (800) 745.3282 option 2 or by email at govsales@unifireusa.com for productavailabilityandGSAquote. AquotewillbesenttoyouwiththeappropriateGSAScheduleContractNumberandGSA pricing Followingreceiptofyourquote,simplyissueaPurchaseOrdertoUnifire,Inc.referencingthe appropriateGSAScheduleContractNumberandprovideaGovernmentIMPACGPCCardor CreditCardforpayment TherearemultipleavenuestouseUnifire’scurrentlyheldGSAcontracts. ORDERFROMUNIFIREDIRECTLYUSINGGSA OR ORDER THROUGH GSA ADVANTAGE 7 UNIFIRE / Supporting True American Heroes GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION (GSA) CONTRACTS PurchasedundertheauthorityoftheFSSProgramasaspecialorderingprocedure IdentifiedattheorderorBPAlevel(eitheratthetimetheorderisplacedorasthe requirementforOLMsdevelopduringthecourseofperformance) DefinedandpricedattheorderingactivitylevelinaccordancewithGSARclause552238 115SpecialOrderingProceduresfortheAcquisitionofOrder LevelMaterials OnlyauthorizedforuseindirectsupportofanotherawardedSIN. OnlyauthorizedforinclusionattheorderlevelunderaTime and Materials(T&M)orLabor Hour(LH)ContractLineItemNumber(CLIN) SubjecttoaNotToExceed(NTE)ceilingpricelimitedto3333%ofthetotalvalueofthe orderorBPA OLMsare: OLMsarenotitemsawardedunderancillarysupplies/servicesorotherdirectcost(ODC)SINs (theseitemsaredefined,priced,andawardedattheFSScontractlevel) OLM SIN LEVEL REQUIREMENTS/ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS:

The COTS Shelter Systems Program is a multipleaward, prime vendor contract, that is structured to accommodate the addition of products through the life of the contract The contractcallsforthesupplyofCOTS ShelterSystemsinsupportoftheUnitedStatesDLA TroopSupportClothing&Textilessupplychainand,atpresent,offersmilitarytents,parts,and supportequipment. 8 UNIFIRE / Supporting True American Heroes Contract Number: SPE1C1 22 D 1506 Contract Description: Indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity contract to facilitate the delivery of products through the Company’s vendor network in support of the United States Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support Clothing & Textiles supply chain Contract Value: Up to USD $200,000,000 Product Description: Commercial off the shelf (“COTS“) Shelter Systems Performance Period: Initial 1 year base ordering period (Dec 2/21 through Dec 1/22) and three 1 year option periods COTS SHELTER SYSTEMS PROGRAM

ABlanketPurchaseAgreement(BPA)isanacquisitionmethodthatallowsgovernmentand agenciestofillanticipatedrepetitiveneedsforvarioussuppliesorservicesthroughavirtual lineofcreditwithatrustedsupplier ThekeydifferencebetweenBPAandGSAScheduleslies intheabilityforagenciestobuyavarietyofsuppliesorservicesthatwouldtypicallyrequire theagencytopurchasethroughmultipleGSAschedulesorcontracts BPAsarenegotiatedon an individual agency level, and generally, only a small number of agency offices can place ordersonBPAs SalesconditionsareagreeduponaheadofBPAawardsandincludedetailsof supplies or services needed and the price for each. As a comparison, GSA Schedules are negotiated directly and only with GSA and, once awarded, allows any federal agency to purchase directly from the GSA Schedules. BPA orders also often have an acquisition thresholdwhereGSASchedulesdonot UnifirecurrentlyholdstwoBPAs: 9 UNIFIRE / Supporting True American Heroes COLD WEATHER BPA SPE1C1 19A 0002 AFGHAN REFUGEE SUPPORT BPA SPE1C1 21 A 0002

COLD WEATHER BPA Contract Number: SPE1C1 19A 0002 Product Description: Cold weather equipment (Cold Weather Boots, Balaclava, Boot Gaiters, Mittens, Gloves, etc.) Performance Period: 2 Year Original Award 3 Year Extension of the Base BPA (Expires April 17, 2024) 10 UNIFIRE / Supporting True American Heroes BLANKET PURCHASE AGREEMENTS (BPAS) AFGHAN REFUGEE SUPPORT BPA Contract Number: SPE1C1 21 A 0002 Product Description: Commercial commodities Performance Period: Initial 1 year base ordering period (Sept 3/21 through Sept 2/22) renewable yearly within 30 days of contract end

U N I F I R E U S A . C O M CONTRACT HOLDER 3904 E Trent Ave Spokane, WA 99202 Toll Free: +1 (800) 7453282 Phone: +1 (509) 535.7746 Fax: +1 (509) 5359064 Email: govsales@unifireusacom MULTIPLEAWARDSCHEDULE(MAS) GS07F268AA COLDWEATHERBPA SPE1C119A0002 AFGHANREFUGEESUPPORTBPA SPE1C121A0002 COTSSHELTERSYSTEMSPROGRAM SPE1C122D1506 Small Business CAGE Code: 3RJT9 Unifire provides best in class customer service and is always available to help you identify and procure the products and services needed to fulfill your unique duties. For any inquiries or to place your order: Email us at : govsales@unifireusa.com or Call: +1 (800) 745.3282 and select option 2 Our team is ready to assist! UNIFIRE, INC.