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The last survey data analysis from Survey123 will address items related to income and


quarantine (or social isolation). The way to analyze this data will be through the

construction of a scatterplot matrix to verify the relationships between the variables.

Questions from official COVID-19 data were incorporated, such as the cumulative number

of cases and deaths from the disease in Rio de Janeiro's municipality. As already mentioned,

the number of cases and deaths that are used in this study are the accumulated number

until the last day that the Survey123 questionnaire was available to receive answers.

The questionnaire information that was used to construct the matrix is:

• Do you find yourself in quarantine (it may be self-isolation)?

• What is your average family income bracket?

• Did the consequences of the pandemic impact you financially? If so, how much?

• Do you contribute financially to the services you used before the pandemic that you

are no longer using?

• Have you been looking to consume from local merchants?

• Would you say the pandemic has put you in a delicate financial position?

Thus, the matrix below (Figure 30) was generated with the answers to these questions, in

addition to official data related to the cases and deaths by COVID-19, in each planning

region of the city.

Figure 30. Scatterplot matrix using social isolation and income responses in the survey and official data

The measures that appear in the table show the values of R2, representing how closely the variables are related. Thus, the highest R2 value (0.99) appears in two relations, between

the consumption of local merchants and quarantine (or self-isolation) and the consumption

of local merchants and the upkeep of payments for services that were used before the

pandemic. This means that local merchants' consumption explains 99% of the variation in

the other two variables.

It can be noticed that the values obtained for R2 among the variables from the survey are

relatively high, the lowest being 0.82, which relates the interviewee's total family income

to be in a delicate financial situation due to the pandemic. In this sense, it is feasible to

think that the higher the one’s family income is, the lesser is the chance that the person is

in a delicate financial situation. Thus, it makes sense that this ratio is smaller than the

others, even if it still has a high value.

When verifying the answers to the questionnaire and its relationship with the official data of COVID-19, one can realize that the values of R2 diminished quite a lot. The highest value

occurs between the number of cases and deaths (0.69), which means that the highest value

does not have a relation with the data collected in the Survey123 questionnaire. When

these two variables are compared to that found in the questionnaire, there is a more

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