CEWL/KIP & Kent Extra Student Complaints Process An email Student is happy with Student raises
the response received.
concern informally with member of staff /teacher or Pathways/Programme Manager directly
Student is unhappy with the response received
Asked to email the
acknowledgement is
Centre Director or Senior
sent, followed by a
Tutor at
formal response within
7 working days from
or via the CEWL website,
with further details about
uk on behalf of the
their concern.
Centre Director or Senior Tutor.
Student is happy with the response received.
Student is unhappy with the response received
REVIEW and Student submits a
formal complaints form
PROCEDURES Student is happy with
Complaint form is
the response received.
acknowledged receipt of
This is expected to be
response should a
within 5 working days
submitted within a
student still feel their
and a full response is
reasonable time frame
complaint has not
offered within 2 weeks
(usually no later than 3
been resolved they can
from the Head of School
months) and should
or Centre Administration
clearly outline the
Manager, copied to
nature of the
Despite a very through investigation and
submit an application for review as outlined in the Complaints Procedure for Students. Should they still feel dissatisfied at the end of this process
Student is unhappy with the response received
Colour Key:
Informal Complaint stage dealt with at school level
complaint, any steps already undertaken to resolve the complaint
Formal complaint stage dealt centrally by the University Student Conduct and Complaints Office
and why these were unsuccessful
the grievance will be taken to the University council.
August 2015