INTRODUCTION / A message from the Staff of Kent International Pathways We look forward to welcoming you to the International Foundation Programme (IFP), delivered through Kent International Pathways at the University of Kent. This IFP Pre-arrival Guide contains important information and we recommend that you read it as soon as possible in conjunction with the University of Kent Getting Started booklet. th
IFP induction sessions will take place on Thursday 16 and Friday 17 January (see below for details). The details presented here are intended as a useful indication. Final and more detailed information will be provided during the course induction sessions. Please note that you will also need to provide your passport to these events.
COURSE DATES / Key dates for the start of the IFP
VENUE / Click here for a map of the campus
Wednesday 15 January
All day
Arrival on campus for students with accommodation
Thursday 16 January
9.00am – 10.30am
Tea and Coffee & Registration
CEWL Reception, Keynes Block C
10.30am - 12.30pm
Library and Campus Tours
Registry Building (Student Reception)
1.30pm - 3.00pm 3.00 - 4.30pm th
(see getting started information here)
IFP Welcome Lunch followed by Induction Walking Tour of Canterbury
Thursday 16 January
7.00pm – 10.00pm
International Welcome Dinner
Please click here to book
KS24 From KS24 VENUE
Rutherford College
Friday 17 January
10.30am – 12.15pm
Trip to ASDA (grocery and homewhere store) - Please Click
Meet at Darwin Bus Stop
Here To Book th
Sunday 19 January
Trip To Dover Castle 10-00am – 2.30pm
For Information About Dover Castle Click Here Please Click Here To Book
Meet at Darwin Bus Stop at 9.45am
You will need to bring your passport and school transcripts in order to obtain your student card and complete your formal registration with the University. th
Please make sure you bring a pen and paper to all meetings. Your first classes will be on Mon 20 January 2014.
WHEN YOU ARRIVE / What to do when you arrive at the University th
For students arriving on 15 January at London Heathrow or Gatwick airports, it may be possible to book a place on a coach pick up service organised by our International Development Office (subject to demand). Please click here for more information. If you have accommodation on campus, you will have received information from the Accommodation Office explaining where you are staying and how to collect your key. When you arrive you will need to visit the Accommodation Office (H8 on the campus map) in Tanglewood, near Keynes college. See the Getting Started booklet for further details. On Thursday morning, 16 Jan, please go to CEWL Reception where we will help you to register and pick up your KentOne card. Once registered you will join other new students on a campus tour and an induction to the Templeman Library. In the afternoon you will come to Keynes Seminar room 4 for some lunch and induction for the IFP where you will meet your teachers and receive a welcome pack (you do not need to attend the welcome meeting in Woolf Lecture theatre).
KEY STAFF / Who’s who on the International Foundation Programme
Anthony Manning
Director of Centre for English and World Languages
Hannah McNorton
Assistant Director of Centre for English and World Languages and Senior Tutor
Amy Moses
Student Support Officer
Carla Morris
International Pathways Manager
Sebastien Cadinot
International Pathways Manager
Jessica Gilbert
Centre Administration Officer
Georgia Miller
Programme Support Officer / Admissions
Chloe Courtney
English for Academic Purposes Tutor
Charlene Earl
English for Academic Purposes Tutor
Jonathan Fitchett
English for Academic Purposes Tutor
Fraser Thompson
English for Academic Purposes Tutor
Piff Howells
Subject Tutor (Economics)
Terry Bevis
Subject Tutor (Business and Management)
Lazaros Gonidis
Subject Tutor (Mathematics and Statistics)
COURSE STRUCTURE/ How the IFP is organised You will take three subject modules on the IFP, Business Management, Economics, and Maths & Statistics.
You will also be required to follow two English Language and Skills modules. Which modules you take will depend on your level of English when you join the course. This is outlined below:
Below 6.5 IELTS Writing, 24 TOEFL IBT 6.5 IELTS, 24 TOEFL IBT or above
English for Academic Study
Skills and Academic English
Skills and Academic Study
Foundation Project
ASSESSMENT / How you will be tested and examined Each subject module you take on the IFP has a combination of coursework (assignments and tests) and final examination. This means you will work towards your coursework mark all year and then take one final examination in June for each of your subject modules. Details regarding the assessments and tasks which will take place during the course will be provided in your module handbooks. Important All students who require a visa and have have not met CEFR B2 in all four skills will be required to take the Kent International Test of English (KITE) during the course and achieve an overall grade of Target. Further details about the KITE are available here. All students will need to achieve a minimum of Competent on each skill in order to secure a visa for their Undergraduate Programme of Study. The table below shows equivalences for guidance purposes, using the CEFR and another popular 9point scale: CEFR
9-point Scale
Competent +
KENT UNION / Activities outside of class As an IFP student you are automatically signed up to Kent Union. To help make the most of your studies at Kent, you are encouraged to join a Kent Union society or sports club. There is a wide range of societies and sports clubs on campus and it can be a fun way to meet other students here. For information on societies, please visit, for information on sports clubs, please visit
PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PLANNING / Preparing for University Study and Future Employment The University of Kent is committed to help students develop transferable skills; skills that you will be able to use in both your studies and your future employment. Kent International Pathways therefore offers a Personal Development Planning Programme called Headstart which has been specially designed to help you manage your learning in order to help you to succeed academically and to think about your work experience and career. The general aim of Headstart is to help you build up a personal development record to ensure your employability. This development record includes your academic achievement, a wide variety of skills and a range of work experience and extra-curricular activities. One key feature of Headstart is its international focus.
WELFARE AND SUPPORT / Ways that we can assist you to settle in to your new living and learning environment Student Support Officer Amy Moses is your Student Support Officer. She is responsible for your welfare and may be contacted for any non-academic concerns that you may have.
Academic Advisors You will be assigned an Academic Advisor and will meet your Academic Advisor in week three of the course. Your Academic Advisor will help is there:
To discuss your progress; To discuss any difficulties you may have; To develop strategies to overcome your difficulties; To discuss assignments that are in progress; To discuss marked assignments.
STAFF-STUDENT LIAISON MEETINGS / Be a representative and pass on your views about the course Suggestions brought to the Staff-Student Liaison meetings in the past two years have helped develop the course into its current form. These meetings are an opportunity for students to give feedback on the course and its modules. A student representative will be elected for each module in week 3. There will be a Staff-Student Liaison meeting once a term in weeks 6 and 18 in which the representatives will pass on comments and questions about the course. Module representatives also attend the open section of the Board of Studies meetings each term.
IT AND COMPUTERS / Computers You can use any of the public computers on the campus. There is a Computer Room in Keynes College. There are also around 200 computers in the Library.
Internet access in your room If you want Internet access in your room, you need to enquire at the Information Service Helpdesk nd (2 floor in the Templeman Library).
Email communication Much of the communication between staff and students at the University is by email. You will be given an email address for the University network. You may already have your own email address on Yahoo or Hotmail, for example, but you must get into the habit of regularly checking your University email inbox for information and important announcements.
CAMPUS SECURITY / The University is committed to making your stay a safe, secure and enjoyable experience. Some useful internal telephone numbers: (to call from an outside line, dial 01227 82_ _ _ _)
Security Supervisors / General Enquiries, ext. 3300 Emergency / Fire Brigade, Police, Ambulance, ext. 3333
If there is an emergency, such as a fire or someone is injured, do not phone 999; instead phone 3333, and the University Security Supervisors will call the Fire Brigade, Police or Ambulance as required.
Contact us: Follow us: @unikentpathways Like us: /KentCEWL