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Integration Journey

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Chapter 4

Experiential 1

Working with your moon

I warmly welcome you to the fi rst practical component of this course, which presents the fi rst integration point. Here, I guide you through an embodied experience to help give the information somewhere to land within. I am so happy you made it here in the perfect timing for your Soul’s authentic blooming. I invite you to stay with this part of the course, as long as it takes, wether one day or weeks, and avoid skipping ahead. This is to ensure full integration of your emotional landscape before moving onto feeling out other parts of yourself.

Finding your natal Moon sign

To discover your natal Moon sign, you’ll need to utilise a free birth-chart generator such as one found on astro-charts.com. You will be prompted to enter your birth details, including the exact time of your birth. As the Moon changes sign once every 2.5 days, it can be important to know your time of birth. If you do not know your exact birth time, you can play around with entering the earliest possible time of day (12am) and the latest possible time (11.59pm) and see if the Moon sign remains the same throughout the entire day.

Once you generate your birth chart, you can then fi nd the Moon sign glyph (the crescent Moon). It will fall underneath the sign your Moon falls within. If unsure, you can scroll and fi nd the entire list of all of the planets within your natal chart.

Be sure to save your chart using the save feature or bookmark the browser page to return back to it as we explore planets and houses in chapters to come.

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Integration activities

READING Re-familiarise yourself with the archetype that your Moon falls within in chapter one. As you read the section, begin to feel into the sign in the emotional feeling context, as a part of the way you emotionally fulfi l your needs in the world. For example, as a Scorpio Moon, I must learn to embody the intensity and depth of what I feel and to channel that energy into constructive pursuits, rather than letting it bubble up and explode.

JOURNAL PROMPTS Grab your most treasured journal and allow your Soul to explore through the below prompts, with your Moon sign energy in mind. 1. I feel most seen by others when …

2. I feel safe within myself when …

3. I feel fulfi lled emotionally when/through …

4. I most long for …

5. My Moon sign highlights the way I feel, process and embody my emotional body, which then translates into my relationships and life at large.

Journal about ways you can learn and listen to your feelings daily and honour your Moon sign. For Gemini, it could be honouring the need for change through doing something new every day. For Cancer, it could mean that having a solid place to call home is really important for belonging and making sure every day that you connect with your loved ones and express your feelings. For Virgo or Capricorn Moons, it could be honouring the need for routine and rhythm and giving yourself what you need to feel fulfi lled in the practical sense every day.

You can extend upon this through writing further about your relationship to your feeling Self, embarking on the journey of emotional discovery.

MANTRAS From your above free-journaling, I want to gently invite you to write yourself some mantras. These can act as a sacred doorway back into a meditation with your true Soul essence whenever you feel far from home. This is a powerful exercise when those around you make observations about the way you relate such as “you’re so intense”, or “you’re so detached”, you can accept it knowing it is completely a part of you, and for good reason. We can become stronger within ourselves through knowing that one trait can be viewed on both ends of the spectrum.


My depth is the key to my true power.

My emotions are a doorway into understanding and acceptance.

I honour my need for intensity and my natural edginess that others may fi nd intense. This is okay and I love this part of myself.

I honour that in partnership, I need full intensity and commitment with my deep urge to merge and to unite with others.

Getty Images Illustrations: CREATIVITY AND ART PRACTICE Once you have your mantras, I invite you to choose your favourite and create a writing piece, poem or some art around this mantra. With creative practice, there is no right or wrong. All this is doing is connecting your feelings to intentions and then into making feelings manifest — a powerful process to connect to. Perhaps you would like to get out your watercolours or to do something to honour this mantra. This can be something you frame and put up in your room to keep close.

MEDITATION PRACTICE INSTRUCTIONS 1. Find yourself in a comfortable seat, in a place that makes you feel at home. Play music that you feel will serve your Moon sign intention and energy.

2. Begin to focus on the natural rhythm of your breath, fl owing in and out of the nose. Continue this way, feeling the quality of your breath. Notice any feelings and sensations, be with them completely. Notice them all as sacred doorways to your Soul essence.

3. Take a journey through the senses, feeling what you feel through touch, seeing what you see through the eyes, hearing noises far and near, noticing what you can smell and taste. Spend a generous amount of time with each sense.

4. If you feel any urge to explore deeper into a sense such as feeling through the Sun on your skin, or through seeing trickles of light across fl oorboards, abandon all else and move with that urge. Allow the sensations you feel through your awareness to be your dissolving point, your surrender point.

5. Come back to your breathing. Slow your inhale and hold the breath up the top, feel yourself in full expansion. Hold until you long to exhale out slowly. Once you reach the bottom, hold your breath there in emptiness until you are ready to inhale again. Go through this process about 10 times. Perhaps you would like to do this as you journey through your chosen sense as well. The point isn’t to do exactly as I say but to use the doorway that this presents into your own exploration and discovery.

6. Afterwards, allow yourself to do as you please and be as you need. Journal on your experiences, if it feels right for you, and continue this embodiment of your own senses and fi eld of awareness throughout the rest of your day.

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