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Academic Integrity – this phrase relates to academic conduct and means that you ensure that the work you submit is your own and is properly referenced when you submit it
Assignment Brief - found in your BREO unit, this is the guide you use for your summative assessment
Assessment schedule - this shows you the dates you are expected to submit your work
Centrally invigilated exam – this is an exam that will be timetabled during exam weeks and so you must attend on the date, time and venue stated (or online) in order to complete the exam
Core unit – this is a unit that you must take to complete the course
Feedback – Communication about work you have completed. This can be from academics or peers, in person or electronic.
Formative assessment - this is a supportive assessment (ungraded) that supports you in preparation for your summative submission.
Mitigation – the process to follow if you cannot hand in work, or attend exam.
Moderation – this is the process by which staff check that the grades awarded are fair and consistent. It involves some assignments being first and second marked and then sent to the External Examiner to review grades awarded.
Option unit – this is an elective unit, so you can chose the units that interest you the most
Practical assessment – assessed work in a clinical or work based environment, for example doing an assessment in a person’s home or in hospital.
Referral or Resit date – the date given for your 2nd attempt if unsuccessful at your 1st attempt, found in this handbook and on your BREO unit shell
Referral or Resit- the opportunity to retake an assignment that you have failed first time round, referral/resit grades are capped at 40%
Rubric – table outlining the assessment criteria used to mark your assignments - found in your assignment brief and on BREO
Submission date – the deadline for your work to be uploaded/handed in.
Summative assessment- this is your formal assessed work and will be graded i.e. the grade counts to your overall degree – see the rubric on the assignment brief to see how you will be graded.
Threshold expectation – you find these on the UIF and they explain the minimum standard you need to achieve on an assignment to attain the pass mark of 40%
Turnitin– the software used by the University to check your work against a database of books, journals, websites and other students’ work to make sure your work is genuine