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What happens if I miss class due to illness or have difficulties with childcare or travel?
We understand that everyone will face some difficulties now and again and we aim to be flexible. You are encouraged to discuss ongoing issues with your personal academic tutor or course leader to minimise the impact on your learning.
How can I get support with my assessments?
Every piece of coursework has an ‘assignment brief’ that sets out the expectations for the assessment and the marking criteria. Academic staff will explain the expectations in the practical and workshop sessions and are always available to answer any specific questions you might have.
The University also provides one-to-one meetings with our StudyHub – a central resource that provides support with academic writing, referencing and communication skills. If you have issues with meeting an assessment deadline, we have an independent Student Engagement and Mitigation team (SEAM) who will assess your situation and can provide extensions or deferred submissions for assessments. You can email them at mitigation@beds.ac.uk
Will I have chance to develop my practical skills for lab based assessments?
Yes! We have a student skills laboratory available two days a week for you to practice key laboratory skills. There are unit-related activities for you to work through at your own pace, which will help develop your confidence.
What support is available for students with a learning difference or disability?
Our Disabilities team support students with a range of disabilities including sensory and physical impairments, mental health difficulties, specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia, and medical conditions such as epilepsy, diabetes, sickle cell anaemia and arthritis. You may be eligible for a Learning and Teaching Agreement, where we can discuss any reasonable adjustments needed for classroom learning and examinations. You can email disability@beds.ac.uk for further information and advice.
Are there clubs and activities I can get involved with?
Yes! The Students’ Union can provide you with lots of information about sports clubs, activities and events available for all students at the University. If you can’t see anything of interest, you can apply for funding to set up your own club or society. Check out their webpage bedssu.co.uk