2 minute read
Are there any items I need to buy for the course?
Yes. You will need lots of black pens as these always go missing! A small notebook for making notes in practice. A small basic calculator for drug calculations. A fob watch. Black wipeable shoes – we will discuss the best types with you. These cannot be canvas type shoes.
Can I choose where I undertake my practice experience?
No, these are allocated either by the placement team or the Trust. You will undertake a variety of placements in both hospital and community settings.
When do I find out which placement area I have been allocated?
We aim to provide students with their placement locations as quickly as possible once these have been confirmed with the Trusts.
Do I have to work shifts?
Yes, you are expected to work a variety of shift patterns. These include: days, nights and weekends. We have a Practice Learning Handbook which has all the rules as to how many nights or weekends you can do.
Can I arrange shifts around my childcare needs?
Unfortunately not, you will need to be able to work a 7 day, 24 hour shift pattern for the duration of the course. You will also need to be able to travel to placements which may have start times of 7am and finish times of 8pm.
Will I be able to practise skills before I attend placement and work with actual patients?
Yes, you will have scheduled simulation based learning included in your teaching plan and this will provide excellent preparation for placement.
What if I have a problem in placement?
We have link lecturers who will come into placement each month. We also have Practice links who will contact the team if they are concerned about a student or if a student has been caring for a sick child, and they feel the student needs more support. Please do not feel alone as there is always someone in practice who can help you and the University staff are just an email away!
How many others are on my course?
We usually have around 27 Mental Health Nursing students per year, per campus. You are sometimes taught with the Adult Nursing students, which helps develop views of students in a different field of nursing.
What happens if I miss class due to being unwell or having difficulties with childcare or travel?
We understand that everyone will face some difficulties now and again and we aim to be flexible. You are encouraged to discuss ongoing issues with your Personal Academic Tutor or Unit Lead.
What support is there if I am struggling?
There is support in many forms; SID, your PAT, Unit leads, Course Lead and Student support offer support and advice on anything from money to academic support to health and wellbeing.
What funding is available?
Student Finance may be able to help with funding or childcare costs. There is also the NHS Bursary that you may be eligible for.
I am awful at maths and worried about doing drug calculations. What can I do?
In your lectures you will be shown how to calculate medication doses. You may find a Drug Calculation textbook helpful. Keep practicing and we will help support you.
Are there clubs and activities I can get involved with?
Yes! The Student Union will provide lots of information about the sporting clubs, activities and events available for all students at UoB. For more information visit bedssu.co.uk
Simulation suite beds.ac.uk/simulation
Learning Difference support information beds.ac.uk/student-support/disabilities2