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What happens if I miss class due to illness or have difficulties with childcare or travel?
We understand that everyone will face some difficulties nowand again and we aim to be flexible. You are encouraged to discuss ongoing issues with your personal academic tutor or unit coordinator.
Who can help me with my assessments?
The academic team is always available to guide you with the theory based content and you can book a one-to-one tutorial with your unit coordinator or tutor. If you need more time to complete an assignment due to specific circumstances, illness or additional learning needs, please contact the Student Engagement and Mitigation team (SEAM) who deal with extensions for assessments. Their email is: mitigation@beds.ac.uk
What support do you provide for learning differences such as dyslexia?
There is plenty of help available. You may be eligible for a Learning and Teaching Agreement, where you can discuss any reasonable adjustments needed for classroom learning and examinations. There is also help available for practice based learning, so please make us aware in advance.
Are there clubs and activities I can get involved with?
Yes! The Students’ Union can tell you everything you need to know about sports clubs, activities and events for all our students. You can even set up your own society! Contact Beds SU by emailing beds.su@beds.ac.uk
Are there opportunities to gain sport coaching and physical activity qualifications?
Yes! You will be encouraged to gain recognised National Governing Body (NGB) coaching and activity instructor certificates as you progress through the course. The cost of these varies depending on the scale and level of the qualification you choose.
Are there opportunities to develop the skill sets and knowledge valued by employers within the sport sector?
Absolutely! There will be opportunities for you to work alongside a range of industry organisations and organise and deliver ‘real world’ sport-related projects. Make sure you read the article on page 14 about how our brilliant partnership with Blues Foundation is helping to boost our students’ career opportunities.
Do I need to wear specific clothing for practical sessions?
You will need suitable clothing for class practical sessions and if you go on an external placement. Buying university branded kit is not compulsory but you can view our sports range on the Akuma Shop website. You’ll need to use the password ‘Beds-2020’ to view items.