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The University Of Bedfordshire

Welcome to the School of Education at the University of Bedfordshire.

We are delighted that you will be studying with us. This booklet provides you with important information to prepare you for your course and for your first few weeks and months at University.

There are a wide range of people and teams to support you during (and after) your studies. These include your unit coordinator who is responsible for each of the units you study. There are a host of support services to help you with every aspect of student life, some of which you can read about in this booklet.

Perry Knight Head of School of Teacher Education

A Message From Your Course Coordinators

We are so excited that you will be joining us in September. The first week will be your ‘Welcome Week’ where you will be introduced to your course, lecturing team, fellow students and the campus and facilities. You’ll also meet your personal academic tutor (PAT) who is there to support you throughout your course. They will have weekly office hours so you can always book an appointment if you need to chat to them. We will all be with you every step of the way.

BA (Hons) Primary Education (with QTS)

• Karen Tozer, karen.tozer@beds.ac.uk

BA (Hons) Primary Education 3-7 (with QTS)

• Caroline Sadler, caroline.sadler@beds.ac.uk

BA (Hons)/MPhysEd Physical Education (Secondary) (with QTS)

• Sophy Bassett-Dubsky, sophy.bassett-dubsky@beds.ac.uk

Student Support Services

Student Information Desk (SiD) beds.ac.uk/sid sid@beds.ac.uk

Student Support beds.ac.uk/studentsupport

BedsSU (Students’ Union) bedssu.co.uk help@bedssu.co.uk

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