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At The University Of Bedfordshire
My name is Seamus Murphy and I am the course coordinator for the Criminology Degree. We always look forward to having a new intake and helping you learn more about the degree during induction week.
Studying on the Criminology Degree allows you time to develop both your knowledge of criminology and also your academic skills. We have a team of lecturers with wide ranging experience and research interests which are hugely beneficial to our students.
Seamus Murphy Course Coordinator
Essential Contacts
Course Coordinator Seamus Murphy seamus.murphy@beds.ac.uk
Your personal academic tutor is Email
Student Support Services
Student Information Desk (SiD) beds.ac.uk/sid sid@beds.ac.uk
Treehouse Community & Faith Centre
Mental Health Services beds.ac.uk/student-support/mentalwell mentalhealth@beds.ac.uk
BedsSU (student union) help@bedssu.co.uk