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Expectations For Teaching And Placement
As a first year ODP student you will begin your journey with a 6 week block of teaching. This will prepare you for your practice placement which you will begin on week 7. Our placement partners will visit you in your university block and give you your schedule ahead of time to allow you to plan your time accordingly.
You will come back to university for your second block of teaching for 4 weeks after the Christmas break and then be back to placement until the hand in date with annual leave scheduled in between. You are required to complete 840 hours of practice in the academic year which equates to 30 hours a week in placement, usually 3 shifts a week.
Placement Hours
As this is a professional course you are expected to complete all 840 placement hours and attend all university teaching unless you have medical exemption or extenuating circumstances.
Sample timetable – Semester 1 Operating Department Practice